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「スクリプト言語の作り方」の10日目の「やはり配列も使いたい」をF#で。 FParsecと継続渡し形式を使って。
namespace FStone
module Env =
type Env<'Key, 'Value when 'Key : comparison> =
| Env of Map<'Key, 'Value>
let empty = Env(Map.empty)
let add key value (Env(m)) =
Env(Map.add key value m)
let tryFind key (Env(m)) =
Map.tryFind key m
let merge (Env(outer)) (Env(inner)) =
Env(Map.ofList ((Map.toList outer) @ (Map.toList inner)))
let private intersectMap lhs rhs =
rhs |> Map.filter (fun key _ -> lhs |> Map.containsKey key)
let intersect (Env(outer)) (Env(inner)) =
Env(intersectMap outer inner)
let update (Env(outer)) (Env(inner)) =
Env(Map.ofList ((Map.toList outer) @ (Map.toList (intersectMap outer inner))))
let make m =
namespace FStone
open FStone
open FStone.Parser
open FStone.Env
module Eval =
type Value =
| Num of int
| Str of string
| Bool of bool
| Fun of Ast * Ast * Env<string, Value>
| NativeFun of (Env<string, Value> -> Value list -> Env<string, Value> * Value)
| Var of string * Value
| Class of Ast * Value option * Env<string, Value>
| Obj of Env<string, Value>
| Member of string * string * Value
| Array of Value list
| Element of string * int list * Value
| Undef
let rec resolveValue var =
match var with
| Var(_, v) -> resolveValue v
| Member(_, memberId, Obj(env)) ->
match Env.tryFind memberId env with
| Some v -> resolveValue v
| None -> Undef
| Element(_, indexList, Array(elements)) ->
let rec loop elements indexList =
match indexList with
| x :: [] ->
List.nth elements x
| x :: xs ->
match List.nth elements x with
| Array elements -> loop elements xs
| _ -> failwith "invalid index"
| _ -> failwith "invalid index"
let element = loop elements indexList
resolveValue element
| _ -> var
let toString value =
let invariant = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
let rec serialize (buf:System.Text.StringBuilder) value =
match value with
| Num n -> buf.Append(n.ToString(invariant))
| Str s -> buf.Append("\"").Append(s).Append("\"")
| Bool b -> buf.Append(b.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
| Fun(_, block, _) -> buf.Append(sprintf "<fun:%s>" (string(block.GetHashCode())))
| NativeFun f -> buf.Append(sprintf "<fun:%s>" (string f))
| Var _ -> serialize buf (resolveValue value)
| Class(body, _, _) -> buf.Append(sprintf "<class:%s>" (string(body.GetHashCode())))
| Obj _ -> buf.Append("<obj:>")
| Member _ -> serialize buf (resolveValue value)
| Array array ->
buf.Append("[") |>ignore
for element in array do
(serialize buf element).Append(", ") |> ignore
if not (List.isEmpty array) then buf.Remove(buf.Length - 2, 2) |> ignore
| Element _ -> serialize buf (resolveValue value)
| Undef -> buf.Append("undef")
let buf = serialize (new System.Text.StringBuilder()) (resolveValue value)
let assign env lhs rhs cont =
match lhs, resolveValue rhs with
| Var(id, _), value ->
let newEnv = Env.add id value env
cont newEnv value
| Member(objId, memberId, Obj(objEnv)), value ->
let newObjEnv = Env.add memberId value objEnv
let newObj = Obj(newObjEnv)
let newEnv = Env.add objId newObj env
cont newEnv value
| Element(id, indexList, Array(elements)), value ->
let rec loop elements indexList =
match indexList with
| x :: [] ->
|> List.mapi (fun i element ->
if i = x then value else element)
|> Array
| x :: xs ->
|> List.mapi (fun i element ->
if i = x then
match element with
| Array elements -> loop elements xs
| _ -> failwith "invalid index"
|> Array
| _ -> failwith "invalid index"
let array = loop elements indexList
let newEnv = Env.add id array env
cont newEnv value
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not a L-Value." lhs)
let rec evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont map =
eval env lhs (fun env lhs ->
eval env rhs (fun env rhs ->
cont env (map(resolveValue lhs, resolveValue rhs))))
and evalBinaryExpr env op lhs rhs cont =
match op with
| Dot ->
eval env lhs (fun env lhs ->
match lhs with
| Var(objId, Obj(objEnv)) ->
let rhsEnv = Env.add "this" (Obj objEnv) objEnv
eval rhsEnv rhs (fun resultEnv result ->
let obj = Obj(resultEnv)
let newEnv = Env.add objId obj env
match result with
| Var(memberId, _) ->
