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Created November 2, 2012 01:18
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[15:47:47] tintin: is there channel for rails devs ?
[15:47:53] sevenseacat: this one?
[15:47:57] joo_p23: i watched another episode in railscast called, "How I test" and Ryan didn't mention using maybe i thought it is out of style
[15:47:59] tintin: does tenderlove join here?
[15:48:02] macmartine: hah
[15:48:03] sevenseacat: nope.
[15:48:11] tintin: where does tenderlove join?
[16:03:52] Topic is Rails 3.2.5: | Rails 3.1.5: | Rails 3.0.13: | Rails 2.3.14: | Guides: | API Docs: | Mailing List: | Rules: | MINASWAN (Matz is nice and so we are nice)
[16:03:52] Set by Radar on 1 June 2012 1:51:49 PM AEST
[16:03:52] ***: Buffer Playback...
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:48:40] um, i dont think he hangs out with us plebs.
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:49:46] i knew there was a channel for rails devs or ruby devs , tenderlove can be there
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:49:53] tintin: have a love letter for him?
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:49:54] but i can't remember that channel
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:49:57] sounds like i
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:49:58] t
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:50:19] if he does, i dare say it would be locked so only core members can enter.
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:52:09] macmartine: i think you are django dev?
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:52:25] tintin: are you wanting to ask him about your parenthesis troubles?
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:52:53] tintin: no
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:53:14] oh shit, its manhunter.
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:53:30] i read this,
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:53:37] that's disapointing for rails
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:53:43] manhunter?
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:53:49] cool story bro.
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:53:52] there are some hopes though
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:53:54] there
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:54:13] if you want to critique rails based on a 4yo blog post
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:54:37] what do you do when ruby version is upgraded?
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:54:41] what would you do?
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:54:47] you... upgrade it?
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:55:09] isn't upgrading website a complex task?
[16:03:52] Zyclops: [05:55:10] I hate sticking uncrunched js or css in the public directory. It annoys me.. but where else to put it.. i'm thinking either /lib/assets/js /lib/assets/css or /app/views/css /app/views/js thoughts?
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:55:26] Zyclops: depends what it is
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:55:33] Zyclops: using asset pipeline?
[16:03:52] Zyclops: [05:55:34] js and css
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:55:40] same problem for java too when upgrading something from java 1.4 to 1.6
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:56:00] tintin: im so glad you understand anything at all about rails.
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:56:02] how would you upgrade rails website when ruby or gems are upgraded
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:56:03] tintin: what are you talking about?
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:56:15] upgrade your ruby, and move on
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:56:31] bundle uninstall tintin
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:56:34] lol
[16:03:52] Zyclops: [05:56:35] sevenseacat: ahh ok.. haven't read about that yet
[16:03:52] Zyclops: [05:56:38] lol.. tis new
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:56:40] if you upgrade the ruby and gems, then your website or some part of website may not work
[16:03:52] waseem_: [05:56:42] tintin: Upgrade ruby. Change the Gemfile. Bundle install. Profit!
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:56:52] new meaning a year old?
[16:03:52] waseem_: [05:56:57] tintin: That's why we write tests.
[16:03:52] Boohbah: [05:56:58] tintin: that is why we test
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:57:36] ye, writing test case can be good practice
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:57:48] but if you upgrade the gems, then?
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:57:54] then what?
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:58:05] if your tests pass, your site still works
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:58:09] what would you do with older gems you used in website
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:58:13] delete them?
[16:03:52] franksort: [05:58:16] Do people write tests to that check that the production server has the right gems installed before deployment?
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:58:29] franksort: thats what bundler is for, no?
[16:03:52] waseem_: [05:58:35] I usually put them in a frame and worship till the eternity.
[16:03:52] Boohbah: [05:58:43] waseem_: lol
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:59:13] sevenseacat: if you delete old gems, the website may not work with new version of gems as the syntax or method of using newer gems can be different from the older
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:59:22] tintin: hence running your tests.
[16:03:52] Boohbah: [05:59:25] tintin: that is why we test
[16:03:52] tintin: [05:59:45] if you see that doesn't work during testing, then what do/would you do?
[16:03:52] Boohbah: [05:59:53] fix it
[16:03:52] macmartine: [05:59:53] tintin: write a test for it
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [05:59:54] tintin: i can safely say i have not missed having you around.
[16:03:52] waseem_: [05:59:55] tintin: Fix it!
[16:03:52] deryl: [06:00:07] we test to find out where the changes break our web app. we read the Changelog or the git logs to see what exactly changed and how, and we use the two of them to fix it
[16:03:52] tintin: [06:00:30] so then you change the code manualy for newer gems, right?
[16:03:52] deryl: [06:00:37] of course
[16:03:52] macmartine: [06:00:43] that would be sweet if it were automated
[16:03:52] deryl: [06:00:45] duh, its called software maintenance
[16:03:52] tintin: [06:00:53] that's what i was trying to say
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [06:00:54] no, you just leave your site being broken. its a feature.
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [06:01:16] trying very badly
[16:03:52] Scient: [06:01:19] ohaigoodmorning
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [06:01:24] Scient: mornin'
[16:03:52] tintin: [06:01:28] isn't fixing/writing changes manually for website specialy for large website a complex, tedious task?
[16:03:52] deryl: [06:01:37] tintin: ok enough now.
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [06:01:38] tintin: not when you have tests.
