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Created November 21, 2012 09:53
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Symphony /symphony/lib/core/class.general.php
# Symphony web publishing system
# Copyright 2004 - 2006 Twenty One Degrees Pty. Ltd. This code cannot be
# modified or redistributed without permission.
# For terms of use please visit
if(!defined("__IN_SYMPHONY__")) die("<h2>Symphony Error</h2><p>You cannot directly access this file</p>");
Class General{
function createHandle($string, $max_length=50, $delim='-', $uriencode=false, $apply_transliteration=true){
trigger_error('This function, General::createHandle(), is deprecated and replaced by Lang::createHandle().
If you have just updated, you may need to re-save your Data Sources by opening them and pressing the save button.'
Lang::createHandle($string, $max_length, $delim, $uriencode, $apply_transliteration);
Method: fieldValue
Description: Used to simplify creation of form elements.
Param: $type - the type of field. (value | select | checkbox | textarea)
$value - The existing subject to match
$alternate - Returned if there is no match agains the critera
$criteria - This is compared to the $value
Return: $alternate or the formatted xHTML
function fieldValue($type, $value, $alternate="", $criteria=null){
if(trim($value) == "") return $alternate;
if($criteria && $value != $criteria) return $alternate;
case 'value':
return 'value="'.$value.'"';
case 'select':
return 'selected="selected"';
case 'checkbox':
return 'checked="checked"';
case 'textarea':
return $value;
Method: substr_hellip
Description: Given a string and a length, this sill truncate the string
to the desired length and append a hellip entity
Param: $string - The input string to operate on
$length - length to truncate to
Return: The modified string
function substr_hellip($string, $length=50){
$x = substr($string, 0, min(strlen($string), $length - 1));
if(strlen($string) > strlen($x)) return $x . '&hellip;';
return $string;
Method: getFileMeta
Description: Will return information about a file
Param: $file - A valid path to a file
Return: false or an array of file details
function getFileMeta($file){
$meta['creation_date'] = @filectime($file);
$meta['creation_date_gmt'] = $meta['creation_date'] - (date("Z") * 3600);
$meta['modified_date'] = @filemtime($file);
$meta['modified_date_gmt'] = $meta['modified_date'] - (date("Z") * 3600);
$meta['accessed_date'] = @fileatime($file);
$meta['accessed_date_gmt'] = $meta['accessed_date'] - (date("Z") * 3600);
$meta['size'] = @filesize($file);
return (@is_file($file) ? $meta : false);
Method: getImageMeta
Description: Will return information about an image
Param: $file - A valid path to an image
Return: false or an array of image details
function getImageMeta($file){
$meta = array();
if(!$array = @getimagesize($file)) return false;
$meta['width'] = $array[0];
$meta['height'] = $array[1];
$meta['type'] = $array[2];
$meta['channels'] = $array['channels'];
return $meta;
Method: sanitize
Description: Will convert any special characters into their entity equivalents
Param: $str - a string to operate on
Return: the encoded version of the string
function sanitize($str){
return htmlspecialchars($str);
Method: reverse_sanitize
Description: Will revert any html entities to their character equivalents
Param: $str - a string to operate on
Return: the decoded version of the string
function reverse_sanitize($str){
return htmlspecialchars_decode($str);
Method: nl2p
Description: Replaces any newline characters with paragraph elements
Param: $string - a string to operate on
Return: the resultant string, wrapped in <p> tags
function nl2p($string){
$string = str_replace("<br />", "</p><p>", nl2br(trim($string)));
return "<p>$string</p>";
Method: substr_f
Description: grabs the first character of a string
Param: $string - a string to operate on
Return: the first character of the input string
function substr_f($string){
return (string)$string{0};
Method: url2a
Description: given a string, this will attempt to convert any URL's into
valid xHTML anchor tags
Param: $str - a string to operate on
$nofollow (optional) - if true, will add rel="nofollow" to the elements
Return: the resultant string
