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Created November 8, 2012 15:50
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Parallel Computing Assignment (OpenMPI)
#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const int NUMPROCS = 12;
const int FIELD0 = 10; // (0,0) -> (64,64)
const int FIELD1 = 11; // (65,0) -> (128,64)
const int ROUNDS = 1;
// MPI communication tags
const int TAG_BALL_LOC = 0; // field notify players of ball location
const int TAG_AT_BALL = 1; // player notify field his is at ball
const int TAG_REACHED_MAX_DIST_RAN = 2; // notify field a player has run 10 feet for that found already
const int TAG_WINNER = 3; // field notifies players about winner
struct PlayerBallChallenge {
int player;
int ballChallenge;
void initPositions(int half);
void initPlayerStats();
bool isField();
bool isPlayer();
int team();
bool atBall();
bool isFieldWithBall();
int numprocs,
playerStats[12][3], // players will be [0,4], [5,9]. length 12 used to keep indexing less confusing
fieldWithBall, // using const FIELD0 or FIELD1
pos[2], // position of self
int main() {
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
if (numprocs != NUMPROCS) {
cout << "Please run with " << NUMPROCS << " processes" << endl;
return 0;
srand(time(NULL) + id);
// init player stats
// - verify correct stats
if (isPlayer()) {
if (playerStats[id][0] < 1 || playerStats[id][0] > 10
|| playerStats[id][1] < 1 || playerStats[id][1] > 10
|| playerStats[id][2] < 1 || playerStats[id][2] > 10) {
cout << "Constraint not met: player " << id << " has a stat not in [1,10]" << endl;
if (playerStats[id][0] + playerStats[id][1] + playerStats[id][2] != 15) {
cout << "Constraint not met: player " << id << " has sum of stats != 15" << endl;
// init initial ball position in middle
if (id == FIELD0) {
ballPos[0] = 64;
ballPos[1] = 32;
fieldWithBall = FIELD0;
for (int half = 0; half < 2; half++) {
// init players starting positions
for (int round = 0; round < ROUNDS; round++) {
vector<PlayerBallChallenge> playersAtBall;
int numPlayersAtMaxDist = 0, // (for fieldWithBall) number of players who completed running 10 feet this round
distPts, // dist points available
distToRun, // dist to run in 1 direction
distRan = 0, // dist a player ran that round
winner = -2,
ballChallenges[10][2], // used by fieldWithBall [ player, ballChallenge ]
stoppedRunning[10]; // used by fieldWithBall to track who stopped running
ballChallengeReqs[10], // used by fieldWithBall to listen to ball challenge requests
stoppedRunningNotifications[10], // used by fieldWithBall to listen to players that they have reached max dist ran
winnerNotification; // used by players to listen to fieldWithBall for winner notification
fill_n(stoppedRunning, 10, -1);
// players determine location of ball
if (isFieldWithBall()) {
// send ball position info to players
// will send (-1, -1) if the ball is not in its area
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
fill_n(ballChallenges[i], 2, 0); // zero array
// listen to player's ball challenges
MPI_Irecv(&ballChallenges[i], 2, MPI_INT, i, TAG_AT_BALL, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ballChallengeReqs[i]);
// listen to players notification that they have stopped running
MPI_Irecv(&stoppedRunning[i], 1, MPI_INT, i, TAG_REACHED_MAX_DIST_RAN, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stoppedRunningNotifications[i]);
} else if (isPlayer()) {
// players get ball position from fieldWithBall field process
// players listen to field notification on winner
MPI_Irecv(&winner, 1, MPI_INT, fieldWithBall, TAG_WINNER, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &winnerNotification);
// prevent field without ball from doing infinite loop here
if (isField() && !isFieldWithBall()) {
winner = -1;
while (winner == -2) {
//cout << id << " distRan is " << distRan << endl;
if (isPlayer() && distRan < 10) {
if (distRan < 10) {
// continue running towards ball
distPts = (rand() % playerStats[id][0]) + 1;
// - ensure max distRan is 10
if (distRan + distPts > 10) {
if (distRan < 10) {
distPts = 10 - distRan;
} else {
distPts = 0;
// - start in x direction
if (ballPos[0] != pos[0]) {
distToRun = min(abs(ballPos[0] - pos[0]), distPts);
} else {
distToRun = 0;
