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Created January 26, 2013 00:40
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settings =
orientation =
default = "landscapeRight"
android =
versionCode = "1"
androidPermissions =
--/// OUYA - Corona SDK Sample Code - Nexus Game Studio, 2013 ///
--/// | ///
--/// Code samples are free to use and modify without permission. ///
--/// Sample code is provided "as is" and takes no responsibility over any software / hardware complications that may occur. ///
--/// Credit is appreciated but is not manditory. Go make awesome games! ///
--/// Config File Ver 1.0///
application =
content =
fps = 60, --Framerate for your game [default = 30 fps].
antialias = false, --Turns on / off anti-aliasing for vector based objects [false = off, true = on]. Note that turing it on will use more system resource.
width = 720, --Standard height for 720p TV. Do not change this. ***Remember, mobile displays are normally in portrait mode, so we have to reverse width and height.***
height = 1280, --Standard width for 720p TV. Do not change this.
scale = "letterbox", --Scales all content evenly for 720p or 1080p.
xAlign = "center", --Sets the x axis in the center of the screen.
yAlign = "center", --Sets the y axis in the center of the screen.
--/// Notes ///
--We use 1280x720 since it is the lowest base resolution for HD, because we use "letterbox" scaling, this will format all images evenly to higher resolutions such as 1366x768
--and 1920x1080. Corona requires the config to use the lowest resolution as it's foundation and the engine will do the scaling, setting it too high will make everything small.
--Also note, when designing images, create them for a 1080p display, that way the engine will scale down your images and will remain sharp, instead of blurry / pixelated if you
--designed them at 720p from being upscaled.
--/// OUYA - Corona SDK Sample Code - Nexus Game Studio, 2013 ///
--/// | ///
--/// Code samples are free to use and modify without permission. ///
--/// Sample code is provided "as is" and takes no responsibility over any software / hardware complications that may occur. ///
--/// Credit is appreciated but is not manditory. Go make awesome games! ///
--/// OUYA Pong Ver 1.0 ///
local W = display.contentWidth
local H = display.contentHeight
local physics = require("physics") --Call the physics engine
physics.start() --Initialize physics
physics.setGravity( 0, 0 ) --Gravity by default is on the Y-axis, we disable that and turn off gravity all together
local left = display.newRect(0, 0, 10 , H) --Create the four boundries
local right = display.newRect(W - 10, 0, W, H)
local top = display.newRect(0, 0, W, 10)
local bottom = display.newRect(0, H - 10, W, 10)
physics.addBody(left, "static", { bounce = 0.1} ) --Add physics bodies to the walls so the ball can bounce off them.
physics.addBody(right, "static", { bounce = 0.1} )
physics.addBody(top, "static", { bounce = 0.1} )
physics.addBody(bottom, "static", { bounce = 0.1} )
local centerCourt = display.newRect(0, 0, 10, H) --Draws the center court line.
centerCourt.x = W/2
local paddle = display.newRect(0,10,20,100) --Player paddle.
paddle.x = 30; paddle.y = H/2 --Position the paddle.
physics.addBody(paddle, "static", { friction = 1.0, density=5, bounce=.2}) --Adds a physics body to the paddle.
local ball = display.newRect(50,H/2,50, 50) --Ball
physics.addBody( ball, { density=1, friction=-1, bounce=1, radius = 30} ) --Adds a physics body to the ball.
ball:setLinearVelocity( 800, yVelocity ) --Instead of physics movement, we set a constant velocity so there are no crazy speed effects.
ball.isFixedRotation = true --Keeps the boxed shape "ball" from rotating, looks more like classic Pong.
function controlPaddle(e) --Paddle controls
if (e.keyName == "up") then --If the user presses "up" on the Dpad or left analog, the paddle will move up.
if (e.phase == "down") then
function moveUp()
paddle.y = (paddle.y - 20) --Set the value in which the number of pixels the paddle moves at. To move up, use a negative value.
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", moveUp)
if (e.phase == "up") then
Runtime:removeEventListener("enterFrame", moveUp) --When the player releases the button, it will remove the Runtime listener.
if (e.keyName == "down") then --If the user presses "down" on the Dpad or left analog, the paddle will move down.
if (e.phase == "down") then
function moveDown()
paddle.y = (paddle.y + 20) --Set the value in which the number of pixels the paddle moves at. To move down, use a positive value.
Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", moveDown)
if (e.phase == "up") then
Runtime:removeEventListener("enterFrame", moveDown) --When the player releases the button, it will remove the Runtime listener.
if (paddle.y < 50) then --If the paddle goes outside the screen at the top, it will reset back at the boundry.
paddle.y = 50
if (paddle.y > H - 50) then --If the paddle goes outside the screen at the bottom, it will reset back at the boundry.
paddle.y = H-50
if (ball.x < 0) then --Stops the ball from getting glitched behind the paddle. Just a fail-safe.
ball.x = 80
Runtime:addEventListener("key", controlPaddle) --Runtime listener for the controller.
--/// Notes ///
--This is a 1 player sample of Pong in which the player can bounce the ball around the court. There are no victory conditions, nor scores. A simple demo to show how all the
--sample files work together.
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