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Last active December 9, 2015 23:49
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Save splinterofchaos/4347130 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tests for Clang's implementation of polymorphic lambdas.
/* Last tested on:
* Ubuntu 12.
* clang version 3.2
* ( ff891bdfef1794e0e7ad4343a3f696da4785462a)
* (llvm/trunk 167560)
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <locale>
auto add = []( auto a, auto b ) a + b;
auto inc = []( auto x ) ++x;
// Composition.
auto comp =
[]( auto f, auto g )
[=]( auto x ) f( g(x) );
// Partial application.
auto part =
[]( auto f, auto x )
[=]<class ...Y>( Y&& ...y )
f( x, std::forward<Y>(y)... );
auto curry3 =
[]( auto f )
[=](auto x) [=](auto y) [=](auto z)
auto for_each = []( auto f, auto& s ) {
for( auto& x : s )
template< class X >
using Singleton = std::tuple<X>;
auto singleton = []<class X>( X x ) Singleton<X>( std::move(x) );
auto singleton2 =
[]( auto x ) Singleton <
> ( std::move(x) );
// Get the singleton value.
auto svalue = []( auto single ) std::get<0>(single);
// Map the singleton.
auto smap = []( auto f, auto single )
singleton( f( svalue(single) ) );
auto smap2 = []( auto f, auto single )
singleton2( f( svalue(single) ) );
template< class X, class Y >
Singleton<Y> operator >> ( const Singleton<X>&, Singleton<Y> b ) {
return std::move(b);
template< class X, class F >
auto operator >>= ( const Singleton<X>& x, const F& f )
-> typename std::result_of< F(X) >::type
return f( svalue(x) );
template< class F, class G, class ...X >
constexpr auto sfinae( const F& f, const G&, X&& ...x )
-> decltype( f( std::forward<X>(x)... ) )
return f( std::forward<X>(x)... );
template< class F, class G, class ...X >
constexpr auto sfinae( const F&, const G& g, X&& ...x )
-> decltype( g( std::forward<X>(x)... ) )
return g( std::forward<X>(x)... );
template< class F > struct Forwarder : F {
constexpr Forwarder( const F& f ) : F(f) { }
constexpr operator F() { return *this; }
//using F::operator();
template< class R, class ...X > struct Forwarder<R(*)(X...)> {
using type = R(*)(X...);
type f;
constexpr Forwarder( type f ) : f(f) { }
constexpr R operator () ( X... x ) {
return f( std::forward<X>(x)...);
template< class F, class G >
struct Overloaded : Forwarder<F>, Forwarder<G> {
constexpr Overloaded( const F& f, const G& g )
: Forwarder<F>(f), Forwarder<G>(g)
constexpr operator Forwarder<F>() { return *this; }
constexpr operator Forwarder<G>() { return *this; }
template< class F > F overload( F&& f ) {
return std::forward<F>(f);
template< class F, class G, class ...H,
class O1 = Overloaded<F,G> >
auto overload( const F& f, const G& g, const H& ...h )
-> decltype( overload(O1(f,g),h...) )
return overload( O1(f,g), h... );
template< class X, class F >
struct OverloadType : F {
OverloadType( F f ) : F(f) { }
using result_type = typename std::result_of< F(X) >::type;
result_type operator () ( X x ) const {
return F::operator()(x);
operator F() const { return *this; }
template< class ...X, class F >
auto overload_set( const F& f )
-> decltype( overload(OverloadType<X,F>(f)...) )
return overload( OverloadType<X,F>(f)... );
auto cout1 = []( const auto& x ) { std::cout << x; };
struct sequence_tag {};
struct other_tag {};
template< class S > auto get_tag(const S& s) -> decltype( std::begin(s), sequence_tag{} );
template< class S > auto get_tag(...) -> other_tag;
template< class Tag, class F >
struct OverloadTag : F {
constexpr OverloadTag( const F& f ) : F(f) { }
template< class X >
constexpr auto operator () ( X&& x ) const
-> typename std::enable_if <
std::is_same< Tag, decltype(get_tag(x)) >::value,
typename std::result_of< F(X) >::type
return F::operator()( std::forward<X>(x) );
operator F() const { return *this; }
template< class Tag, class F, class O = OverloadTag<Tag,F> >
O overload_tag( const F& f ) {
return O( f );
void print_int( int x ) { std::cout << "i_" << x; }
auto cprint = overload (
[]{}, // No input? No output.
