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Created January 10, 2016 00:27
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(partial) EasyBuild log for failed build of /local/2077419[1439] (PR #1439)
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,849 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO This is EasyBuild 2.6.0.dev0 (framework: 2.6.0.dev0, easyblocks: 2.6.0.dev0) on host node2005.delcatty.os.
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,849 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO This is easyblock EB_ROOT from module easybuild.easyblocks.root (/user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyblocks-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyblocks/r/root.pyc)
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,849 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Build dir set to /tmp/vsc40023/easybuild_build/ROOT/v5.34.26/intel-2015a
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,850 runpy.config DEBUG software install path as specified by 'installpath' and 'subdir_software': /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_REGTEST/SL6/sandybridge/software
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,850 runpy.ActiveMNS DEBUG Determining software installation subdir for <easybuild.framework.easyconfig.easyconfig.EasyConfig object at 0x1664290>
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,850 runpy.ActiveMNS DEBUG Obtained subdir ROOT/v5.34.26-intel-2015a
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,850 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Software install dir set to /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_REGTEST/SL6/sandybridge/software/ROOT/v5.34.26-intel-2015a
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,851 runpy.config DEBUG modules install path as specified by 'installpath' and 'subdir_modules': /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_REGTEST/SL6/sandybridge/modules
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,851 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Module install dir set to /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_REGTEST/SL6/sandybridge/modules/all
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,851 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Init completed for application name ROOT version v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,851 runpy.easyblock INFO Obtained application instance of for ROOT (easyblock: None)
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,851 runpy.easyblock DEBUG Skip set to False
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,852 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO building and installing ROOT/v5.34.26-intel-2015a...
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,852 runpy.EB_ROOT DEBUG Not skipping fetch step (skippable: False, skip: None, skipsteps: [], module_only: False, force: True
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,852 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO fetching files...
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,852 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Starting fetch step
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,854 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG config: {'preinstallopts': ['', 'Extra prefix options for installation.', (3, 'build')], 'configure_cmd_prefix': ['', 'Prefix to be glued before ./configure', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'postinstallcmds': [[], 'Commands to run after the install step.', (3, 'build')], 'modtclfooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Tcl syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'moduleloadnoconflict': [False, "Don't check for conflicts, unload other versions instead ", (8, 'modules')], 'skip': [False, 'Skip existing software', (3, 'build')], 'cleanupoldbuild': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous build directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'installopts': ['', 'Extra options for installation', (3, 'build')], 'sources': [['%(namelower)s_%(version)s.source.tar.gz'], 'List of source files', (3, 'build')], 'versionsuffix': ['', 'Additional suffix for software version (placed after toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'license_server': [None, 'License server for software', (6, 'license')], 'modaltsoftname': [None, 'Module name to use (rather than using software name', (8, 'modules')], 'keeppreviousinstall': [False, 'Boolean to keep the previous installation with identical name. Experts only!', (4, 'file-management')], 'hiddendependencies': [[], 'List of dependencies available as hidden modules', (5, 'dependencies')], 'checksums': [[], 'Checksums for sources and patches', (3, 'build')], 'keepsymlinks': [False, 'Boolean to determine whether symlinks are to be kept during copying or if the content of the files pointed to should be copied', (4, 'file-management')], 'cleanupoldinstall': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous install directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'builddependencies': [[], 'List of build dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'dontcreateinstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to create (False) or not create (True) the install directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'modextravars': [{}, 'Extra environment variables to be added to module file', (8, 'modules')], 'unpack_options': ['', 'Extra options for unpacking source', (3, 'build')], 'group': [None, 'Name of the user group for which the software should be available', (6, 'license')], 'versionprefix': ['', 'Additional prefix for software version (placed before version and toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'parsed': [True, 'This is a parsed easyconfig', 'HIDDEN'], 'prebuildopts': ['', 'Extra options pre-passed to build command.', (3, 'build')], 'easybuild_version': [None, 'EasyBuild-version this spec-file was written for', (3, 'build')], 'skipsteps': [[], 