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Created December 18, 2012 14:23
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JRebel remoting on OpenShift

How to get JRebel working on OpenShift

  1. Get an jrebel license file (jrebel.lic) from or by using the Eclipse tooling signup form.

  2. Create or add the following items to your AS7 or EAP6 application:

    a) mkdir /.jrebel

    b) cp jrebel.lic /.jrebel/jrebel.lic

    c) cp jrebel.jar /.jrebel/jrebel.jar

    The presence of .jrebel/jrebel.jar is what we'll use to know if the jrebel agent should be added or not.

  3. Add the following to /.openshift/action_hooks/pre_start_jboss

    export JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}/.jrebel/jrebel.jar -Drebel.log=true -Drebel.log.file=${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}/.jrebel/jrebel.log -Duser.home=${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR} -Drebel.remoting_plugin=true"

  4. Make sure you have created rebel.xml + rebel-remote.xml via the eclipse tooling (or manually)

    The content automatically generated should suffice - no need to mess with it; ignore its using machine specific paths - it will work.

  5. Now remember to git add and commit all this before you do git push. Note: the git push might report it cannot startup EAP6/AS7 - unless you made an error in above it is just caused by jrebel taking a bit longer to start but eventually your app should be ready.

  6. Go set as the remote url in eclipse tooling.

Voila - you should be all ready to go and use jrebel remoting on OpenShift and have changes propogated more or less instantly via JRebel > Synchronize (or enable it to be automatically done for each build)

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