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Last active November 27, 2017 18:59
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Bukkit Entity Spawning

Entities that work:

  • Arrow
  • Bat
  • Blaze
  • Boat bow charge has no effect, always spawns on player head
  • CaveSpider
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Creeper
  • Egg
  • EnderCrystal always spawns on player head
  • EnderDragon
  • Enderman
  • EnderPearl
  • EnderSignal
  • Fireball appears to follow yaw/pitch of player?
  • Firework white, no pretty colors
  • Ghast
  • Giant
  • IronGolem
  • LargeFireball appears to follow yaw/pitch of player?
  • LightningStrike bow charge determines strength of strike
  • MagmaCube
  • Minecart
  • MushroomCow
  • Ocelot
  • Pig
  • PigZombie
  • PoweredMinecart
  • Sheep
  • Silverfish
  • Skeleton
  • Slime
  • SmallFireball fires extremely fast, hardly visible
  • Snowball
  • Snowman
  • Spider
  • Squid
  • StorageMinecart
  • ThrownExpBottle
  • TNTPrimed
  • Villager only main boring type, no special trades
  • Weather bow charge determines strength of strike, plays loud noise
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • WitherSkull suffer a visual glitch that makes them nearly invisible
  • Wolf
  • Zombie

#Entities that don't work:

  • Ageable
  • Ambient
  • Animals
  • AnimalTamer
  • ComplexEntityPart
  • ComplexLivingEntity
  • Creature
  • Damageable
  • EnderDragonPart
  • Entity
  • ExperienceOrb doesn't throw error, but no orbs are spawned
  • Explosive
  • FallingBlock crashes clients, most likely due to invalid data
  • FallingSand crashes clients, most likely due to invalid data
  • Fish
  • Flying
  • Golem
  • Hanging
  • HumanEntity
  • Item
  • ItemFrame
  • LivingEntity
  • Monster
  • NPC
  • Painting
  • Player
  • Projectile
  • Tameable
  • ThrownPotion
  • Vehicle
  • WaterMob
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