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Created August 30, 2017 15:05
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Ruby on rails bootstrap

Ruby on rails bootstrap

Ruby on rails bootstrap

Integrating Twitter Bootstrap With Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Integrating Rails and Bootstrap, Part 1 - the Installation

In part one of this tutorial, we will introduce you to the Bootstrap framework. We will also teach you how to create a Rails app and integrate it with Bootstrap. The complete project code for this tutorial series is available on github. Bootstrap is a framework that makes it easy for a developer to create a nice design for a website or web application. There are predefined css classes for creating common components such as widgets, typography elements, lists, forms, and more. The framework also provides Javascript which makes it easy to create things like modals, popovers, scrollspies, accordions, and more. Their documentation is very thorough, providing example code for most, if not all of the components that Bootstrap provides. Bootstrap has a great getting started guide which will help you integrate it into your application. However, if you are using Rails, the process is different. The goal of the rest of this guide is to take you through that process. This section will help you create a new Rails application. If you already have an application that you want to integrate with Bootstrap, please skip to the next section. If you are using Windows, you can look into rubyinstaller , or setup a VM and then follow the linux instructions. However you go about the installation on your machine, you will need to make sure that you install the Rails gem. Now when you visit the app in your browser, at http: When you are using a framework such as Bootstrap, a CSS preprocessor is going to be involved. They enhance the vanilla CSS and add functionality such as use of variables, mixins and nesting of rules. Another commonly used preprocessor is SASS. There are two flavors of SASS. The one you use is completely up to you, based on your preferred delimiter style. SCSS resembles standard CSS code closely. In fact, you can actually change the extension of a CSS file to scss and run it through a preprocessor and it will compile just fine. One big difference is, although you can write the same CSS code you are used to, you can also nest your rules. This tutorial series will be using SASS. Although Bootstrap is written using LESS, it has been ported to SASS and the SASS version is officially maintained by the Bootstrap team. If you choose to use one of these gems, the rest of this Part 1 article will not apply to you. But you can meet us in part two of this series. Now that we have a Rails app with some data in it, we can start working on integrating Bootstrap. Autoprefixer autoprefixer-rails is optional, but recommended. It automatically adds the proper vendor prefixes to your CSS code when it is compiled. Then we can import the Bootstrap assets in your newly-renamed application. When you compile, imported assets render a compiled version of their contents where the import statement was found. If you require bootstrap-sprockets after everything else, your other scripts may not have access to the Bootstrap functions. You now have a working Rails app with Bootstrap integrated. From soft topics to in-depth tutorials, members of the Launch School community have all sorts of useful information to share. Community Publications on Medium. Blog RSS Integrating Rails and Bootstrap, Part 1 - the Installation This is part 1 of a 3-part tutorial series. Integrating Rails and Bootstrap, Part 1 — the Installation this article Integrating Rails and Bootstrap, Part 2 — CSS and Components Integrating Rails and Bootstrap, Part 3 — Javascript Based Features In part one of this tutorial, we will introduce you to the Bootstrap framework. How do I use it? Create a new Rails application This section will help you create a new Rails application. The sass-rails gem is included with new Rails applications by default. Please make sure that it is not already in your Gemfile before uncommenting it.

Ruby on Rails With Bootstrap-Sass

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