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Created January 13, 2013 21:50
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initialize-ns-app should do the necessary work to hook to mac os x application stuff. I ported it from, with the hope that this will let SDL bindings work on Mac OS X without provoking the exceptions we were seeing before.
#lang racket/base
;; A small library for setting up a proper evaluation context for SDL and Allegro.
(provide initialize-ns-app)
(require ffi/unsafe
;; Most of this comes from:
;; initialize-app: (-> void) -> void
;; Runs after-init in a Cocoa context. In particular, we need this when dynamically
;; loading SDL, and probably need it for Allegro as well.
;; WARNING: Do not run this in a racket/gui/base context. It will fight with
;; the initialization code here!
(define (initialize-ns-app after-init)
;; Note: because we're accessing Cocoa library functions, something must provoke loading
;; that library. So we load the library here:
(define cocoa-lib (ffi-lib (format "/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Cocoa")))
(import-class NSAutoreleasePool
;; When do we tell the pool to close down?
(define pool (tell (tell NSAutoreleasePool alloc) init))
(displayln pool)
;; Need to add a little more for creating the dynamic class and the
;; application activation...
(define-objc-class MyApplicationActivator NSObject
[] ;; No fields
[- _id (init)
(displayln "In init")
(super-tell init)]
[- _void (activateNow: [_id notification])
(with-handlers ((void (lambda (exn)
;; FIXME: write out the exception.
(exit 0)])
(define activator (tell (tell MyApplicationActivator alloc) init))
(displayln "activator constructed")
(displayln activator)
(define center (tell NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter))
(displayln "Got center")
(displayln center)
(tellv center
addObserver: activator
selector: #:type _SEL (selector activateNow:)
name: #:type _id (tell (tell NSString alloc)
initWithUTF8String: #:type _string
object: #f)
(define app (tell NSApplication sharedApplication))
(displayln app)
(tellv NSApp finishLaunching)
(tellv NSApp updateWindows)
(tellv NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: #:type _bool #t)
(tell app run))
(initialize-ns-app (lambda ()
(printf "Hello, I am here\n")
init_SDL_dll("/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/SDL", "/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers")
init_SDLImage_dll("/Library/Frameworks/SDL_image.framework/SDL_image", "/Library/Frameworks/SDL_image.framework/Headers")
print('Done loading SDL')
pool = cp.send_message('NSAutoreleasePool', 'alloc')
pool = cp.send_message(pool, 'init')
class MyApplicationActivator_Impl(object):
MyApplicationActivator = cp.ObjCSubclass('NSObject', 'MyApplicationActivator')
def init(self):
self = cp.ObjCInstance(cp.send_super(self, 'init'))
return self
def activateNow(self, aNotification):
MyApplicationActivator = cp.ObjCClass('MyApplicationActivator')
activator = MyApplicationActivator.alloc().init()
center = cp.send_message('NSNotificationCenter', 'defaultCenter')
cp.send_message(center, 'addObserver:selector:name:object:',
app = cp.send_message('NSApplication', 'sharedApplication')
cp.send_message('NSApp', 'finishLaunching')
cp.send_message('NSApp', 'updateWindows')
cp.send_message('NSApp', 'activateIgnoringOtherApps', True)
if app_main is not None:
cp.send_message(app, 'run')
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