'Skip these steps', (3, 'build')], 'start_dir': [None, 'Path to start the make in. If the path is absolute, use that path. If not, this is added to the guessed path.', (4, 'file-management')], 'version': ['v5.34.26', 'Version of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'exts_filter': [None, 'Extension filter details: template for cmd and input to cmd (templates for name, version and src).', (7, 'extensions')], 'modaliases': [{}, 'Aliases to be defined in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'allow_system_deps': [[], 'Allow listed system dependencies (format: (<name>, <version>))', (5, 'dependencies')], 'osdependencies': [[], 'OS dependencies that should be present on the system', (5, 'dependencies')], 'modluafooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Lua syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'homepage': ['', 'The homepage of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'license_file': [None, 'License file for software', (6, 'license')], 'tests': [[], 'List of test-scripts to run after install. A test script should return a non-zero exit status to fail', (3, 'build')], 'buildopts': ['', 'Extra options passed to make step (default already has -j X)', (3, 'build')], 'tar_config_opts': [False, 'Override tar settings as determined by configure.', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'description': ['The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality\n needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way.', 'A short description of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'modextrapaths': [{}, 'Extra paths to be prepended in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'exts_list': [[], 'List with extensions added to the base installation', (7, 'extensions')], 'docurls': [None, 'List of urls with documentation of the software (not necessarily on homepage)', (0, 'mandatory')], 'stop': [None, 'Keyword to halt the build process after a certain step.', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_commands': [[], "format: [(name, options)] e.g. [('gzip','-h')]. Using a non-tuple is equivalent to (name, '-h')", (3, 'build')], 'exts_classmap': [{}, 'Map of extension name to class for handling build and installation.', (7, 'extensions')], 'moduleforceunload': [False, 'Force unload of all modules when loading the extension', (8, 'modules')], 'dependencies': [[{'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'GSL/1.16-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'GSL', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'GSL/1.16-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '1.16', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'Mesa/10.4.5-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'Mesa', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'Mesa/10.4.5-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '-Python-2.7.9', 'version': '10.4.5', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libxml2/2.9.2-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libxml2', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libxml2/2.9.2-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '-Python-2.7.9', 'version': '2.9.2', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'PCRE/8.36-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'PCRE', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'PCRE/8.36-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '8.36', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'CFITSIO/3.37-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'CFITSIO', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'CFITSIO/3.37-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '3.37', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'freetype/2.5.5-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'freetype', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'freetype/2.5.5-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '2.5.5', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'Python/2.7.9-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'Python', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'Python/2.7.9-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '2.7.9', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'zlib/1.2.8-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'zlib', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'zlib/1.2.8-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '1.2.8', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libXft/2.3.2-intel-2015a-libX11-1.6.3', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libXft', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libXft/2.3.2-intel-2015a-libX11-1.6.3', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '-libX11-1.6.3', 'version': '2.3.2', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libXpm/3.5.11-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libXpm', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libXpm/3.5.11-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '3.5.11', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libXext/1.3.3-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libXext', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libXext/1.3.3-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '1.3.3', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}], 'List of dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'moduleclass': ['data', 'Module class to be used for this software', (8, 'modules')], 'key': [None, 'Key for installing software', (6, 'license')], 'include_modpath_extensions': [True, 'Include $MODULEPATH extensions specified by module naming scheme.', (8, 'modules')], 'prefix_opt': ['--prefix=', 'Prefix command line option for configure script', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'modloadmsg': [{}, 'Message that should be printed when generated module is loaded', (8, 'modules')], 'arch': ['linuxx8664icc', 'Target architecture', (0, 'mandatory')], 'parallel': [None, 'Degree of parallelism for e.g. make (default: based on the number of cores, active cpuset and restrictions in ulimit)', (3, 'build')], 'buildininstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to build (True) or not build (False) in the installation directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'patches': [['configure_FftwFromMkl_28.patch', 'ROOT-v5_recent-ifort.patch', 'ROOT-v5.34.26_libX.patch'], 'List of patches to apply', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_paths': [{}, "List of files and directories to check (format: {'files':<list>, 'dirs':<list>})", (3, 'build')], 'runtest': [None, 'Indicates if a test should be run after make; should specify argument after make (for e.g.,"test" for make test)', (3, 'build')], 'onlytcmod': [False, 'Boolean/string to indicate if the toolchain should only load the environment with module (True) or also set all other variables (False) like compiler CC etc (if string: comma separated list of variables that will be ignored).', (2, 'toolchain')], 'buildstats': [None, 'A list of dicts with build statistics', (9, 'other')], 'unwanted_env_vars': [[], "List of environment variables that shouldn't be set during build", (3, 'build')], 'name': ['ROOT', 'Name of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'recursive_module_unload': [False, 'Recursive unload of all dependencies when unloading module', (8, 'modules')], 'toolchain': [{'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'Name and version of toolchain', (0, 'mandatory')], 'preconfigopts': ['ZLIB=$EBROOTZLIB ', 'Extra options pre-passed to configure.', (3, 'build')], 'maxparallel': [None, 'Max degree of parallelism', (3, 'build')], 'license_server_port': [None, 'Port for license server', (6, 'license')], 'exts_defaultclass': [None, 'List of module for and name of the default extension class', (7, 'extensions')], 'toolchainopts': [{'pic': True}, 'Extra options for compilers', (2, 'toolchain')], 'source_urls': [[''], 'List of URLs for source files', (3, 'build')], 'easyblock': [None, 'EasyBlock to use for building; if set to None, an easyblock is selected based on the software name', (3, 'build')], 'whatis': [None, 'List of brief (one line) package description entries', (8, 'modules')], 'software_license': [None, 'Software license', (0, 'mandatory')], 'configopts': [' --disable-xrootd --disable-mysql --disable-krb5 --disable-odbc --disable-oracle --disable-pgsql --disable-qt --disable-sqlite --enable-unuran --enable-table --enable-explicitlink --enable-minuit2 --enable-roofit --with-gsl-incdir=$EBROOTGSL/include/gsl --with-gsl-libdir=$EBROOTGSL/lib --with-fftw3-incdir=$MKLROOT/mkl/include/fftw --with-fftw3-libdir=$MKLROOT/mkl/lib/intel64 --with-xml-incdir=$EBROOTLIBXML2/include/libxml2/libxml --with-xml-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXML2/lib --with-python-libdir=$EBROOTPYTHON/lib --with-cfitsio-incdir=$EBROOTCFITSIO/include --with-cfitsio-libdir=$EBROOTCFITSIO/lib --with-opengl-incdir=$EBROOTMESA/include --with-opengl-libdir=$EBROOTMESA/lib --with-x11-libdir=$EBROOTLIBX11/lib --with-xext-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXEXT/lib --with-xft-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXFT/lib --with-xpm-incdir=$EBROOTLIBXPM/include --with-xpm-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXPM/lib', 'Extra options passed to configure (default already has --prefix)', (3, 'build')], 'software_license_urls': [None, 'List of software license locations', (0, 'mandatory')]}
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,855 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG version found in easyconfig is v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,855 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG version found in easyconfig is v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,855 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG version found in easyconfig is v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,856 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: name, config: ROOT
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,856 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: version, config: v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,856 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: versionsuffix, config:
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,856 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: versionprefix, config:
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,857 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG config: {'preinstallopts': ['', 'Extra prefix options for installation.', (3, 'build')], 'configure_cmd_prefix': ['', 'Prefix to be glued before ./configure', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'postinstallcmds': [[], 'Commands to run after the install step.', (3, 'build')], 'modtclfooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Tcl syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'moduleloadnoconflict': [False, "Don't check for conflicts, unload other versions instead ", (8, 'modules')], 'skip': [False, 'Skip existing software', (3, 'build')], 'cleanupoldbuild': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous build directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'installopts': ['', 'Extra options for installation', (3, 'build')], 'sources': [['%(namelower)s_%(version)s.source.tar.gz'], 'List of source files', (3, 'build')], 'versionsuffix': ['', 'Additional suffix for software version (placed after toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'license_server': [None, 'License server for software', (6, 'license')], 'modaltsoftname': [None, 'Module name to use (rather than using software name', (8, 'modules')], 'keeppreviousinstall': [False, 'Boolean to keep the previous installation with identical name. Experts only!', (4, 'file-management')], 'hiddendependencies': [[], 'List of dependencies available as hidden modules', (5, 'dependencies')], 'checksums': [[], 'Checksums for sources and patches', (3, 'build')], 'keepsymlinks': [False, 'Boolean