defmodule Import2Alias.CallerTracer do |
def trace({:imported_function, meta, module, name, arity}, env) do |
Import2Alias.Server.record(env.file, meta[:line], meta[:column], module, name, arity) |
:ok |
end |
def trace(_event, _env) do |
:ok |
end |
end |
defmodule Import2Alias.Server do |
use Agent |
def start_link(module) do |
Agent.start_link(fn -> %{module: module, entries: %{}} end, name: __MODULE__) |
end |
def record(file, line, column, module, name, arity) do |
Agent.update(__MODULE__, fn state -> |
the_module = state.module |
if match?({^the_module, _, _}, {module, name, arity}) do |
entry = {line, column, module, name, arity} |
Map.update!(state, :entries, fn entries -> |
Map.update(entries, file, [entry], &[entry | &1]) |
end) |
else |
state |
end |
end) |
end |
def entries() do |
Agent.get(__MODULE__, & &1.entries) |
end |
end |
defmodule Import2Alias do |
def import2alias(alias, entries) do |
for {file, entries} <- entries do |
lines = File.read!(file) |> String.split("\n") |
lines = |
Enum.reduce(entries, lines, fn entry, acc -> |
{line, column, module, name, arity} = entry |
List.update_at(acc, line - 1, fn string -> |
if column do |
# the column in imported calls in captures is reported at "&" character |
column = if String.at(string, column - 1) == "&", do: column + 1, else: column |
pre = String.slice(string, 0, column - 1) |
offset = column - 1 + String.length("#{name}") |
post = String.slice(string, offset, String.length(string)) |
pre <> "#{inspect(alias)}.#{name}" <> post |
else |
file = Path.relative_to(file, File.cwd!()) |
IO.puts( |
"skipping #{file}:#{line} #{inspect(module)}.#{name}/#{arity}: no column info" |
) |
string |
end |
end) |
end) |
File.write!(file, Enum.join(lines, "\n")) |
end |
end |
end |
In case someone runs into the same problems I have run into:
, forcompile.elixir
to work, you need to first runmix compile.protocols
mix run import2alias.exs ...
instead ofelixir import2alias.exs ...
otherwise there will be no mix environment (af far as I understand) and you'll get this error:** (exit) exited in: GenServer.call(Mix.ProjectStack, {:get_stack, #Function<10.68469381/1 in Mix.ProjectStack.peek/0>}, :infinity)
. At least that worked for me.