function url2a($str, $nofollow=false){
preg_match_all("/http:\/\/?[^ ][^<]+/i", $str, $lnk);
$size = sizeof($lnk[0]);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $size) {
$len = strlen($lnk[0][$i]);
if($len > 30) {
$lnk_txt = substr($lnk[0][$i], 0, 30)."...";
} else {
$lnk_txt = $lnk[0][$i];
$url = General::validateURL($lnk[0][$i]);
$str = str_replace($url,"<a href=\"$url\" ".($nofollow ? "rel=\"nofollow\"" : "").">$lnk_txt</a>",$str);
return $str;
Method: findKeywordsArray
Description: using any array of strings, this function will attempt to find
any occurance of a needle
Param: $needle - string to search for
$haystack - the string or array to search
$fields (optional) -
$any (optional) - if true, the function will return if any match is found
Return: true or false
function findKeywordsArray($needle, $haystack, $fields=array(), $any=true){
$result = array();
foreach($haystack as $h){
$match = false;
foreach($needle as $n){
foreach($fields as $f){
if(stripos($h[$f], $n))
$match = true;
if(!$any) $match = false;
if($match) array_push($result, $h);
return $result;
Method: stripEntities
Description: will replace any html entity with the replacement string
Param: $string - string to operate on
$replacement - string to replace any entities with
Return: the resultant string
function stripEntities($string, $replacement=""){
return preg_replace('/(&[\\w]{2,6};)/', $replacement, $string);
Method: validateString
Description: will validate a string against a set of reqular expressions
Param: $string - string to operate on
$rule - a single rule or array of rules
Return: true or false
function validateString($string, $rule){
if(!is_array($rule) && $rule == '') return false;
if(!is_array($string) && $string == '') return false;
if(!is_array($rule)) $rule = array($rule);
if(!is_array($string)) $string = array($string);
foreach($rule as $r){
foreach($string as $s){
if(!preg_match($r, $s)) return false;
return true;
Method: validateXML
Description: This checks an xml document for well-formedness
Param: $data - filename or xml document as a string
$errors - pointer to an array which will contain any validation errors
$isFile (optional) - if this is true, the method will attempt to read
from a file ($data) instead.
$xsltProcessor (optional) - If set, the validation will be done using this
xslt processor rather than the built in XML parser
$encoding (optional) - If no XML header is expected, than this should be set to
match the encoding of the XML
Return: true or false
function validateXML($data, &$errors, $isFile=true, $xsltProcessor=NULL, $encoding='UTF-8') {
$_parser = null;
$_data = null;
$_vals = array();
$_index = array();
$_data = @file_get_contents($data);
$_data = $data;
$_data = preg_replace('/(&[\\w]{2,6};)/', "",$_data);
$_data = preg_replace('/<!DOCTYPE[-.:"\'\/\\w\\s]+>/' , "", $_data);
if(strpos($_data, '<?xml') === false){
$_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?><rootelement>\n".$_data."\n</rootelement>";
$xsl = '<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/"></xsl:template>
$xsltProcessor->process($_data, $xsl, array());
if($xsltProcessor->isErrors()) {
$errors = $xsltProcessor->getError(true);
return false;
$_parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
if (!@xml_parse($_parser, $_data)) {
$errors = array("error" => xml_get_error_code($_parser) . ': ' . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($_parser)),
"col" => xml_get_current_column_number($_parser),
"line" => (xml_get_current_line_number($_parser) - 2));
return false;
return true;
Method: validateURL
Description: will check that a string is a valid URL
Param: $string - string to operate on
Return: true or false
function validateURL($url){
if ($url != ""){
if (!preg_match('#^http[s]?:\/\/#i', $url)){
$url = 'http://' . $url;
if (!preg_match('#^http[s]?\\:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\-]+\.([a-z0-9\-]+\.)?[a-z]+#i', $url)){
$url = '';
return $url;
Method: nullIfZero
Description: mainly for SQL statements, this will convert a 0 value to 'IS NULL'
Param: $value - string to operate on
Return: the formatted string suitable for use in the SQL statement
function nullIfZero ($value) {
if (intval ($value) == 0) {
return 'IS NULL';
