From ≈2018-03-01T00:00:00Z to ≈2018-04-01T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 1748
Open tickets after: 1770
Number of tickets touched: 215
[resolved] RT#122137 Type object seem to bind in item or push [resolved] RT#126380 [resolved] RT#126381 Proc::Async has no way to get to a child's PID [resolved] RT#126390 await start {} hangs when using HTTP::UserAgent [resolved] RT#126563 'X' meta-operator fails with RHS input from parenthesized output of another 'X' [resolved] RT#126897 Slip objects deparse as List [resolved] RT#127011 bad error when initialising Int var to Inf or NaN [resolved] RT#127184 One digit short to correctly stringify a double [resolved] RT#127352 Behavior of Regular Expressions Contained in a Constant with a Sigil [resolved] RT#128511 utf8-c8 generates spurious NUL [resolved] RT#128512 utf8-c8 mangles by NFC [resolved] RT#128520 Consider migrating from RT [resolved] RT#128655 Mixup in candidates through optimizer [resolved] RT#128758 Reduce with numeric ops does not numify things if only one arg is passed ([*] set(1,2,3)) [resolved] RT#128895 $*ARGFILES.words does not fallback to $*IN [resolved] RT#128912 decimal->float bad rounding [resolved] RT#129912 Subset produces Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Null; VMNull) [resolved] RT#130483 Regex Unicode properties check string values before checking bool properties [resolved] RT#130532 Failing tests for itemization of arguments with infix:<Z> after introduction of Rakudo::Internals.OneValueIterator [resolved] RT#130586 "Iteration Past End" with Empty Character Class that has unescaped space in it [resolved] RT#130688 .subst/.subst-mutate with :g do not set $/ to all the matches [resolved] RT#130843 .seek(... SeekFromCurrent) seeks to incorrect place if called after .readchars [resolved] RT#130980 Thunked xx not calling pull-one deep enough? [resolved] RT#131145 Modes for need clarification [resolved] RT#131275 Str.comb returns a List instead of a Seq when matcher is a Regex [resolved] RT#131790 :delete silently fails on lazy Arrays [resolved] RT#131879 Memory “leak” [resolved] RT#131887 method freeze(Pair:D:) changes object identity [resolved] RT#132268 Floating point anomalies [resolved] RT#132909 [LTA?] Failure return from require when load fails [resolved] RT#132980 Coercion type apparently does not check the actual type of the coerced value [closed] GH#306 Enable symmetric difference for LoLs [closed] GH#362 Symmetric difference as a quanthash-y op [closed] GH#400 Fix RT #124204 in squish: Do not .Str the return value of &as, in order ... [closed] GH#1259 SEGV when running whateverable tests [closed] GH#1278 Another SEGV in whateverable [closed] GH#1280 Memory “leak” in whateverable [closed] GH#1317 Add two special cases for infix:<,> [closed] GH#1420 FreeBSD issues [closed] GH#1442 Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1 (with HTTP::UserAgent) [closed] GH#1473 first draft of "datagram"-oriented API for udp sockets [closed] GH#1527 Possibly new segmentation fault issue on rakudo HEAD [closed] GH#1573 Regression causing previously working script to fail [closed] GH#1576 Assigning NativeCall return value to constant segfaults on calling the sub again [closed] GH#1577 Differentiate precomp NC sub setup markers [closed] GH#1580 Add `--profile-[compile|stage]` to `--help` output [closed] GH#1582 Remove Range.clone-with-op [closed] GH#1585 `$ but my role Foo {}` and `my role Foo {}; $ but Foo` differ [closed] GH#1589 Don't call Regexes in HyperRace's GrepCode [closed] GH#1593 LTA (elem) doesn't special case Range [closed] GH#1597 nqp/docs/ is not in markdown format [closed] GH#1604 dd(Failure) fix broke dd(Junction) [closed] GH#1606 Wrong output of in CArray.^shortname [closed] GH#1608 Make 2 elem infix:<,> special cases more generic [closed] GH#1609 Fix Metamodel shortname assignments [closed] GH#1611 Add support to Encoding::Decoder and Buf.decode to use replacements [closed] GH#1614 .open with :truncate/:create violates "read only" default open mode [closed] GH#1615 Throw when opening read-only files with truncate and create flags [closed] GH#1617 Add strict, replacement options for IO::Handle, Str.encode & other fixes [closed] GH#1621 Promise.anyof(, <Something Promise>) doesn't work if a member returns the result under 0.01s [closed] GH#1624 fp numbers with outside-range chars hang [closed] GH#1626 6.0221409e+23 is parsed as a slightly off number [closed] GH#1627 Missing bits for .pm → .pm6 rename [closed] GH#1628 Post release 2018.03 [closed] GH#1633 Nodality of .produce / .reduce [closed] GH#1634 `/<a foo bar>/` parses, but is that a valid syntax? [closed] GH#1636 Fix typo [closed] GH#1641 Simplify List's [closed] GH#1642 Simplify Telemetry's new [closed] GH#1643 Optimize Array's !splice-save [closed] GH#1644 Lock.protect({}) fails, but with surprising message [closed] GH#1646 Travis needs oracle-java8-installer even when building for moar only [closed] GH#1650 Don't install jdk when building for moar [closed] GH#1653 Supervisor fewer allocations [closed] GH#1657 first() does not accept multiple positionals in signature [closed] GH#1664 Implement fails-like routine in Test.pm6 [closed] GH#1665 Make resolved private method calls callstatic [closed] GH#1668 .subst-mutate is a gazillion times slower than .= subst [closed] GH#1670 logMN doesn't equal to logM + logN [closed] GH#1671 Calling .perl on Sequence produced by chained .grep after .grep, :k gives wrong result
[testneeded] RT#126014 Too many repetitions with xx operator causes out of memory; should it work lazily? [testneeded] RT#126297 filehandle read in a thead causes a segfault when the thread ends [testneeded] RT#126318 trait 'is default' on attributes has no effect [testneeded] RT#126490 Control exception handling is inconsistent and broken across backends. (SEGV on moar, CX unrecognized on jvm) [testneeded] RT#126587 require inside thread segfault hang [testneeded] RT#126752 $/ vs .hyper gets confused [testneeded] RT#126955 more .perl string quoting problems [testneeded] RT#127030 await start { qx/../ } doesn't wait [testneeded] RT#127093 gist missing for non-native typed array that doesn't get initialized [testneeded] RT#127869 if my $match is True and False [testneeded] RT#127974 sprintf() not threadsafe/reentrant if the format tokens use explicit indices [testneeded] RT#128553 multi method cache causes Base64 regression [testneeded] RT#128624 Buf initialization error [testneeded] RT#129142 Parse error when coercing an enum from a coercion of an enum from an int [testneeded] RT#130370 Tapping on a very active .out of Proc::Async wrecks the work queue [testneeded] RT#130502 error message complains too much about Metamodel.nqp ('0')) [testneeded] RT#130505 double SORRY (BEGIN (1, 2)[*-1]) [testneeded] RT#130599 internal backtrace is spewed when trying to assign to a Blob type object (Blob[2] = 100) [testneeded] RT#130941 infix:<xx> keeps containers around since October, resulting in confusing behaviour [testneeded] RT#131206 “Oops!!!” when using --target=ast (^…) [testneeded] RT#131375 error initializing large array on Windows (64-bit) [testneeded] RT#131510 Segfault when `-Ilib` while running a file that does `use lib <lib>` and loads some modules [testneeded] RT#131623 Range + detached method + map with &sub = "Cannot find method 'count' on object of type NQPMu" [testneeded] RT#131684 Iterator and Supply might fail early if Nil is sent on a channel [testneeded] RT#131696 internal error for invalid native type in "is native" [testneeded] RT#131858 default $.nl-in on IO::Handle does not correctly work in subclasses [testneeded] RT#131870 Capture lookup inside regex is not threadsafe [testneeded] RT#131871 Regex code block closing over lexical variable, is not threadsafe [testneeded] GH#1450 Signals ignored after signal taps are closed [testneeded] GH#1564 The Str "comb" method (Regex candidate) returns List instead of Seq [testneeded] GH#1610 `once` places the return value into unwanted Scalar container [testneeded] GH#1638 users should have access to a usable “pid” attribute (process id) [testneeded] GH#1640 %% fails with bigInt, bigInt arguments [testneeded] GH#1645 Very simple spesh-related segfault [testneeded] GH#1658 Why do Array / Hash not have .grab like QuantHashes do? [testneeded] GH#1660 Cro + Digest::SHA256::Native = segfault
