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Last active January 14, 2019 15:37
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Save shesek/4636379 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Decorate constructor functions, and have them return a callable object that delegates to a `callable()` method when invoked.
### Moved to
"use strict"
# without strict mode, `this` defaults to window, so `(this?obj)`
# would always return window.
callable = (ctor) ->
callable_ctor = (a...) ->
obj = -> obj.callable.apply (this ? obj), arguments
obj.__proto__ = ctor::
result = obj
if typeof result is 'object' then result
else obj
callable_ctor.__proto__ = ctor
callable_ctor:: = ctor::
# Copy call() and apply() from Function.prototype to the constructor prototype
{call: callable_ctor::call, apply: callable_ctor::apply} = Function::
module.exports = callable
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