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Last active July 27, 2017 12:29
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F# Computation Expression for ADO.NET TRANsactional Queries
open System.Data.SqlClient
open Tranq
open Tranq.Directive
let insert = required {
let! _ = Database.execute "insert person (id, name) values (1, 'hoge1')"
let! _ = Database.execute "insert person (id, name) values (2, 'hoge2')"
let! _ = Database.execute "insert person (id, name) values (3, 'hoge3')"
return () }
let delete = required {
let! _ = Database.execute "delete from person"
return () }
let query = required {
return! Database.query "select * from person" }
let manipulate = requiresNew {
do! insert
let! result = query
do! delete
return result }
let main _ =
let provider() =
let config = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SampleDB;Integrated Security=True"
new SqlConnection(config) :> System.Data.Common.DbConnection
match runTx manipulate provider with
| Some result ->
result |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
| _ ->
printfn "failed"
namespace Tranq
open System.Data
open System.Data.Common
module internal Helper =
let confirmOpen (con: DbConnection) =
if con.State <> ConnectionState.Open then
type TxContext = {
provider: unit -> DbConnection
con: DbConnection
tx: DbTransaction option }
type TxBlock<'R> = TxBlock of (TxContext -> 'R option)
type TxAttr = Required | RequiresNew | Suppress
type TxBlockBuilder(txAttr: TxAttr, level: IsolationLevel) =
let run (TxBlock block) ctx = block ctx
member this.Return(result) = TxBlock(fun _ -> Some result)
member this.ReturnFrom(m) = m
member this.Bind(m, f) = TxBlock(fun ctx ->
match run m ctx with
| Some out -> run (f out) ctx
| _ -> None)
member this.Delay(f) = TxBlock(fun ctx ->
let runDelay ctx = run (f()) ctx
let completeTx result (tx: DbTransaction) =
match result with
| Some _ -> tx.Commit()
| _ -> tx.Rollback()
match txAttr, ctx.tx with
| Required, Some _ ->
runDelay ctx
| Required, None
| RequiresNew, None ->
let con = confirmOpen ctx.con
use tx = con.BeginTransaction(level)
let result = runDelay {ctx with con = con; tx = Some tx }
completeTx result tx
| RequiresNew, Some _ ->
use con = confirmOpen (ctx.provider())
use tx = con.BeginTransaction(level)
let result = runDelay {ctx with con = con; tx = Some tx }
completeTx result tx
| Suppress, _ ->
use con = confirmOpen (ctx.provider())
runDelay {ctx with con = con; tx = None })
module Database =
let private createCommand sql (con: DbConnection) tx =
let con = confirmOpen con
let cmd = con.CreateCommand()
tx |> Option.iter (fun tx -> cmd.Transaction <- tx)
cmd.CommandText <- sql
let query sql = TxBlock(fun { con = con; tx = tx } ->
use cmd = createCommand sql con tx
let ary = ResizeArray()
use reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
while reader.Read() do
[ 0 .. reader.FieldCount - 1 ]
|> (fun i -> reader.GetName(i), reader.GetValue(i))
|> Map.ofSeq
|> ary.Add
Some ary)
let execute sql = TxBlock(fun { con = con; tx = tx } ->
use cmd = createCommand sql con tx
let ret = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Some ret )
module Directive =
let txBlock txAttr level = TxBlockBuilder(txAttr, level)
let required = txBlock Required IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
let requiresNew = txBlock RequiresNew IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
let suppress = txBlock Suppress IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted
let abort = TxBlock(fun _ -> None)
let runTx (TxBlock block) provider =
block { provider = provider; con = provider(); tx = None }
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