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Created January 21, 2013 03:13
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parsedatetime module in gist form.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Parse human-readable date/time text.
__license__ = """
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Mike Taylor
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Darshana Chhajed
All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
_debug = False
import re
import time
import datetime
import rfc822
import parsedatetime_consts
# Copied from
# Universal Feedparser
# Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved.
# Originally a def inside of _parse_date_w3dtf()
def _extract_date(m):
year = int('year'))
if year < 100:
year = 100 * int(time.gmtime()[0] / 100) + int(year)
if year < 1000:
return 0, 0, 0
julian ='julian')
if julian:
julian = int(julian)
month = julian / 30 + 1
day = julian % 30 + 1
jday = None
while jday != julian:
t = time.mktime((year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
jday = time.gmtime(t)[-2]
diff = abs(jday - julian)
if jday > julian:
if diff < day:
day = day - diff
month = month - 1
day = 31
elif jday < julian:
if day + diff < 28:
day = day + diff
month = month + 1
return year, month, day
month ='month')
day = 1
if month is None:
month = 1
month = int(month)
day ='day')
if day:
day = int(day)
day = 1
return year, month, day
# Copied from
# Universal Feedparser
# Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved.
# Originally a def inside of _parse_date_w3dtf()
def _extract_time(m):
if not m:
return 0, 0, 0
hours ='hours')
if not hours:
return 0, 0, 0
hours = int(hours)
minutes = int('minutes'))
seconds ='seconds')
if seconds:
seconds = int(seconds)
seconds = 0
return hours, minutes, seconds
# Copied from
# Universal Feedparser
# Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved.
# Modified to return a tuple instead of mktime
# Original comment:
# W3DTF-style date parsing adapted from PyXML xml.utils.iso8601, written by
# Drake and licensed under the Python license. Removed all range checking
# for month, day, hour, minute, and second, since mktime will normalize
# these later
def _parse_date_w3dtf(dateString):
# the __extract_date and __extract_time methods were
# copied-out so they could be used by my code --bear
def __extract_tzd(m):
'''Return the Time Zone Designator as an offset in seconds from UTC.'''
if not m:
return 0
tzd ='tzd')
if not tzd:
return 0
if tzd == 'Z':
return 0
hours = int('tzdhours'))
minutes ='tzdminutes')
if minutes:
minutes = int(minutes)
minutes = 0
offset = (hours*60 + minutes) * 60
if tzd[0] == '+':
return -offset
return offset
__date_re = ('(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)'
__tzd_re = '(?P<tzd>[-+](?P<tzdhours>\d\d)(?::?(?P<tzdminutes>\d\d))|Z)'
__tzd_rx = re.compile(__tzd_re)
__time_re = ('(?P<hours>\d\d)(?P<tsep>:|)(?P<minutes>\d\d)'
+ __tzd_re)
__datetime_re = '%s(?:T%s)?' % (__date_re, __time_re)
__datetime_rx = re.compile(__datetime_re)
m = __datetime_rx.match(dateString)
if (m is None) or ( != dateString): return
return _extract_date(m) + _extract_time(m) + (0, 0, 0)
# Copied from
# Universal Feedparser
# Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved.
# Modified to return a tuple instead of mktime
def _parse_date_rfc822(dateString):
'''Parse an RFC822, RFC1123, RFC2822, or asctime-style date'''
data = dateString.split()
if data[0][-1] in (',', '.') or data[0].lower() in rfc822._daynames:
del data[0]
if len(data) == 4:
s = data[3]
i = s.find('+')
if i > 0:
data[3:] = [s[:i], s[i+1:]]
dateString = " ".join(data)
if len(data) < 5:
dateString += ' 00:00:00 GMT'
return rfc822.parsedate_tz(dateString)
# defines several time zones, but we define some extra ones.
# 'ET' is equivalent to 'EST', etc.
_additional_timezones = {'AT': -400, 'ET': -500,
'CT': -600, 'MT': -700,
'PT': -800}
class Calendar:
A collection of routines to input, parse and manipulate date and times.
The text can either be 'normal' date values or it can be human readable.
def __init__(self, constants=None):
Default constructor for the L{Calendar} class.
@type constants: object
@param constants: Instance of the class L{parsedatetime_consts.Constants}
@rtype: object
@return: L{Calendar} instance
# if a constants reference is not included, use default
if constants is None:
self.ptc = parsedatetime_consts.Constants()
self.ptc = constants
self.weekdyFlag = False # monday/tuesday/...
self.dateStdFlag = False # 07/21/06
self.dateStrFlag = False # July 21st, 2006
self.timeStdFlag = False # 5:50
self.meridianFlag = False # am/pm
self.dayStrFlag = False # tomorrow/yesterday/today/..
self.timeStrFlag = False # lunch/noon/breakfast/...
self.modifierFlag = False # after/before/prev/next/..
self.modifier2Flag = False # after/before/prev/next/..
self.unitsFlag = False # hrs/weeks/yrs/min/..
self.qunitsFlag = False # h/m/t/d..
self.timeFlag = 0
self.dateFlag = 0
def _convertUnitAsWords(self, unitText):
Converts text units into their number value
Five = 5
Twenty Five = 25
Two hundred twenty five = 225
Two thousand and twenty five = 2025
Two thousand twenty five = 2025
@type unitText: string
@param unitText: number text to convert
@rtype: integer
@return: numerical value of unitText
# TODO: implement this
def _buildTime(self, source, quantity, modifier, units):
Take C{quantity}, C{modifier} and C{unit} strings and convert them into values.
After converting, calcuate the time and return the adjusted sourceTime.
@type source: time
@param source: time to use as the base (or source)
@type quantity: string
@param quantity: quantity string
@type modifier: string
@param modifier: how quantity and units modify the source time
@type units: string
@param units: unit of the quantity (i.e. hours, days, months, etc)
@rtype: struct_time
@return: C{struct_time} of the calculated time
if _debug:
print '_buildTime: [%s][%s][%s]' % (quantity, modifier, units)
if source is None:
source = time.localtime()
if quantity is None:
quantity = ''
quantity = quantity.strip()
if len(quantity) == 0:
qty = 1
qty = int(quantity)
except ValueError:
qty = 0
if modifier in self.ptc.Modifiers:
qty = qty * self.ptc.Modifiers[modifier]
if units is None or units == '':
units = 'dy'
# plurals are handled by regex's (could be a bug tho)
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, _, _, _) = source
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec)
target = start
if units.startswith('y'):
target =, year=qty)
self.dateFlag = 1
elif units.endswith('th') or units.endswith('ths'):
target =, month=qty)
self.dateFlag = 1
if units.startswith('d'):
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=qty)
self.dateFlag = 1
elif units.startswith('h'):
target = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=qty)
self.timeFlag = 2
elif units.startswith('m'):
target = start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=qty)
self.timeFlag = 2
elif units.startswith('s'):
target = start + datetime.timedelta(seconds=qty)
self.timeFlag = 2
elif units.startswith('w'):
target = start + datetime.timedelta(weeks=qty)
self.dateFlag = 1
return target.timetuple()
def parseDate(self, dateString):
Parse short-form date strings::
'05/28/2006' or '04.21'
@type dateString: string
@param dateString: text to convert to a C{datetime}
@rtype: struct_time
@return: calculated C{struct_time} value of dateString
yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = time.localtime()
# values pulled from regex's will be stored here and later
# assigned to mth, dy, yr based on information from the locale
# -1 is used as the marker value because we want zero values
# to be passed thru so they can be flagged as errors later
v1 = -1
v2 = -1
v3 = -1
s = dateString
m =
if m is not None:
index = m.start()
v1 = int(s[:index])
s = s[index + 1:]
m =
if m is not None:
index = m.start()
v2 = int(s[:index])
v3 = int(s[index + 1:])
v2 = int(s.strip())
v = [ v1, v2, v3 ]
d = { 'm': mth, 'd': dy, 'y': yr }
for i in range(0, 3):
n = v[i]
c = self.ptc.dp_order[i]
if n >= 0:
d[c] = n
# if the year is not specified and the date has already
# passed, increment the year
if v3 == -1 and ((mth > d['m']) or (mth == d['m'] and dy > d['d'])):
yr = d['y'] + 1
yr = d['y']
mth = d['m']
dy = d['d']
# birthday epoch constraint
if yr < self.ptc.BirthdayEpoch:
yr += 2000
elif yr < 100:
yr += 1900
if _debug:
print 'parseDate: ', yr, mth, dy, self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr)
if (mth > 0 and mth <= 12) and \
(dy > 0 and dy <= self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr)):
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
sourceTime = time.localtime() # return current time if date
# string is invalid
return sourceTime
def parseDateText(self, dateString):
Parse long-form date strings::
'May 31st, 2006'
'Jan 1st'
'July 2006'
@type dateString: string
@param dateString: text to convert to a datetime
@rtype: struct_time
@return: calculated C{struct_time} value of dateString
yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = time.localtime()
currentMth = mth
currentDy = dy
s = dateString.lower()
m =
mth ='mthname')
mth = self.ptc.MonthOffsets[mth]
if'day') != None:
dy = int('day'))
dy = 1
if'year') != None:
yr = int('year'))
# birthday epoch constraint
if yr < self.ptc.BirthdayEpoch:
yr += 2000
elif yr < 100:
yr += 1900
elif (mth < currentMth) or (mth == currentMth and dy < currentDy):
# if that day and month have already passed in this year,
# then increment the year by 1
yr += 1
if dy > 0 and dy <= self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr):
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
# Return current time if date string is invalid
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
sourceTime = time.localtime()
return sourceTime
def evalRanges(self, datetimeString, sourceTime=None):
Evaluate the C{datetimeString} text and determine if
it represents a date or time range.
