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Created December 15, 2012 20:10
A data type to simplify in-memory operations with project's files (and generally files in a directory)


A data type to simplify in-memory operations with project's files (and generally files in a directory)

(* Mathematica Package *)
BeginPackage["FileInfo`", {"OO`","OO`Methods`","OO`Errors`", "RuleTreeInfo`"}]
(* Exported symbols added here with SymbolName::usage *)
Begin["`Private`"] (* Begin Private Context *)
join = Function[{dir, file}, FileNameJoin[{dir, file}]];
getFile[fullName_String?FileExistsQ] :=
getFile[FileNameTake[fullName, -1], DirectoryName[fullName]];
getFile[file_String, prdir_String] :=
With[{fcont = Quiet@Import[prdir~join~file, "String"]},
(file -> fcont) /; fcont =!= $Failed
getFile[file_String, _] :=
ThrowError[getFile, file];
getFiles[files : {__String}, prdir_String?DirectoryQ] :=
getFile @@@ Thread[{files, prdir}];
getFiles[___] := ThrowError[getFiles];
getAllFiles[prdir_String?DirectoryQ] :=
getFile /@ FileNames["*", {prdir}];
getAllFiles[___] := ThrowError[getAllFiles];
DeclareType[FileInfo ~ Extends ~ RuleTreeInfo][
bindToFile[file_String] :=
ThrowError[FileInfo, bindToFile, "unsupported_super_method"]
OO`Methods`bindToDir[dir_String?DirectoryQ] :=
OO`Methods`getDir[] := dir
read[files : {__String?FileExistsQ} | All : All] :=
$content =
If[files === All, getAllFiles[dir], getFiles[files, dir]];
OO`Methods`getFileNames[] := $content[[All, 1]]
save[] :=
Map[$self@save[#] &, $self@OO`Methods`getFileNames[]]
save[file_String] :=
With[{result =
FileNameJoin[{dir, file}],
result /; result =!= $Failed]
save[file_String] := ThrowError[save]
](* AddMethods *)
OO`Methods`new[dir_String?DirectoryQ] :=
End[] (* End Private Context *)
"name" -> "lshifr",
"email" -> "",
"url" -> ""
"name" -> "FileInfo",
"mathematica_version" -> "8.0+",
"description" -> "A data type to simplify in-memory operations with project's files (and generally files in a directory)",
"url" -> ""
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