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Created November 7, 2012 11:41
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  • Save k-ohtani-is-deleting/4031012 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(define (assert-true actual message)
(if actual #t (raise message)))
(assert-true #t "would returns #t")
(assert-true #f "would throws error")
(define (assert-equals expected actual determiner)
(assert-true (determiner expected actual)
(string-append "expected " (x->string expected) ", but got " (x->string actual))))
(assert-equals 1 1 =) ; => #t
(assert-equals 1 2 =) ; throws error
(define (list-equals? expected actual)
(cond ((and (null? expected) (null? actual)) #t)
((and (null? expected) (not (null? actual))) #f)
((and (not (null? expected)) (null? actual)) #f)
((= (car expected) (car actual))
(list-equals? (cdr expected) (cdr actual)))
(else #f)))
(define (assert-list-equals expected actual)
(assert-equals expected actual list-equals?))
(assert-list-equals (list 1 4 9 16 25) (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (list 1 2 3 4 5))) ; => #t
(assert-list-equals (list 1 4 8 16 25) (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (list 1 2 3 4 5))) ; throws error
(define (assert f expected actual)
(assert-true (f expected actual)
(string-append "expected " (x->string expected) ", but got " (x->string actual)))) ; TODO: メッセージがいけてないのはたぶん仕方ない
(assert = 1 2)
(assert = 1 1)
(assert > 1 2)
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