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Created December 15, 2012 05:51
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Save migurski/4291608 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to generate CONUS raster of various OSM metrics connected to TIGER extent. Counties2012 table is in spherical Albers projection: `+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +nadgrids=@null +units=m +no_defs`
from itertools import product
from multiprocessing import Pool
from numpy import zeros, ubyte
from psycopg2 import connect
from osgeo import gdal, osr
from PIL import Image
def measure_quad(x, y, cellsize):
global db
if not db:
db = connect(database='raster_osm', user='osm').cursor()
db.execute('SELECT SRID(geometry) FROM counties2012 LIMIT 1')
(srid,) = db.fetchone()
ulx, uly = x - 10, y + cellsize + 10
lrx, lry = x + cellsize + 10, y - 10
bbox = 'SetSRID(MakeBox2D(MakePoint(%(ulx)d, %(uly)d), MakePoint(%(lrx)d, %(lry)d)), %(srid)d)' % locals()
roads = '''('motorway', 'motorway_link', 'trunk', 'trunk_link',
'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary', 'secondary_link',
'tertiary', 'tertiary_link', 'residential', 'road',
q = '''SELECT Length(Collect(Intersection(Transform(way, %(srid)s), %(bbox)s))), is_touched, osm_uid
SELECT way, osm_uid,
-- TIGER edits case statement from
(case when osm_uid = '7168' -- DaveHansenTiger
and osm_timestamp::timestamp >= '2007-08-03'::timestamp
and osm_timestamp::timestamp <= '2008-05-04'::timestamp
then 0
when osm_uid = '15169' -- Milenko
and osm_timestamp::timestamp >= '2007-10-29'::timestamp
and osm_timestamp::timestamp <= '2007-12-12'::timestamp
then 0
when osm_uid = '20587' -- balrog-kun
and osm_timestamp::timestamp >= '2010-03-21'::timestamp
and osm_timestamp::timestamp <= '2010-04-08'::timestamp
and osm_version::int < 3 -- maybe someone else edited between import and name expansion
then 0
else 1 end) as is_touched
FROM usa_osm_line
WHERE way && Transform(%(bbox)s, 4326)
AND highway IN %(roads)s
) AS osm
GROUP BY is_touched, osm_uid''' \
% locals()
osm_length, osm_uids = 0.0, 0
for (length, is_touched, osm_uid) in db.fetchall():
osm_length += float(length or 0)
if is_touched and length > 100:
osm_uids += 1
q = '''SELECT Length(Collect(Intersection(geometry, %(bbox)s)))
FROM tiger2007
WHERE geometry && %(bbox)s
AND ROADFLG = 'Y' ''' \
% locals()
row = db.fetchone()
tiger2007_length = row[0] or 0
q = '''SELECT Length(Collect(Intersection(geometry, %(bbox)s)))
FROM tiger2012
WHERE geometry && %(bbox)s
AND ROADFLG = 'Y' ''' \
% locals()
row = db.fetchone()
tiger2012_length = row[0] or 0
return osm_length, osm_uids, tiger2007_length, tiger2012_length
def make_datasource(filename, array, sref, xform):
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
ds = driver.Create(filename, array.shape[1], array.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(array, 0, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
db = connect(database='raster_osm', user='osm').cursor()
cellsize = 1000
q = '''SELECT SRID(g), XMin(g), YMin(g), XMax(g), YMax(g)
SELECT Buffer(Envelope(Collect(geometry)), %(cellsize)d) AS g
FROM counties2012
WHERE STATEFP NOT IN ('02', '15', '60', '66', '69', '72', '78')
) AS env''' \
% locals()
srid, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = db.fetchone()
db.execute('SELECT proj4text FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = %d' % srid)
(proj4,) = db.fetchone()
sref = osr.SpatialReference()
xs = range(int(xmin - (xmin % cellsize)), int(xmax), cellsize)
ys = range(int(ymin - (ymin % cellsize)), int(ymax), cellsize)
shape = len(ys), len(xs)
xform = xs[0], cellsize, 0, ys[-1], 0, -cellsize
print 'building arrays...', shape
array_lens = zeros(shape, dtype=float)
array_uids = zeros(shape, dtype=float)
array_2007 = zeros(shape, dtype=float)
array_2012 = zeros(shape, dtype=float)
print 'collecting cells...'
db = None
cells = product(enumerate(xs), enumerate(reversed(ys)))
def multi_quad(((col, x), (row, y))):
print row, col
osm_len, osm_uids, tig07_len, tig12_len = measure_quad(x, y, cellsize)
return row, col, osm_len, osm_uids, tig07_len, tig12_len
results = Pool(8).map(multi_quad, cells, chunksize=10)
print 'populating arrays...'
for (row, col, osm_len, osm_uids, tig07_len, tig12_len) in results:
array_lens[row, col] += osm_len
array_uids[row, col] += osm_uids
array_2007[row, col] += tig07_len
array_2012[row, col] += tig12_len
print 'saving rasters...'
make_datasource('out-osm-lengths.tif', array_lens, sref, xform)
make_datasource('out-osm-users.tif', array_uids, sref, xform)
make_datasource('out-2007-lengths.tif', array_2007, sref, xform)
make_datasource('out-2012-lengths.tif', array_2012, sref, xform)
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