}else {
return '= ' . $value;
Method: get_class_methods_filter
Description: similar to get_class_methods, however this allows you to filter the
result set using a regular expressions
Param: $classname - the name of the class. Must be in the class pool
$critera (optional) - a regular expression to match against. Leave blank
to return all results
Return: the formatted string suitable for use in the SQL statement
function get_class_methods_filter($classname, $criteria=NULL){
$methods = get_class_methods($classname);
if($criteria == NULL) return $methods;
$result = array();
foreach($methods as $m){
if(preg_match($criteria, $m))
$result[] = $m;
return $result;
Method: cleanArray
Description: Will strip any slashes from all array values
Param: &$arr - pointer to an array to operate on. Can be multi-dimensional
function cleanArray(&$arr) {
foreach($arr as $k => $v){
if (is_array($v))
$arr[$k] = stripslashes($v);
Method: generatePassword
Description: uses random numbers and 2 arrays to create friendly passwords such as
4LargeWorms or 11HairyMonkeys
Return: string
function generatePassword(){
$words[] = array("Large", "Small", "Hot", "Cold", "Big", "Hairy", "Round", "Lumpy", "Coconut");
$words[] = array("Cats", "Dogs", "Weasels", "Birds", "Worms", "Bugs", "Pigs", "Monkeys");
return (rand(2, 15) . $words[0][rand(0, 8)] . $words[1][rand(0, 7)]);
# revised e-mail core function(s)
# by Michael Eichelsdoerfer
# to be placed in symphony/lib/core/class.general.php (about line 500)
# original code:
# Copyright 2004 - 2006 Twenty One Degrees Pty. Ltd. This code cannot be
# modified or redistributed without permission.
# For terms of use please visit
Method: encodeHeader
Description: Encodes parts of an email header if necessary, according to RFC2047;
does not need the IMAP module installed (like the imap_8bit function);
Added by: Michael Eichelsdoerfer
Source: (see comments);
function encodeHeader($input, $charset = 'ISO-8859-1') {
preg_match_all('/(\s?\w*[\x80-\xFF]+\w*\s?)/', $input, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $value) {
$replacement = preg_replace('/([\x20\x80-\xFF])/e', '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))', $value);
$input = str_replace($value, '=?' . $charset . '?Q?' . $replacement . '?=', $input);
return wordwrap($input,75,"\n\t",true);
Method: sendEmail
Description: Allows you to send emails. It includes some simple injection attack
protection and more comprehensive headers
Param: $to_email - email of the recipient
$from_email - the from email address. This is usually your email
$from_name - The name of the sender
$subject - subject of the email
$message - contents of the email
Return: true or false
function sendEmail($to_email, $from_email, $from_name, $subject, $message){
##Check for injection attacks (
if ((eregi("\r", $from_email) || eregi("\n", $from_email))
|| (eregi("\r", $from_name) || eregi("\n", $from_name))){
return false;
$subject = General::encodeHeader(utf8_decode($subject)); // additional
$from_name = General::encodeHeader(utf8_decode($from_name)); // additional
$header = "From: $from_name <$from_email>\n";
$header .= "Reply-To: $from_name <$from_email>\n";
$header .= "X-Sender: Symphony Email Module <>\n";
$header .= "X-Mailer: Symphony Email Module\n";
$header .= "X-Priority: 3\n";
$header .= "Return-Path: <$from_email>\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n"; // additional
if(@mail($to_email, $subject, $message, $header))
return true;
return false;
Method: padString
Description: Pads a string with a specified string until it is of a certain length
Param: $str - string to operate on
$length - desired string length
$spacer (optional) - the character you wish to pad with
$align (optional) - right, left or middle padding
Return: padded string
function padString($str, $length, $spacer=" ", $align="left"){
case "right":
return $str . General::repeatStr($spacer, $length - strlen($str));
case "center":
return General::repeatStr($spacer, ($length - strlen($str)) * 0.5 ) . $str . General::repeatStr($spacer, ($length - strlen($str)) * 0.5 );
case "left":
return General::repeatStr($spacer, $length - strlen($str)) . $str;
Method: repeatStr
Description: This will repeat a string XX number of times.
