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Created November 19, 2012 17:05
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import System.Environment
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
data BFState = BFState [Int] Int [Int]
type BFT a = StateT BFState IO a
sanitise [] = []
sanitise (x:xs)
| x == '\n' || x == ' ' || x == '\t' = sanitise xs
| otherwise = x : sanitise xs
next :: BFT ()
next = do
(BFState xs y ys) <- get
put (BFState (xs ++ [y]) (head ys) (tail' ys))
prev :: BFT ()
prev = do
(BFState xs y ys) <- get
put (BFState (init xs) (last xs) (y : ys))
apply :: (Int -> Int) -> BFT ()
apply f = do
(BFState xs y ys) <- get
put (BFState xs (f y) ys)
inc :: BFT ()
inc = apply (+1)
dec :: BFT ()
dec = apply (\x -> x - 1)
inb :: BFT Int
inb = do
c <- lift getChar
return (ord c)
out :: BFT ()
out = do
(BFState _ y _) <- get
lift (putStr [chr y])
execute :: String -> BFT ()
execute [] = return ()
execute ('>':xs) = next >> execute xs
execute ('<':xs) = prev >> execute xs
execute ('+':xs) = inc >> execute xs
execute ('-':xs) = dec >> execute xs
execute ('.':xs) = out >> execute xs
execute (',':xs) = inb >> execute xs
execute ('[':xs) = executeBracket xs >> execute xs
execute (']':xs) = return ()
tail' [] = []
tail' (x:xs) = xs
executeBracket xs = do
(BFState _ y _) <- get
if y == 0
then execute (tail' $ dropWhile (/= ']') xs)
else execute xs >> executeBracket xs
main = do
args <- getArgs
conts <- readFile (args !! 0)
runStateT (execute $ sanitise conts) (BFState [] 0 (replicate 9999 0))
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