// Cannot be disambiguated from Singleton and vector overload.
//[]( const auto& x ) { std::cout << x },
const char* const,
const std::string&>( cout1 ),
[]<class X>( const Singleton<X>& s ) {
std::cout << "{" << svalue(s) << "}";
overload_tag< sequence_tag > (
[]( const auto& s ) {
std::cout << "[ ";
for( const auto& x : s )
std::cout << x << ' ';
std::cout << ']';
// Variadic void unary.
auto vvu_impl = overload (
[] (auto,auto) {},
[]<class X, class ...Y>( const auto& self, const auto& u,
X&& x, Y&& ...y )
u( std::forward<X>(x) );
self( self, u, std::forward<Y>(y)... );
// vvu(vvu,f,x,y...) = f(x); f(y)...
auto vvu = []( const auto& u )
[&]<class ...X>( const X& ...x )
vvu_impl( vvu_impl, u, x... );
// Variadic print.
// vprint(x,y...) = cprint(x); cprint(y)...
auto vprint = vvu( cprint );
auto print_line = []<class ...X>( const X& ...x )
vprint( x..., '\n' );
auto Make = []<class X>( auto y ) X(y);
auto Const = []<int n>(auto) n;
auto If = []<bool B>( auto x, auto y ) B ? x : y;
auto boolTest =
[]< class X, bool isInt = std::is_same<X,int>::value >
( const X& x ) If.operator()<isInt>( x*2, x/2 );
auto x = boolTest(10);
auto boolTest2 =
[]< class X, bool isInt = std::is_same<X,int>::value >
( X x ) If.operator()<isInt>( x*2, x/2 );
auto boolTest3 =
[]( auto x ) {
constexpr bool b = std::is_same< decltype(x), int >::value;
return If.operator()<b>( x*2, x/2 );
auto chainl_impl = overload (
[]( auto self, auto b, auto r ) { return r; },
[]<class ...Z>( auto self, auto b, auto x, auto y, Z ...z )
self( self, b, b(x,y), z... )
auto chainl = []( auto b )
[=]<class ...X>( const X& ...x )
chainl_impl( chainl_impl, b, x... );
auto compose = chainl( comp );
auto sum = chainl( add );
auto min = overload (
[]( auto&& a, auto&& b ) { return a > b ? std::move(b) : std::move(a); },
//[]( auto& a, auto& b ) -> decltype(a) a > b ? b : a, // expression result unused?
[]( auto& a, auto& b ) -> decltype(a) { return a > b ? b : a; },
[]( const auto& a, const auto& b ) -> decltype(a) a > b ? b : a
void f() {
const auto g = [](auto x, auto y) x + y;
// Inner lambda alone cannot capture g.
//auto f = []() [g]() g;
//auto _g = f()();
//std::cout << "ten : " << _g(5,5) << std::endl;
// Error here. (OK)
//auto embed = []( auto a ) []( auto b ) a + b;
//auto embed12 = embed(1)(2);
constexpr int max(int x, int y) { return x > y ? x : y; }
int two = 2;
auto plus_two = ([](auto x) [=](auto y) x + y)(two);
auto five = ([](auto x) [=](auto y) x + y)(two)(3);
auto zzz = ([](auto x) ([=](auto y) ([](auto x,auto y)x+y)(x,y))(x));
int main() {
std::cout << "5+2 = " << plus_two(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << "5+2 = " << five << std::endl;
std::cout << "5+2 = " << zzz(5) << std::endl;
int low = 5, high = 10;
const int& low2 = min(low,high);
const int& low3 = min(low2,high);
std::cout << "\nmin(5,10) = " << low3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "min(6,10) = " << low3 << std::endl;
using ivoid = void (*) ( const int& );
using svoid = void (*) ( const std::string& );
auto cout_is = overload( ivoid(cout1), svoid(cout1) );
cout_is("\nten : "); cout_is(10); cout_is("\n\n");
print_line( "10(2) = ", Const.operator()<10>(2) );
print_line( "Sum of 9 and 10 : ", sum(9,10) );
print_line( "Sum of 1, 2, and 3 : ", curry3(sum)(1)(2)(3) );
print_line( "the char 'c': ", 'c' );
auto addThree = compose( inc, inc, inc );
print_line( "0 + 3 = ", addThree(0) );
auto parter = part(comp,inc);
print_line( "0 + 2 = ", parter(inc)(0) );
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
print_line( "v = ", v );
// Cannot recurse cprint.