@type datetimeString: string
@param datetimeString: datetime text to evaluate
@type sourceTime: struct_time
@param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base
@rtype: tuple
@return: tuple of: start datetime, end datetime and the invalid flag
startTime = ''
endTime = ''
startDate = ''
endDate = ''
rangeFlag = 0
s = datetimeString.strip().lower()
if self.ptc.rangeSep in s:
s = s.replace(self.ptc.rangeSep, ' %s ' % self.ptc.rangeSep)
s = s.replace(' ', ' ')
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 1
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 2
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 7
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 3
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 4
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 5
m =
if m is not None:
rangeFlag = 6
if _debug:
print 'evalRanges: rangeFlag =', rangeFlag, '[%s]' % s
if m is not None:
if ( != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr =
chunk1 = s[:m.start()]
chunk2 = s[m.end():]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = 1
sourceTime, flag = self.parse(s, sourceTime)
if flag == 0:
sourceTime = None
parseStr = s
if rangeFlag == 1:
m =, parseStr)
startTime, sflag = self.parse((parseStr[:m.start()]), sourceTime)
endTime, eflag = self.parse((parseStr[(m.start() + 1):]), sourceTime)
if (eflag != 0) and (sflag != 0):
return (startTime, endTime, 2)
elif rangeFlag == 2:
m =, parseStr)
startTime, sflag = self.parse((parseStr[:m.start()]), sourceTime)
endTime, eflag = self.parse((parseStr[(m.start() + 1):]), sourceTime)
if (eflag != 0) and (sflag != 0):
return (startTime, endTime, 2)
elif rangeFlag == 3 or rangeFlag == 7:
m =, parseStr)
# capturing the meridian from the end time
if self.ptc.usesMeridian:
ampm =[0], parseStr)
# appending the meridian to the start time
if ampm is not None:
startTime, sflag = self.parse((parseStr[:m.start()] + self.ptc.meridian[0]), sourceTime)
startTime, sflag = self.parse((parseStr[:m.start()] + self.ptc.meridian[1]), sourceTime)
startTime, sflag = self.parse((parseStr[:m.start()]), sourceTime)
endTime, eflag = self.parse(parseStr[(m.start() + 1):], sourceTime)
if (eflag != 0) and (sflag != 0):
return (startTime, endTime, 2)
elif rangeFlag == 4:
m =, parseStr)
startDate, sflag = self.parse((parseStr[:m.start()]), sourceTime)
endDate, eflag = self.parse((parseStr[(m.start() + 1):]), sourceTime)
if (eflag != 0) and (sflag != 0):
return (startDate, endDate, 1)
elif rangeFlag == 5:
m =, parseStr)
endDate = parseStr[(m.start() + 1):]
# capturing the year from the end date
date =
endYear ='year')
# appending the year to the start date if the start date
# does not have year information and the end date does.
# eg : "Aug 21 - Sep 4, 2007"
if endYear is not None:
startDate = (parseStr[:m.start()]).strip()
date =
startYear ='year')
if startYear is None:
startDate = startDate + ', ' + endYear
startDate = parseStr[:m.start()]
startDate, sflag = self.parse(startDate, sourceTime)
endDate, eflag = self.parse(endDate, sourceTime)
if (eflag != 0) and (sflag != 0):
return (startDate, endDate, 1)
elif rangeFlag == 6:
m =, parseStr)
startDate = parseStr[:m.start()]
# capturing the month from the start date
mth =
mth ='mthname')
# appending the month name to the end date
endDate = mth + parseStr[(m.start() + 1):]
startDate, sflag = self.parse(startDate, sourceTime)
endDate, eflag = self.parse(endDate, sourceTime)
if (eflag != 0) and (sflag != 0):
return (startDate, endDate, 1)
# if range is not found
sourceTime = time.localtime()
return (sourceTime, sourceTime, 0)
def _CalculateDOWDelta(self, wd, wkdy, offset, style, currentDayStyle):
Based on the C{style} and C{currentDayStyle} determine what
day-of-week value is to be returned.
@type wd: integer
@param wd: day-of-week value for the current day
@type wkdy: integer
@param wkdy: day-of-week value for the parsed day
@type offset: integer
@param offset: offset direction for any modifiers (-1, 0, 1)
@type style: integer
@param style: normally the value set in C{Constants.DOWParseStyle}
@type currentDayStyle: integer
@param currentDayStyle: normally the value set in C{Constants.CurrentDOWParseStyle}
@rtype: integer
@return: calculated day-of-week
if offset == 1:
# modifier is indicating future week eg: "next".
# DOW is calculated as DOW of next week
diff = 7 - wd + wkdy
elif offset == -1:
# modifier is indicating past week eg: "last","previous"
# DOW is calculated as DOW of previous week
diff = wkdy - wd - 7
elif offset == 0:
# modifier is indiacting current week eg: "this"
# DOW is calculated as DOW of this week
diff = wkdy - wd
elif offset == 2:
# no modifier is present.
# i.e. string to be parsed is just DOW
if style == 1:
# next occurance of the DOW is calculated
if currentDayStyle == True:
if wkdy >= wd:
diff = wkdy - wd
diff = 7 - wd + wkdy
if wkdy > wd:
diff = wkdy - wd
diff = 7 - wd + wkdy
elif style == -1:
# last occurance of the DOW is calculated
if currentDayStyle == True:
if wkdy <= wd:
diff = wkdy - wd
diff = wkdy - wd - 7
if wkdy < wd:
diff = wkdy - wd
diff = wkdy - wd - 7
# occurance of the DOW in the current week is calculated
diff = wkdy - wd
if _debug:
print "wd %s, wkdy %s, offset %d, style %d\n" % (wd, wkdy, offset, style)
return diff
def _evalModifier(self, modifier, chunk1, chunk2, sourceTime):
Evaluate the C{modifier} string and following text (passed in
as C{chunk1} and C{chunk2}) and if they match any known modifiers
calculate the delta and apply it to C{sourceTime}.
