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Created December 6, 2012 06:52
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Code attempting to update icons on TreeEditor nodes in a TraitsUI TreeEditor
import os
#from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig
#ETSConfig.toolkit = 'qt4'
import numpy as np
from enable.api import ComponentEditor
from traits.api import Str, Bool, Enum, List, Dict, Any, \
HasTraits, Instance, Button, on_trait_change
from traitsui.api import View, Group, HGroup, VGroup, HSplit, \
Item, UItem, TreeEditor, TreeNode, TreeNodeObject, Menu
from traitsui.key_bindings import KeyBinding, KeyBindings
from pyface.api import ImageResource, DirectoryDialog, OK
from fixes import fix_background_color
from chaco.api import Plot, ArrayPlotData, PlotAxis, \
add_default_axes, add_default_grids
from import PanTool, ZoomTool
from import PanState
from ui_helpers import get_file_from_dialog
import specs
# Linux/Ubuntu themes cause the background of windows to be ugly and dark
# grey. This fixes that.
title = "SinSPECt"
app_icon = os.path.join('resources','app_icon.ico')
# Lookup tables used by several functions
default_line_attributes = { \
'counts' : {'color':'black', 'line_width':1.5},
'channel_counts' : {'color':'blue' , 'line_width':1.5},
'extended_channels' : {'color':'red' , 'line_width':1.5},
highlight_line_attributes = { \
'counts' : {'color':(0.6,0.3,0.3), 'line_width':4.0},
# SPECSRegion, SPECSGroup and SpecsFile are Traited versions of SPECS xml file classes
# that represent nodes in the TreeEditor widget
class SPECSRegion(HasTraits):
''' The traited SPECSRegion contains a specs.SPECSRegion object and
represents a Region node in the TreeEditor
name = Str('<unknown>')
region = Instance(specs.SPECSRegion) # The reference to the contained region object
selection = Instance('SelectorPanel') # A string argument here allows a forward reference
def __init__(self, name, region, **traits):
super(SPECSRegion, self).__init__(**traits) # HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits) = name
self.region = region
# Add a reference to the specs.SPECSRegion object in case we want access to its
# Traited SPECSRegion owner
self.region.owner = self
self.selection = SelectorPanel(self)
# Instantiation of the SelectorPanel creates it with self.selection.counts==False
# Setting self.selection.counts=True now triggers a trait change event which
# triggers creation of the related plot series
# self.selection.counts = True
def get_x_axis(self):
''' Return x-axis data based on the scan_mode metadata '''
r = self.region
if r.scan_mode == 'FixedAnalyzerTransmission':
xs = r.binding_axis
elif r.scan_mode == 'ConstantFinalState':
xs = r.excitation_axis
xs = r.kinetic_axis
return xs
class SPECSGroup(HasTraits):
''' A group node in the TreeEditor '''
name = Str('<unknown>')
specs_regions = List(SPECSRegion) # container for the subordinate regions
class SpecsFile(HasTraits):
''' The file node in the TreeEditor '''
name = Str('<unknown>')
specs_groups = List(SPECSGroup) # container for the subordinate groups
def _uniquify_names(self, names):
''' names is a list of strings. This generator function ensures all strings in
the names list are unique by appending -n to the name if it is repeated, where n
is an incrementing number. e.g. if names is ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'a'] this
yields ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a-1', 'b-1', 'a-2']
freqs = {}
for name in names:
freqs[name] = freqs.get(name, 0) + 1
if freqs[name] > 1:
yield '{}-{}'.format(name, freqs[name]-1)
yield name
def open(self, filename):
''' Create all objects corresponding to the tree '''
s = specs.SPECS(filename) = filename
group_names = [ for g in s.groups]
uniquify_group_gen = self._uniquify_names(group_names)
for group in s.groups:
specs_group = SPECSGroup(, specs_regions=[])
region_names = [ for r in group.regions]
uniquify_region_gen = self._uniquify_names(region_names)
for region in group.regions:
specs_group.specs_regions.append(SPECSRegion(, region=region))
return self
class MyTreeNode(TreeNode):
del tree_panel.specs_file.specs_groups[0].specs_regions[0]
# Names of leaf item icons
icon_item_all = Str( '<item>' )
icon_item_some = Str( '<item>' )
icon_item_none = Str( '<item>' )
icon = Enum('all', 'some', 'none')('all') # Special named trait which is listened by the Tree for icon changes.
