Hey, this looks like a great starting point!
I'm very new to things like js (and therefore Backbone.js) though I am beginning to understand the basics ... but, unfortunately I don't have time in my current project to try and learn this now.
Was wondering if you could look over my Stack Overflow question (http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/130585/customizing-the-3-5-add-media-popup-backbone-js) and tell me what I might be doing wrong / how to customize your code to better fit my needs until I have time to learn this stuff for myself.
Thanks for your time / any help you can offer.
I am seeing an issue where when I click on the new menu item in the media library, the view doesn't appear to actually display. It just displays the previous section tha twas being viewed. I have poked around with the code for a while, but being new to backbone.js I am not certain what I am missing. Have you seen this issue with your example by chance?
Hi , I am seeing an issue in media libray, the previous clicked link show in custom tab and also image insert not go to show list.
Hello. It is a nice part of something to get started with.
On http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/78881/wordpress-3-5-media-manager-add-a-button i Have puted a request for help in doing something simmilar, but still diffrent - instead of adding new "left" menu item - the request is for help with adding aditional two buttons to standard view: insert media -> add files. Maybe with Your knowledge You could help somehow? Thanks in advice.