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Created October 26, 2012 18:02
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;; sudoku.clj
;; Mac Mason <>
;; Writing sudoku in LISP!
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(use 'clojure.set)
(defn parse-board
"Given a filename, parse it into a properly-formatted vector."
[^String filename]
(let [string (slurp filename) ; Grab the entire file.
lines (clojure.string/split string #"\n")] ; Split it at linebreaks.
(mapv #(clojure.string/split % #"\s+") lines))) ; And again at spaces.
(defn board-to-string
"Given a vector of vectors (one of our boards), generate the appropriate
String for printing it out."
(letfn [(row-to-string [row]
(apply str (interleave row (cycle " "))))]
(if (nil? board) "Nil!"
(apply str (interleave (map row-to-string board) (cycle "\n"))))))
(defn get2
"Two-dimensional substripting on a vector."
[v [r c]]
((v r) c))
(defn set2
"Two dimensional \"set\" on a vector."
[v [r c] a]
(assoc v r (assoc (v r) c a)))
(defn find-empties
"Given a board, generate a sequence of [row, col] pairs for the empty cells."
(let [idxs (range (count board))]
(for [i idxs j idxs :when (= "0" (get2 board [i j]))] [i j])))
(def valid-values
"All potential values for a cell. Note that we're in Strings, not ints."
(set (map str (range 1 10))))
(defn find-legals
"Given a board and a location on the board, compute every legal move for
that location"
[board [r c]]
(let [rowset (set (board r))
colset (set (map #(get % c) board))
boxrow (* 3 (quot r 3)) ; These get the upper-left corner of the box.
boxcol (* 3 (quot c 3))
boxidxs (for [x (range 3) y (range 3)] [(+ x boxrow) (+ y boxcol)])
boxset (set (for [p boxidxs] (get2 board p)))]
(clojure.set/difference valid-values rowset colset boxset)))
(defn solve
"Return a solution to a Sudoku board, or nil, should one not exist."
([board] (solve board (find-empties board)))
([board empties]
(if (empty? empties) board ; Base case!
(let [loc (first empties)
legals (find-legals board loc)
calls (for [l legals] (solve (set2 board loc l) (rest empties)))
wins (filter #(not (nil? %)) calls)]
(if (empty? wins) nil (first wins))))))
(doseq [x *command-line-args*]
(-> x parse-board solve board-to-string println))
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