def get_icon(self, node, is_expanded):
if not self.allows_children( node ):
if self.icon=='all':
return self.icon_item_all
elif self.icon=='some':
return self.icon_item_some
return self.icon_item_none
if is_expanded:
return self.icon_open
return self.icon_group
def dclick(self, object):
""" Handles an object being double-clicked.
if self.on_dclick is not None:
self.icon = 'some'
self.on_dclick( object )
return None
return True
class TreePanel(HasTraits):
specs_file = Instance(SpecsFile)
file_path = Str(None)
most_recent_path = Str('')
# When a selection is made this gets a reference to the selected tree node instance
node_selection = Any()
highlight_plot = Str('none')
# Buttons in the widget group above the tree area
bt_open_file = Button("Open file...")
bt_export_file = Button("Export...")
cb_header = Bool(True)
delimiter = Enum('tab','space','comma')('tab')
def _bt_open_file_changed(self):
''' Event handler
Called when user clicks the Open file... button
file_path = get_file_from_dialog()
if file_path is not None:
self.most_recent_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
self.file_path = file_path
def _file_path_changed(self, new):
''' Trait event handler
When the file dialog box is closed with a file selection, open that file
plot_panel.remove_all_plots() = self.file_path
self.specs_file = SpecsFile().open(self.file_path)
def _bt_export_file_changed(self):
''' Event handler
Called when the user clicks the Export... button
dlg = DirectoryDialog(default_path=self.most_recent_path)
if == OK:
self.most_recent_path = dlg.path
# Export all regions in all groups
for g in self.specs_file.specs_groups:
dir_created_for_this_group = False
for r in g.specs_regions:
# make file'.xy' in directory
# Column data contains the following in left-to-right order:
# x-axis, counts, channel_counts_n and extended_channels_n
# x-axis
a = [r.get_x_axis()]
h = {'FixedAnalyzerTransmission':'"Binding Axis"',
'ConstantFinalState' :'"Excitation Axis"',
}.get(r.region.scan_mode, '"Kinetic Axis"')
delimiter = {'space':' ', 'comma':',', 'tab':'\t'}[self.delimiter]
any_checked = False
if r.selection.counts:
# counts
h += '{}Counts'.format(delimiter)
any_checked = True
# channel_counts_n
for name in sorted(r.selection._instance_traits()):
if 'channel_counts_' in name:
channel_num = get_name_num(name)
h += '{}"Channel {} counts"'.format(delimiter, channel_num)
# extended_channels_n
for name in sorted(r.selection._instance_traits()):
if 'extended_channels_' in name:
channel_num = get_name_num(name)
h += '{}"Extended channel {}"'.format(delimiter, channel_num)
# channel_counts_n
for name, enabled in sorted(r.selection.get_trait_states().iteritems()):
if enabled and ('channel_counts_' in name):
any_checked = True
# extended_channels_n
for name, enabled in sorted(r.selection.get_trait_states().iteritems()):
if enabled and ('extended_channels_' in name):
any_checked = True
# Write it
if any_checked:
if not dir_created_for_this_group:
# Try creating directory if it doesn't exist
dirname = os.path.join(dlg.path,
dir_created_for_this_group = True
except OSError:
# Something exists already, or it can't be written
#TODO: Give a nice message here
filename = os.path.join(dirname,'.xy')
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
if self.cb_header:
print >> f, h
a = np.array(a).transpose()
#TODO: what format and newline character are we using here?
np.savetxt(f, a, delimiter=delimiter)
def _has_data(self):
return self.file_path is not None
def _group_select(self):
print 'gs',
def _region_select(self):
# Update SelectorPanel
main_app.selector_panel = self.selection
# self.node_selection.selection.plot.plots['_counts'][0] #highlight_plot(self, name)
# plot_panel.set_plot_width('_counts', width=2)
#TODO: call _update_last_selection(self) on anything not in current node_selection
print main_app.tree_panel.node_selection
print 'rs',
def _group_dclick(self):
Double-clicking a node cycles through selection states of subordinate regions
all-on -> last-selection -> all-off -> all-on -> ...
print 'dg',
def _region_dclick(self):
Double-clicking a node cycles through selection states of subordinate channels
all-on -> last-selection -> all-off -> all-on -> ...
