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Created January 16, 2015 15:04
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  • Save anonymous/4065b60bde36a4f1c1ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anonymous/4065b60bde36a4f1c1ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. maven uses the the jruby from the installation, i.e. this also means that a regular maven run does not depend under the hood on any other jruby versions from maven central.
core/pom.xml: <version></version>
ext/pom.xml: <version></version>
ext/readline/pom.xml: <version></version>
ext/ripper/pom.xml: <version></version>
lib/pom.xml: <version></version>
lib/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/jruby-complete/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/jruby-dist/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/jruby-jars/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/jruby-jars/pom.xml: <finalName>${project.artifactId}-</finalName>
maven/jruby-jars/pom.xml: <ruby.version></ruby.version>
maven/jruby-noasm/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/jruby-stdlib/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/jruby/pom.xml: <version></version>
maven/pom.xml: <version></version>
pom.xml: <version></version>
test/pom.xml: <version></version>
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