Param: $str - string to repeat
$xx - Number of times to repeat the string
Return: resultant string
function repeatStr($str, $xx){
if($xx < 0)
$xx = 0;
$xx = ceil($xx);
$result = "";
for($ii = 0; $ii < $xx; $ii++){
$result .= $str;
return $result;
Method: strPlural
Description: Given a number, this will return the singular or plural variable.
This is useful when dealing with counts. 1 frog or 2 frogs.
Param: $num - number to base the result on. 0 - plural, 1 - singular, >1 - plural
$singular - string to return if it is a singular
$plural - string to return if it is a plural
Return: resultant string
function strPlural($num, $singular, $plural){
$num = intval($num);
return ($num == 1 ? $singular : $plural);
Method: substrmin
Description: takes a string and compares it length with val. returns the substr with
length of the smaller value. IE strlen($str) or $val
Param: $str - the string to operate on
$val - the number to compare lengths with
Return: the smaller string
function substrmin($str, $val){
return(substr($str, 0, min(strlen($str), $val)));
Method: substrmax
Description: takes a string and compares it length with val. returns the substr with
length of the larger value. IE strlen($str) or $val
Param: $str - the string to operate on
$val - the number to compare lengths with
Return: the larger string
function substrmax($str, $val){
return(substr($str, 0, max(strlen($str), $val)));
Method: toUpperFirst
Description: Capitalizes the first letter of a string
Param: $str - the string to operate on
Return: string with a capital letter
function toUpperFirst($str){
return ucfirst($str);
Method: right
Description: creates a string from the right by $num characters
Param: $str - the string to operate on
$num - the number of characters to return
Return: resultant string portion
function right($str, $num){
$str = substr($str, strlen($str)-$num, $num);
return $str;
Method: left
Description: creates a string from the left by $num characters
Param: $str - the string to operate on
$num - the number of characters to return
Return: resultant string portion
function left($str, $num){
$str = substr($str, 0, $num);
return $str;
Method: realiseDirectory
Description: Given a path, this function will attempt to create all directories
within that path until the end folder is reached.
Param: $path - folder path to create
$mode (optional) - the octal permission value to chmod the new folders to
Return: true or false
function realiseDirectory($path, $mode=0755){
if(@file_exists($path) && !@is_dir($path)){
return false;
preg_match_all('/([^\/]+)\/?/i', $path, $directories);
$currDir = "";
foreach($directories[0] as $dir){
$currDir = $currDir . $dir;
if(!mkdir($currDir, intval($mode, 8))){
print $currDir;
return false;
return true;
Method: in_array_multi
Description: looks for a value inside a multi-dimensional array
Param: $needle - value to look for
$haystack - array to search in
Return: true or false
static function in_array_multi($needle, $haystack){
if($needle == $haystack) return true;
foreach($haystack as $key => $val){
if(General::in_array_multi($needle, $val)){
return true;
}elseif(!strcmp($needle, $key) || !strcmp($needle, $val)){
return true;
return false;
Method: loadConfiguration
Description: loads an XML Symphony configuration file into a Config object pointer
Param: $file - path to the XML file to load
$obConf - pointer to a Config object
$parser (optional) - Allows you to provide an existing XmlDoc object
function loadConfiguration($file, &$obConf, $parser=NULL){
if(!@is_file($file) || !@is_readable($file))
return false;
if(!$parser) $parser = new XmlDoc();
$tmpData = $parser->getArray();
foreach ($tmpData['configuration'] as $item) {
foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
$obConf->set($key, $val['attributes']);
Method: redirect
Description: redirects the browser to a specified location
Param: $url - location to redirect to
function redirect ($url){
$url = str_replace("Location:", "", $url); //Just make sure.