@type modifier: string
@param modifier: modifier text to apply to sourceTime
@type chunk1: string
@param chunk1: first text chunk that followed modifier (if any)
@type chunk2: string
@param chunk2: second text chunk that followed modifier (if any)
@type sourceTime: struct_time
@param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base
@rtype: tuple
@return: tuple of: remaining text and the modified sourceTime
offset = self.ptc.Modifiers[modifier]
if sourceTime is not None:
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = time.localtime()
# capture the units after the modifier and the remaining
# string after the unit
m =
if m is not None:
index = m.start() + 1
unit = chunk2[:m.start()]
chunk2 = chunk2[index:]
unit = chunk2
chunk2 = ''
flag = False
if unit == 'month' or \
unit == 'mth' or \
unit == 'm':
if offset == 0:
dy = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr)
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, 9, 0, 0, wd, yd, isdst)
elif offset == 2:
# if day is the last day of the month, calculate the last day
# of the next month
if dy == self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr):
dy = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth + 1, yr)
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 9, 0, 0)
target =, month=1)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, 1, 9, 0, 0)
target =, month=offset)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
flag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if unit == 'week' or \
unit == 'wk' or \
unit == 'w':
if offset == 0:
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 17, 0, 0)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=(4 - wd))
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
elif offset == 2:
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 9, 0, 0)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
return self._evalModifier(modifier, chunk1, "monday " + chunk2, sourceTime)
flag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if unit == 'day' or \
unit == 'dy' or \
unit == 'd':
if offset == 0:
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, 17, 0, 0, wd, yd, isdst)
self.timeFlag = 2
elif offset == 2:
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 9, 0, 0)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
flag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if unit == 'hour' or \
unit == 'hr':
if offset == 0:
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, 0, 0, wd, yd, isdst)
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, 0, 0)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=offset)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
flag = True
self.timeFlag = 2
if unit == 'year' or \
unit == 'yr' or \
unit == 'y':
if offset == 0:
sourceTime = (yr, 12, 31, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
elif offset == 2:
sourceTime = (yr + 1, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
sourceTime = (yr + offset, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, wd, yd, isdst)
flag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if flag == False:
m = self.ptc.CRE_WEEKDAY.match(unit)
if m is not None:
wkdy =
self.dateFlag = 1
if modifier == 'eod':
# Calculate the upcoming weekday
self.modifierFlag = False
(sourceTime, _) = self.parse(wkdy, sourceTime)
sources = self.ptc.buildSources(sourceTime)
self.timeFlag = 2
if modifier in sources:
sourceTime = sources[modifier]
wkdy = self.ptc.WeekdayOffsets[wkdy]
diff = self._CalculateDOWDelta(wd, wkdy, offset,
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 9, 0, 0)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=diff)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
flag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if not flag:
m = self.ptc.CRE_TIME.match(unit)
if m is not None:
self.modifierFlag = False
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst), _ = self.parse(unit)
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
flag = True
self.modifierFlag = False
# check if the remaining text is parsable and if so,
# use it as the base time for the modifier source time
t, flag2 = self.parse('%s %s' % (chunk1, unit), sourceTime)
if flag2 != 0:
sourceTime = t
sources = self.ptc.buildSources(sourceTime)
if modifier in sources:
sourceTime = sources[modifier]
flag = True
self.timeFlag = 2
# if the word after next is a number, the string is more than likely
# to be "next 4 hrs" which we will have to combine the units with the
# rest of the string
if not flag:
if offset < 0:
# if offset is negative, the unit has to be made negative
unit = '-%s' % unit
chunk2 = '%s %s' % (unit, chunk2)
self.modifierFlag = False
#return '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2), sourceTime
return '%s' % chunk2, sourceTime
def _evalModifier2(self, modifier, chunk1 , chunk2, sourceTime):
Evaluate the C{modifier} string and following text (passed in
as C{chunk1} and C{chunk2}) and if they match any known modifiers
calculate the delta and apply it to C{sourceTime}.
@type modifier: string
@param modifier: modifier text to apply to C{sourceTime}
@type chunk1: string
@param chunk1: first text chunk that followed modifier (if any)
@type chunk2: string
@param chunk2: second text chunk that followed modifier (if any)
@type sourceTime: struct_time
@param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base
@rtype: tuple
@return: tuple of: remaining text and the modified sourceTime
offset = self.ptc.Modifiers[modifier]
digit = r'\d+'
self.modifier2Flag = False
# If the string after the negative modifier starts with digits,
# then it is likely that the string is similar to ' before 3 days'
# or 'evening prior to 3 days'.
# In this case, the total time is calculated by subtracting '3 days'
# from the current date.
# So, we have to identify the quantity and negate it before parsing
# the string.
# This is not required for strings not starting with digits since the
# string is enough to calculate the sourceTime
if chunk2 != '':
if offset < 0:
m = re.match(digit, chunk2.strip())
if m is not None:
qty = int( * -1
chunk2 = chunk2[m.end():]
chunk2 = '%d%s' % (qty, chunk2)
sourceTime, flag1 = self.parse(chunk2, sourceTime)
if flag1 == 0:
flag1 = True
flag1 = False
flag2 = False
flag1 = False
if chunk1 != '':
if offset < 0:
m =, chunk1.strip())
if m is not None:
qty = int( * -1
chunk1 = chunk1[m.end():]
chunk1 = '%d%s' % (qty, chunk1)
tempDateFlag = self.dateFlag
tempTimeFlag = self.timeFlag
sourceTime2, flag2 = self.parse(chunk1, sourceTime)
return sourceTime, (flag1 and flag2)
# if chunk1 is not a datetime and chunk2 is then do not use datetime
# value returned by parsing chunk1
if not (flag1 == False and flag2 == 0):
sourceTime = sourceTime2
self.timeFlag = tempTimeFlag
self.dateFlag = tempDateFlag
return sourceTime, (flag1 and flag2)
def _evalString(self, datetimeString, sourceTime=None):
Calculate the datetime based on flags set by the L{parse()} routine
Examples handled::
RFC822, W3CDTF formatted dates
HH:MM[:SS][ am/pm]
@type datetimeString: string
@param datetimeString: text to try and parse as more "traditional"
date/time text
@type sourceTime: struct_time
@param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base
@rtype: datetime
@return: calculated C{struct_time} value or current C{struct_time}
if not parsed
s = datetimeString.strip()
now = time.localtime()
# Given string date is a RFC822 date
if sourceTime is None:
sourceTime = _parse_date_rfc822(s)
if sourceTime is not None:
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst, _) = sourceTime
self.dateFlag = 1
if (hr != 0) and (mn != 0) and (sec != 0):
self.timeFlag = 2
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
# Given string date is a W3CDTF date
if sourceTime is None:
sourceTime = _parse_date_w3dtf(s)
if sourceTime is not None:
self.dateFlag = 1
self.timeFlag = 2
if sourceTime is None:
s = s.lower()
# Given string is in the format HH:MM(:SS)(am/pm)
if self.meridianFlag:
if sourceTime is None:
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = now
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime
m =
if m is not None:
dt = s[:m.start('meridian')].strip()
if len(dt) <= 2:
hr = int(dt)
mn = 0
sec = 0
hr, mn, sec = _extract_time(m)
if hr == 24:
hr = 0
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
meridian ='meridian').lower()
# if 'am' found and hour is 12 - force hour to 0 (midnight)
if (meridian in and hr == 12:
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, 0, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
# if 'pm' found and hour < 12, add 12 to shift to evening
if (meridian in and hr < 12:
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr + 12, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
# invalid time
if hr > 24 or mn > 59 or sec > 59:
sourceTime = now
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
self.meridianFlag = False
# Given string is in the format HH:MM(:SS)
if self.timeStdFlag:
if sourceTime is None:
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = now
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime
m =
if m is not None:
hr, mn, sec = _extract_time(m)
if hr == 24:
hr = 0
if hr > 24 or mn > 59 or sec > 59:
# invalid time
sourceTime = now
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst)
self.timeStdFlag = False
# Given string is in the format 07/21/2006
if self.dateStdFlag:
sourceTime = self.parseDate(s)
self.dateStdFlag = False
# Given string is in the format "May 23rd, 2005"
if self.dateStrFlag:
sourceTime = self.parseDateText(s)
self.dateStrFlag = False
# Given string is a weekday
if self.weekdyFlag:
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = now
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec)
wkdy = self.ptc.WeekdayOffsets[s]
if wkdy > wd:
qty = self._CalculateDOWDelta(wd, wkdy, 2,
qty = self._CalculateDOWDelta(wd, wkdy, 2,
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=qty)
wd = wkdy
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
self.weekdyFlag = False
# Given string is a natural language time string like
# lunch, midnight, etc
if self.timeStrFlag:
if s in self.ptc.re_values['now']:
sourceTime = now
sources = self.ptc.buildSources(sourceTime)
if s in sources:
sourceTime = sources[s]