cont newEnv (Member(objId, memberId, obj))
| _ ->
cont newEnv result)
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A " (string op) lhs))
| Assign ->
eval env lhs (fun env lhs ->
eval env rhs (fun env rhs ->
assign env lhs rhs cont))
| Eq ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Bool(l = r)
| Str l, Str r -> Bool(l = r)
| Bool l, Bool r -> Bool(l = r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Ne ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Bool(l <> r)
| Str l, Str r -> Bool(l <> r)
| Bool l, Bool r -> Bool(l <> r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Gt ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Bool(l > r)
| Str l, Str r -> Bool(l > r)
| Bool l, Bool r -> Bool(l > r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Lt ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Bool(l < r)
| Str l, Str r -> Bool(l < r)
| Bool l, Bool r -> Bool(l < r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Plus ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Num(l + r)
| Str l, Str r -> Str(l + r)
| Str l, r -> Str(l + (toString r))
| l, Str r -> Str((toString l) + r)
| l, r -> Str((toString l) + (toString r)))
| Minus ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Num(l - r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Multi ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Num(l * r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Div ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Num(l / r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
| Mod ->
evalBinaryOp env lhs rhs cont (function
| Num l, Num r -> Num(l % r)
| l, r -> failwith (sprintf "unsupported operation(%s) for %A and %A" (string op) l r))
and eval env ast cont =
match ast with
| NumberLiteral n ->
cont env (Num n)
| Name id ->
match Env.tryFind id env with
| Some(v) -> cont env (Var(id, v))
| None -> cont env (Var(id, Undef))
| StringLiteral s ->
cont env (Str s)
| BinaryExpr(op, lhs, rhs) ->
evalBinaryExpr env op lhs rhs cont
| NegativeExpr operand ->
eval env operand (fun env operand ->
match operand with
| Num(n) -> cont env (Num(n * -1))
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not number" operand))
| BlockStmt statements ->
let rec loop env statements cont result =
match statements with
| [] -> cont env (resolveValue result)
| x :: xs ->
eval env x (fun env result ->
loop env xs cont result)
loop env statements cont Undef
| IfStmt((cond, thenBlock), elseBlock) ->
eval env cond (fun env cond ->
let doThen() =
eval env thenBlock cont
match cond with
| Bool(c) when c = true -> doThen()
| Num(n) when n <> 0 -> doThen()
| Str(s) when s <> "" -> doThen()
| _ ->
match elseBlock with
| Some(block) -> eval env block cont
| _ -> cont env Undef)
| WhileStmt(cond, block) as whileStmt ->
eval env cond (fun env cond ->
let doWhile() =
eval env block (fun env _ -> eval env whileStmt cont)
match cond with
| Bool(c) when c = true -> doWhile()
| Num(n) when n <> 0 -> doWhile()
| Str(s) when s <> "" -> doWhile()
| _ ->
cont env (Bool false) )
| DefStmt(id, parameters, block) ->
eval env id (fun env id ->
match id with
| Var(id, _) ->
let f = Fun(parameters, block, env)
let env = Env.add id f env
cont env f
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not def." id))
| PrimaryExpr(expr, postfixes) ->
eval env expr (fun exprEnv expr ->
let rec loopPostfixes env value postfixes cont =
match postfixes with
| [] -> cont env value
| postfix :: tailPostfixes ->
eval env postfix (fun argsEnv postfix ->
match value, postfix with
| Var(id, Fun(parameters, block, funEnv)), Array(args) ->
eval argsEnv parameters (fun paramsEnv -> function
| Array(``params``) ->
let rec loop paramsEnv list =
match list with
| [] ->
eval (Env.merge funEnv paramsEnv) block (fun resultEnv result ->
let freeEnv = Env.intersect funEnv resultEnv
let f = Fun(parameters, block, freeEnv)
let newEnv = Env.add id f (Env.update argsEnv freeEnv)
loopPostfixes newEnv result tailPostfixes cont)
| (param, arg) :: xs ->
assign paramsEnv param arg (fun paramsEnv _ -> loop paramsEnv xs)
loop paramsEnv ( ``params`` args)
