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Created November 23, 2012 21:22
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help with macros in cljs
(ns buster-cljs.test.macros-test
(:require [buster-cljs.core :as core])
(:require-macros [buster-cljs.macros
:refer [initialize-buster deftest describe it is]]))
(deftest is-macro-with-exception-features
(it "assertions with `thrown?'"
(is (thrown? js/Error
(throw (js/Error. "an error"))))))
(ns buster-cljs.macros
(:refer-clojure :exclude [try])
(:require [cljs.core :refer [try]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defmethod assert-expr 'thrown-with-msg? [msg form]
;; we ignore on purpuse the exception argument
;; (it always going to be js/Error)
(let [re (nth form 2)
body (nthnext form 3)]
(.assert js/buster false "expected error to be thrown.")
(catch js/Error e
(.assert js/buster (re-find ~re (.-message e)))))))
buster.spec.describe("is macro with exception features", function() {"assertions with `thrown?'", function() {
throw Error("an error");
return null
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