sourceTime = now
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
self.timeStrFlag = False
# Given string is a natural language date string like today, tomorrow..
if self.dayStrFlag:
if sourceTime is None:
sourceTime = now
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime
if s in self.ptc.dayOffsets:
offset = self.ptc.dayOffsets[s]
offset = 0
start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 9, 0, 0)
target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
sourceTime = target.timetuple()
self.dayStrFlag = False
# Given string is a time string with units like "5 hrs 30 min"
if self.unitsFlag:
modifier = '' # TODO
if sourceTime is None:
sourceTime = now
m =
if m is not None:
units ='units')
quantity = s[:m.start('units')]
sourceTime = self._buildTime(sourceTime, quantity, modifier, units)
self.unitsFlag = False
# Given string is a time string with single char units like "5 h 30 m"
if self.qunitsFlag:
modifier = '' # TODO
if sourceTime is None:
sourceTime = now
m =
if m is not None:
units ='qunits')
quantity = s[:m.start('qunits')]
sourceTime = self._buildTime(sourceTime, quantity, modifier, units)
self.qunitsFlag = False
# Given string does not match anything
if sourceTime is None:
sourceTime = now
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
return sourceTime
def parse(self, datetimeString, sourceTime=None):
Splits the given C{datetimeString} into tokens, finds the regex
patterns that match and then calculates a C{struct_time} value from
the chunks.
If C{sourceTime} is given then the C{struct_time} value will be
calculated from that value, otherwise from the current date/time.
If the C{datetimeString} is parsed and date/time value found then
the second item of the returned tuple will be a flag to let you know
what kind of C{struct_time} value is being returned::
0 = not parsed at all
1 = parsed as a C{date}
2 = parsed as a C{time}
3 = parsed as a C{datetime}
@type datetimeString: string
@param datetimeString: date/time text to evaluate
@type sourceTime: struct_time
@param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base
@rtype: tuple
@return: tuple of: modified C{sourceTime} and the result flag
if sourceTime:
if isinstance(sourceTime, datetime.datetime):
if _debug:
print 'coercing datetime to timetuple'
sourceTime = sourceTime.timetuple()
if not isinstance(sourceTime, time.struct_time) and \
not isinstance(sourceTime, tuple):
raise Exception('sourceTime is not a struct_time')
s = datetimeString.strip().lower()
parseStr = ''
totalTime = sourceTime
if s == '' :
if sourceTime is not None:
return (sourceTime, self.dateFlag + self.timeFlag)
return (time.localtime(), 0)
self.timeFlag = 0
self.dateFlag = 0
while len(s) > 0:
flag = False
chunk1 = ''
chunk2 = ''
if _debug:
print 'parse (top of loop): [%s][%s]' % (s, parseStr)
if parseStr == '':
# Modifier like next\prev..
m =
if m is not None:
self.modifierFlag = True
if ('modifier') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='modifier')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('modifier')].strip()
chunk2 = s[m.end('modifier'):].strip()
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Modifier like from\after\prior..
m =
if m is not None:
self.modifier2Flag = True
if ('modifier') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='modifier')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('modifier')].strip()
chunk2 = s[m.end('modifier'):].strip()
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
valid_date = False
for match in self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.finditer(s):
# to prevent "HH:MM(:SS) time strings" expressions from triggering
# this regex, we checks if the month field exists in the searched
# expression, if it doesn't exist, the date field is not valid
m =, match.start())
valid_date = True
# String date format
if valid_date:
self.dateStrFlag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if ('date') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='date')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('date')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('date'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Standard date format
m =
if m is not None:
self.dateStdFlag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if ('date') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='date')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('date')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('date'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Natural language day strings
m =
if m is not None:
self.dayStrFlag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if ('day') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='day')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('day')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('day'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Quantity + Units
m =
if m is not None:
self.unitsFlag = True
if ('qty') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='qty')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('qty')].strip()
chunk2 = s[m.end('qty'):].strip()
if chunk1[-1:] == '-':
parseStr = '-%s' % parseStr
chunk1 = chunk1[:-1]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Quantity + Units
m =
if m is not None:
self.qunitsFlag = True
if ('qty') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='qty')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('qty')].strip()
chunk2 = s[m.end('qty'):].strip()
if chunk1[-1:] == '-':
parseStr = '-%s' % parseStr
chunk1 = chunk1[:-1]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Weekday
m =
if m is not None:
gv ='weekday')
if s not in self.ptc.dayOffsets:
self.weekdyFlag = True
self.dateFlag = 1
if (gv != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr = gv
chunk1 = s[:m.start('weekday')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('weekday'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# Natural language time strings
m =
if m is not None:
self.timeStrFlag = True
self.timeFlag = 2
if ('time') != s):
# capture remaining string
parseStr ='time')
chunk1 = s[:m.start('time')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('time'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
parseStr = s
if parseStr == '':
# HH:MM(:SS) am/pm time strings
m =
if m is not None:
self.meridianFlag = True
self.timeFlag = 2
if'minutes') is not None:
if'seconds') is not None:
parseStr = '%s:%s:%s %s' % ('hours'),'minutes'),'seconds'),'meridian'))
parseStr = '%s:%s %s' % ('hours'),'minutes'),'meridian'))
parseStr = '%s %s' % ('hours'),'meridian'))
chunk1 = s[:m.start('hours')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('meridian'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
if parseStr == '':
# HH:MM(:SS) time strings
m =
if m is not None:
self.timeStdFlag = True
self.timeFlag = 2
if'seconds') is not None:
parseStr = '%s:%s:%s' % ('hours'),'minutes'),'seconds'))
chunk1 = s[:m.start('hours')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('seconds'):]
parseStr = '%s:%s' % ('hours'),'minutes'))
chunk1 = s[:m.start('hours')]
chunk2 = s[m.end('minutes'):]
s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2)
flag = True
# if string does not match any regex, empty string to
# come out of the while loop
if not flag:
s = ''
if _debug:
print 'parse (bottom) [%s][%s][%s][%s]' % (s, parseStr, chunk1, chunk2)
print 'weekday %s, dateStd %s, dateStr %s, time %s, timeStr %s, meridian %s' % \
(self.weekdyFlag, self.dateStdFlag, self.dateStrFlag, self.timeStdFlag, self.timeStrFlag, self.meridianFlag)
print 'dayStr %s, modifier %s, modifier2 %s, units %s, qunits %s' % \
(self.dayStrFlag, self.modifierFlag, self.modifier2Flag, self.unitsFlag, self.qunitsFlag)
# evaluate the matched string
if parseStr != '':
if self.modifierFlag == True:
t, totalTime = self._evalModifier(parseStr, chunk1, chunk2, totalTime)
# t is the unparsed part of the chunks.
# If it is not date/time, return current
# totalTime as it is; else return the output
# after parsing t.
if (t != '') and (t != None):
tempDateFlag = self.dateFlag
tempTimeFlag = self.timeFlag
(totalTime2, flag) = self.parse(t, totalTime)
if flag == 0 and totalTime is not None:
self.timeFlag = tempTimeFlag
self.dateFlag = tempDateFlag
return (totalTime, self.dateFlag + self.timeFlag)
return (totalTime2, self.dateFlag + self.timeFlag)
elif self.modifier2Flag == True:
totalTime, invalidFlag = self._evalModifier2(parseStr, chunk1, chunk2, totalTime)
if invalidFlag == True:
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
totalTime = self._evalString(parseStr, totalTime)
parseStr = ''
# String is not parsed at all
if totalTime is None or totalTime == sourceTime:
totalTime = time.localtime()
self.dateFlag = 0
self.timeFlag = 0
return (totalTime, self.dateFlag + self.timeFlag)
def inc(self, source, month=None, year=None):
Takes the given C{source} date, or current date if none is
passed, and increments it according to the values passed in
by month and/or year.