for s in tree_panel.node_selection:
s.icon = 'none'
def _cycle_region_key(self, info):
for n in self.node_selection:
state = n.selection.get_trait_states()
channel_counts_states = {val for key,val in state.iteritems() if get_name_body(key)=='channel_counts'}
if True in channel_counts_states and False in channel_counts_states:
elif True in channel_counts_states:
def set_node_icon(self, mode):
for node in self.node_selection:
node.icon = mode
print mode
def _toggle_key(self, info):
for n in self.node_selection:
n.selection.counts = not n.selection.counts
def _select_key(self, info):
for n in self.node_selection:
n.selection.counts = True
def _deselect_key(self, info):
for n in self.node_selection:
n.selection.counts = False
def _hover(self, info):
if isinstance(info, SPECSRegion):
if self.highlight_plot is not 'none':
plot_panel.set_plot_attributes(self.highlight_plot, **default_line_attributes['counts'])
self.highlight_plot ='_counts'
plot_panel.set_plot_attributes(self.highlight_plot, **highlight_line_attributes['counts'])
if self.highlight_plot is not 'none':
plot_panel.set_plot_attributes(self.highlight_plot, **default_line_attributes['counts'])
self.highlight_plot = 'none'
# View for objects that aren't edited
no_view = View()
# Tree editor
tree_editor = TreeEditor(
nodes = [
TreeNode( node_for = [SpecsFile],
auto_open = True,
children = 'specs_groups',
label = 'name',
view = no_view,
add = [SPECSGroup],
menu = Menu(),
# on_dclick = _bt_open_file_changed,
rename_me = False,
icon_path = 'resources',
icon_open = 'file.ico',
icon_group = 'file.ico',
TreeNode( node_for = [SPECSGroup],
auto_open = True,
children = 'specs_regions',
label = 'name',
view = no_view,
add = [SPECSRegion],
menu = Menu(),
rename_me = False,
on_select = _group_select,
on_dclick = _group_dclick,
icon_path = 'resources',
icon_open = 'group.ico',
MyTreeNode( node_for = [SPECSRegion],
auto_open = True,
label = 'name',
view = no_view,
menu = Menu(),
rename_me = False,
on_select = _region_select,
on_dclick = _region_dclick,
icon_path = 'resources',
icon_item_all = 'region_all.ico',
icon_item_some = 'region_some.ico',
icon_item_none = 'region_none.ico',
editable = False, # suppress the editor pane as we are using the separate Chaco pane for this
selected = 'node_selection',
selection_mode = 'extended',
on_hover = 'object._hover',
key_bindings = KeyBindings(
KeyBinding( binding1 = 'Space',
binding2 = 't',
description = 'Toggle Selection',
method_name = '_toggle_key' ),
KeyBinding( binding1 = '+',
binding2 = '=',
description = 'Select',
method_name = '_select_key' ),
KeyBinding( binding1 = '-',
description = 'Deselect',
method_name = '_deselect_key' ),
KeyBinding( binding1 = 'r',
description = 'Cycle region',
method_name = '_cycle_region_key' ),
# The tree view
traits_view = View(
Item('cb_header', label='Include header'),
enabled_when = 'object._has_data()',
label = 'Data Export',
show_border = True,
name = 'specs_file',
editor = tree_editor,
key_bindings = key_bindings,
class PanToolWithHistory(PanTool):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.history_tool = kwargs.get('history_tool', None)
if 'history_tool' in kwargs:
del kwargs['history_tool']
super(PanToolWithHistory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _start_pan(self, event, capture_mouse=False):
super(PanToolWithHistory, self)._start_pan(event, capture_mouse=False)
if self.history_tool is not None:
self._start_pan_xy = self._original_xy
# Save the current data range center so this movement can be
# undone later.
self._prev_state = self.history_tool.data_range_center()
def _end_pan(self, event):
super(PanToolWithHistory, self)._end_pan(event)
if self.history_tool is not None:
# Only append to the undo history if we have moved a significant
# amount. This avoids conflicts with the single-click undo
# function.
new_xy = np.array((event.x, event.y))
old_xy = np.array(self._start_pan_xy)
if any(abs(new_xy - old_xy) > 10):
next = self.history_tool.data_range_center()
prev = self._prev_state
if next != prev:
self.history_tool.append_state(PanState(prev, next))
class ClickUndoZoomTool(ZoomTool):
def __init__(self, component=None, undo_button='right', *args, **kwargs):
super(ClickUndoZoomTool, self).__init__(component, *args, **kwargs)
self.undo_button = undo_button
self._reverting = False
self.minimum_undo_delta = 3
def normal_left_down(self, event):
""" Handles the left mouse button being pressed while the tool is
in the 'normal' state.
