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Найти название растенияпо описанию

Найти название растенияпо описанию - Определитель комнатных растений

Google Play у Chrome. Додати в список бажань. Додано в список бажань. Продукт додано в список бажань. Скористатися Перекладачем Google, щоб перекласти опис такою мовою: Перекласти опис знову такою мовою: Pl ntNet is an image sharing and retrieval application for the identification of plants. It is developed by scientists from four French research organisations Cirad, INRA, Inria and IRD , and the Tela Botanica network, with the financial support of Agropolis fondation. Among other features, this free app helps identifying plant species from photographs, through a visual recognition software. Plant species that are well enough illustrated in the botanical reference database can be easily recognized. The number of species and the number of images used by the application evolve with contributions of end users to the project. It works even better than the pictures submitted are focused on one organ. Pictures of tree leaves on uniform background provide the most relevant results. If you correctly identify a species, you can participate to the project by submitting your observation with the "contribution" button. These contributions subject to a moderation process will be validated collaboratively. To find this application on the web, go to the following link: Ростислав Настасяк 10 липня р. Що нового New project management. Virginia Tech Tree ID VT FREC 1. Рослини визначають за допомогою смартфона. Tree ID - British trees Woodland Trust 1. Baum-Bestimmung Coogni GmbH 1. Herbarium - Erbario offline Paolo Gianfelici 1. Leaf and Flower Wiki Kids Limited 1. Plantix Preview PEAT GmbH 1. FlowerChecker, plant identify Thran 1.

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