[16:03:52] Boohbah: [06:01:58] tintin: why don't you go write a rails site and find out?
[16:03:52] tintin: [06:02:15] Boohbah: i'm writing one
[16:03:52] waseem_: [06:02:16] tintin: Go play with snowy.
[16:03:52] tintin: [06:02:25] lol
[16:03:52] sevenseacat: [06:02:31] Boohbah: thats too much of a complex, tedious task for him
[16:03:52] waseem_: [06:03:13] Someone shove him DHH's 'progress' talks slides about noobs.
[16:03:52] ***: Playback Complete.
[16:04:22] tintin: upgrading/writing changes for websites manually reading github docs for supporting newer ruby or gems can be complex, tedious, tough task/job for anyone
[16:04:55] sevenseacat: cool story bro.
[16:05:00] tintin: it can be for java upgrading or can be python or php upgrading for any project, that's really hard job
[16:05:13] sevenseacat: sounds like you werent aware of the fact that software dev is 90% maintenance
[16:05:14] macmartine: tintin: if you can handle that, then you won't be able to handle building an app in the first place. so accept it and quit talking about it
[16:05:22] Scient: so what are we talking about?
[16:05:24] Radar: WHERE IS TENDER LOVE?
[16:05:26] waseem_: tintin: We understand your plight. But the world has always been like this.
[16:05:37] Scient: im not-so-tender love
[16:05:39] Scient: does that count?
[16:05:44] waseem_: Radar: <3
[16:05:47] sevenseacat: gives Radar a hug
[16:05:55] tintin: lol
[16:06:00] Radar: tintin: it seems like you're trolling.
[16:06:06] sevenseacat: Scient: thats even better.
[16:06:19] Scient: just checked the backlog
[16:06:21] Scient: looks like a troll
[16:06:31] Scient: or a PHP dev that is determined to prove that ruby is not an option for him
[16:06:41] Scient: a lose-lose situation either way :(
[16:06:45] sevenseacat: i'll agree with that if it means he goes away.
[16:06:54] macmartine: he's on ruby-lang complaining about how complex ruby is b/c you can call methods with or without parenthesis.
[16:07:09] tintin: no, i'm not trolling,
[16:07:09] waseem_: lol
[16:07:12] sevenseacat: lmao
[16:07:16] Radar: tintin: really?
[16:07:16] ChanServ sets mode +o Radar
[16:07:24] sevenseacat: macmartine: thats awesome
[16:07:26] tintin: yes
[16:07:40] Radar: tintin: Then do you have a real question for the channel or would you like to waste more of our time?
[16:07:51] perryh_away is now known as perryh
[16:08:16] tintin: Radar: i have the last question about that upgrading, may i ask it?
[16:08:19] Scient:
[16:08:25] Radar: tintin: sure.
[16:08:38] macmartine: i already know the question
[16:09:01] Radar: macmartine: Does it have to do with circle brackets?
[16:09:02] Scient: and as far as updating gems goes - you only update when needed and when you are sure that it wont break everything
[16:09:15] Scient: this isnt... i dont know what, that you need to stay on bleeding edge all the time
[16:09:39] sevenseacat: try to keep up with security fixes though.
[16:09:55] Scient: security is for pussies and C# devs
[16:09:57] Scient: or something
[16:10:02] Scient: needs caffeine
[16:10:53] Radar: tintin: Or you know, just don't ask anything at all. SIgh.
[16:11:00] Radar: macmartine: what is the question he was going to ask?
[16:11:11] macmartine: Radar: yeah, something along the lines of " can you still call methods with or without brackets if you are fixing something that broke when upgrading a gem or only before you upgrade the gem"
[16:11:38] Scient: :P
[16:12:04] sevenseacat: brain implodes
[16:12:29] tintin: suppose you wrote a ruby on rails project/website then you went away from that company or joined in another company, so new software developer came there replacing you, he doesn't know much about this project/website, and his task is to upgrade the website as new version of ruby or gems have appeared, and suppose this upgrading task is assigned to him after 3 years, that means you made that website 3
[16:12:31] tintin: years ago, and now upgrading task is assigned to that new dev, and he is a new dev, and it's his first job, so what's gonna happen, isn't it a hard, difficult, tedious, tough job? you can upgrade your project somehow taking more time as you wrote it , but what about a new developer?
[16:12:46] tintin: bye
[16:13:04] sevenseacat: bye.
[16:13:08] macmartine: bye
[16:13:12] rvanlieshout: bye
[16:13:17] Radar: bye.
[16:13:20] tintin has userhost ~manhunter@unaffiliated/manhunter and real name "manhunter"
[16:13:20] tintin is on #RubyOnRails
[16:13:20] tintin is connected on (Helsinki, FI, EU)
[16:13:20] tintin is logged in as manhunter
[16:13:35] Radar: Oh, you're manhunter
[16:13:36] Radar: LOL
[16:13:38] Scient: problem has nothing to do with rails
[16:13:40] sevenseacat: yep he is.
[16:13:44] tintin has userhost ~manhunter@unaffiliated/manhunter and real name "manhunter"
[16:13:45] tintin is on #RubyOnRails
[16:13:45] tintin is connected on (Helsinki, FI, EU)
[16:13:45] tintin is logged in as manhunter
[16:13:46] Radar: In that case.
[16:13:56] sevenseacat: bye?
[16:13:56] Radar sets mode +b *!~manhunter@unaffiliated/manhunter
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