If the tool is enabled or always on, it starts selecting.
if self.undo_button == 'left':
self._undo_screen_start = (event.x, event.y)
super(ClickUndoZoomTool, self).normal_left_down(event)
def normal_right_down(self, event):
""" Handles the right mouse button being pressed while the tool is
in the 'normal' state.
If the tool is enabled or always on, it starts selecting.
if self.undo_button == 'right':
self._undo_screen_start = (event.x, event.y)
super(ClickUndoZoomTool, self).normal_right_down(event)
def normal_left_up(self, event):
if self.undo_button == 'left':
if self._mouse_didnt_move(event):
def normal_right_up(self, event):
if self.undo_button == 'right':
if self._mouse_didnt_move(event):
def selecting_left_up(self, event):
super(ClickUndoZoomTool, self).selecting_left_up(event)
def selecting_right_up(self, event):
super(ClickUndoZoomTool, self).selecting_right_up(event)
def _mouse_didnt_move(self, event):
start = np.array(self._undo_screen_start)
end = np.array((event.x, event.y))
return all(abs(end - start) == 0)
def clear_undo_history(self):
self._history_index = 0
self._history = self._history[:1]
def revert_history(self):
if self._history_index > 0:
self._history_index -= 1
def revert_history_all(self):
self._history_index = 0
def _get_mapper_center(self, mapper):
bounds = mapper.range.low, mapper.range.high
return bounds[0] + (bounds[1] - bounds[0])/2.
def data_range_center(self):
x_center = self._get_mapper_center(self._get_x_mapper())
y_center = self._get_mapper_center(self._get_y_mapper())
return x_center, y_center
def append_state(self, state):
self._append_state(state, set_index=True)
class PlotPanel(HasTraits):
''' The Chaco plot area.
plot_data = Instance(ArrayPlotData)
plot = Instance(Plot)
def __init__(self, **traits):
super(PlotPanel, self).__init__(**traits) # HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits)
self.plot_data = ArrayPlotData()
self.plot = Plot(self.plot_data)
self.plot.value_range.low = 0 # fix y-axis min to 0
self.plot.index_axis = PlotAxis(self.plot, orientation='bottom', title='Energy [eV]')
self.plot.y_axis = PlotAxis(self.plot, orientation='left', title='Intensity [Counts]')
# Now add a transparent 1st plot series that never gets removed
# since if we remove the first instance via remove() the mapper and tools are also removed
plot = self.add_plot('tool_plot', [0], [0], bgcolor='white', color='transparent')
self.value_mapper, self.index_mapper = self._setup_plot_tools(plot)
def add_plot(self, name, xs, ys, **lineplot_args):
self.plot_data.set_data(name+'_xs', xs)
self.plot_data.set_data(name+'_ys', ys)
self.plot.plot((name+'_xs', name+'_ys'), name=name, type='line', **lineplot_args)
return self.plot
def remove_plot(self, name):
if name is 'tool_plot':
# Never remove this one since the chaco tools are attached to it
def remove_all_plots(self):
# Make sure we don't remove 'tool_plot'
for p in plot_panel.plot.plots.keys():
def get_plot(self, name):
''' Get a plot reference from the name '''
return self.plot.plots[name][0]
def set_plot_attributes(self, name, **attributes):
for key, value in attributes.iteritems():
setattr(self.plot.plots[name][0], key, value)
except KeyError:
def _setup_plot_tools(self, plot):
''' Sets up the background, and several tools on a plot '''
# Make a white background with grids and axes
# The PanTool allows panning around the plot, drag_button='right'))
# The ZoomTool tool is stateful and allows drawing a zoom
# box to select a zoom region.
zoom = ClickUndoZoomTool(plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=True)
return plot.value_mapper, plot.index_mapper
traits_view = View(
#TODO: Look at LineInspector and HighlightTool
#class LineSelectionTool(BaseTool):
