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Created October 14, 2016 03:34
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Save thumbot/48b321cd396169dd5d040a4562b47cb1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/rebar get-deps
==> kvc (get-deps)
==> sidejob (get-deps)
==> erlang_js (get-deps)
==> meck (get-deps)
==> getopt (get-deps)
==> goldrush (get-deps)
==> lager (get-deps)
==> neotoma (get-deps)
==> cuttlefish (get-deps)
==> bitcask (get-deps)
==> eper (get-deps)
==> edown (get-deps)
==> sext (get-deps)
==> poolboy (get-deps)
==> basho_stats (get-deps)
==> riak_sysmon (get-deps)
==> eleveldb (get-deps)
==> riak_ensemble (get-deps)
==> pbkdf2 (get-deps)
==> parse_trans (get-deps)
==> bear (get-deps)
==> folsom (get-deps)
==> setup (get-deps)
==> src (get-deps)
==> exometer_core (get-deps)
==> clique (get-deps)
==> riak_core (get-deps)
==> riak_pipe (get-deps)
==> riak_dt (get-deps)
==> eunit_formatters (get-deps)
==> protobuffs (get-deps)
==> hamcrest (get-deps)
==> riak_pb (get-deps)
==> mochiweb (get-deps)
==> webmachine (get-deps)
==> riak_api (get-deps)
==> proper (get-deps)
==> stdlib2 (get-deps)
==> hyper (get-deps)
==> riak_kv (get-deps)
==> ibrowse (get-deps)
==> fuse (get-deps)
==> basho_yokozuna_f3138040 (get-deps)
/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/rebar compile
==> kvc (compile)
==> sidejob (compile)
==> erlang_js (compile)
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/erlang_js'
cd c_src; make
make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/erlang_js/c_src'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `js'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/erlang_js/c_src'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/erlang_js'
==> meck (compile)
==> getopt (compile)
==> goldrush (compile)
==> lager (compile)
==> neotoma (compile)
==> cuttlefish (compile)
==> getopt (escriptize)
==> goldrush (escriptize)
==> lager (escriptize)
==> neotoma (escriptize)
==> cuttlefish (escriptize)
==> bitcask (compile)
==> eper (compile)
==> edown (compile)
==> sext (compile)
==> poolboy (compile)
==> basho_stats (compile)
==> riak_sysmon (compile)
==> eleveldb (compile)
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `tools'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/eleveldb/c_src/leveldb'
==> riak_ensemble (compile)
==> pbkdf2 (compile)
==> parse_trans (compile)
==> bear (compile)
==> folsom (compile)
==> setup (compile)
==> setup (escriptize)
==> src (compile)
==> exometer_core (compile)
==> clique (compile)
==> riak_core (compile)
==> riak_pipe (compile)
==> riak_dt (compile)
==> eunit_formatters (compile)
==> protobuffs (pre_compile)
==> protobuffs (compile)
==> hamcrest (pre_compile)
==> hamcrest (compile)
==> hamcrest (post_compile)
==> riak_pb (pre_compile)
==> riak_pb (compile)
==> mochiweb (compile)
==> webmachine (compile)
==> riak_api (compile)
==> proper (compile)
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/proper'
make[1]: `include/compile_flags.hrl' is up to date.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/proper'
==> stdlib2 (compile)
==> hyper (compile)
==> riak_kv (compile)
==> ibrowse (compile)
==> fuse (compile)
==> basho_yokozuna_f3138040 (compile)
/tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/rebar xref skip_deps=true
WARN: Ignoring sub_dirs for /tmp/thumbs/basho_yokozuna_f3138040/deps/exometer_core
==> basho_yokozuna_f3138040 (xref)
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