if (ballPos[0] > pos[0]) { // ball is on left
pos[0] += distToRun;
} else if (ballPos[0] < pos[0]) {
pos[0] -= distToRun;
distRan += distToRun;
// - then in y
if (ballPos[1] != pos[1]) {
distToRun = min(abs(ballPos[1] - pos[1]), distPts - distToRun);
} else {
distToRun = 0;
if (ballPos[1] > pos[1]) { // ball is on top
pos[1] += distToRun;
} else if (ballPos[1] < pos[1]) {
pos[1] -= distToRun;
distRan += distToRun;
if (distRan == 10) {
// notify fieldWithBall that I will stop running
cout << id << " telling field stopped running" << endl;
if (atBall()) {
// notify field process player has reached ball (and send ball challenge)
int tmpBallChallenge[2];
tmpBallChallenge[0] = id;
tmpBallChallenge[1] = ((rand() % 10) + 1) * playerStats[id][1];
MPI_Send(&tmpBallChallenge, 2, MPI_INT, fieldWithBall, TAG_AT_BALL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
cout << id << " sent ball challenge" << endl;
// once (distRan == 10 || atBall) just wait for fieldWithBall to send winner notification
if (distRan == 10 || atBall()) {
MPI_Wait(&winnerNotification, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
} // is player
if (isFieldWithBall()) {
int numStoppedRunning = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << "stoppedRunning[" << i << "] = " << stoppedRunning[i];
if (stoppedRunning[i] >= 0) {
cout << endl << numStoppedRunning << " stopped running" << endl;
winner = -2;
if (numStoppedRunning == 10) {
// all have stopped running
winner = -1;
// test/determine who is at ball
int flag;
cout << "after clear playersAtBall.size() = " << playersAtBall.size() << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
MPI_Test(&ballChallengeReqs[i], &flag, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
if (flag) { // i is at ball
// push to playersAtBall
PlayerBallChallenge challenge = { ballChallenges[i][0], ballChallenges[i][1] };
cout << "seems like " << i << " is at ball? " << endl;
} else {
// cancel the remaining requests
// do ball challenge for those at ball
PlayerBallChallenge currBallChallengeWinner = { -2, -1 };
for (int i = 0; i < playersAtBall.size(); i++) {
if ( > currBallChallengeWinner.ballChallenge) {
// better ball challenge
currBallChallengeWinner =;
cout << "ball challenge (1) winner is now " << currBallChallengeWinner.player << endl;
} else if ( == currBallChallengeWinner.ballChallenge) {
// tie
if (rand() % 2 > 0) { // 50% chance to change currBallChallengeWinner
currBallChallengeWinner =;
cout << "ball challenge (2) winner is now " << currBallChallengeWinner.player << endl;
winner = currBallChallengeWinner.player;
// notify players of a winner if any
if (winner != -2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << "notify players of winner: " << winner << ". players at ball = " << playersAtBall.size() << endl;
} // if id is fieldWithBall
} // while no winner
return 0;
void initPlayerStats() {
// in 2nd dimention,
// - 0: speed
// - 1: dribbling
// - 2: shooting
playerStats[0][0] = 6;
playerStats[0][1] = 6;
playerStats[0][2] = 3;
playerStats[1][0] = 5;
playerStats[1][1] = 5;
playerStats[1][2] = 5;
playerStats[2][0] = 7;
playerStats[2][1] = 5;
playerStats[2][2] = 3;
playerStats[3][0] = 4;
playerStats[3][1] = 4;
playerStats[3][2] = 7;
playerStats[4][0] = 5;
playerStats[4][1] = 4;
playerStats[4][2] = 6;
playerStats[5][0] = 5;
playerStats[5][1] = 7;
playerStats[5][2] = 3;
playerStats[6][0] = 4;
playerStats[6][1] = 5;
playerStats[6][2] = 6;
playerStats[7][0] = 8;
playerStats[7][1] = 3;
playerStats[7][2] = 4;
playerStats[8][0] = 5;
playerStats[8][1] = 7;
playerStats[8][2] = 3;
playerStats[9][0] = 3;
playerStats[9][1] = 4;
playerStats[9][2] = 8;
void initPositions(int half) {
if (team() == half) { // left team (x in [0, 64])
// better shooters to nearer to center
if (playerStats[id][2] > 5) {
pos[0] = (rand() % 21) + 43; // [43, 63]
pos[1] = (rand() % 21) + 22; // [22, 42]
} else {
pos[0] = (rand() % 31) + 10; // [10, 40]
pos[1] = rand() % 65; // [0, 64]
} else { // right team (x in [64, 128])
// better shooters to nearer to center
if (playerStats[id][2] > 5) {
pos[0] = (rand() % 21) + 65; // [65, 85]
pos[1] = (rand() % 21) + 22; // [22, 42]
} else {
pos[0] = (rand() % 31) + 88; // [88, 118]
pos[1] = rand() % 65; // [0, 64]
