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Created January 17, 2019 23:59
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TableView Usage
- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
if(tableView == bookTableView)
return books.count;
return clips.count;
- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
if(tableView == bookTableView)
NSString* dir = books[row];
NSString* path;
BOOL bFavorRoot = [dir isEqualToString:FAVORITE_ROOT];
path = _appDelegate.favoritesPath;
path = [_appDelegate.favoritesPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:dir];
NSTableCellView* cellView = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"imageTextCellView" owner:self];
cellView.imageView.image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"folder"];//[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile:path];
cellView.textField.stringValue = bFavorRoot ? @"Default" : dir;
cellView.textField.font = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:13];
return cellView;
ClipData* cdata = clips[row];
if([tableView.tableColumns objectAtIndex:0] == tableColumn)
NSTableCellView* cellView = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"imageTextCellView" owner:self];
cellView.imageView.image = cdata.image!=nil ? cdata.image : [cdata typeImage];
cellView.textField.stringValue = cdata.title;
cellView.textField.font = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12];
return cellView;
NSTableCellView* cellView = [tableView makeViewWithIdentifier:@"textCellView" owner:self];
cellView.textField.stringValue = cdata.string!=nil ? cdata.string : TEXT(@"No String Data");
return cellView;
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification
[self updateControls];
if(aNotification.object == bookTableView)
[self reloadClips];
if(clipTableView.selectedRow == -1)
_selItem = nil;
_selIndex = -1;
_selItem = clips[clipTableView.selectedRow];
_selIndex = clipTableView.selectedRow;
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