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igraph: average path length
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
import igraph
from numpy import mean, nan_to_num, nan
from pprint import pprint
import nose
import logging
def get_averagePathLength(mygraph, weight_attribute=False):
"""Calculate the average path length of a graph"""
current_lengths = []
if weighted is True and weight_attribute not in
print("attribute", weight_attribute, "does not exists")
for node in mygraph.vs():
if weighted is True:
current_lengths.extend([len(node_paths)-1 for node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(node,[weight_attribute]) if len(node_paths)>1])
current_lengths.extend([len(node_paths)-1 for node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(node) if len(node_paths)>1])
av_path_length = mean(current_lengths)
return av_path_length
known_cases = {
'triple_path': {
'comment': 'graph with a single path, two edges',
'n_vertices': 3, 'edges': [(0, 1), (1, 2)],
'expected': (mean((1,2)) + mean((1, 1)) + mean((1,2))) / 3.
'quadruple_path': {
'comment': 'graph with a single path, three edges',
'n_vertices': 4, 'edges': [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2,3)],
'expected': (mean((1,2,3)) + mean((1,1,2)) + mean((2,1,1)) + mean((3,2,1))) / 4.
'unconnected_graph': {
'comment': 'this graph contains unconnected nodes, av.path lenght should be 0 or nan',
'n_vertices': 5, 'edges': [],
'expected': nan
'pairs': {
'comment': 'network where there are only pairs of edges. Av Path lenght should be 1',
'n_vertices': 6, 'edges': [(0,1), (2,3), (4,5)],
'expected': (1 + 1 + 1) / 3.
'onepair_onecomponent': {
'comment': 'network with one unconnected node and two connected nodes',
'n_vertices': 3, 'edges': [(1,2)],
'expected': 1
'onepair_someunconnected': {
'comment': 'network two connected nodes and some unconnected components, to see the behaviour of the function when there are many unconnected components',
'n_vertices': 10, 'edges': [(4,6)],
'expected': 1
'two_components': {
'comment': 'two components, each with 2 edges',
'n_vertices': 10, 'edges': [(0,1), (1,2), (5,6), (6,7)],
'expected': ((mean((1,2)) + mean((1, 1)) + mean((1,2))) / 3.) #* 2 # NOTE: This has the same av.path lenght as triple_path, not the double
'two_unsymmetric_components1': {
'comment': 'two components, one with one edge, and one with two', #TODO: finish test case
'n_vertices': 5, 'edges': [(0,1), (2,3), (3,4)],
'expected': sum((1, 1, mean((1,2)), mean((1, 1)), mean((2,1)))) / 5.
'two_unsymmetric_components2': {
'comment': 'two components, one with two edges, and one with three', #TODO: finish test case
'n_vertices': 10, 'edges': [(0,1), (1,2), (5,6), (6,7), (7,8)],
# 'expected': ((mean((1,2)) + mean((1, 1)) + mean((1,2))) / 3.) +
# ((mean((1,2,3)) + mean((1, 1, 2)) + mean((2,1,1) + mean((3,2,1)))) ) * 4 #* 2 # NOTE: This has the same av.path lenght as triple_path, not the double
# 0 1 2
'expected': (mean((1,2)) + mean((1, 1)) + mean((1,2)) +
# 5 6 7 8
mean((1,2,3)) + mean((1, 1, 2)) + mean((2,1,1) + mean((3,2,1)) )) / 7.
'problematic1': {
'comment': 'a graph generated randomly using the Erdos Renyi function, which gives problem because there are too many unconnected nodes',
'n_vertices': 13,
'edges':[(1, 4), (3, 7), (6, 10), (5, 11), (8, 11), (6, 12), (11, 12)],
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
'expected': (0 + mean(1) + 0 + mean(1) + mean(1) + mean((1,2,2,3,4)) + mean((1,1,2,3,3)) + mean(1) +
# 8 9 10 11 12
mean((1,2,2,3,4)) + 0 + mean((1,2,3,4,4)) + mean((1,1,1,2,3)) + mean((1,1,2,2,2))
) / 10.
'star': {
'comment': 'a star-like graph',
'n_vertices': 6,
'edges':[(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5)],
'expected': (mean((1, 2, 2, 2)) + mean((2, 1, 2, 2)) + mean((1,1,1,1)) + mean((2, 2, 1, 2)) + mean((2, 2, 2, 1))) / 5.0
'star_plus_asymmetric': {
'comment': 'a star-like graph, plus a one-edge component',
'n_vertices': 10,
'edges':[(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (8, 9)],
'expected': (mean((1, 2, 2, 2)) + mean((2, 1, 2, 2)) + mean((1,1,1,1)) + mean((2, 2, 1, 2)) + mean((2, 2, 2, 1)) + mean(1) + mean(1)) / 7.0
def test_AveragePathLenght_KnownGraph_vs_myimplementation():
Check if my custom implementation of Average Path Lenght gives the same results as what I calculated manually.
