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Created August 24, 2017 09:35
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multiple cname records bind

multiple cname records bind

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Create DNS records at GoDaddy for Office 365 - Office 365 Chapter 8 - CNAME Record - ZYTRAX a CNAME domain record - Domain Name System — Wikipédia Domain Name System - Wikipedia PTR Resource Record – Wikipedia Bind DNS Server Web interface or GUI Tools Tipi di record DNS - Wikipedia A Records, CNAME and Using DNS with Windows Azure Web DNS BIND9 Query Statements - ZYTRAX CNAME, Canonical Name Records CNAME records simply allow a machine to be known by more than one hostname. There must always be an A record for the machine auth: cache: BIND Behaviour: yes: yes: BIND will follow out of zone records . it will follow the MX record specifying for zone example PTR (kurz für ‚Pointer‘) Resource Records ordnen im Domain Name System einer gegebenen IP-Adresse einen oder mehrere Hostname(s) zu. Sie stellen damit When setting up a website, an important part of the game is having the site run on your own domain name. As you probably know, hosting your site Canonical Name Record (CNAME) A CNAME record maps a single alias or nickname to the real or Canonical name which may lie outside the current zone. Altri tipi di record. Il tipo di record 255 è riservato e significa qualsiasi record. In nslookup scrivere type=all significa porre a 255 il campo tipo Sur les autres projets Wikimedia: Function. An often-used analogy to explain the Domain Name System is that it serves as the phone book for the Internet by translating human-friendly Create the other five CNAME records. For each record, type of copy and paste the values from the next row of the table above into the boxes for that record. Bind DNS Server Web interface or GUI Tools. WeBBind WeBBind is a Web interface for admin BIND DNS servers. It is written in PHP for everyday usage.
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