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Created November 19, 2012 18:37
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cljx nREPL middleware (WIP)
(ns cemerick.cljx
(:require [cljx.core :as cljx]
[cljx.rules :as rules]
[cemerick.piggieback :as piggieback]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :refer (set-descriptor!)]
[kibit.rules.util :refer (defrules compile-rule)]
[clojure.core.logic :as l])
(:use clojure.test))
;; rules and supporting fns for making Clojure catch+throw forms
;; "portable" to CLJS
(defn- exception-type-sym?
(and (symbol? x)
(when-let [c (resolve x)]
(and (class? c)
(.isAssignableFrom Throwable c)))
(catch ClassNotFoundException e
(defn- strip-dot
(and (symbol? x)
(not (namespace x))
(-> x name str (str/replace #"\.$" "") symbol)))
(def catch
(let [ex-binding (l/lvar)
body (l/lvar)]
[#(l/matche [%]
([[catch ?ex-type ex-binding . body]]
(l/pred ?ex-type exception-type-sym?)))
#(l/== % (l/llist 'catch 'js/Error ex-binding body))]))
(def throw
(let [message (l/lvar)
new-ex? (comp exception-type-sym? strip-dot)]
[#(l/matche [%]
([[throw [?ex-type message]]]
(l/pred ?ex-type new-ex?))
([[throw [?ex-type]]]
(l/== message "")
(l/pred ?ex-type new-ex?)))
#(l/== % (list 'throw (list 'js/Error message)))]))
; just here to make it easier to fiddle with kibit/cljx rules at the REPL
(defmacro ^:private munge-exprs
[rules & code]
(let [code (binding [*print-meta* true]
(apply str (map pr-str code)))]
`(cljx/munge-forms ( ~code) ~rules)))
(def cljs-rules (list* catch throw rules/cljs-rules))
(deftest catch+throw
(let [rules cljs-rules]
(are [before after] (= after (->> (munge-exprs rules before)
'(try x (catch Exception e))
'(try x (catch js/Error e))
'(try 1 2 (foo)
(catch IllegalArgumentException e
(println (str e))
(throw (Exception. (.crazymethod x (class y))))))
'(try 1 2 (foo)
(catch js/Error e
(println (str e))
(throw (js/Error (.crazymethod x (class y)))))))))
(defn- any-root-cause?
"Returns true if any cause within [exception] is an instance of [class]."
[class ^Throwable exception]
(loop [exception exception]
(when exception
(if (instance? class exception)
(recur (.getCause exception))))))
;; actual cljx nREPL middleware starts here
(defn- munge-code
[code rules]
(binding [*print-meta* true]
(apply pr-str (cljx/munge-forms ( code)
(catch Throwable e
;; choked reading the form; go ahead and let interruptible-eval read the original
;; code, so that the exception is reported properly
(if (any-root-cause? clojure.lang.LispReader$ReaderException e)
(throw e))))))
(defn wrap-cljx
([h] (wrap-cljx h {:clj rules/clj-rules :cljs rules/cljs-rules}))
([h {:keys [clj cljs] :as rules}]
(fn [{:keys [op code file file-name session] :as msg}]
(let [rules (if (@session #'piggieback/*cljs-repl-env*)
(and (= op "eval") code)
(h (assoc msg :code (munge-code code rules)))
(and (= op "load-file") file (re-matches #".+\.cljx$" file-name))
(h (assoc msg :file (munge-code file rules)))
:else (h msg))))))
(def wrap-cljx2 #(wrap-cljx % {:clj rules/clj-rules
:cljs cljs-rules}))
(set-descriptor! #'wrap-cljx
{:requires #{"clone"}
:expects #{#'piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl}
:handles {}})
(set-descriptor! #'wrap-cljx2
{:requires #{"clone"}
:expects #{#'piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl}
:handles {}})
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