This routine is needed because Python's C{timedelta()} function
does not allow for month or year increments.
@type source: struct_time
@param source: C{struct_time} value to increment
@type month: integer
@param month: optional number of months to increment
@type year: integer
@param year: optional number of years to increment
@rtype: datetime
@return: C{source} incremented by the number of months and/or years
yr = source.year
mth = source.month
dy =
if year:
yi = int(year)
except ValueError:
yi = 0
yr += yi
if month:
mi = int(month)
except ValueError:
mi = 0
m = abs(mi)
y = m / 12 # how many years are in month increment
m = m % 12 # get remaining months
if mi < 0:
mth = mth - m # sub months from start month
if mth < 1: # cross start-of-year?
y -= 1 # yes - decrement year
mth += 12 # and fix month
mth = mth + m # add months to start month
if mth > 12: # cross end-of-year?
y += 1 # yes - increment year
mth -= 12 # and fix month
yr += y
# if the day ends up past the last day of
# the new month, set it to the last day
if dy > self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr):
dy = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr)
d = source.replace(year=yr, month=mth, day=dy)
return source + (d - source)
#!/usr/bin/env python
parsedatetime constants and helper functions to determine
regex values from Locale information if present.
Also contains the internal Locale classes to give some sane
defaults if PyICU is not found.
__license__ = """
Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Mike Taylor
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Darshana Chhajed
Copyright (c) 2007 Bernd Zeimetz <>
All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import PyICU as pyicu
pyicu = None
import datetime
import calendar
import time
import re
class pdtLocale_en:
en_US Locale constants
This class will be used to initialize L{Constants} if PyICU is not located.
Defined as class variables are the lists and strings needed by parsedatetime
to evaluate strings for USA
localeID = 'en_US' # don't use a unicode string
dateSep = [ u'/', u'.' ]
timeSep = [ u':' ]
meridian = [ u'AM', u'PM' ]
usesMeridian = True
uses24 = False
Weekdays = [ u'monday', u'tuesday', u'wednesday',
u'thursday', u'friday', u'saturday', u'sunday',
shortWeekdays = [ u'mon', u'tues', u'wed',
u'thu', u'fri', u'sat', u'sun',
Months = [ u'january', u'february', u'march',
u'april', u'may', u'june',
u'july', u'august', u'september',
u'october', u'november', u'december',
shortMonths = [ u'jan', u'feb', u'mar',
u'apr', u'may', u'jun',
u'jul', u'aug', u'sep',
u'oct', u'nov', u'dec',
dateFormats = { 'full': 'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy',
'long': 'MMMM d, yyyy',
'medium': 'MMM d, yyyy',
'short': 'M/d/yy',
timeFormats = { 'full': 'h:mm:ss a z',
'long': 'h:mm:ss a z',
'medium': 'h:mm:ss a',
'short': 'h:mm a',
dp_order = [ u'm', u'd', u'y' ]
# this will be added to re_consts later
units = { 'seconds': [ 'second', 'sec' ],
'minutes': [ 'minute', 'min' ],
'hours': [ 'hour', 'hr' ],
'days': [ 'day', 'dy' ],
'weeks': [ 'week', 'wk' ],
'months': [ 'month', 'mth' ],
'years': [ 'year', 'yr' ],
# text constants to be used by regex's later
re_consts = { 'specials': 'in|on|of|at',
'timeseperator': ':',
'rangeseperator': '-',
'daysuffix': 'rd|st|nd|th',
'meridian': 'am|pm|a.m.|p.m.|a|p',
'qunits': 'h|m|s|d|w|m|y',
'now': [ 'now' ],
# Used to adjust the returned date before/after the source
modifiers = { 'from': 1,
'before': -1,
'after': 1,
'ago': -1,
'prior': -1,
'prev': -1,
'last': -1,
'next': 1,
'previous': -1,
'in a': 2,
'end of': 0,
'eod': 0,
'eo': 0
dayoffsets = { 'tomorrow': 1,
'today': 0,
'yesterday': -1,
# special day and/or times, i.e. lunch, noon, evening
# each element in the dictionary is a dictionary that is used
# to fill in any value to be replace - the current date/time will
# already have been populated by the method buildSources
re_sources = { 'noon': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'lunch': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'morning': { 'hr': 6, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'breakfast': { 'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'dinner': { 'hr': 19, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'evening': { 'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'midnight': { 'hr': 0, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'night': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'tonight': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'eod': { 'hr': 17, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
class pdtLocale_au:
en_AU Locale constants
This class will be used to initialize L{Constants} if PyICU is not located.
Defined as class variables are the lists and strings needed by parsedatetime
to evaluate strings for Australia
localeID = 'en_AU' # don't use a unicode string
dateSep = [ u'-', u'/' ]
timeSep = [ u':' ]
meridian = [ u'AM', u'PM' ]
usesMeridian = True
uses24 = False
Weekdays = [ u'monday', u'tuesday', u'wednesday',
u'thursday', u'friday', u'saturday', u'sunday',
shortWeekdays = [ u'mon', u'tues', u'wed',
u'thu', u'fri', u'sat', u'sun',
Months = [ u'january', u'february', u'march',
u'april', u'may', u'june',
u'july', u'august', u'september',
u'october', u'november', u'december',
shortMonths = [ u'jan', u'feb', u'mar',
u'apr', u'may', u'jun',
u'jul', u'aug', u'sep',
u'oct', u'nov', u'dec',
dateFormats = { 'full': 'EEEE, d MMMM yyyy',
'long': 'd MMMM yyyy',
'medium': 'dd/MM/yyyy',
'short': 'd/MM/yy',
timeFormats = { 'full': 'h:mm:ss a z',
'long': 'h:mm:ss a',
'medium': 'h:mm:ss a',
'short': 'h:mm a',
dp_order = [ u'd', u'm', u'y' ]
# this will be added to re_consts later
units = { 'seconds': [ 'second', 'sec' ],
'minutes': [ 'minute', 'min' ],
'hours': [ 'hour', 'hr' ],
'days': [ 'day', 'dy' ],
'weeks': [ 'week', 'wk' ],
'months': [ 'month', 'mth' ],
'years': [ 'year', 'yr' ],
# text constants to be used by regex's later
re_consts = { 'specials': 'in|on|of|at',
'timeseperator': ':',
'rangeseperator': '-',
'daysuffix': 'rd|st|nd|th',
'meridian': 'am|pm|a.m.|p.m.|a|p',
'qunits': 'h|m|s|d|w|m|y',
'now': [ 'now' ],
# Used to adjust the returned date before/after the source
modifiers = { 'from': 1,
'before': -1,
'after': 1,
'ago': 1,
'prior': -1,
'prev': -1,
'last': -1,
'next': 1,
'previous': -1,
'in a': 2,
'end of': 0,
'eo': 0,
dayoffsets = { 'tomorrow': 1,
'today': 0,
'yesterday': -1,
# special day and/or times, i.e. lunch, noon, evening
# each element in the dictionary is a dictionary that is used
# to fill in any value to be replace - the current date/time will
# already have been populated by the method buildSources
re_sources = { 'noon': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'lunch': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'morning': { 'hr': 6, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'breakfast': { 'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'dinner': { 'hr': 19, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'evening': { 'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'midnight': { 'hr': 0, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'night': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'tonight': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'eod': { 'hr': 17, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
class pdtLocale_es:
es Locale constants
This class will be used to initialize L{Constants} if PyICU is not located.
