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Created July 12, 2010 19:27
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Simulation of Ring network topology using Actors in Scala
import actors.Actor
import actors.Actor._
object RingTopologySimulation extends Application {
case class Message(count: Int)
class Node(id: Int, stops: Int) extends Actor {
var next: Node = null
def act() {
val startTime = System.nanoTime
loop {
react {
case msg: Message => {
if (id % stops == 0) {
println("%.0f messages/sec" format
(msg.count * 1e9/(System.nanoTime - startTime)))
next ! Message(msg.count + 1)
print("Number of nodes? ")
val noOfNodes = readInt
print("Number of probes? ")
val noOfProbes = readInt
val nodes = for { i <- 1 to noOfNodes }
yield new Node(i, noOfNodes/noOfProbes)
(nodes zip nodes.tail) foreach { z => = z._2 } = nodes.head
nodes foreach { _.start }
nodes.head ! Message(0)
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