//std::vector<std::vector<int>> vv = { v, v, v, v };
//print_line( "vv = ", vv );
Singleton<char> schar{ 'a' };
auto ord = []( char c ) (int) c;
print_line( "ord {'a'} = ", smap(ord,schar) );
print_line( "ord {'a'} = ", smap2(ord,schar) );
print_line( "\nx <- {'a'}"
"\ny <- {'b'}"
"\n{x + y} = ",
singleton('a') >>= [&](char a)
singleton('b') >>= [&](char b)
singleton( char(a + b) )
print_line( "True = ", If.operator()<true >(1,0) );
print_line( "False = ", If.operator()<false>(1,0) );
//print_line( "2 = ", If.operator()<3>(1,0) ); // would this work anyway?
puts( "\nLet f x = 2x if x is an int.\n"
"Let f x = x/2 otherwise." );
print_line( "f 10 = ", boolTest(10) );
print_line( "f 10 = ", boolTest2(10) );
print_line( "f 10 = ", boolTest3(10) );
print_line( "f 10.0 = ", (int)boolTest(10.0) );
[]<class X>( X x ) -> typename std::enable_if <
std::is_fundamental<X>::value, X
>::type { return x; }(5);
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
struct Natural {
int x;
Natural( int x ) : x(x) { }
operator int() { return x; }
std::function<Natural(int)> plus = ([](auto x) [=](auto y) x + y)(x);
auto part =
[]( auto f, auto x )
[=]<class ...Y>( Y&& ...y )
f( x, std::forward<Y>(y)... );
auto partial_add = []<class R>( auto x )
[=]( auto y ) R( x + y );
template< class N > struct Num {
N x;
Num( N x ) : x(x) { }
operator int() { return x; }
std::function<Num(int)> plus = ([](auto x) [=](auto y) x + y)(x);
//std::function<Num(int)> plus = part (
// //[](auto x, auto y) x + y, // No matching call to part?
// [](auto x, auto y) { return x + y; },
// x
template< std::size_t k > struct Mod {
int x;
std::function<Mod(int)> plus = [=]( auto y ) x + y;
std::function<Mod(int)> minus;
std::function<Mod(int)> mult = [=]( auto n ) {
Mod res = 0;
while( n-- )
res =;
return res;
using func_type = Mod(*)(int,int);
static func_type div;
constexpr Mod( int x )
: x( x % k )
, minus( [=](auto y) x - y )
// Ok!
//minus( ([](auto x)[=](auto y)x-y)(x) )
constexpr Mod operator () ( int x ) {
return Mod( x );
constexpr operator int() { return x; }
template< std::size_t k >
using ModFn = Mod<k>(*)(int,int);
template< std::size_t k >
ModFn<k> Mod<k>::div =
[](int x, int y) Mod<k>(x / y);
constexpr int constexpr_min( int x, int y ) { return x > y ? y : x; }
auto mod0 = []<std::size_t k, std::size_t j>( Mod<k>, Mod<j> )
Mod< constexpr_min(k,j) >( 0 );
auto addk = []( auto a, auto b )
mod0(a,b)( a + b );
int main() {
std::cout << "3 + 5 (Natural) = " << (int)Natural(3).plus(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << "3 + 5 (Num int) = " << (int)Num<int>(3).plus(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << "3 (mod 4) + 6 (mod 10) = " << addk(Mod<4>(3),Mod<10>(6)) << std::endl;
std::cout << "3 (mod 4) + 6 = " << Mod<4>(3).plus(6) << std::endl;
std::cout << "3 (mod 4) - 6 = " << Mod<4>(3).minus(6) << std::endl;
std::cout << "2 (mod 5) * 7 = " << Mod<5>(2).mult(7) << std::endl;
// When run, emits "7078 illegal hardware instruction (core dumped)"
// WTF!?
//std::cout << "10 / 2 (mod 3) = " << Mod<3>::div(10,2) << std::endl;
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