Defined as class variables are the lists and strings needed by parsedatetime
to evaluate strings in Spanish
Note that I don't speak Spanish so many of the items below are still in English
localeID = 'es' # don't use a unicode string
dateSep = [ u'/' ]
timeSep = [ u':' ]
meridian = []
usesMeridian = False
uses24 = True
Weekdays = [ u'lunes', u'martes', u'mi\xe9rcoles',
u'jueves', u'viernes', u's\xe1bado', u'domingo',
shortWeekdays = [ u'lun', u'mar', u'mi\xe9',
u'jue', u'vie', u's\xe1b', u'dom',
Months = [ u'enero', u'febrero', u'marzo',
u'abril', u'mayo', u'junio',
u'julio', u'agosto', u'septiembre',
u'octubre', u'noviembre', u'diciembre'
shortMonths = [ u'ene', u'feb', u'mar',
u'abr', u'may', u'jun',
u'jul', u'ago', u'sep',
u'oct', u'nov', u'dic'
dateFormats = { 'full': "EEEE d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
'long': "d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
'medium': "dd-MMM-yy",
'short': "d/MM/yy",
timeFormats = { 'full': "HH'H'mm' 'ss z",
'long': "HH:mm:ss z",
'medium': "HH:mm:ss",
'short': "HH:mm",
dp_order = [ u'd', u'm', u'y' ]
# this will be added to re_consts later
units = { 'seconds': [ 'second', 'sec' ],
'minutes': [ 'minute', 'min' ],
'hours': [ 'hour', 'hr' ],
'days': [ 'day', 'dy' ],
'weeks': [ 'week', 'wk' ],
'months': [ 'month', 'mth' ],
'years': [ 'year', 'yr' ],
# text constants to be used by regex's later
re_consts = { 'specials': 'in|on|of|at',
'timeseperator': timeSep,
'dateseperator': dateSep,
'rangeseperator': '-',
'daysuffix': 'rd|st|nd|th',
'qunits': 'h|m|s|d|w|m|y',
'now': [ 'now' ],
# Used to adjust the returned date before/after the source
modifiers = { 'from': 1,
'before': -1,
'after': 1,
'ago': 1,
'prior': -1,
'prev': -1,
'last': -1,
'next': 1,
'previous': -1,
'in a': 2,
'end of': 0,
'eo': 0,
dayoffsets = { 'tomorrow': 1,
'today': 0,
'yesterday': -1,
# special day and/or times, i.e. lunch, noon, evening
# each element in the dictionary is a dictionary that is used
# to fill in any value to be replace - the current date/time will
# already have been populated by the method buildSources
re_sources = { 'noon': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'lunch': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'morning': { 'hr': 6, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'breakfast': { 'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'dinner': { 'hr': 19, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'evening': { 'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'midnight': { 'hr': 0, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'night': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'tonight': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
'eod': { 'hr': 17, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
class pdtLocale_de:
de_DE Locale constants
This class will be used to initialize L{Constants} if PyICU is not located.
Contributed by Debian parsedatetime package maintainer Bernd Zeimetz <>
Defined as class variables are the lists and strings needed by parsedatetime
to evaluate strings for German
localeID = 'de_DE' # don't use a unicode string
dateSep = [ u'.' ]
timeSep = [ u':' ]
meridian = [ ]
usesMeridian = False
uses24 = True
Weekdays = [ u'montag', u'dienstag', u'mittwoch',
u'donnerstag', u'freitag', u'samstag', u'sonntag',
shortWeekdays = [ u'mo', u'di', u'mi',
u'do', u'fr', u'sa', u'so',
Months = [ u'januar', u'februar', u'm\xe4rz',
u'april', u'mai', u'juni',
u'juli', u'august', u'september',
u'oktober', u'november', u'dezember',
shortMonths = [ u'jan', u'feb', u'mrz',
u'apr', u'mai', u'jun',
u'jul', u'aug', u'sep',
u'okt', u'nov', u'dez',
dateFormats = { 'full': u'EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy',
'long': u'd. MMMM yyyy',
'medium': u'dd.MM.yyyy',
'short': u'dd.MM.yy'
timeFormats = { 'full': u'HH:mm:ss v',
'long': u'HH:mm:ss z',
'medium': u'HH:mm:ss',
'short': u'HH:mm'
dp_order = [ u'd', u'm', u'y' ]
# this will be added to re_consts later
units = { 'seconds': [ 'sekunden', 'sek', 's' ],
'minutes': [ 'minuten', 'min' , 'm' ],
'hours': [ 'stunden', 'std', 'h' ],
'days': [ 'tage', 't' ],
'weeks': [ 'wochen', 'w' ],
'months': [ 'monate' ], #the short version would be a capital M,
#as I understand it we can't distinguis
#between m for minutes and M for months.
'years': [ 'jahre', 'j' ],
# text constants to be used by regex's later
re_consts = { 'specials': 'am|dem|der|im|in|den|zum',
'timeseperator': ':',
'rangeseperator': '-',
'daysuffix': '',
'qunits': 'h|m|s|t|w|m|j',
'now': [ 'jetzt' ],
# Used to adjust the returned date before/after the source
#still looking for insight on how to translate all of them to german.
modifiers = { u'from': 1,
u'before': -1,
u'after': 1,
u'vergangener': -1,
u'vorheriger': -1,
u'prev': -1,
u'letzter': -1,
u'n\xe4chster': 1,
u'dieser': 0,
u'previous': -1,
u'in a': 2,
u'end of': 0,
u'eod': 0,
u'eo': 0,
#morgen/abermorgen does not work, see
dayoffsets = { u'morgen': 1,
u'heute': 0,
u'gestern': -1,
u'vorgestern': -2,
u'\xfcbermorgen': 2,
# special day and/or times, i.e. lunch, noon, evening
# each element in the dictionary is a dictionary that is used
# to fill in any value to be replace - the current date/time will
# already have been populated by the method buildSources
re_sources = { u'mittag': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'mittags': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'mittagessen': { 'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'morgen': { 'hr': 6, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'morgens': { 'hr': 6, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'fr\e4hst\xe4ck': { 'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'abendessen': { 'hr': 19, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'abend': { 'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'abends': { 'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'mitternacht': { 'hr': 0, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'nacht': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'nachts': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'heute abend': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'heute nacht': { 'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
u'feierabend': { 'hr': 17, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0 },
pdtLocales = { 'en_US': pdtLocale_en,
'en_AU': pdtLocale_au,
'es_ES': pdtLocale_es,
'de_DE': pdtLocale_de,
def _initLocale(ptc):
Helper function to initialize the different lists and strings
from either PyICU or one of the internal pdt Locales and store
them into ptc.
