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Created December 6, 2012 07:42
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measure performance of various solution for "Replace list of list with “condensed” list of list while maintaining order" problem
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from itertools import chain, combinations_with_replacement
from copy import deepcopy
imap = map # Python 3
from itertools import imap
except ImportError:
from reporttime import accept_funcs, get_functions_with_prefix, measure
# input data for testing, performance measurements
_a = [1, 2, 3]
_b = [3, 4]
_i = [21, 22]
_c = [88, 7, 8]
_e = [5, 4]
_d = [3, 50]
_f = [8, 9]
_g = [9, 10]
_h = [20, 21]
lst_OP = [_a, _b, _c, _i, _e, _d, _f, _g, _h, _a, _c, _i] * 1000
lst_BK = ([list(range(4 * ii, 4 * (ii + 1) - 1))
for ii in range(300)] +
[list(range(4 * ii + 2, 4 * (ii + 1) + 1))
for ii in range(300)])
def condense_blckknght(master_list):
values = {}
overlaps = {}
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
for v in sublist:
if v in values:
current = i
while current in overlaps:
current = overlaps[current]
other = values[v]
while other in overlaps:
other = overlaps[other]
if current < other:
overlaps[other] = current
elif other < current:
overlaps[current] = other
# else: #current == other: # do nothing
values[v] = i
output = []
output_map = {}
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
if i not in overlaps:
output_map[i] = len(output)
root = overlaps[i]
while root in overlaps:
root = overlaps[root]
for v in sublist:
if values[v] == i:
return output
def disjoint_set_find(djs, node): # disjoint set find, with path
# compression
if node not in djs: # base case, node is a root of a set
return node
djs[node] = disjoint_set_find(djs, djs[node]) # recurse, caching results
return djs[node]
def condense_blckknght2(master_list):
values = {} # maps each value to the first sublist that contains it
overlaps = {} # maps sublist indexes to each other to form a disjoint set
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
for v in sublist:
if v not in values: # no overlap, so just store value
values[v] = i
else: # overlap detected, do a disjoint set union
current_set = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, i)
other_set = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, values[v])
if current_set < other_set:
overlaps[other_set] = current_set
elif other_set < current_set:
overlaps[current_set] = other_set
# ignore case where sets are equal
output = [] # results
output_map = {} # map from original indexes to output indexes
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
if i not in overlaps: # this is a root of a disjoint set
output_map[i] = len(output) # update index output mapping
output.append(sublist[:]) # copy sublist into output * FIXME
root = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, i)
for v in sublist: # add our unique elements into output list
if values[v] == i: # keep only in the first list * FIXME
return output
def condense_blckknght3(master_list):
values = {} # maps each value to the first sublist that contains it
overlaps = {} # maps sublist indexes to each other to form a disjoint set
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
for v in sublist:
if v not in values: # no overlap, so just store value
values[v] = i
else: # overlap detected, do a disjoint set union
current_set = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, i)
other_set = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, values[v])
if current_set < other_set:
overlaps[other_set] = current_set
elif other_set < current_set:
overlaps[current_set] = other_set
# ignore case where sets are equal
output = [] # results
index = {} # map from original indexes to output indexes
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
if i not in overlaps: # this is a root of a disjoint set
index[i] = len(output) # update index output mapping
append = output[index[i]].append
root = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, i)
append = output[index[root]].append
# copy sublist into output removing duplicates
for v in sublist: # add our unique elements into output list
if values[v] is not None: # not seen, add to output
values[v] = None # mark as already seen
return output
def disjoint_set_union(djs, first, second):
first = disjoint_set_find(djs, first) # find root of first set
second = disjoint_set_find(djs, second) # and of second set