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "parameters %A is not found" parameters))
| Var(id, NativeFun(f)), Array(args) ->
let env, result = f exprEnv args
loopPostfixes env result tailPostfixes cont
| Var(id, Array(elements)), Num(n) ->
loopPostfixes env (Element(id, [n], Array(elements))) tailPostfixes cont
| Element(id, indexList, Array(elements)), Num(n) ->
loopPostfixes env (Element(id, indexList @ [n], Array(elements))) tailPostfixes cont
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not resolved" value))
loopPostfixes env expr postfixes cont)
| FunExpr(parameters, block) ->
let f = Fun(parameters, block, env)
let newEnv = Env.add (string (block.GetHashCode())) f env
cont newEnv f
| ArgsExpr elements
| ParamsExpr elements
| ElementsExpr elements ->
let rec loop env list acc =
match list with
| [] -> cont env (Array(List.rev acc))
| x :: xs ->
eval env x (fun env value -> loop env xs (value :: acc))
loop env elements []
| ClassBodyExpr members ->
let rec loop env members cont =
match members with
| [] -> cont env Undef
| x :: xs ->
eval env x (fun env result -> loop env xs cont)
loop env members cont
| ClassStmt(id, pid, body) ->
eval env id (fun env id ->
match id with
| Var(id, _) ->
match pid with
| Some(pid) ->
eval env pid (fun env pid ->
match pid with
| Var(pid, pclass) ->
match pclass with
| Class(_) ->
let cls = Class(body, Some(pclass), env)
let env = Env.add id cls env
cont env cls
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not class." pid)
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not found." pid))
| _ ->
let cls = Class(body, None, env)
let env = Env.add id cls env
cont env cls
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not found." id))
| NewExpr cls ->
eval env cls (fun env cls ->
let rec loop cls cont =
match cls with
| Var(_, Class(body, parent, clsEnv))
| Class(body, parent, clsEnv) ->
match parent with
| Some(parent) ->
loop parent (fun resultEnv result ->
eval (Env.merge clsEnv resultEnv) body (fun resultEnv result ->
cont resultEnv result))
| _ ->
eval clsEnv body (fun resultEnv result ->
cont resultEnv result)
| otherwise -> failwith (sprintf "%A is not class. new operator not applied." cls)
loop cls (fun resultEnv result ->
cont env (Obj(resultEnv))))
| IndexExpr index ->
eval env index (fun env index ->
cont env index)
let emptyEnv = Env.empty
open FParsec
let nativeEnv() =
let hadnleOneArg args map =
match args with
| x :: [] ->
map (resolveValue x)
| otherwise -> invalidArg "values" ("invalid arguments size: " + string (List.length args))
let print env args =
hadnleOneArg args (fun value ->
System.Console.WriteLine(toString value)
env, Undef)
let length env args =
hadnleOneArg args (function
| Str(s) -> env, Num(String.length s)
| otherwise -> invalidArg "values.[0]" (sprintf "unsupported type: %A" otherwise))
let toInt env args =
hadnleOneArg args (function
| Str(s) -> env, Num(int s)
| otherwise -> invalidArg "values.[0]" (sprintf "unsupported type: %A" otherwise))
let startTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks
let currentTime env args =
match args with
| [] -> env, (Num(int (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime)))
| otherwise -> invalidArg "values" (sprintf "invalid arguments size: %d" (List.length args))
let eval env args =
hadnleOneArg args (function
| Str(s) ->
let ast =
run Parser.program s |> function
| Success(result, _, _) -> result
| Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> failwith errorMsg
eval env ast (fun env result -> env, result)
| otherwise -> invalidArg "values.[0]" ("unsupported type: " + string otherwise))
Env.make (Map.ofList
"print", NativeFun(print)
"length", NativeFun(length)
"toInt", NativeFun(toInt)
"currentTime", NativeFun(currentTime)
"eval", NativeFun(eval)
namespace FStone
open FParsec
open System.Text
module Parser =
type P<'t> = Parser<'t, unit>
(* ast *)
type Op =
| Assign
| Eq
| Ne
| Gt
| Lt
| Plus
| Minus
| Multi
| Div
| Mod
| Dot
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| Assign -> "="
| Eq -> "=="
| Ne -> "<>"
| Gt -> ">"
| Lt -> "<"
| Plus -> "+"
| Minus -> "-"
| Multi -> "*"
| Div -> "/"
| Mod -> "%"
| Dot -> "."