if(headers_sent($filename, $line)){
print "<h1>Error: Cannot redirect to <a href=\"$url\">$url</a></h1><p>Output has already started in $filename on line $line</p>";
header('Expires: Mon, 12 Dec 1982 06:00:00 GMT');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Location: $url");
Method: key_in_array
Description: checks an array for a key value
Param: $needle - key to look for
$haystack - array to search
Return: true or false
function key_in_array($needle, $haystack){
foreach($haystack as $key => $value){
if($key == $needle)
return true;
return false;
Method: array_remove_duplicates
Description: rebuilds an indexed array to contain no duplicate values
Param: $array - array to search through
Return: rebuilt array
function array_remove_duplicates($array){
//Flip once to remove duplicates
$array = array_flip($array);
//Flip back to get desired result
$array = array_flip($array);
return $array;
if(!is_array($array)) return array($array);
elseif(empty($array)) return array();
$tmp = array();
foreach($array as $item){
if(!@in_array($item, $tmp))
$tmp[] = $item;
return $tmp;
Method: str2array
Description: splits a string by a delimiter
Param: $string - string to operate on
$preserve (optional) - if true, this will retain any empty array values
$delim (optional) - a string to split by
Return: array of string parts
function str2array($string, $preserve=true, $delim="\\r\\n"){
return preg_split('/[\\r\\n]/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
return preg_split('/[\\r\\n]/', $string);
Method: codeToDisplay
Description: prepares code for display, converting it into a xHTML list
Param: $code - string to operate on
$beautify (optional) - !!not used!!
$linenumbers (optional) - effectivly tells the method to return
an ordered list
Return: xHTML code
function codeToDisplay($code, $beautify=true, $linenumbers=true){
$code = htmlentities($code);
$lines = General::str2array($code);
$final_code = ""; $ii = 1;
foreach($lines as $l){
$l=trim($spaces . $l);
if ($l == "") { $l = "&nbsp;"; }
$final_code .= "<li>$l</li>\n";
$final_code .= "$l\n";
return "<ol>\n$final_code\n</ol>";
return "$final_code\n";
Method: writeFile
Description: writes the contents of $data to a file $file.
Param: $file - file path
$data - string to write
$perm (optional) - octal permission to apply to the file via CHMOD
Return: XHTML code
function writeFile($file, $data, $perm = 0644){
if(empty($perm)) $perm = 0644;
if(!$handle = @fopen($file, 'w')) {
return false;
if(@fwrite($handle, $data, strlen($data)) === false) {
return false;
@chmod($file, intval($perm, 8));
return true;
Method: deleteFile
Description: deletes a file using the unlink function
Param: $file - file to delete
Return: true or false
function deleteFile($file){
return @unlink($file);
Method: getExtension
Description: finds the file extension of a file
Param: $file - name of the file to examine
Return: extension
function getExtension($file){
$parts = explode('.', basename($file));
return array_pop($parts);
Method: listDirStructure
Description: will index a directory struction from start point $dir
Param: $dir (optional) - path to start indexing at. must be readable
$filters (optional) - either a regular expression or an array of allowable
file types
$recurse (optional) - if true, the method will recursively traverse
the directory stucture
$sort (optional) - sort order of indexed files
$strip_root (optional) - can remove the $dir portion of the file path for
array keys.