to determine whether symlinks are to be kept during copying or if the content of the files pointed to should be copied', (4, 'file-management')], 'cleanupoldinstall': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous install directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'builddependencies': [[], 'List of build dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'dontcreateinstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to create (False) or not create (True) the install directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'modextravars': [{}, 'Extra environment variables to be added to module file', (8, 'modules')], 'unpack_options': ['', 'Extra options for unpacking source', (3, 'build')], 'group': [None, 'Name of the user group for which the software should be available', (6, 'license')], 'versionprefix': ['', 'Additional prefix for software version (placed before version and toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'parsed': [True, 'This is a parsed easyconfig', 'HIDDEN'], 'prebuildopts': ['', 'Extra options pre-passed to build command.', (3, 'build')], 'easybuild_version': [None, 'EasyBuild-version this spec-file was written for', (3, 'build')], 'skipsteps': [[], 'Skip these steps', (3, 'build')], 'start_dir': [None, 'Path to start the make in. If the path is absolute, use that path. If not, this is added to the guessed path.', (4, 'file-management')], 'version': ['v5.34.26', 'Version of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'exts_filter': [None, 'Extension filter details: template for cmd and input to cmd (templates for name, version and src).', (7, 'extensions')], 'modaliases': [{}, 'Aliases to be defined in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'allow_system_deps': [[], 'Allow listed system dependencies (format: (<name>, <version>))', (5, 'dependencies')], 'osdependencies': [[], 'OS dependencies that should be present on the system', (5, 'dependencies')], 'modluafooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Lua syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'homepage': ['', 'The homepage of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'license_file': [None, 'License file for software', (6, 'license')], 'tests': [[], 'List of test-scripts to run after install. A test script should return a non-zero exit status to fail', (3, 'build')], 'buildopts': ['', 'Extra options passed to make step (default already has -j X)', (3, 'build')], 'tar_config_opts': [False, 'Override tar settings as determined by configure.', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'description': ['The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality\n needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way.', 'A short description of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'modextrapaths': [{}, 'Extra paths to be prepended in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'exts_list': [[], 'List with extensions added to the base installation', (7, 'extensions')], 'docurls': [None, 'List of urls with documentation of the software (not necessarily on homepage)', (0, 'mandatory')], 'stop': [None, 'Keyword to halt the build process after a certain step.', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_commands': [[], "format: [(name, options)] e.g. [('gzip','-h')]. Using a non-tuple is equivalent to (name, '-h')", (3, 'build')], 'exts_classmap': [{}, 'Map of extension name to class for handling build and installation.', (7, 'extensions')], 'moduleforceunload': [False, 'Force unload of all modules when loading the extension', (8, 'modules')], 'dependencies': [[{'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'GSL/1.16-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'GSL', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'GSL/1.16-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '1.16', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'Mesa/10.4.5-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'Mesa', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'Mesa/10.4.5-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '-Python-2.7.9', 'version': '10.4.5', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libxml2/2.9.2-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libxml2', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libxml2/2.9.2-intel-2015a-Python-2.7.9', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '-Python-2.7.9', 'version': '2.9.2', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'PCRE/8.36-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'PCRE', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'PCRE/8.36-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '8.36', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'CFITSIO/3.37-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'CFITSIO', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'CFITSIO/3.37-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '3.37', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'freetype/2.5.5-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'freetype', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'freetype/2.5.5-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '2.5.5', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'Python/2.7.9-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'Python', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'Python/2.7.9-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '2.7.9', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'zlib/1.2.8-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'zlib', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'zlib/1.2.8-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '1.2.8', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libXft/2.3.2-intel-2015a-libX11-1.6.3', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libXft', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libXft/2.3.2-intel-2015a-libX11-1.6.3', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '-libX11-1.6.3', 