# '''
# From
# enthought.enable.base_tool.BaseTool is a subclass of
# enthought.enable.interactor.Interactor that has a 'component'
# trait set during __init__
# '''
# threshold = Float(15.0) # Threshold in pixels.
# def normal_left_down(self, event):
# control = event.window.control # Get the underlying widget.
# hits = self.component.components_at(event.x, event.y)
# actions = []
# for component in hits:
# # event.x and event.y are relative to event.window
# # and need to be translated to the component's coordinate
# # space.
# offset_x, offset_y = component.container.position
# x = event.x - offset_x
# y = event.y - offset_y
# # As noted in the enthought.chaco.lineplot.LinePlot.hittest
# # method docs:
# # "This only checks data points and *not* the actual line
# # segments connecting them."
# point = component.hittest((x, y), self.threshold)
# if point is not None:
# # Find the label of the component.
# label = None
# for candidate, subplots in component.container.plots.iteritems():
# if component in subplots:
# label = candidate
# if label is not None:
# action = QtGui.QAction(label, None)
# @action.triggered.connect
# def on_action_triggered(checked, label=label, component=component):
# component.edit_traits()
# actions.append(action)
# if len(actions) > 0:
# menu = QtGui.QMenu(control)
# for action in actions:
# menu.addAction(action)
# menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
# else:
# # No actions were created, show no menu.
# pass
def get_name_body(series_name):
''' Get first part of name
e.g. get_name_body('foo_bar_baz') returns foo_bar
return '_'.join(series_name.split('_')[:2])
def get_name_num(series_name):
''' Get last part of name.
e.g. get_name_num('foo_bar_baz') returns baz
return int(series_name.split('_')[-1])
class SelectorPanel(HasTraits):
A panel of checkboxes reflecting the channels within the specs region used for
toggling plot visibility and flagging for export.
A "better" way to implememnt this would be to create a "dynamic view" that has a
checkbox for each Bool trait in the region object. However, dynamic views seem
extremely tricky, so instead I just reflect the state of the region object's traits
in the checkboxes here.
See TraitsUI documentation Example 5b
Instead of just defining a default view here, I build it using
def default_traits_view(self):
name = Str('<unknown>')
region = Instance(SPECSRegion)
last_selection = Dict # stores counts and channel traits whenever a checkbox is clicked
cycle_state = Enum('last_selection', 'all_on', 'all_off')
plots = {}
def __init__(self, region=None, **traits):
super(SelectorPanel, self).__init__(**traits) # HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits)
if region is None: # This will be the case on the first call
self.region = region
# create a trait for the counts checkbox
self.add_trait('counts', Bool)
# create traits for each channel_counts_n checkbox
if region.region.channel_counts is not None:
channel_counts_len = region.region.channel_counts.shape[1]
for i in range(channel_counts_len):
self.add_trait('channel_counts_{}'.format(i+1), Bool)
# use self._instance_traits() to list these traits
# create traits for each extended_channels_n checkbox
if region.region.extended_channels is not None:
extended_channels_len = region.region.extended_channels.shape[1]
for i in range(extended_channels_len):
self.add_trait('extended_channels_{}'.format(i+1), Bool)
# Now we've created all the Bool/checkbox traits default_traits_view() can
# create a view for them.
self.cycle_state = 'last_selection'
def default_traits_view(self):
Called to create the selection view to be shown in the selection panel.
This is also the default View called when the GUI is first initialised with a
"None" SelectorPanel.
