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Created November 12, 2012 16:16
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Incomplete process of object system implementation on top of scheme lambdas
#lang scheme
;;; lambda-dictionary
(define (make-dict pairs)
(define (pair-key p) (car p))
(define (find key pairs)
(define (target? p)
(equal? key (pair-key p)))
(cond ((null? pairs) '())
((target? (car pairs)) (car pairs))
(find key (cdr pairs)))))
(lambda (key) (find key pairs)))
(display "Dict test\n")
(define d
(make-dict `((foo . bar)
(ban . ,(lambda (x) (+ 1 x))))))
(d 'foo)
((cdr (d 'ban)) 0)
;;; simple object
(define (make-dispatcher obj)
(lambda (key . args)
(apply (cdr (obj key)) args)))
(define (rational n d)
(define methods
`((numer . ,(lambda () n))
(denum . ,(lambda () d))
(add . ,(lambda (other)
(define num
(+ (* n (other 'denum))
(* d (other 'numer))))
(define den
(* d (other 'denum)))
(rational num den)))))
(define obj (make-dict methods))
(make-dispatcher obj))
(display "Simple object test\n")
(((rational 1 2) 'add (rational 3 2)) 'denum)
;;; inheritance and almost-dyn-dispatch
(define (make-dispatcher-ex obj . optional-arg)
(define (impl p) (cdr p))
(define (get-parent-disp) (car optional-arg))
(lambda (key . args)
(define binding (obj key))
(define unbound? (null? binding))
(cond (unbound? (apply (get-parent-disp) (cons key args)))
(else (apply (impl binding) args)))))
(define (parent a)
(define methods
`((foo . ,(lambda (b) (+ a b)))
(bar . ,(lambda () "Hello!"))))
(make-dispatcher-ex (make-dict methods)))
(define (child z)
(define methods
`((bar . ,(lambda () "Bye!"))))
(make-dispatcher-ex (make-dict methods) (parent (- z 1))))
(display "Inherit. test\n")
(define p (parent 1))
(define c (child 10))
(p 'bar)
(p 'foo 10)
(c 'bar)
(c 'foo 5)
;;; self-correct dyn-dispatch
(define (chain-dicts d1 d2)
(lambda (key)
(define res1 (d1 key))
(cond ((null? res1) (d2 key))
(else res1))))
(define (make-dispatcher-self dt)
(define (impl p) (cdr p))
(define (prepend-self args)
(cons (make-dispatcher-self dt) args))
(lambda opt-args
(define (get-key) (car opt-args))
(define (get-args) (cdr opt-args))
(cond ((null? opt-args) dt)
(apply (impl (dt (get-key)))
(prepend-self (get-args)))))))
(define (extract-dispatch-table obj) (obj))
(define (extends dt obj)
(chain-dicts dt (extract-dispatch-table obj)))
(define (s-parent a)
(define methods
`((foo . ,(lambda (self b) (+ a b)))
(bar . ,(lambda (self x1 x2) (self 'foo (+ x1 x2))))
(a . ,(lambda (self) a))))
(make-dispatcher-self (make-dict methods)))
(define (s-child a)
(define methods
`((foo . ,(lambda (self b) (* a b)))))
(make-dispatcher-self (extends (make-dict methods)
(s-parent (- a)))))
(display "Dyn-disp test\n")
(define sp (s-parent 1))
(define sc (s-child 2))
(sp 'foo 10)
(sp 'bar 10 12)
(sp 'a)
(sc 'foo 10)
(sc 'bar 10 12)
(sc 'a)
;;; Macro-syntax
;(define-syntax class
; (syntax-rules (extends rmethods method)
; ((_ rmethods () r) `r)
; ((_ rmethods ((method (name arg1 ...) body ...) . methods) r)
; (class rmethods methods ((name . ,(lambda (self arg1 ...) body ...)) . r)))
; ((_ header (extends parent) body ...)
; (define header
; (define methods (class rmethods (body ...) ()))
; (make-dispatcher-self (extends (make-dict methods) parent))))
; ((_ header body ...)
; (define header
; (define methods (class rmethods (body ...) ()))
; (make-dispatcher-self (make-dict methods))))))
;(class (my-class x1 x2)
; (extends my-other-class)
; (read 'x1)
; (read-write 'x2)
; (method (my-method a) (+ a (self x2)))
; (x2 () x2))
;(class (my-class x1 x2)
; (method (my-method a) (+ a (self 'x2)))
; (method (x2) x2))
;(class rmethods
; ((method (my-method a) (+ a (self 'x2)))
; (method (x2) x2)) ())
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