if first < second: # make smaller root the root of the new combined set
djs[second] = first
elif second < first:
djs[first] = second
# deliberately ignore the case where first == second (same set)
def condense_BK(master_list):
values = OrderedDict() # maps values to the first sublist
# containing them
overlaps = {} # maps sublist indexes to each other to form a disjoint set
for i, sublist in enumerate(master_list):
for v in sublist:
if v not in values: # no overlap, so just store value
values[v] = i
else: # overlap detected, do a disjoint set union
disjoint_set_union(overlaps, values[v], i)
output = [] # results
output_map = {} # map from original indexes to output indexes
for v, i, in values.items(): # iterate over values in order
root = disjoint_set_find(overlaps, i)
if root not in output_map:
output_map[i] = len(output)
output.append([]) # create new output sublists as necessary
return output
def condense_jfs(lists):
# remember original positions
positions = {}
for pos, item in enumerate(chain.from_iterable(lists)):
if item not in positions:
positions[item] = pos
# condense disregarding order
sets = _condense_sets(set(L) for L in lists)
# restore order
result = [sorted(s, key=positions.get) for s in sets]
return result
def _condense_sets(sets):
it = iter(sets)
result = [next(it, set())]
for candidate in it:
for current in result:
if candidate & current: # found overlap
current |= candidate # combine items added from
# candidate may create overlap in yet unseen result
# sets (starting from current and to the end of the
# result list
# call itself recursively to combine such
# sets if necessary strictly speaking only r
result = _condense_sets(result)
else: # no common elements found
return result
def _condense_sberry(lst): # raises IndexError on lst_BK
lookup = {}
out = []
index = 0
for grp in lst:
keys = [lookup.get(num, None) for num in grp]
keys = [key for key in keys if key is not None]
if len(keys):
if len(set(keys)) != 1:
for num in grp:
seen = set()
keys = [key for key in keys
if key not in seen and not seen.add(key)]
for key in keys[1:]:
del out[key]
seen = set()
out[keys[0]] = [item for item in out[keys[0]]
if item not in seen and not seen.add(item)]
for num in grp:
lookup[num] = keys[0]
seen = set()
out[keys[0]] = [item for item in out[keys[0]]
if item not in seen and not seen.add(item)]
for num in grp:
lookup[num] = index
index += 1
return out
def condense_eyquem(passed_list):
L = deepcopy(passed_list)
dic = OrderedDict()
for subl in L:
for x in subl:
if x not in dic:
dic[x] = subl
##print 'dic at start'
##print '\n'.join('%-3s : %s' % (a,dic[a])
## for a in dic) + '\n'
for sublist in L:
short = []
short.extend(el for el in sublist
if el not in short)
seen = []
for k, val in dic.items():
if val is sublist:
if k in short:
if val not in seen:
sumseen = []
for elseen in seen:
for y in elseen:
dic[y] = sumseen
if seen:
for el in sublist:
if el not in sumseen:
dic[el] = sumseen
sublist[:] = short
cumul = []
cumul.extend(lu for lu in dic.values()
if lu not in cumul)
return cumul
def connected_components(edges):
neighbors = defaultdict(set)
for a, b in edges:
seen = set()
def component(node, neighbors=neighbors, seen=seen, see=seen.add):
unseen = set([node])
next_unseen = unseen.pop
while unseen:
node = next_unseen()
unseen |= neighbors[node] - seen
yield node
for node in neighbors:
if node not in seen:
yield component(node)
def _condense_pillmuncher(lists):
tuples = combinations_with_replacement(enumerate(imap(tuple, lists)), 2)
overlapping = ((a, b) for a, b in tuples
if not set(a[1]).isdisjoint(b[1]))
seen = set()
see = seen.add
for component in connected_components(overlapping):
yield [item for each in sorted(component)
for item in each[1]
if not (item in seen or see(item))]
def _condense_pillmuncher2(lists):
neighbors = defaultdict(set)
pos = {}
i = 0
for each in lists:
for i, a in enumerate(each, i + 1):
if a not in pos:
pos[a] = i
seen = set()
def component(node, neighbors=neighbors, seen=seen, see=seen.add):
unseen = set([node])
next_unseen = unseen.pop
while unseen:
node = next_unseen()
unseen |= neighbors[node] - seen
yield node
for node in neighbors:
if node not in seen:
yield sorted(component(node), key=pos.get)
def __condense_pillmuncher(lists): # slow
return list(_condense_pillmuncher(lists))
def condense_pillmuncher2(lists):
return list(_condense_pillmuncher2(lists))
def test_funcs(funcs, args, ignore_order=True):
"""Check that all functions produce the same result.
