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Created January 28, 2013 09:55
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This is the OMERO script that is discussed on the forum at, written by Pierre Pouchin.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script tries to restore the colors for the selected LIF/LSM images.
@author Pierre Pouchin
<a href=""></a>
@version 4.3
import omero
import omero.scripts as scripts
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
from omero.rtypes import *
# Global dictionary of original file IDs
original_ids = {}
def getOriginalMetadata(img) :
Gets the original metadata of an image [loadOrginalMetadata() method is broken]
@param img: The ImageWrapper object
global_metadata = list()
series_metadata = list()
for ann in img.listAnnotations():
if hasattr(ann, "file") and ann._obj.ns is not None and ann._obj.ns.val == omero.constants.namespaces.NSCOMPANIONFILE and \
ann.getFile().getName() == omero.constants.annotation.file.ORIGINALMETADATA:
t_file = list()
for piece in ann.getFileInChunks():
temp_file = "".join(t_file).split('\n')
flag = None
for l in temp_file:
if l.startswith("[GlobalMetadata]"):
flag = 1
elif l.startswith("[SeriesMetadata]"):
flag = 2
if len(l) < 1:
l = None
l = tuple(l.split("="))
if l is not None:
if flag == 1:
return (ann, (global_metadata), (series_metadata))
return None
def colorname2rgb(name) :
Gives the RGB code corresponding to a color name.
@param name: The color name
name2rgb = dict()
name2rgb['Red'] = (255,0,0)
name2rgb['Green'] = (0,255,0)
name2rgb['Blue'] = (0,0,255)
name2rgb['Yellow'] = (255,255,0)
name2rgb['Magenta'] = (255,0,255)
name2rgb['Cyan'] = (0,255,255)
name2rgb['Gray'] = (128,128,128)
if name in name2rgb:
return name2rgb[name]
return (255,255,255)
def colorcode2rgb(integer) :
Gives the RGB value corresponding to an int color value.
@param integer: The integer value of the color
#Integer corresponds to BGR in LSM files
b = (integer & 16711680) >> 16
g = (integer & 65280) >> 8
r = (integer & 255)
return (r,g,b)
def restore_image(conn, img, params) :
Restores the colors of one image
@param conn: The BlitzGateway connection
@param img: The ImageWrapper object
@param params: The script parameters
treated = 0
cNames = dict()
cCodes = dict()
# original method broken...
# om = image.loadOriginalMetadata()
om = getOriginalMetadata(img)
if om is not None:
#global_metadata : om[1]
#series_metadata : om[2]
for keyValue in om[2]:
if len(keyValue) > 1:
# LIF colors
if keyValue[0].startswith("ChannelDescription|LUTName"):
tmp_ar = keyValue[0].split(' ')
cNames[int(tmp_ar[1])] = keyValue[1]
# LSM colors
if keyValue[0].startswith("DataChannel") and keyValue[0].endswith("Color"):
tmp_ar = keyValue[0].split(' ')
cCodes[int(tmp_ar[1].strip('#'))-1] = int(keyValue[1])
if cNames:
for index, c in enumerate(img.getChannels()):
lc = c.getLogicalChannel()
if index in cNames:
r, g, b = colorname2rgb(cNames[index])
cObj = conn.getQueryService().get("Channel", = omero.rtypes.rint(r) = omero.rtypes.rint(g) = omero.rtypes.rint(b)
cObj.alpha = omero.rtypes.rint(255)
treated = 1
elif cCodes:
for index, c in enumerate(img.getChannels()):
lc = c.getLogicalChannel()
if index in cCodes:
r, g, b = colorcode2rgb(cCodes[index])
cObj = conn.getQueryService().get("Channel", = omero.rtypes.rint(r) = omero.rtypes.rint(g) = omero.rtypes.rint(b)
cObj.alpha = omero.rtypes.rint(255)
treated = 1
return treated
def run(conn, params):
Treats each image specified.
@param conn: The BlitzGateway connection
@param params: The script parameters
print "Parameters = %s" % params
images = []
if params[PARAM_ALL_IMAGES]:
images = list(conn.getObjects('Image'))
objects = conn.getObjects(params[PARAM_DATATYPE], params[PARAM_IDS])
if params[PARAM_DATATYPE] == 'Dataset':
for ds in objects:
images.extend( list(ds.listChildren()) )
images = list(objects)
# Remove duplicate images in multiple datasets
seen = set()
images = [x for x in images if not in seen and not seen.add(]
# Remove images which are not writable for the user
images = [x for x in images if x.canWrite()]
print("Processing %s image%s" % (len(images), len(images) != 1 and 's' or ''))
count = 0
for img in images:
treated = restore_image(conn, img, params)
if(treated == 1):
count += 1
return count
def summary(count):
"""Produces a summary message (number of image(s) processed)"""
msg = "%d image%s processed" % (count, count != 1 and 's' or '')
return msg
def runAsScript():
The main entry point of the script, as called by the client via the
scripting service, passing the required parameters.
dataTypes = [rstring('Dataset'),rstring('Image')]
client = scripts.client('', """\
Restores the original colors for LIF and LSM files.
scripts.String(PARAM_DATATYPE, optional=False, grouping="1.1",
description="The data you want to work with.", values=dataTypes,
scripts.List(PARAM_IDS, optional=True, grouping="1.2",
description="List of Dataset IDs or Image IDs").ofType(rlong(0)),
scripts.Bool(PARAM_ALL_IMAGES, grouping="1.3",
description="Process all images (ignore the ID parameters)",
version = "1.0",
authors = ["Pierre Pouchin", "GReD"],
institutions = ["Universite d'Auvergne"],
contact = "",
conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=client)
# Process the list of args above.
params = {}
for key in client.getInputKeys():
if client.getInput(key):
params[key] = client.getInput(key, unwrap=True)
# Call the main script - returns the number of images and total bytes
count = run(conn, params)
if count >= 0:
# Combine the totals for the summary message
msg = summary(count)
print msg
client.setOutput("Message", rstring(msg))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Python entry point
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