[updated] RT#114554 Definition of zero-length postfix operator wrongly allowed in Rakudo [new→open] RT#124057 Proxy class attribute interaction segfaults [updated] RT#125466 [@LARRY] bitwise shift is inconsistent on int [updated] RT#126702 failing test in S06-multi/subsignature.t: wrong multi candidate called when slurpy and named are passed [updated] RT#126826 Numeric precision not arbitrary [updated] RT#126855 .WHAT does not allow spaces around the dot (42 . WHAT) [updated] RT#127208 Non-deterministic segfaults in parallel code [new→open] RT#127682 writing more than 8192 bytes to IO::Handle causes it to hang forever [updated] RT#128870 Pushing into the same array from two threads segfaults reliably [new→open] RT#128914 decimal->float conversion differs for literals and Str.Num [updated] RT#129926 Make everything in Learning Perl 6 work [updated] RT#130493 [@LARRY] .sink of class not getting called, but Mu.sink is [updated] RT#130494 Using Proc::Async with tap leads to memory leak [new→open] RT#130616 Wrong source line number reported for misspelled private class attribute names [updated] RT#130883 problem with RESOURCES and PERL6LIB env variable [updated] RT#130892 t\spec\S32-io\IO-Socket-INET.t hangs on Windows [updated] RT#131376 read on IO handle following SeekFromCurrent [new→open] RT#131393 When reading from stdin, eof is not respected [updated] RT#131508 `state` with `% is Sethash` ends up with a type object on second entry to block [updated] RT#131626 ≥ and ≤ are 36x slower than Texas version; ≠ is 15x slower [updated] RT#131914 Rakudo/Moar taking more memory at launch. [open→rejected] RT#132012 Numeric values of signals are wrong (say +SIGUSR1) [updated] GH#184 properly remove left margin from raw blocks [updated] GH#236 give the user a way to disable perl5 warnings (only one so far) [updated] GH#324 Cliparser with grammar [updated] GH#1020 Revert "forbid to put variable in initializer of its declaration" [updated] GH#1169 Fix PIO table so they are equal to the kernel values + add family packing [updated] GH#1214 Incorrect KEEP / UNDO gets fired under certain exit conditions [updated] GH#1257 Rakudo 2017.10 fails to build on Debian big endian systems [updated] GH#1290 KEEP does not set $_ to the return value [updated] GH#1344 What is a "list"? [updated] GH#1363 Fix RT#127016 [updated] GH#1391 EVAL is not thread safe [updated] GH#1529 Spectest sometimes gets stuck on t/spec/S07-hyperrace/basics.t [updated] GH#1542 RT#102994: State init vars if not set on first pass (CodeRef edition) [updated] GH#1555 Indirect lookup fails when used in variable/parameter type constraints [updated] GH#1566 multi built-ins are not assignable to Callable [updated] GH#1575 Arbitrary drift of methods to `Mu` and `Any`
[resolved] RT#132980 Coercion type apparently does not check the actual type of the coerced value [new] RT#132983 Roast S32-io/IO-Socket-Async.t test fails WSL - listen "already in use" test [open] RT#133016 Wrong set difference of Bag and List [open] RT#133017 First intermediate value of reduction with zip operator [open] GH#1579 LTA error when binding to redeclared sigiless param [closed] GH#1580 Add `--profile-[compile|stage]` to `--help` output [open] GH#1581 range with large Rat as bound returns Nil for .pick() [closed] GH#1582 Remove Range.clone-with-op [open] GH#1583 tools/ is a perl 6 script but has Prolog file extension [open] GH#1584 NativeCall routine to load an external library without a symbol. [closed] GH#1585 `$ but my role Foo {}` and `my role Foo {}; $ but Foo` differ [open] GH#1586 Easy way to pipe Procs [open] GH#1587 `my Int constant .= new: 42` doesn't crash [open] GH#1588 Signals do not match host system (NativeCall kill issue) [closed] GH#1589 Don't call Regexes in HyperRace's GrepCode [open] GH#1590 Procs should not get back with “exit code: 1” if the program does not exist at all [open] GH#1591 LTAnesses with Range.rand [open] GH#1592 Hypering prefix op methodcalls is not supported [closed] GH#1593 LTA (elem) doesn't special case Range [open] GH#1594 Pair.ACCEPTS violates "smartmatch never explodes" paradigm [open] GH#1595 Some bug with a combination of $*KERNEL.hardware, slurp, run and Cro [open] GH#1596 Type Captures Leaking out Sometimes [closed] GH#1597 nqp/docs/ is not in markdown format [open] GH#1598 Consider not recommending RT [open] GH#1599 An augment of Hash breaks object hashes [open] GH#1600 Make MONKEY-TYPING imply `no precompilation` [open] GH#1601 Issue 1588: Populate Signal enum with getsignals op [open] GH#1602 LTA Error when calling `.new` on a stubbed class at begin time [open] GH#1603 Silent failure when using `$Foo::var` syntax to fetch value bound to an `our` var [closed] GH#1604 dd(Failure) fix broke dd(Junction) [open] GH#1605 `CONTROL { }; warn "";` says Trying to unwind over wrong handler [closed] GH#1606 Wrong output of in CArray.