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Created December 16, 2012 17:52
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#lang racket
(require racket/draw net/url)
(define bm1
(call/input-url (string->url "") get-pure-port
;; Just a 500x500 image
(λ (in) (make-object bitmap% in 'unknown/alpha))))
(define width (send bm1 get-width))
(define height (send bm1 get-height))
(define bytes (make-bytes (* 4 width height)))
(send bm1 get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height bytes #f #t)
(define bm (make-object bitmap% width height #f #t))
(define (one-run)
(define-values (results cpu real gc)
(time-apply (λ() (send bm set-argb-pixels 0 0 width height
bytes #f #t))
(one-run) ; warm up the JIT
(display "Running tests")
(define times (for/list ([i (in-range 20)])
(display ".") (flush-output)
(define average (exact->inexact (/ (apply + times) (length times))))
(define stddev (sqrt (/ (for/sum ([time times]) (sqr (- time average)))
(sub1 (length times)))))
(define std-err-of-mean (/ stddev (sqrt (length times))))
(set! std-err-of-mean (/ (floor (* std-err-of-mean 10.0)) 10.0))
(printf "\n~a ± ~a msec\n" average std-err-of-mean)
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