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Created April 11, 2010 01:49
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  • Save kapowaz/43a8147facc02d2ea95e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kapowaz/43a8147facc02d2ea95e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
--[[ Entropy 3.3.57 ]]
local LBF = LibStub("LibButtonFacade", true)
if not LBF then
-- Silver
LBF:AddSkin("kapowaz", {
-- Skin data start.
Backdrop = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
Color = {1, 1, 1, 1},
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Backdrop]],
Icon = {
Width = 28,
Height = 28,
TexCoords = {0.07,0.93,0.07,0.93}
Flash = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
Color = {1, 0, 0, 0.5},
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Overlay]],
Cooldown = {
Width = 28,
Height = 28,
AutoCast = {
Width = 26,
Height = 26,
OffsetX = 1,
OffsetY = -1,
AboveNormal = true,
Normal = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
Static = true,
Color = {1, 1, 1, 1},
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Normal]],
Pushed = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
Color = {0, 0, 0, 0.5},
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Overlay]],
Border = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
BlendMode = "ADD",
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Border]],
Disabled = {
Hide = true,
Checked = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
BlendMode = "ADD",
Color = {0, 0.75, 1, 0.5},
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Border]],
AutoCastable = {
Width = 54,
Height = 54,
OffsetX = 0.5,
OffsetY = -0.5,
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Blank]],
Highlight = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
BlendMode = "ADD",
Color = {1, 1, 1, 0.5},
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Highlight]],
Gloss = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
Texture = [[Interface\AddOns\ButtonFacade_kapowaz\Textures\Gloss]],
HotKey = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
OffsetX = 0,
OffsetY = 0,
Count = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
OffsetX = 0,
OffsetY = 0,
Name = {
Width = 32,
Height = 32,
OffsetX = 0,
OffsetY = 0,
-- Skin data end.
}, true)
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