for (graphname, properties) in known_cases.items():
mygraph = igraph.Graph()
mygraph['name'] = graphname
mygraph['comment'] = properties['comment']
yield checkPathLenght_Correct_KnownGraph_vs_myimplementation, mygraph, properties['expected']
def checkPathLenght_Correct_KnownGraph_vs_myimplementation(mygraph, expected):
print([e.tuple for e in])
for p in [mygraph.get_all_shortest_paths(n) for n in mygraph.vs()]: print p
observed = nan_to_num(get_averagePathLength(mygraph))
expected = nan_to_num(expected)
expected_computationally = nan_to_num(mygraph.average_path_length())
print "my_implementation:", observed, "\nmanual calculation:", expected, "\nigraph.Graph.average_path_lenght:", expected_computationally, expected)
def test_AveragePathLenght_KnownGraph_vs_igraph():
Check if my custom implementation of Average Path Lenght gives the same results as the igraph.Graph.average_path_length function.
for (graphname, properties) in known_cases.items():
mygraph = igraph.Graph()
mygraph['name'] = graphname
mygraph['comment'] = properties['comment']
yield checkPathLenght_Correct_KnownGraph_vs_igraph, mygraph, properties['expected']
def checkPathLenght_Correct_KnownGraph_vs_igraph(mygraph, expected):
Check if my custom implementation of Average Path Lenght gives the same results as what I calculated manually.
print([e.tuple for e in])
for p in [mygraph.get_all_shortest_paths(n) for n in mygraph.vs()]: print p
observed = nan_to_num(get_averagePathLength(mygraph))
expected = nan_to_num(expected)
# mygraph
expected_computationally = nan_to_num(mygraph.average_path_length())
print "my_implementation:", observed, "\nmanual calculation:", expected, "\nigraph.Graph.average_path_lenght:", expected_computationally
for component in mygraph.components():
subgraph = mygraph.subgraph(component)
print "subgraph size", subgraph.vcount(), "number edges", subgraph.ecount(), "subgraph average path length:", subgraph.average_path_length()
print ([[len(node_paths)-1 for node_paths in subgraph.get_shortest_paths(node)] for node in subgraph.vs()])
# assert False, expected_computationally)
def test_AveragePathLenght_RandomGraph():
"""Generate some random graphs, and for each of them, check if my implementation of average path lenght gives the same results as the igraph.Graph.average_path_lenght function
for randomgraph_id in range(10):
n = random.randrange(2, 20)
# m = random.randrange(2, (n-1)**2)
p = random.random()
yield check_PathLenght_Correct_RandomGraph, n, p
def check_PathLenght_Correct_RandomGraph(nodes, p):
randomgraph = igraph.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(nodes, p)
mygraph = randomgraph
print randomgraph.get_adjedgelist()
print [edge.tuple for edge in]
# print( "paths", ([[("node ID:", current_node.index, "node paths:", current_node_paths) for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) <2] for current_node in mygraph.vs()]))
print ([(current_node.index, "paths:", [current_node_paths for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) < 2]) for current_node in mygraph.vs()])
print "lenght of paths -1", ([(current_node.index, "paths:", [len(current_node_paths)-1 for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) < 2]) for current_node in mygraph.vs()])
print "mean lenghts -1", ([(current_node.index, "paths:", mean([len(current_node_paths)-1 for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) < 2])) for current_node in mygraph.vs()])
print "mean lenghts -1", ([mean([len(current_node_paths)-1 for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) < 2]) for current_node in mygraph.vs()])
# print , ([m for m in [[len(current_node_paths)-1 for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) <2] for current_node in mygraph.vs()] if m >= 0] )
# print
print "mean lenghts -1", (mean( [m for m in [mean([len(current_node_paths)-1 for current_node_paths in mygraph.get_shortest_paths(current_node) if not len(current_node_paths) <2]) for current_node in mygraph.vs()] if m >= 0] ))
# pprint (mean( [m for m in [mean([len(p) for p in randomgraph.get_shortest_paths(n) if not len(p) <2]) for n in randomgraph.vs()] if m >= 0] ))
# pprint (mean( [m for m in [mean([len(p) for p in randomgraph.get_shortest_paths(n) if not len(p) <2]) for n in randomgraph.vs()] if m >= 0] ))
# pprint (mean( [m for m in [mean([len(p) for p in randomgraph.get_shortest_paths(n) if not len(p) <2]) for n in randomgraph.vs()] if m >= 0] ))
observed = nan_to_num(get_averagePathLength(randomgraph))
expected = nan_to_num(randomgraph.average_path_length())
print observed, expected
# assert False, expected)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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