^shortname [open] GH#1607 Missing deconts in xx [closed] GH#1608 Make 2 elem infix:<,> special cases more generic [closed] GH#1609 Fix Metamodel shortname assignments [testneeded] GH#1610 `once` places the return value into unwanted Scalar container [closed] GH#1611 Add support to Encoding::Decoder and Buf.decode to use replacements [open] GH#1612 whenever with a Seq blocks other whenevers [open] GH#1613 a nqp::null bound to an attribute gets hllized [closed] GH#1614 .open with :truncate/:create violates "read only" default open mode [closed] GH#1615 Throw when opening read-only files with truncate and create flags [open] GH#1616 Callables for auto-generated metaops blow up with `S` metaop [closed] GH#1617 Add strict, replacement options for IO::Handle, Str.encode & other fixes [open] GH#1618 perl6 --doc emits HTML blocks. [open] GH#1619 NativeCall TakeUint16(0xFFFE) test fails in certain cases on FreeBSD [open] GH#1620 Skip NativeCall TakeUint16 test on FreeBSD [closed] GH#1621 Promise.anyof(, <Something Promise>) doesn't work if a member returns the result under 0.01s [open] GH#1622 Weirdness on negative char class “[ ]” [open] GH#1623 Phasers FIRST/LAST in sub-loop doesn't compile: Cannot reference undeclared local 'LOOP_BLOCK_1' [closed] GH#1624 fp numbers with outside-range chars hang [open] GH#1625 .unival of characters beyond 0x10FFFF is 0 but should be NaN [closed] GH#1626 6.0221409e+23 is parsed as a slightly off number [closed] GH#1627 Missing bits for .pm → .pm6 rename [closed] GH#1628 Post release 2018.03 [open] GH#1629 Treatment of non-Int ranges as a sequence of Int values [open] GH#1630 `no worries` pragma gets cached by regex braid [open] GH#1631 Supply.throttle(Int,Real) doesn't seem to apply backpressure [open] GH#1632 Meta R op messes up fake infix colonpairs [closed] GH#1633 Nodality of .produce / .reduce [closed] GH#1634 `/<a foo bar>/` parses, but is that a valid syntax? [open] GH#1635 `/||< ... >/` still does LTM matching [closed] GH#1636 Fix typo [open] GH#1637 LTA error with enums made out of non-compile-time set var [testneeded] GH#1638 users should have access to a usable “pid” attribute (process id) [open] GH#1639 Do we need an API method "SLICE", as extension to AT-POS? [testneeded] GH#1640 %% fails with bigInt, bigInt arguments [closed] GH#1641 Simplify List's [closed] GH#1642 Simplify Telemetry's new [closed] GH#1643 Optimize Array's !splice-save [closed] GH#1644 Lock.protect({}) fails, but with surprising message [testneeded] GH#1645 Very simple spesh-related segfault [closed] GH#1646 Travis needs oracle-java8-installer even when building for moar only [open] GH#1647 Num == Num apparently stringifies [open] GH#1648 Nodality of .head/.tail [open] GH#1649 Nodality of .flat [closed] GH#1650 Don't install jdk when building for moar [open] GH#1651 Drift in Str -> Num -> Str conversion [open] GH#1652 Rename tools/ to install-dist.p6 [closed] GH#1653 Supervisor fewer allocations [open] GH#1654 Fresh-clone builds fail with "No rule to make target `gen/nqp-version', needed by `blib/Perl6/ModuleLoader.moarvm'." [open] GH#1655 Inconsistency: can bind wrong type to typed Hash but not typed Array's value [open] GH#1656 Sometime hyper does not hyper [closed] GH#1657 first() does not accept multiple positionals in signature [testneeded] GH#1658 Why do Array / Hash not have .grab like QuantHashes do? [open] GH#1659 <!after <token>> (mis)matching backwards [testneeded] GH#1660 Cro + Digest::SHA256::Native = segfault [open] GH#1661 Remove .grep with .count > 1 Callables [open] GH#1662 Windows Issues with "Replace error-prone file timestamp check by checksum when loading deps" [open] GH#1663 rakudo 2018.02 test failure on big endian systems in t/04-nativecall/21-callback-other-thread.t [closed] GH#1664 Implement fails-like routine in Test.pm6 [closed] GH#1665 Make resolved private method calls callstatic [open] GH#1666 Native arrays don't work in ThreadPoolScheduler [open] GH#1667 Some string benchmark [closed] GH#1668 .subst-mutate is a gazillion times slower than .= subst [open] GH#1669 sub MAIN's USAGE doesn't recognize named's aliases [closed] GH#1670 logMN doesn't equal to logM + logN [closed] GH#1671 Calling .perl on Sequence produced by chained .grep after .grep, :k gives wrong result [open] GH#1672 Implement NativeCall support for wchar_t [open] GH#1673 use tmpdir for precompliation/REPL history if home directory is readonly [open] GH#1674 REPL: exit by pressing ^D twice, not once [open] GH#1675 Rolling bools is faster than with integers even if you use a small range. [open] GH#1676 A "crossover" benchmark [open] GH#1677 REPL exit instructions don't work on Windows