$exclude (optional) - ignores file types contained in this array
Return: nested array containing the directory structure
function listDirStructure($dir=".", $recurse=true, $sort="asc", $strip_root=NULL, $exclude=array(), $ignore_hidden=true){
$filter_pattern_match = false;
if(isset($filters) && !is_array($filters)) $filter_pattern_match = true;
$files = array();
if(!$handle = @opendir($dir)) return array();
while(($file = @readdir($handle)) != false){
if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && (!$ignore_hidden || ($ignore_hidden && $file{0} != '.'))){
$files[] = str_replace($strip_root, "", $dir) ."/$file/";
$files = @array_merge($files, General::listDirStructure("$dir/$file", $recurse, $sort, $strip_root, $exclude, $ignore_hidden));
return $files;
Method: listStructure
Description: will index a directory struction from start point $dir
Param: $dir (optional) - path to start indexing at. must be readable
$filters (optional) - either a regular expression or an array of allowable
file types
$recurse (optional) - if true, the method will recursively traverse
the directory stucture
$sort (optional) - sort order of indexed files
$strip_root (optional) - can remove the $dir portion of the file path for
array keys.
$exclude (optional) - ignores file types contained in this array
Return: nested array containing the directory structure
function listStructure($dir=".", $filters=array(), $recurse=true, $sort="asc", $strip_root=NULL, $exclude=array(), $ignore_hidden=true){
$filter_pattern_match = false;
if(isset($filters) && !is_array($filters)) $filter_pattern_match = true;
$files = array();
if(!$handle = @opendir($dir)) return array();
while(($file = @readdir($handle)) != false){
if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && (!$ignore_hidden || ($ignore_hidden && $file{0} != '.'))){
$files[str_replace($strip_root, "", $dir) . "/$file/"] = General::listStructure("$dir/$file", $filters, $recurse, $sort, $strip_root, $exclude, $ignore_hidden);
$files["dirlist"][] = $file;
}elseif($filter_pattern_match || (!empty($filters) && is_array($filters))){
if(preg_match($filters, $file)){
$files["filelist"][] = $file;
if($sort == 'desc') rsort($files["filelist"]);
else sort($files["filelist"]);
}elseif(in_array(General::getExtension($file), $filters)){
$files["filelist"][] = $file;
if($sort == 'desc') rsort($files["filelist"]);
else sort($files["filelist"]);
$files["filelist"][] = $file;
if($sort == 'desc') rsort($files["filelist"]);
else sort($files["filelist"]);
return $files;
Method: filemtimeSort
Description: Used by usort. Takes 2 file names and returns -1, 0 or 1. Should
only be called using usort or similar. E.G.
usort($files, array('General', 'filemtimeSort'));
Param: $f1 - path to first file
$f2 - path to second file
Return: -1, 0 or 1
function filemtimeSort($f1, $f2){
return @filemtime($f1['path'] . '/' . $f1['name']) - @filemtime($f1['path'] . '/' . $f1['name']);
Method: fileSort
Description: Used by usort. Takes 2 file names and returns -1, 0 or 1. Should
only be called using usort or similar. E.G.
usort($files, array('General', 'fileSort'));
Param: $f1 - path to first file
$f2 - path to second file
Return: -1, 0 or 1
function fileSort($f1, $f2){
return strcmp($f1['name'], $f2['name']);
Method: fileSortR
Description: Used by usort. Takes 2 file names and returns -1, 0 or 1. Should
only be called using usort or similar. E.G.
usort($files, array('General', 'fileSortR'));
Param: $f1 - path to first file
$f2 - path to second file
Return: -1, 0 or 1
function fileSortR($f1, $f2){
return strcmp($f2['name'], $f1['name']);
Method: listStructureFlat
Description: will index a directory struction from start point $dir, returning
a flat array where each array key is a path to a file
Param: $dir (optional) - path to start indexing at. must be readable
$filters (optional) - either a regular expression or an array of allowable
file types
$recurse (optional) - if true, the method will recursively traverse
the directory stucture
$sort (optional) - sort order of indexed files
$strip_root (optional) - can remove the $dir portion of the file path for
array keys.
