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Created December 3, 2012 13:22
diff --git a/lib/timeout.rb b/lib/timeout.rb
index 7fd87ff..148fb76 100644
--- a/lib/timeout.rb
+++ b/lib/timeout.rb
@@ -47,39 +47,41 @@ module Timeout
# Note that this is both a method of module Timeout, so you can <tt>include
# Timeout</tt> into your classes so they have a #timeout method, as well as
# a module method, so you can call it directly as Timeout.timeout().
- def timeout(sec, klass = nil) #:yield: +sec+
- return yield(sec) if sec == nil or
- exception = klass ||
- begin
+ def timeout(sec, klass = nil, immediate: true) #:yield: +sec+
+ return yield(sec) if sec == nil or
+ Thread.async_interrupt_timing(klass ? klass : ExitException => immediate ? :immediate : :on_blocking) do
+ exception = klass ||
- x = Thread.current
- y = Thread.start {
- begin
- sleep sec
- rescue => e
- x.raise e
- else
- x.raise exception, "execution expired"
+ begin
+ x = Thread.current
+ y = Thread.start {
+ begin
+ sleep sec
+ rescue => e
+ x.raise e
+ else
+ x.raise exception, "execution expired"
+ end
+ }
+ return yield(sec)
+ ensure
+ if y
+ y.kill
+ y.join # make sure y is dead.
- }
- return yield(sec)
- ensure
- if y
- y.kill
- y.join # make sure y is dead.
+ rescue exception => e
+ rej = /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__-4}\z/o
+ (bt = e.backtrace).reject! {|m| rej =~ m}
+ level = -caller(CALLER_OFFSET).size
+ while THIS_FILE =~ bt[level]
+ bt.delete_at(level)
+ level += 1
+ end
+ raise if klass # if exception class is specified, it
+ # would be expected outside.
+ raise Error, e.message, e.backtrace
- rescue exception => e
- rej = /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__-4}\z/o
- (bt = e.backtrace).reject! {|m| rej =~ m}
- level = -caller(CALLER_OFFSET).size
- while THIS_FILE =~ bt[level]
- bt.delete_at(level)
- level += 1
- end
- raise if klass # if exception class is specified, it
- # would be expected outside.
- raise Error, e.message, e.backtrace
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