bool isField() {
if (id == FIELD0 || id == FIELD1) {
return true;
return false;
bool isPlayer() {
if (id != FIELD0 && id != FIELD1) {
return true;
return false;
// assumption: 0 <= id <= 9
int team() {
if (id < 5) {
return 0;
return 1;
bool atBall() {
if (pos[0] == ballPos[0] && pos[1] == ballPos[1]) {
return true;
return false;
bool isFieldWithBall() {
return (id == fieldWithBall);
#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const int NUMPROCS = 12;
const int FIELD0 = 10; // (0,0) -> (64,64)
const int FIELD1 = 11; // (65,0) -> (128,64)
const int ROUNDS = 1;
struct PlayerBallChallenge {
int player;
int ballChallenge;
void initPositions(int half, int rank, int playerStats[12][3], int pos[2]);
void initPlayerStats(int playerStats[12][3]);
bool isField(int rank);
bool isPlayer(int rank);
int team(int rank);
bool atBall(int pos[2], int ballPos[2]);
int ballChallenge[2]; // [player, ball challenge]
PlayerBallChallenge currBallChallengeWinner;
int ballChallenges[10][2], ballChallengeReqFlag;
MPI_Request ballChallengeReqs[10];
vector<PlayerBallChallenge> playersAtBall;
int tmpBallChallenge[2];
int stoppedRunning[10];
MPI_Request stoppedRunningNotifications[10], stopRoundNotification;
int main() {
// MPI communication tags
const int TAG_BALL_LOC = 0; // to request for ball location
const int TAG_AT_BALL = 1; // to notify field player is on ball
const int TAG_REACHED_MAX_DIST_RUN = 2; // notify field a player has run 10 feet for that found already
const int TAG_STOP_ROUND = 3; // field notifies players that a round will stop
int numprocs, rank;
int playerStats[12][3]; // players will be [0,4], [5,9]
int pos[2], // position of self
dist, // dist points available
distRan, // dist a player ran
distToRun; // dist to run in 1 direction
int ballPos[2];
int ballIn; // 0|1 (using const FIELD0 or FIELD1)
int tmpNull; // used as a "null" buffer
int winner;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (numprocs != NUMPROCS) {
cout << "Please run with " << NUMPROCS << " processes" << endl;
return 0;
srand(time(NULL) + rank);
// init player stats
// - verify correct stats
if (isPlayer(rank)) {
if (playerStats[rank][0] < 1 || playerStats[rank][0] > 10
|| playerStats[rank][1] < 1 || playerStats[rank][1] > 10
|| playerStats[rank][2] < 1 || playerStats[rank][2] > 10) {
cout << "Constraint not met: player " << rank << " has a stat not in [1,10]" << endl;
if (playerStats[rank][0] + playerStats[rank][1] + playerStats[rank][2] != 15) {
cout << "Constraint not met: player " << rank << " has sum of stats != 15" << endl;
// init initial ball position in middle
if (rank == FIELD0) {
ballPos[0] = 64;
ballPos[1] = 32;
ballIn = FIELD0;
for (int half = 0; half < 2; half++) {
// init players starting positions
initPositions(half, rank, playerStats, pos);
for (int round = 0; round < ROUNDS; round++) {
// clear variables
int numPlayersAtMaxDist = 0; // numbers of players who completed running 10 feet this roundn
int stopRound = 0;
// captains determine location of ball
if (isField(rank) && ballIn == rank) {
// send ball position info to players
// will send (-1, -1) if the ball is not in its area
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << "ball is at " << ballPos[0] << " " << ballPos[1] << endl;
} else if (isPlayer(rank)) {
// players get ball position from ballIn field process
winner = -1;
distRan = 0;
// prevent other field from doing infinite loop here
if (isField(rank) && rank != ballIn) {
distRan = 10;
while (winner == -1 && distRan < 10) {
if (isPlayer(rank)) {
cout << "starting to run " << rank << " " << distRan << endl;
// players start running towards ball
dist = (rand() % playerStats[rank][0]) + 1;
// - ensure max distRan is 10
if (distRan + dist > 10) {
if (distRan < 10) {
dist = 10 - distRan;
} else {
dist = 0;
if (rank == 0) { // debug
cout << rank << "dist changed to " << dist << endl;
// - start in x direction
distToRun = min(abs(ballPos[0] - pos[0]), dist);
if (ballPos[0] > pos[0]) { // ball is on left
pos[0] += distToRun;
if (rank == 0) { // debug
//cout << "running to left" << endl;
} else if (ballPos[0] < pos[0]) {
pos[0] -= distToRun;
if (rank == 0) { // debug
//cout << "running to right" << endl;
distRan += distToRun;