'version': '2.3.2', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libXpm/3.5.11-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libXpm', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libXpm/3.5.11-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '3.5.11', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}, {'external_module_metadata': {}, 'full_mod_name': 'libXext/1.3.3-intel-2015a', 'toolchain': {'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'name': 'libXext', 'dummy': False, 'short_mod_name': 'libXext/1.3.3-intel-2015a', 'external_module': False, 'versionsuffix': '', 'version': '1.3.3', 'hidden': False, 'build_only': False}], 'List of dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'moduleclass': ['data', 'Module class to be used for this software', (8, 'modules')], 'key': [None, 'Key for installing software', (6, 'license')], 'include_modpath_extensions': [True, 'Include $MODULEPATH extensions specified by module naming scheme.', (8, 'modules')], 'prefix_opt': ['--prefix=', 'Prefix command line option for configure script', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'modloadmsg': [{}, 'Message that should be printed when generated module is loaded', (8, 'modules')], 'arch': ['linuxx8664icc', 'Target architecture', (0, 'mandatory')], 'parallel': [None, 'Degree of parallelism for e.g. make (default: based on the number of cores, active cpuset and restrictions in ulimit)', (3, 'build')], 'buildininstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to build (True) or not build (False) in the installation directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'patches': [['configure_FftwFromMkl_28.patch', 'ROOT-v5_recent-ifort.patch', 'ROOT-v5.34.26_libX.patch'], 'List of patches to apply', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_paths': [{}, "List of files and directories to check (format: {'files':<list>, 'dirs':<list>})", (3, 'build')], 'runtest': [None, 'Indicates if a test should be run after make; should specify argument after make (for e.g.,"test" for make test)', (3, 'build')], 'onlytcmod': [False, 'Boolean/string to indicate if the toolchain should only load the environment with module (True) or also set all other variables (False) like compiler CC etc (if string: comma separated list of variables that will be ignored).', (2, 'toolchain')], 'buildstats': [None, 'A list of dicts with build statistics', (9, 'other')], 'unwanted_env_vars': [[], "List of environment variables that shouldn't be set during build", (3, 'build')], 'name': ['ROOT', 'Name of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'recursive_module_unload': [False, 'Recursive unload of all dependencies when unloading module', (8, 'modules')], 'toolchain': [{'version': '2015a', 'name': 'intel'}, 'Name and version of toolchain', (0, 'mandatory')], 'preconfigopts': ['ZLIB=$EBROOTZLIB ', 'Extra options pre-passed to configure.', (3, 'build')], 'maxparallel': [None, 'Max degree of parallelism', (3, 'build')], 'license_server_port': [None, 'Port for license server', (6, 'license')], 'exts_defaultclass': [None, 'List of module for and name of the default extension class', (7, 'extensions')], 'toolchainopts': [{'pic': True}, 'Extra options for compilers', (2, 'toolchain')], 'source_urls': [[''], 'List of URLs for source files', (3, 'build')], 'easyblock': [None, 'EasyBlock to use for building; if set to None, an easyblock is selected based on the software name', (3, 'build')], 'whatis': [None, 'List of brief (one line) package description entries', (8, 'modules')], 'software_license': [None, 'Software license', (0, 'mandatory')], 'configopts': [' --disable-xrootd --disable-mysql --disable-krb5 --disable-odbc --disable-oracle --disable-pgsql --disable-qt --disable-sqlite --enable-unuran --enable-table --enable-explicitlink --enable-minuit2 --enable-roofit --with-gsl-incdir=$EBROOTGSL/include/gsl --with-gsl-libdir=$EBROOTGSL/lib --with-fftw3-incdir=$MKLROOT/mkl/include/fftw --with-fftw3-libdir=$MKLROOT/mkl/lib/intel64 --with-xml-incdir=$EBROOTLIBXML2/include/libxml2/libxml --with-xml-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXML2/lib --with-python-libdir=$EBROOTPYTHON/lib --with-cfitsio-incdir=$EBROOTCFITSIO/include --with-cfitsio-libdir=$EBROOTCFITSIO/lib --with-opengl-incdir=$EBROOTMESA/include --with-opengl-libdir=$EBROOTMESA/lib --with-x11-libdir=$EBROOTLIBX11/lib --with-xext-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXEXT/lib --with-xft-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXFT/lib --with-xpm-incdir=$EBROOTLIBXPM/include --with-xpm-libdir=$EBROOTLIBXPM/lib', 'Extra options passed to configure (default already has --prefix)', (3, 'build')], 'software_license_urls': [None, 'List of software license locations', (0, 'mandatory')]}
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,859 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG version found in easyconfig is v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,859 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG version found in easyconfig is v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,859 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG version found in easyconfig is v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,859 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: name, config: ROOT
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,860 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: version, config: v5.34.26
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,860 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: versionsuffix, config:
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,860 runpy.easyconfig.templates DEBUG name: versionprefix, config:
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,860 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Running method fetch_step part of step fetch
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,860 runpy.EB_ROOT WARNING Easyconfig does not specify an EasyBuild-version (key 'easybuild_version')! Assuming the latest version
