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Created April 2, 2018 19:23
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A common pattern on Facebook and other applications is to show pictures in a gallery, this gallery may be an interactive modal. However if the user visits the page from just a URL you might want to display the gallery outside of the modal. React Router makes this simpler by allowing you to pass in a state object when routing.

Create Routes

First off lets setup our routes, we'll have our base Home route component. Then we'll also setup a Photo component. This will render a div with a random image in it.

Setup Routes

Now we need to setup our app routes and also be able to navigate between them. We have 2 links, and then 2 routes. Our / route for Home needs the exact prop otherwise it will render even when we visit the /photo route.

Add Link State

Rather than just passing in a simple string to Link you can pass in an object. This will be accessible in the location prop that is passed into the component rendered on our <Route>.

We'll add in {modal: true} because if the user clicks on it they are active in the application and so we know it's not a fresh visit from someone just visiting a URL.

Show the Modal

Now we need to adjust our Photo route component to respond when we indicate we want a modal. We destructure location from our props that are passed in. We default state to an empty {} because in the event that state isn't set it will just be undefined.

Then we grab our modal value off of state.

Now with our knowledge of whether or not we are going to render a modal we can make adjustments. For example we add a modal className to our outer div. We also render a Close button that is just a link to the home route which will render a different route, thus causing the modal to close.


Passing state is an effective method to change the experience for users as they flow through your application while altering the experience for users that visit your application from a direct URL. Both experiences should be relatively identical as to not confuse the user from visit to visit, but route state should be used to enhance the users experience.

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