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Created November 14, 2012 21:30
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QSem replacement
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
module Semaphore (
QSem, newQSem, waitQSem, signalQSem
) where
import Control.Concurrent hiding (QSem, newQSem, waitQSem, signalQSem)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import GHC.Conc (unsafeIOToSTM)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Exception
-- | 'QSem' is a quantity semaphore in which the resource is aqcuired
-- and released in units of one. It provides guaranteed FIFO ordering
-- for satisfying blocked `waitQSem` calls.
data QSem = QSem !(TVar Int) !(TVar [TVar Bool]) !(TVar [TVar Bool])
deriving (Eq, Typeable)
newQSem :: Int -> IO QSem
newQSem i = atomically $ do
q <- newTVar i
b1 <- newTVar []
b2 <- newTVar []
return (QSem q b1 b2)
waitQSem :: QSem -> IO ()
waitQSem (QSem q b1 b2) =
mask_ $ join $ atomically $ do
-- join, because if we need to block, we have to add a TVar to
-- the block queue.
-- mask_, because we need a chance to set up an exception handler
-- after the join returns.
v <- readTVar q
if v == 0
then do b <- newTVar False
ys <- readTVar b2
writeTVar b2 (b:ys)
return (wait b)
else do writeTVar q $! v - 1
return (return ())
-- careful here: if we receive an exception, then write True into
-- the TVar, so that a future signal won't try to wake up this
-- waitQSem.
wait t =
flip onException (atomically $ writeTVar t True) $
atomically $ do
b <- readTVar t
when (not b) retry
signalQSem :: QSem -> IO ()
signalQSem s@(QSem q b1 b2) =
mask_ $ join $ atomically $ do
-- join, so we don't force the reverse inside the txn
-- mask_ is needed so we don't lose a wakeup
v <- readTVar q
if v /= 0
then do writeTVar q $! v + 1
return (return ())
else do xs <- readTVar b1
checkwake1 xs
checkwake1 [] = do
ys <- readTVar b2
checkwake2 ys
checkwake1 (x:xs) = do
writeTVar b1 xs
return (wake x)
checkwake2 [] = do
writeTVar q 1
return (return ())
checkwake2 ys = do
let (z:zs) = reverse ys
writeTVar b1 zs
writeTVar b2 []
return (wake z)
wake x = join $ atomically $ do
b <- readTVar x
if b then return (signalQSem s)
else do writeTVar x True
return (return ())
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