// - then in y
distToRun = min(abs(ballPos[1] - pos[1]), dist - distToRun);
if (ballPos[1] > pos[1]) { // ball is on top
pos[1] += distToRun;
if (rank == 0) { // debug
//cout << "running to top" << endl;
} else if (ballPos[1] < pos[1]) {
pos[1] -= distToRun;
if (rank == 0) { // debug
//cout << "running to bottom" << endl;
distRan += distToRun;
if (rank == 0) {
//cout << "player " << rank << " is at " << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " moved " << distRan << endl;
if (rank == ballIn) {
// field, ballIn, start listening to players ball challenge
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
MPI_Irecv(&ballChallenges[i], 2, MPI_INT, i, TAG_AT_BALL, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ballChallengeReqs[i]);
} else if (isPlayer(rank)) {
if (atBall(pos, ballPos)) {
// notify field process player location
tmpBallChallenge[0] = rank;
tmpBallChallenge[1] = ((rand() % 10) + 1) * playerStats[rank][1];
MPI_Send(&tmpBallChallenge, 2, MPI_INT, ballIn, TAG_AT_BALL, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (rank == ballIn) {
//cout << "b4 at ball test" << endl;
// test/determine who is at ball
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
MPI_Test(&ballChallengeReqs[i], &ballChallengeReqFlag, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
if (ballChallengeReqFlag == 1) { // i is at ball
// push to playersAtBall
PlayerBallChallenge challenge = { ballChallenges[i][0], ballChallenges[i][1] };
} else {
// cancel the request
// do ball challenge for those at ball
currBallChallengeWinner.player = -1;
currBallChallengeWinner.ballChallenge = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < playersAtBall.size(); i++) {
if ( > currBallChallengeWinner.ballChallenge) {
// better ball challenge
currBallChallengeWinner =;
} else if ( == currBallChallengeWinner.ballChallenge) {
// tie
if (rand() % 2 > 0) { // if rand (0 - 1) == 1, then change currBallChallengeWinner
currBallChallengeWinner =;
winner = currBallChallengeWinner.player;
cout << "winner is " << winner << endl;
} // if rank is ballIn
} // while no winner
if (rank == ba llIn) {
cout << "winner is: " << winner << endl;
cout << "b4 cleanup " << endl;
if (isPlayer(rank)) {
cout << "end round " << round << endl;
cout << "end half " << half << endl;
cout << "b4 finalize" << endl;
return 0;
void initPlayerStats(int playerStats[12][3]) {
// in 2nd dimention,
// - 0: speed
// - 1: dribbling
// - 2: shooting
playerStats[0][0] = 6;
playerStats[0][1] = 6;
playerStats[0][2] = 3;
playerStats[1][0] = 5;
playerStats[1][1] = 5;
playerStats[1][2] = 5;
playerStats[2][0] = 7;
playerStats[2][1] = 5;
playerStats[2][2] = 3;
playerStats[3][0] = 4;
playerStats[3][1] = 4;
playerStats[3][2] = 7;
playerStats[4][0] = 5;
playerStats[4][1] = 4;
playerStats[4][2] = 6;
playerStats[5][0] = 5;
playerStats[5][1] = 7;
playerStats[5][2] = 3;
playerStats[6][0] = 4;
playerStats[6][1] = 5;
playerStats[6][2] = 6;
playerStats[7][0] = 8;
playerStats[7][1] = 3;
playerStats[7][2] = 4;
playerStats[8][0] = 5;
playerStats[8][1] = 7;
playerStats[8][2] = 3;
playerStats[9][0] = 3;
playerStats[9][1] = 4;
playerStats[9][2] = 8;
void initPositions(int half, int rank, int playerStats[12][3], int pos[2]) {
if (team(rank) == half) { // left team (x in [0, 64])
// better shooters to nearer to center
if (playerStats[rank][2] > 5) {
pos[0] = (rand() % 21) + 43; // [43, 63]
pos[1] = (rand() % 21) + 22; // [22, 42]
} else {
pos[0] = (rand() % 31) + 10; // [10, 40]
pos[1] = rand() % 65; // [0, 64]
} else { // right team (x in [64, 128])
// better shooters to nearer to center
if (playerStats[rank][2] > 5) {
pos[0] = (rand() % 21) + 65; // [65, 85]
pos[1] = (rand() % 21) + 22; // [22, 42]
} else {
pos[0] = (rand() % 31) + 88; // [88, 118]
pos[1] = rand() % 65; // [0, 64]
bool isField(int rank) {
if (rank == FIELD0 || rank == FIELD1) {
return true;
return false;
bool isPlayer(int rank) {
if (rank != FIELD0 && rank != FIELD1) {
return true;
return false;
// assumption: 0 <= rank <= 9
int team(int rank) {
if (rank < 5) {
return 0;
return 1;
bool atBall(int pos[2], int ballPos[2]) {
if (pos[0] == ballPos[0] && pos[1] == ballPos[1]) {
return true;
return false;
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