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Created December 25, 2012 21:54
A script to export bugzilla's bugs to github's issues.
request = require 'request'
Restzilla = require 'restzilla'
BURL = 'http://localhost:8000/AudioWG/MIDI%20API/'
GH_USER = 'jussi-kalliokoski'
GH_REPO = 'webmidi-issues'
GH_URL = '' + GH_USER + '/' + GH_REPO + '/issues'
username: 'octocat'
password: 'secret'
# create a RESTful wrapper for Bugzilla
server = Restzilla
server.listen 8000
gh = (method, url, body, callback) ->
options =
method: method
authorization: 'Basic ' + Buffer(GH_AUTH.username + ':' + GH_AUTH.password).toString('base64')
body: JSON.stringify(body)
url: GH_URL + url
request options, (e, res, body) ->
callback e, res, JSON.parse(body)
createIssue = (issue, callback) ->
gh 'POST', '', issue, (e, res, body) ->
return callback(e, null) if e
return callback(Error('Error creating issue (' + res.statusCode + ')\n' + JSON.stringify(body)), null) if res.statusCode isnt 201
callback null, body
createComment = (issueNumber, comment, callback) ->
gh 'POST', '/' + issueNumber + '/comments', comment, (e, res, body) ->
return callback(e, null) if e
return callback(Error('Error creating comment (' + res.statusCode + ')\n' + JSON.stringify(body)), null) if res.statusCode isnt 201
callback null, body
closeIssue = (issueNumber, callback) ->
body =
state: 'closed'
gh 'PATCH', '/' + issueNumber, body, (e, res, body) ->
return callback(e, null) if e
return callback(Error('Error closing issue ' + issueNumber + ' (' + res.statusCode + ')\n' + JSON.stringify(body)), null) if res.statusCode isnt 200
callback null, body
start = ->
request BURL, (e, res, body) ->
throw e if e
issues = JSON.parse(body)
c = issues.length
for issue in issues
processIssue issue, ->
if not --c
process.nextTick finish
convertBugToIssue = (bug) ->
body = '> Originally reported on W3C Bugzilla [ISSUE-' + bug.number + '](' + BUGZILLA_URL + 'show_bug.cgi?id=' + bug.number + ')'
body += ' ' + (new Date(bug.created_at)).toGMTString() + '\n'
body += '> Reported by ' + bug.reporter + '\n'
body += '> Assigned to ' + bug.assignee + '\n'
body += '\n' + bug.body
issue =
user: GH_USER
repo: GH_REPO
title: bug.title
body: body
labels: bug.status.split(' ').filter (v) -> !~['NEW'].indexOf(v)
processIssue = (id, done) ->
request BURL + id, (e, res, body) ->
throw e if e
bug = JSON.parse body
issue = convertBugToIssue bug
createIssue issue, (e, ghissue) ->
throw e if e
console.error 'Created issue #' + ghissue.number, ghissue.title
closeIfNeeded = ->
closed = /^(RESOLVED|CLOSED)/.test(bug.status)
return done() if not closed
closeIssue ghissue.number, (e, body) ->
throw e if e
console.error 'Closed issue #' + ghissue.number, ghissue.title, '(Was ' + bug.status + ')'
return closeIfNeeded() if not bug.comments
request BURL + id + '/comments', (e, res, body) ->
throw e if e
comments = JSON.parse(body)
ids = []
cont = (id) ->
ids.push id if id
comment = comments.shift()
if not comment
console.error 'Populated ' + ids.length + ' comments for issue #' + ghissue.number, ghissue.title
return closeIfNeeded()
comment.bugURL = BUGZILLA_URL + 'show_bug.cgi?id=' + bug.number + '#' + comment.number
processComment(comment, ghissue, ids, cont)
convertCommentToGHComment = (comment, idlist) ->
body = '> [Original comment](' + comment.bugURL + ') by ' + comment.user + ' on W3C Bugzilla.'
body += ' ' + (new Date(comment.created_at)).toGMTString() + '\n'
body += '\n'
body += comment.body.replace /\(In reply to comment #(\d+)\)/g, (all, num) ->
num -= 1
return all if not idlist[num]
return '(In reply to [comment #' + (num + 1) + '](#issuecomment-' + idlist[num] + '))'
comm =
body: body
processComment = (comment, ghissue, idlist, done) ->
body = convertCommentToGHComment comment, idlist
createComment ghissue.number, body, (e, ghcomment) ->
throw e if e
finish = ->
console.log 'Done'
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Obviously, you'll have to supply valid credentials instead of octocat.

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