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Created December 1, 2012 03:21
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Python: measure time performance of counting words in corpus/gutenberg
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import doctest
import inspect
import os
import sys
import timeit
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import groupby, imap, product
from string import ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase, maketrans
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import nltk # pip install nltk
WORDS = nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words()
def count_words_Counter(words):
return sorted(Counter(words).items())
def count_words_groupby(words):
return [(w, len(list(gr))) for w, gr in groupby(sorted(words))]
def count_words_groupby_sum(words):
return [(w, sum(1 for _ in gr)) for w, gr in groupby(sorted(words))]
def count_words_defaultdict(words):
d = defaultdict(int)
for w in words:
d[w] += 1
return sorted(d.items())
def count_words_dict(words):
d = {}
for w in words:
d[w] += 1
except KeyError:
d[w] = 1
return sorted(d.items())
def _count_words_freqdist(words):
# note: .items() returns words sorted by word frequency (descreasing order)
# (same as `Counter.most_common()`)
# so the code sorts twice (the second time in lexicographical order)
return sorted(nltk.FreqDist(words).items())
def toascii_letter_lower_genexpr(s, _letter_set=ascii_lowercase):
>>> toascii_letter_lower_genexpr("ABC,-.!def")
return ''.join(c for c in s.lower() if c in _letter_set)
def toascii_letter_lower_genexpr_set(s, _letter_set=set(ascii_lowercase)):
>>> toascii_letter_lower_genexpr("ABC,-.!def")
return ''.join(c for c in s.lower() if c in _letter_set)
def toascii_letter_lower_translate(s,
table=maketrans(ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase * 2),
deletechars=''.join(set(maketrans('', '')) - set(ascii_letters))):
return s.translate(table, deletechars)
def toascii_letter_lower_filter(s, _letter_set=set(ascii_letters)):
return filter(_letter_set.__contains__, s).lower()
def compose(*funcs):
return lambda arg: reduce(lambda x, g: g(x), reversed(funcs), arg)
def get_functions_with_prefix(prefix):
all_funcs = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isfunction)
return [f for name, f in all_funcs if name.startswith(prefix)]
def accept_funcs(func):
"""Add function names if necessary.
Decorator for functions that accept either a sequence of functions
or (name, function) pairs.
def wrapper(funcs, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(funcs[0], '__name__'):
funcs = [(f.__name__, f) for f in funcs]
return func(funcs, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def test_funcs(funcs):
"""Check that all functions produce the same result.
Each function should accept a readonly sequence of words as an argument
words = list(WORDS[:10])
expected = funcs[0][1](words)
for name, f in funcs:
assert f(words) == expected, (name, words, expected)
def test_word_funcs(funcs):
"""Check that all functions produce the same result.
Each function should accept a word as an argument
for name, f in funcs[1:]:
for w in WORDS[:1000]:
assert f(w) == funcs[0][1](w), (name, w, funcs[0][1](w))
def measure_func(f, args):
"""Measure how long `f(*args)` takes in seconds."""
n = 1
while True:
start = timer()
r = timeit.repeat(partial(f, *args), number=n, repeat=1)
if timer() - start > 1: # at least 1 second per measurement
n *= 2
return min(r + timeit.repeat(partial(f, *args), number=n, repeat=2)) / n
def human_seconds(seconds, fmt="%.3g %s"):
"""Return human-readable string that represents given seconds."""
t = 1e6 * seconds # start with µsec
for suff in "usec msec".split():
if t < 1000:
return fmt % (t, suff)
t /= 1000
return fmt % (t, "sec")
def measure(funcs, args=[list(WORDS)], comment=''):
"""Report how long `f(*args)` takes for each f in funcs."""
w = max(len(name) for name, _ in funcs)
for name, f in funcs:
print("{:{}s} {:8s} {}".format(
name, w, human_seconds(measure_func(f, args)), comment))
def combine_counts(items):
d = defaultdict(int)
for word, count in items:
d[word] += count
return d.iteritems()
def clean_words_in_items(clean_word, items):
return ((clean_word(word), count) for word, count in items)
def normalize_count_words(words):
"""Normalize then count words."""
return count_words_defaultdict(imap(toascii_letter_lower_translate, words))
def count_normalize_words(words):
"""Count then normalize words."""
freqs = count_words_defaultdict(words)
freqs = clean_words_in_items(toascii_letter_lower_translate, freqs)
return sorted(combine_counts(freqs))
def main():
# test
count_words_funcs = get_functions_with_prefix('count_words_')
toascii_funcs = get_functions_with_prefix('toascii_letter_lower_')
funcs = [count_normalize_words, normalize_count_words]
before_funcs = [('{} < map {}'.format(f.__name__, g.__name__),
compose(f, partial(imap, g)))
for f in count_words_funcs
for g in toascii_funcs]
after_funcs = [('sorted < combine_counts < map {} < {}'.format(
g.__name__, f.__name__),
compose(sorted, combine_counts,
partial(clean_words_in_items, g),
for f, g in product(count_words_funcs, toascii_funcs)]
test_funcs(before_funcs + after_funcs)
# measure performance
for comment, s in zip(["small", "random 2000"],
["ABC.,!-def", os.urandom(2000)]):
measure(toascii_funcs, [s], comment)
measure([sorted] + count_words_funcs)
print("Convert to ascii-lowercase/remove non-alpha before counting words")
print("Convert to ascii-lowercase/remove non-alpha after counting words")
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