$exclude (optional) - ignores file types contained in this array
Return: flat array containing the directory/file structure
function listStructureFlat($dir=".", $filters=array(), $recurse=true, $sort="asc", $strip_root=NULL, $exclude=array(), $ignore_hidden=true){
$files = array();
if(!$handle = @opendir($dir)) return array();
while(($file = @readdir($handle)) != false){
if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && (!$ignore_hidden || ($ignore_hidden && $file{0} != '.'))){
$files = array_merge($files, General::listStructureFlat("$dir/$file", $filters, $recurse, $sort, $strip_root, $exclude, $ignore_hidden));
$can_include = true;
$can_include = in_array(General::getExtension($file), $filters);
$can_include = !in_array(General::getExtension($file), $exclude);
$files[] = array("name" => $file, "path" => $dir);
if($sort == 'desc') usort($files, array('General', 'fileSortR'));
elseif($sort == 'mtime') usort($files, array('General', 'filemtimeSort'));
else usort($files, array('General', 'fileSort'));
for($ii = 0; $ii < count($files); $ii++)
$files[$ii]['path'] = str_replace($strip_root, "", $files[$ii]['path']);
return $files;
Method: rmdirr
Original Author: Anton Makarenko (
Description: recursively removes a directory and all files
Param: $target - the directory to remove
$verbose - if true, this will echo status messages to the browser for
debugging purposes
Return: true or false
function rmdirr($target, &$errors, &$notices){
$errors = $notices = array();
$exceptions = array('.','..');
if (!$sourcedir = @opendir($target)){
$errors[] = 'Could not open '.$target;
return false;
while(false !== ($sibling = readdir($sourcedir))){
if(!in_array($sibling, $exceptions)){
$object = str_replace('//', '/', $target . '/' . $sibling);
$notices[] = 'Processing: '.$object;
if(@is_dir($object)) General::rmdirr($object, $errors, $notices);
if($result = @unlink($object)) $notices[] = $object . ' has been removed.';
else $errors[] = 'Could not remove file - ' . $object;
if($result = @rmdir($target)){
$notices[] = $target . ' has been removed.';
return true;
$errors[] = $target . ' could not be removed.';
return false;
Method: createFileName
Description: given a string, this will clean it for use as a filename
Param: $string - string to clean
$delim - all non-valid characters will be replaced with this
Return: resultant string
function createFileName($string, $max_length=50, $delim="-"){
##Replace underscores and other non-word, non-digit characters with hyphens
$string = trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\._]++/', $delim, $string), $delim);
##Trim it
$string = General::limitWords($string, $max_length);
return strtolower($string);
Method: countWords
Description: counts the number of words in a string
Param: $string - string to examine
Return: number of words contained in the string
function countWords($string){
$string = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s]/i', '', $string);
$words = $chars = preg_split('/ /', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
return count($words);
Method: limitWords
Description: truncates a string so that it contains no more than a certain
number of characters, preserving whole words
Param: $string - string to operate on
$maxChars - maximum number of characters
$appendHellip (optional) - can optionally append a hellip entity
to the string if it is smaller than
the input string
Return: resultant string
function limitWords($string, $maxChars=200, $appendHellip=false, $truncateToSpace=false) {
if($appendHellip) $maxChars -= 3;
$string = trim(strip_tags(nl2br($string)));
$original_length = strlen($string);
if(trim($string) == '') return NULL;
elseif(strlen($string) < $maxChars) return $string;
$string = substr($string, 0, $maxChars);
if($truncateToSpace && strpos($string, ' ')){
$string = str_replace(strrchr($string, ' '), '', $string);
$array = explode(' ', $string);