type Ast =
| NumberLiteral of int
| Name of string
| StringLiteral of string
| BinaryExpr of Op * Ast * Ast
| NegativeExpr of Ast
| BlockStmt of Ast list
| IfStmt of (Ast * Ast) * Ast option
| WhileStmt of Ast * Ast
| DefStmt of Ast * Ast * Ast
| PrimaryExpr of Ast * Ast list
| FunExpr of Ast * Ast
| ArgsExpr of Ast list
| ParamsExpr of Ast list
| ClassBodyExpr of Ast list
| ClassStmt of Ast * Ast option * Ast
| NewExpr of Ast
| ElementsExpr of Ast list
| IndexExpr of Ast
(* lexer *)
let str = pstring
let comment : P<_> = pstring "#" >>. skipRestOfLine true
let ws = skipSepBy spaces comment
let NUMBER : P<_> = pint32 .>> ws |>> NumberLiteral
let STRING : P<_> =
let escape =
anyOf "\"\\n" |>> function
| 'n' -> "\n"
| c -> string c
let escapedCharSnippet = pstring "\\" >>. (escape)
let normalCharSnippet = manySatisfy (fun c -> c <> '"' && c <> '\\')
between (pstring "\"") (pstring "\"")
(stringsSepBy normalCharSnippet escapedCharSnippet) .>> ws |>> StringLiteral
let isIdentifierStart = fun c -> isAsciiLetter c || c = '_' // "A-Za-z_"
let isIdentifierCont = fun c -> isAsciiLetter c || isDigit c || c = '_' // A-Za-z_0-9
let IDENTIFIER : P<_> = many1Satisfy2 isIdentifierStart isIdentifierCont .>> ws |>> Name
(* parser *)
let binaryExpr op lhs rhs = BinaryExpr(op, lhs, rhs)
let negativeExpr operand = NegativeExpr(operand)
let newExpr operand = NewExpr(operand)
let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<Ast,unit,unit>()
let expr = opp.ExpressionParser
let args : P<_> = sepEndBy expr (ws >>. pchar ',' .>> ws)
let arguments =
(pchar '(' .>> ws) (ws >>. pchar ')' .>> ws)
(args) |>> ArgsExpr
let parameter = IDENTIFIER
let parameters : P<_> = sepBy parameter (ws >>. pchar ',' .>> ws)
let parameter_list =
(ws >>. pchar '(' .>> ws) (ws >>. pchar ')' .>> ws)
(parameters) |>> ParamsExpr
let (statement, statementRef) : (P<Ast> * P<Ast> ref) = createParserForwardedToRef()
let block =
(ws >>. pchar '{' .>> ws) (ws >>. pchar '}' .>> ws)
(many statement)
|>> BlockStmt
let ``fun`` = ws >>. str "fun" >>. ws >>. parameter_list .>>. block |>> FunExpr
let dot = pchar '.' >>. IDENTIFIER
let elements = sepBy expr (ws >>. pchar ',' .>> ws) |>> ElementsExpr
let index = pchar '[' >>. ws >>. expr .>> ws .>> pchar ']' .>> ws |>> IndexExpr
let primary =
``fun`` <|>
between (str "[" .>> ws) (ws .>> str "]" .>> ws) elements <|>
between (str "(" .>> ws) (ws .>> str ")" .>> ws) expr)
.>>. (many (index <|> arguments)) |>> PrimaryExpr
opp.TermParser <- primary
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("=", ws, 10, Associativity.Right, binaryExpr Assign))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("==", ws, 20, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Eq))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("<>", ws, 20, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Ne))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator(">", ws, 30, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Gt))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("<", ws, 30, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Lt))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("+", ws, 40, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Plus))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("-", ws, 40, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Minus))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("*", ws, 50, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Multi))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("/", ws, 50, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Div))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("%", ws, 50, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Mod))
opp.AddOperator(PrefixOperator("-", ws, 60, true, negativeExpr))
opp.AddOperator(PostfixOperator(".new", ws, 70, true, newExpr))
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator(".", ws, 80, Associativity.Left, binaryExpr Dot))
let def =
>>. str "def"
>>. ws
>>. pipe3 IDENTIFIER (parameter_list) block (fun x y z -> x, y, z) |>> DefStmt
let simple = ws >>. expr
let ``member`` = attempt def <|> simple
let class_body =
(ws >>. pchar '{' .>> ws) (ws >>. pchar '}' .>> ws)
(many ``member``)
|>> ClassBodyExpr
let defclass =
>>. str "class"
>>. ws
>>. pipe3 IDENTIFIER (opt (str "extends" >>. ws >>. IDENTIFIER)) class_body (fun x y z -> x, y, z) |>> ClassStmt
statementRef :=
let ifStmt = ws .>> str "if" >>. simple .>>. block .>>. opt (str "else" >>. block) |>> IfStmt
let whileStmt = ws .>> str "while" >>. simple .>>. block |>> WhileStmt
attempt ifStmt <|> attempt whileStmt <|> simple
let program = many (attempt defclass <|> attempt def <|> statement) .>> ws .>> eof |>> BlockStmt
namespace FStone
open FParsec
open NUnit.Framework
module Test =
let parse str =
run Parser.program str |> function
| Success(result, _, _) -> result
| Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> failwith errorMsg
let eval env str =
let ast = parse str
Eval.eval env ast (fun _ result -> result)
let isEqualTo expected actual =
if (expected <> actual) then
let msg = sprintf "expected:\n%A\n actual:\n%A" expected actual
raise <| System.Exception(msg)
let ``test array``() =
let n = System.Environment.NewLine
use out = new System.IO.StringWriter()
a = [2, 3, 4]
a[1] = "three"
print("a[1]: " + a[1])
b = [["one", 1], ["two", 2]]
print(b[1][0] + ":" + b[1][1])
|> eval (Eval.nativeEnv())
|> function
| Eval.Undef ->
string out
|> isEqualTo ("3" + n + "\"a[1]: three\"" + n + "\"two:2\"" + n)
| otherwise -> failwith (sprintf "%A" otherwise)
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