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,861 runpy.filetools INFO Command eb found at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/bin/eb
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,861 DEBUG Also considering installation prefix /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed...
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,861 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /local/2077419[1439]
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,861 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,862 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,863 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/vsc_base-2.2.5-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,863 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyblocks-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,863 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,864 DEBUG Added /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs to list of paths for easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,864 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_framework-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,864 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/home/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/.local/keyring/lib/python2.6/site-packages/keyring-3.8/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,864 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,864 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,865 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,865 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/plat-linux2/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,865 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-tk/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,865 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-old/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,865 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-dynload/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,865 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,866 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/PIL/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,866 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/pbs/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,866 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,866 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg-info/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,866 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/git/ext/gitdb/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,867 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gitdb/ext/async/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,867 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gitdb/ext/smmap/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,867 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,918 runpy.filetools DEBUG Not creating existing path /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,918 runpy.EB_ROOT DEBUG Trying to download file root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz from to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz ...
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,918 runpy.filetools DEBUG Trying to download root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz from to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,918 runpy.filetools DEBUG Using timeout of 10 seconds for initiating download
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,919 runpy.filetools DEBUG Not creating existing path /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,964 runpy.filetools WARNING IOError occurred while trying to download to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz: <urlopen error ftp error: [Errno 113] No route to host>
== 2016-01-10 01:27:37,964 runpy.filetools INFO Attempt 1 of downloading to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz failed, trying again...
== 2016-01-10 01:27:38,974 runpy.filetools WARNING IOError occurred while trying to download to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz: <urlopen error ftp error: [Errno 113] No route to host>
== 2016-01-10 01:27:38,975 runpy.filetools INFO Attempt 2 of downloading to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz failed, trying again...
== 2016-01-10 01:27:39,984 runpy.filetools WARNING IOError occurred while trying to download to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz: <urlopen error ftp error: [Errno 113] No route to host>
== 2016-01-10 01:27:39,984 runpy.filetools WARNING Download of to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz failed, done trying
== 2016-01-10 01:27:39,987 runpy ERROR Couldn't find file root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz anywhere, and downloading it didn't work either... Paths attempted (in order): /local/2077419[1439], /local/2077419[1439], /local/2077419[1439], /local/2077419[1439], /local/2077419[1439], /local/2077419[1439], /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.6.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /apps/gent/source/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /apps/gent/source/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /apps/gent/source/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /nfsmuk/apps/gent/source/r/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /nfsmuk/apps/gent/source/ROOT/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, /nfsmuk/apps/gent/source/root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz, (at easybuild/framework/ in obtain_file)
== 2016-01-10 01:27:39,989 runpy.easyblock WARNING build failed (first 300 chars): Couldn't find file root_v5.34.26.source.tar.gz anywhere, and downloading it didn't work either... Paths attempted (in order): /local/2077419[1439], /local/2077419[1439]
== 2016-01-10 01:27:39,989 runpy.EB_ROOT INFO Closing log for application name ROOT version v5.34.26
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