$result = '';
while(is_array($array) && !empty($array) && strlen(@implode(" ", $array)) > $maxChars){
$result = trim(@implode(" ", $array));
if($appendHellip && strlen($result) < $original_length)
$result .= '...';
Method: dateDiff
Description: this will calculate the number of seconds between two dates
Param: $date1 - start date. Must be a valid unix timestamp
$date2 (optional) - end date. Must be a valid unix timestamp. If blank
the current date is used
Return: number of seconds elapsed
function dateDiff($date1, $date2=null){
if(!$date2) $date2 = time();
if($date1 < $date2)
$diff = $date2 - $date1;
$diff = $date1 - $date2;
$m1 = (1 / 60);
$m2 = (1 / 24);
return floor(((($diff * $m1) * $m1) * $m2));
function uploadFile($dest_path, $dest_name, $tmp_name, $perm=0777){
##Upload the file
if(@is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
$dest_path = rtrim($dest_path, "/") . "/";
##Try place the file in the correction location
if(@move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $dest_path . $dest_name)) {
@chmod($dest_path . $dest_name, intval($perm, 8));
return true;
##Could not move the file
return false;
Method: formatFilesize
Description: giving a filesize in bytes, this will format it for easier reading
Param: $file_size - file size in bytes
Return: formatted file size
function formatFilesize($file_size){
$file_size = intval($file_size); //, 0);
if($file_size >= (1024 * 1024)) $file_size = number_format($file_size * (1 / (1024 * 1024)), 2) . " mb";
elseif($file_size >= 1024) $file_size = intval($file_size * (1/1024)) . " kb";
else $file_size = intval($file_size) . " bytes";
return $file_size;
Method: autolink
Original Author: J de Silva (
Description: handles converting URLs in a string, into anchor tags
Param: $text - string to operate on
$target (optional) - the link target (E.G. _blank)
$nofollow (optional) - appends a rel="nofollow" into the link
function autolink($text, $target=NULL, $nofollow=true){
// grab anything that looks like a URL...
$urls = General::__autolink_find_URLS($text);
if(!empty($urls)){ // i.e. there were some URLS found in the text{
array_walk($urls, array('General', '__autolink_create_html_tags'), array('target'=>$target, 'nofollow'=>$nofollow));
$text = strtr($text, $urls);
return $text;
function __autolink_find_URLS($text){
// build the patterns
$scheme = '(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)';
$www = 'www\.';
$ip = '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}';
$subdomain = '[-a-z0-9_]+\.';
$name = '[a-z][-a-z0-9]+\.';
$tld = '[a-z]+(\.[a-z]{2,2})?';
$the_rest = '\/?[a-z0-9._\/~#&=;%+?-]+[a-z0-9\/#=?]{1,1}';
$pattern = "$scheme?(?(1)($ip|($subdomain)?$name$tld)|($www$name$tld))$the_rest";
$pattern = '/'.$pattern.'/is';
$c = preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $m);
unset($text, $scheme, $www, $ip, $subdomain, $name, $tld, $the_rest, $pattern);
return( array_flip($m[0]) );
function __autolink_create_html_tags( &$value, $key, $other=null){
$target = $nofollow = null;
$target = ( $other['target'] ? " target=\"$other[target]\"" : null );
$nofollow = ( $other['nofollow'] ? ' rel="nofollow"' : null );
$value = "<a href=\"$key\"$target$nofollow>$key</a>";
function createXMLDateObject($timestamp){
if(!class_exists('XMLElement')) return false;
$xDate = new XMLElement('date', date('Y-m-d', $timestamp));
$xDate->setAttribute('year', date('Y', $timestamp));
$xDate->setAttribute('month', date('m', $timestamp));
$xDate->setAttribute('date', date('d', $timestamp));
$xDate->setAttribute('weekday', date('w', $timestamp));
return $xDate;
function createXMLTimeObject($timestamp){
if(!class_exists('XMLElement')) return false;
$xTime = new XMLElement('time', date('H:i', $timestamp));
$xTime->setAttribute('hour', date('H', $timestamp));
$xTime->setAttribute('minute', date('i', $timestamp));
return $xTime;
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