def lcase(x):
return x.lower()
if pyicu and ptc.usePyICU:
ptc.icuLocale = None
if ptc.localeID is not None:
ptc.icuLocale = pyicu.Locale(ptc.localeID)
if ptc.icuLocale is None:
for id in range(0, len(ptc.fallbackLocales)):
ptc.localeID = ptc.fallbackLocales[id]
ptc.icuLocale = pyicu.Locale(ptc.localeID)
if ptc.icuLocale is not None:
ptc.icuSymbols = pyicu.DateFormatSymbols(ptc.icuLocale)
# grab ICU list of weekdays, skipping first entry which
# is always blank
wd = map(lcase, ptc.icuSymbols.getWeekdays()[1:])
swd = map(lcase, ptc.icuSymbols.getShortWeekdays()[1:])
# store them in our list with Monday first (ICU puts Sunday first)
ptc.Weekdays = wd[1:] + wd[0:1]
ptc.shortWeekdays = swd[1:] + swd[0:1]
ptc.Months = map(lcase, ptc.icuSymbols.getMonths())
ptc.shortMonths = map(lcase, ptc.icuSymbols.getShortMonths())
# not quite sure how to init this so for now
# set it to none so it will be set to the en_US defaults for now
ptc.re_consts = None
ptc.icu_df = { 'full': pyicu.DateFormat.createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kFull, ptc.icuLocale),
'long': pyicu.DateFormat.createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kLong, ptc.icuLocale),
'medium': pyicu.DateFormat.createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kMedium, ptc.icuLocale),
'short': pyicu.DateFormat.createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kShort, ptc.icuLocale),
ptc.icu_tf = { 'full': pyicu.DateFormat.createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kFull, ptc.icuLocale),
'long': pyicu.DateFormat.createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kLong, ptc.icuLocale),
'medium': pyicu.DateFormat.createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kMedium, ptc.icuLocale),
'short': pyicu.DateFormat.createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kShort, ptc.icuLocale),
ptc.dateFormats = { 'full': ptc.icu_df['full'].toPattern(),
'long': ptc.icu_df['long'].toPattern(),
'medium': ptc.icu_df['medium'].toPattern(),
'short': ptc.icu_df['short'].toPattern(),
ptc.timeFormats = { 'full': ptc.icu_tf['full'].toPattern(),
'long': ptc.icu_tf['long'].toPattern(),
'medium': ptc.icu_tf['medium'].toPattern(),
'short': ptc.icu_tf['short'].toPattern(),
if not ptc.localeID in pdtLocales:
for id in range(0, len(ptc.fallbackLocales)):
ptc.localeID = ptc.fallbackLocales[id]
if ptc.localeID in pdtLocales:
ptc.locale = pdtLocales[ptc.localeID]
ptc.usePyICU = False
ptc.Weekdays = ptc.locale.Weekdays
ptc.shortWeekdays = ptc.locale.shortWeekdays
ptc.Months = ptc.locale.Months
ptc.shortMonths = ptc.locale.shortMonths
ptc.dateFormats = ptc.locale.dateFormats
ptc.timeFormats = ptc.locale.timeFormats
# these values are used to setup the various bits
# of the regex values used to parse
# check if a local set of constants has been
# provided, if not use en_US as the default
if ptc.localeID in pdtLocales:
ptc.re_sources = pdtLocales[ptc.localeID].re_sources
ptc.re_values = pdtLocales[ptc.localeID].re_consts
units = pdtLocales[ptc.localeID].units
ptc.Modifiers = pdtLocales[ptc.localeID].modifiers
ptc.dayOffsets = pdtLocales[ptc.localeID].dayoffsets
# for now, pull over any missing keys from the US set
for key in pdtLocales['en_US'].re_consts:
if not key in ptc.re_values:
ptc.re_values[key] = pdtLocales['en_US'].re_consts[key]
ptc.re_sources = pdtLocales['en_US'].re_sources
ptc.re_values = pdtLocales['en_US'].re_consts
ptc.Modifiers = pdtLocales['en_US'].modifiers
ptc.dayOffsets = pdtLocales['en_US'].dayoffsets
units = pdtLocales['en_US'].units
# escape any regex special characters that may be found
wd = tuple(map(re.escape, ptc.Weekdays))
swd = tuple(map(re.escape, ptc.shortWeekdays))
mth = tuple(map(re.escape, ptc.Months))
smth = tuple(map(re.escape, ptc.shortMonths))
ptc.re_values['months'] = '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % mth
ptc.re_values['shortmonths'] = '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % smth
ptc.re_values['days'] = '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % wd
ptc.re_values['shortdays'] = '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % swd
l = []
for unit in units:
ptc.re_values['units'] = '|'.join(l)
ptc.Units = ptc.re_values['units'].split('|')
def _initSymbols(ptc):
Helper function to initialize the single character constants
and other symbols needed.
ptc.timeSep = [ u':' ]
ptc.dateSep = [ u'/' ]
ptc.meridian = [ u'AM', u'PM' ]
ptc.usesMeridian = True
ptc.uses24 = False
if pyicu and ptc.usePyICU:
am = u''
pm = u''
ts = ''
# ICU doesn't seem to provide directly the
# date or time seperator - so we have to
# figure it out
o = ptc.icu_tf['short']
s = ptc.timeFormats['short']
ptc.usesMeridian = u'a' in s
ptc.uses24 = u'H' in s
# '11:45 AM' or '11:45'
s = o.format(datetime.datetime(2003, 10, 30, 11, 45))
# ': AM' or ':'
s = s.replace('11', '').replace('45', '')
if len(s) > 0:
ts = s[0]
if ptc.usesMeridian:
# '23:45 AM' or '23:45'
am = s[1:].strip()
s = o.format(datetime.datetime(2003, 10, 30, 23, 45))
if ptc.uses24:
s = s.replace('23', '')
s = s.replace('11', '')
# 'PM' or ''
pm = s.replace('45', '').replace(ts, '').strip()
ptc.timeSep = [ ts ]
ptc.meridian = [ am, pm ]
o = ptc.icu_df['short']
s = o.format(datetime.datetime(2003, 10, 30, 11, 45))
s = s.replace('10', '').replace('30', '').replace('03', '').replace('2003', '')
if len(s) > 0:
ds = s[0]
ds = '/'
ptc.dateSep = [ ds ]
s = ptc.dateFormats['short']
l = s.lower().split(ds)
dp_order = []
for s in l:
if len(s) > 0:
ptc.dp_order = dp_order
ptc.timeSep = ptc.locale.timeSep
ptc.dateSep = ptc.locale.dateSep
ptc.meridian = ptc.locale.meridian
ptc.usesMeridian = ptc.locale.usesMeridian
ptc.uses24 = ptc.locale.uses24
ptc.dp_order = ptc.locale.dp_order
# build am and pm lists to contain
# original case, lowercase and first-char
# versions of the meridian text
if len(ptc.meridian) > 0:
am = ptc.meridian[0] = [ am ]
if len(am) > 0:[0])
am = am.lower()[0])
am = '' = [ '', '' ]
if len(ptc.meridian) > 1:
pm = ptc.meridian[1] = [ pm ]
if len(pm) > 0:[0])
pm = pm.lower()[0])
pm = '' = [ '', '' ]
def _initPatterns(ptc):
Helper function to take the different localized bits from ptc and
create the regex strings.
# TODO add code to parse the date formats and build the regexes up from sub-parts
# TODO find all hard-coded uses of date/time seperators
ptc.RE_DATE4 = r'''(?P<date>(((?P<day>\d\d?)(?P<suffix>%(daysuffix)s)?(,)?(\s)?)
)''' % ptc.re_values
# I refactored DATE3 to fix Issue 16
# I suspect the final line was for a trailing time - but testing shows it's not needed
# ptc.RE_DATE3 = r'''(?P<date>((?P<mthname>(%(months)s|%(shortmonths)s))\s?
# ((?P<day>\d\d?)(\s?|%(daysuffix)s|$)+)?
# (,\s?(?P<year>\d\d(\d\d)?))?))
# (\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_DATE3 = r'''(?P<date>(
)''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_MONTH = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_WEEKDAY = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_SPECIAL = r'(?P<special>^[%(specials)s]+)\s+' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_UNITS = r'''(?P<qty>(-?\d+\s*
))''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_QUNITS = r'''(?P<qty>(-?\d+\s?
))''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_MODIFIER = r'''(\s?|^)
(previous|prev|last|next|eod|eo|(end\sof)|(in\sa)))''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_MODIFIER2 = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_TIMEHMS = r'''(\s?|^)
(?:(?P=tsep)(?P<seconds>\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?))?''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_TIMEHMS2 = r'''(?P<hours>(\d\d?))
(?:[.,]\d+)?))?)?''' % ptc.re_values
if 'meridian' in ptc.re_values:
ptc.RE_TIMEHMS2 += r'\s?(?P<meridian>(%(meridian)s))' % ptc.re_values
dateSeps = ''.join(ptc.dateSep) + '.'
ptc.RE_DATE = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % (dateSeps, dateSeps)
ptc.RE_DATE2 = r'[%s]' % dateSeps
ptc.RE_DAY = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_DAY2 = r'''(?P<day>\d\d?)|(?P<suffix>%(daysuffix)s)
''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_TIME = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$|[^0-9a-zA-Z])''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_REMAINING = r'\s+'
# Regex for date/time ranges
ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS = r'''(\s?|^)
(\s?|$)''' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS2 = r'''(\s?|^)
(%(timeseperator)s(\d\d?))?''' % ptc.re_values
if 'meridian' in ptc.re_values:
ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS2 += r'\s?(%(meridian)s)' % ptc.re_values
ptc.RE_RDATE = r'(\d+([%s]\d+)+)' % dateSeps
ptc.RE_RDATE3 = r'''((((%(months)s))\s?