Each function should accept a readonly sequence as an argument
orig_args = deepcopy(args)
expected = sorted(funcs[0][1](*args)) # pylint: disable=W0142
for name, f in funcs:
r = f(*args) # pylint: disable=W0142
if ignore_order:
assert r == expected, (name, args, expected)
assert orig_args == args, name
def main():
funcs = get_functions_with_prefix('condense_')
for args in [lst_BK[:100]] * 2 + [lst_OP[:100]] * 2:
test_funcs(funcs, [args])
measure(funcs, args=[lst_BK], comment='lst_BK')
measure(funcs, args=[lst_OP], comment='lst_OP')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import inspect
import sys
import timeit
from functools import partial, wraps
from timeit import default_timer as timer
def measure_func(func, args):
"""Measure how long `func(*args)` takes in seconds."""
n = 1
f = partial(func, *args) # pylint: disable=W0142
while True:
start = timer()
r = timeit.repeat(f, number=n, repeat=1)
if timer() - start > 1: # at least 1 second per measurement
n *= 2
return min(r + timeit.repeat(f, number=n, repeat=2)) / n
def accept_funcs(func):
"""Add function names if necessary.
Decorator for functions that accept either a sequence of functions
or (name, function) pairs.
def wrapper(funcs, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(funcs[0], '__name__'):
funcs = [(f.__name__, f) for f in funcs]
return func(funcs, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def human_seconds(seconds, fmt="%.3g %s"):
"""Return human-readable string that represents given seconds."""
t = 1e6 * seconds # start with µsec
for suff in "usec msec".split():
if t < 1000:
return fmt % (t, suff)
t /= 1000
return fmt % (t, " sec")
def measure(funcs, args, comment=''):
"""Report how long `f(*args)` takes for each f in funcs."""
results = []
w = max(len(name) for name, _ in funcs)
for name, f in funcs:
results.append((measure_func(f, args), name))
print("{:{}s} {:>9s} {}".format(
name, w, human_seconds(results[-1][0]), comment))
print("\n{:{}s} {:>9s} {:>5s} {}".format("name", w,
*"time ratio comment".split()))
mint = results[0][0]
for t, name in results:
print("{:{}s} {:>9s} {:5.2f} {}".format(
name, w, human_seconds(t), t / mint, comment))
def get_functions_with_prefix(prefix, module=None):
if module is None: # use caller's module
modname = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals['__name__']
module = sys.modules[modname]
all_funcs = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isfunction)
return [f for name, f in all_funcs if name.startswith(prefix)]
Python 3:
name time ratio comment
condense_blckknght 1.01 msec 1.00 lst_BK
condense_blckknght3 1.42 msec 1.41 lst_BK
condense_blckknght2 1.44 msec 1.43 lst_BK
condense_pillmuncher2 2.35 msec 2.33 lst_BK
condense_BK 4.48 msec 4.44 lst_BK
condense_pillmuncher 99.6 msec 98.91 lst_BK
condense_eyquem 412 msec 408.52 lst_BK
condense_jfs 584 msec 580.10 lst_BK
name time ratio comment
condense_pillmuncher2 14.2 msec 1.00 lst_OP
condense_blckknght 20.3 msec 1.43 lst_OP
condense_BK 32.8 msec 2.31 lst_OP
condense_jfs 33.6 msec 2.37 lst_OP
condense_blckknght2 34.6 msec 2.44 lst_OP
condense_blckknght3 35.7 msec 2.51 lst_OP
condense_eyquem 236 msec 16.62 lst_OP
condense_pillmuncher 58.1 sec 4088.24 lst_OP
Python 2:
name time ratio comment
condense_blckknght 948 usec 1.00 lst_BK
condense_blckknght2 1.42 msec 1.50 lst_BK
condense_blckknght3 1.48 msec 1.57 lst_BK
condense_pillmuncher2 2.13 msec 2.25 lst_BK
condense_BK 3.45 msec 3.64 lst_BK
condense_pillmuncher 86 msec 90.78 lst_BK
condense_eyquem 377 msec 397.38 lst_BK
condense_jfs 541 msec 571.26 lst_BK
name time ratio comment
condense_pillmuncher2 11.6 msec 1.00 lst_OP
condense_blckknght 17.6 msec 1.51 lst_OP
condense_jfs 28.8 msec 2.47 lst_OP
condense_blckknght2 31.4 msec 2.69 lst_OP
condense_BK 31.5 msec 2.70 lst_OP
condense_blckknght3 33.2 msec 2.85 lst_OP
condense_eyquem 162 msec 13.88 lst_OP
condense_pillmuncher 49.3 sec 4234.91 lst_OP
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