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Created January 20, 2013 05:28
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;; Usage: racket quick-find.rkt < pairs.txt
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list)
(require racket/string)
(require profile)
(provide make-qf-set qf-connected? qf-find qf-count qf-items qf-connect!)
(module+ main (profile-thunk main))
(define (main)
(let* ([n (string->number (read-line))]
[set (make-qf-set n)])
(for ([line (in-lines)])
(let* ([pair (string-split line " " #:trim? #f)]
[p (string->number (car pair))]
[q (string->number (cadr pair))])
(unless (qf-connected? set p q)
(qf-connect! set p q)
(printf "connected ~a to ~a\n" p q))))
"Quick-find Set with ~a connected components: ~a\n"
(qf-count set)
(for/list ([n (in-vector (qf-items set))])
(number->string n))
#:before-first "[" #:after-last "]"))))
(struct qf-set ([count #:mutable] items) #:transparent)
(define (make-qf-set n) (qf-set n (make-qf-items n)))
(define (make-qf-items n) (list->vector (range n)))
(define (qf-connected? set p q)
(= (qf-find set p)
(qf-find set q)))
;; VERY SLOW - it takes over 4 minutes to finish
;; (define (qf-connect! set p q)
;; (let ([p-root (qf-find set p)]
;; [q-root (qf-find set q)]
;; [items (qf-set-items set)])
;; (unless (= p-root q-root)
;; (for ([(v i) (in-indexed items)])
;; (when (= v p-root)
;; (vector-set! items i q-root)))
;; (set-qf-set-count! set (- (qf-set-count set) 1)))))
;; better - it takes about 28s to finish
;; but still slower than the Golang version
(define (qf-connect! set p q)
(let* ([p-root (qf-find set p)]
[q-root (qf-find set q)]
[items (qf-set-items set)]
[n (vector-length items)])
(unless (= p-root q-root)
(for ([i (in-range n)] ;; it is weird that adding this line slows down the program by about 10s
[v (in-vector items)])
(when (= v p-root) (vector-set! items i q-root)))
(set-qf-set-count! set (- (qf-set-count set) 1)))))
(define (qf-find set p)
(let ([items (qf-set-items set)])
(if (p . < . (vector-length items))
(vector-ref items p)
(define qf-count qf-set-count)
(define (qf-items set)
(vector->immutable-vector (qf-set-items set)))
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