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Created February 1, 2020 07:27
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/* eslint-env browser */
let pc = new RTCPeerConnection({
iceServers: [
urls: ""
let log = msg => {
document.getElementById("logs").innerHTML += msg + "<br>";
// reproduction modification //
const rand15 = _ => Math.random().toString(16);
let small = rand15() + rand15();
let large = "";
for (const _ of Array(4000)) {
large += rand15();
// small is <= 30 characters
// large is <= 60000 characters
// Send a small message at 10Hz with a timeout
let ttlSent = 0;
let ttl = pc.createDataChannel("ttl", {
id: 0,
negotiated: true,
ordered: false,
maxPacketLifeTime: 300
setInterval(() => {
if (ttl.readyState === "open") {
ttlSent += 1;
}, 100);
// Send a small message every 2 seconds reliably
let reliableSent = 0;
let reliableRecv = 0;
let reliable = pc.createDataChannel("rel", {
id: 1,
negotiated: true,
ordered: true
setInterval(() => {
if (reliable.readyState === "open") {
reliableSent += 1;
}, 2000);
reliable.onmessage = _ => (reliableRecv += 1);
// Receive large messages at 50Hz (from Golang)
let tryOnceRecv = 0;
let tryOnce = pc.createDataChannel("try", {
id: 2,
negotiated: true,
ordered: false,
maxRetransmits: 0
tryOnce.onmessage = _ => (tryOnceRecv += 1);
setInterval(_ => {
console.log("ttlSent", ttlSent);
console.log("reliableSent", reliableSent);
console.log("reliableRecv", reliableRecv);
console.log("tryOnceRecv", tryOnceRecv);
}, 1000);
ttl.onclose = _ => {
console.log("ttl closed.");
reliable.onclose = _ => {
console.log("reliable closed.");
tryOnce.onclose = _ => {
console.log("try once closed.");
pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => log(pc.iceConnectionState);
pc.onicecandidate = event => {
if (event.candidate === null) {
document.getElementById("localSessionDescription").value = btoa(
pc.onnegotiationneeded = e =>
.then(d => pc.setLocalDescription(d))
window.sendMessage = () => {
let message = document.getElementById("message").value;
if (message === "") {
return alert("Message must not be empty");
window.startSession = () => {
let sd = document.getElementById("remoteSessionDescription").value;
if (sd === "") {
return alert("Session Description must not be empty");
try {
new RTCSessionDescription(JSON.parse(atob(sd)))
} catch (e) {
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