trait_dict = self._instance_traits()
items = []
if 'counts' in trait_dict:
group1 = HGroup()
group1.content = []
group1.content.append(Item('counts', label='Counts'))
# channel_counts_x group
channel_counts_buttons = [Item(name, label=name.split('_')[-1])
for name in sorted(trait_dict) if 'channel_counts_' in name]
if len(channel_counts_buttons) > 0:
group = HGroup()
group.content = channel_counts_buttons
group.show_border = True
group.label = 'Channel Counts'
# extended_channels_x group
extended_channels_buttons = [Item(name, label=name.split('_')[-1])
for name in sorted(trait_dict) if 'extended_channels_' in name]
if len(extended_channels_buttons) > 0:
group = HGroup()
group.content = extended_channels_buttons
group.show_border = True
group.label = 'Extended Channels'
return View(*items)
def _counts_changed(self, trait, old, new):
''' Trait event handler
The counts checkbox was toggled
if new:
self._add_plot(, trait)
self._remove_plot(, trait)
@on_trait_change('channel_counts_+, extended_channels_+')
def _channel_counts_x_changed(self, container, trait, new):
''' Trait event handler
A channel_counts_n or extended_channels_n checkbox was toggled
if new:
self._add_plot(, trait, get_name_num(trait))
self._remove_plot(, trait)
def _name_plot(self, region_name, series_name):
''' Make a unique name based on the region_name and series_name parts
which together are assumed to form a unique pair
return '{}_{}'.format(region_name, series_name)
def _add_plot(self, region_name, series_name, column=None):
''' Adds a plot to the chaco plot widget. '''
name = self._name_plot(region_name, series_name)
xs = self.region.get_x_axis()
if series_name == 'counts':
ys = self.region.region.__getattribute__(series_name)
# Get 'first_second' part of the name 'first_second_n' which will either be
# 'channel_counts' or 'extended_channels'. Then use this to retrieve the
# matching array from the specs.SPECSRegion object.
series_name = get_name_body(series_name)
ys = self.region.region.__getattribute__(series_name)[:,column-1]
plot_panel.add_plot(name, xs, ys, **default_line_attributes[series_name])
def _remove_plot(self, region_name, series_name):
''' Call plot widget to remove it and delete the reference here. '''
name = self._name_plot(region_name, series_name)
def highlight_plot(self, name):
plot = plot_panel.get_plot(name)
plot.width = 10
def get_trait_states(self):
''' Return a dictionary of trait_name:value entries associated with this
selector panel.
# I don't know how to evaluate the trait values directly from _instance_traits()
# so I use it to get the names then use __getattribute__() to evaluate them.
return dict([(i, self.__getattribute__(i))
for i in self._instance_traits().keys() if i is not 'trait_added'])
def _update_last_selection(self):
self.last_selection = dict([(i, self.__getattribute__(i))
for i in self._instance_traits().keys() if i is not 'trait_added'])
def cycle(self):
''' Cycle the state of the selected channels
if self.cycle_state == 'last_selection':
self.trait_set(**dict([(i, True)
for i in self._instance_traits().keys() if i is not 'trait_added']))
self.cycle_state = 'all_on'
elif self.cycle_state == 'all_on':
self.trait_set(**dict([(i, False)
for i in self._instance_traits().keys() if i is not 'trait_added']))
self.cycle_state = 'all_off'
self.cycle_state = 'last_selection'
class MainApp(HasTraits):
# Left Panel
tree_panel = Instance(TreePanel)
selector_panel = Instance(SelectorPanel)
# Right Panel
plot_panel = Instance(PlotPanel)
# The main view
traits_view = View(
UItem('tree_panel', style='custom', width=APP_WIDTH*0.2),
UItem('selector_panel', style='custom', width=APP_WIDTH*.8),
UItem('plot_panel', style='custom'),
title = title,
icon = ImageResource(app_icon),
id = 'app.main_view',
dock = 'horizontal',
drop_class = HasTraits,
resizable = True,
_info_html = \
<h5>Plot region usage</h5>
Left drag = Zoom a selection of the plot <br>
Right drag = Pan the plot <br>
Right click = Undo zoom <br>
Esc = Reset zoom/pan <br>
Mousewheel = Zoom in/out <br>
<h5>About the software</h5>
Please send bug reports and suggestions to <br> <br>
Software authors: <br>
Gary Ruben, Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative (VeRSI), <br>
Kane O'Donnell, Australian Synchrotron <br> <br>
Software home: <br> <br>
Software source: <br> <br>
Recognition of NeCTAR funding: <br>
The Australian Synchrotron is proud to be in partnership with the National eResearch Collaboration Tools and
Resources (NeCTAR) project to develop eResearch Tools for the synchrotron research community. This will enable our
scientific users to have instant access to the results of data during the course of their experiment which will
facilitate better decision making and also provide the opportunity for ongoing data analysis via remote access.
Copyright (c) 2012, Australian Synchrotron Company Ltd <br>
All rights reserved.
if __name__ == "__main__":
tree_panel = TreePanel(specs_file=SpecsFile())
selector_panel = SelectorPanel()
plot_panel = PlotPanel()
main_app = MainApp(
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