(,\s?\d\d\d\d)?))''' % ptc.re_values
# "06/07/06 - 08/09/06"
ptc.DATERNG1 = ptc.RE_RDATE + r'\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?' + ptc.RE_RDATE
ptc.DATERNG1 = ptc.DATERNG1 % ptc.re_values
# "march 31 - june 1st, 2006"
ptc.DATERNG2 = ptc.RE_RDATE3 + r'\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?' + ptc.RE_RDATE3
ptc.DATERNG2 = ptc.DATERNG2 % ptc.re_values
# "march 1rd -13th"
ptc.DATERNG3 = ptc.RE_RDATE3 + r'\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?(\d\d?)\s?(rd|st|nd|th)?'
ptc.DATERNG3 = ptc.DATERNG3 % ptc.re_values
# "4:00:55 pm - 5:90:44 am", '4p-5p'
ptc.TIMERNG1 = ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS2 + r'\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?' + ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS2
ptc.TIMERNG1 = ptc.TIMERNG1 % ptc.re_values
# "4:00 - 5:90 ", "4:55:55-3:44:55"
ptc.TIMERNG2 = ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS + r'\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?' + ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS
ptc.TIMERNG2 = ptc.TIMERNG2 % ptc.re_values
# "4-5pm "
ptc.TIMERNG3 = r'\d\d?\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?' + ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS2
ptc.TIMERNG3 = ptc.TIMERNG3 % ptc.re_values
# "4:30-5pm "
ptc.TIMERNG4 = ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS + r'\s?%(rangeseperator)s\s?' + ptc.RE_RTIMEHMS2
ptc.TIMERNG4 = ptc.TIMERNG4 % ptc.re_values
def _initConstants(ptc):
Create localized versions of the units, week and month names
# build weekday offsets - yes, it assumes the Weekday and shortWeekday
# lists are in the same order and Mon..Sun (Python style)
ptc.WeekdayOffsets = {}
o = 0
for key in ptc.Weekdays:
ptc.WeekdayOffsets[key] = o
o += 1
o = 0
for key in ptc.shortWeekdays:
ptc.WeekdayOffsets[key] = o
o += 1
# build month offsets - yes, it assumes the Months and shortMonths
# lists are in the same order and Jan..Dec
ptc.MonthOffsets = {}
o = 1
for key in ptc.Months:
ptc.MonthOffsets[key] = o
o += 1
o = 1
for key in ptc.shortMonths:
ptc.MonthOffsets[key] = o
o += 1
# ptc.DaySuffixes = ptc.re_consts['daysuffix'].split('|')
class Constants:
Default set of constants for parsedatetime.
If PyICU is present, then the class will first try to get PyICU
to return a locale specified by C{localeID}. If either C{localeID} is
None or if the locale does not exist within PyICU, then each of the
locales defined in C{fallbackLocales} is tried in order.
If PyICU is not present or none of the specified locales can be used,
then the class will initialize itself to the en_US locale.
if PyICU is not present or not requested, only the locales defined by
C{pdtLocales} will be searched.
def __init__(self, localeID=None, usePyICU=True, fallbackLocales=['en_US']):
self.localeID = localeID
self.fallbackLocales = fallbackLocales
if 'en_US' not in self.fallbackLocales:
# define non-locale specific constants
self.locale = None
self.usePyICU = usePyICU
# starting cache of leap years
# daysInMonth will add to this if during
# runtime it gets a request for a year not found
self._leapYears = [ 1904, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944,
1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988,
1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032,
2036, 2040, 2044, 2048, 2052, 2056, 2060, 2064, 2068, 2072, 2076,
2080, 2084, 2088, 2092, 2096 ]
self.Second = 1
self.Minute = 60 * self.Second
self.Hour = 60 * self.Minute
self.Day = 24 * self.Hour
self.Week = 7 * self.Day
self.Month = 30 * self.Day
self.Year = 365 * self.Day
self.rangeSep = u'-'
self._DaysInMonthList = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
self.BirthdayEpoch = 50
# DOWParseStyle controls how we parse "Tuesday"
# If the current day was Thursday and the text to parse is "Tuesday"
# then the following table shows how each style would be returned
# -1, 0, +1
# Current day marked as ***
# Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
# week -1
# current -1,0 ***
# week +1 +1
# If the current day was Monday and the text to parse is "Tuesday"
# then the following table shows how each style would be returned
# -1, 0, +1
# Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
# week -1 -1
# current *** 0,+1
# week +1
self.DOWParseStyle = 1
# CurrentDOWParseStyle controls how we parse "Friday"
# If the current day was Friday and the text to parse is "Friday"
# then the following table shows how each style would be returned
# True/False. This also depends on DOWParseStyle.
# Current day marked as ***
# DOWParseStyle = 0
# Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
# week -1
# current T,F
# week +1
# DOWParseStyle = -1
# Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
# week -1 F
# current T
# week +1
# DOWParseStyle = +1
# Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
# week -1
# current T
# week +1 F
self.CurrentDOWParseStyle = False
# initalize attributes to empty values to ensure
# they are defined
self.re_sources = None
self.re_values = None
self.Modifiers = None
self.dayOffsets = None
self.WeekdayOffsets = None
self.MonthOffsets = None
self.dateSep = None
self.timeSep = None = None = None
self.meridian = None
self.usesMeridian = None
self.uses24 = None
self.dp_order = None
self.RE_DATE4 = r''
self.RE_DATE3 = r''
self.RE_MONTH = r''
self.RE_WEEKDAY = r''
self.RE_SPECIAL = r''
self.RE_UNITS = r''
self.RE_QUNITS = r''
self.RE_MODIFIER = r''
self.RE_MODIFIER2 = r''
self.RE_TIMEHMS = r''
self.RE_TIMEHMS2 = r''
self.RE_DATE = r''
self.RE_DATE2 = r''
self.RE_DAY = r''
self.RE_DAY2 = r''
self.RE_TIME = r''
self.RE_REMAINING = r''
self.RE_RTIMEHMS = r''
self.RE_RTIMEHMS2 = r''
self.RE_RDATE = r''
self.RE_RDATE3 = r''
self.DATERNG1 = r''
self.DATERNG2 = r''
self.DATERNG3 = r''
self.TIMERNG1 = r''
self.TIMERNG2 = r''
self.TIMERNG3 = r''
self.TIMERNG4 = r''
self.re_option = re.IGNORECASE + re.VERBOSE
self.cre_source = { 'CRE_SPECIAL': self.RE_SPECIAL,
'CRE_DATE2': self.RE_DATE2,
'CRE_DATE3': self.RE_DATE3,
'CRE_DATE4': self.RE_DATE4,
'CRE_DAY': self.RE_DAY,
'CRE_DAY2': self.RE_DAY2,
self.cre_keys = self.cre_source.keys()
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self.cre_keys:
value = re.compile(self.cre_source[name], self.re_option)
setattr(self, name, value)
return value
raise AttributeError, name
def daysInMonth(self, month, year):
Take the given month (1-12) and a given year (4 digit) return
the number of days in the month adjusting for leap year as needed
result = None
if month > 0 and month <= 12:
result = self._DaysInMonthList[month - 1]
if month == 2:
if year in self._leapYears:
result += 1
if calendar.isleap(year):
result += 1
return result
def buildSources(self, sourceTime=None):
Return a dictionary of date/time tuples based on the keys
found in self.re_sources.
The current time is used as the default and any specified
item found in self.re_sources is inserted into the value
and the generated dictionary is returned.
if sourceTime is None:
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = time.localtime()
(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime
sources = {}
defaults = { 'yr': yr, 'mth': mth, 'dy': dy,
'hr': hr, 'mn': mn, 'sec': sec, }
for item in self.re_sources:
values = {}
source = self.re_sources[item]
for key in defaults.keys():
if key in source:
values[key] = source[key]
values[key] = defaults[key]
sources[item] = ( values['yr'], values['mth'], values['dy'],
values['hr'], values['mn'], values['sec'], wd, yd, isdst )
return sources
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