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# This file lives at /docroot/themes/custom/THEME_NAME/THEME_NAME.breakpoints.yml
# Mobile portrait
label: xxs (Mobile portrait)
mediaQuery: 'all and (min-width: 0) and (max-width: 479px)'
weight: 0
- 1x
- 2x
4foot30 / noValidate.js
Created September 30, 2016 19:00
Add as a browser bookmark to bypass required form fields on a page (not my code!)
javascript:for(var f%3Ddocument.forms,i%3Df.length%3Bi--%3B)f%5Bi%5D.setAttribute("novalidate","")%3B
4foot30 / _text.scss
Created September 14, 2016 10:48
Breakpoint-specific versions of Bootstrap's text/left/text-right classes
// Text alignment - like Bootstrap's text-left/text-right classes, but breakpoint-specific
// Usage: .text-right-sm, .text-left-md etc.
@mixin make-text-left($breakpoint) {
.text-left-#{$breakpoint} {
text-align: left !important;
@mixin make-text-right($breakpoint) {
.text-right-#{$breakpoint} {
text-align: right !important;
4foot30 / gulpfile.js
Last active September 26, 2016 22:33
Half-decent example of a gulpfile for a Sass project
var cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
gulp = require('gulp'),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
gzip = require('gulp-gzip'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
watch = require('gulp-watch');
4foot30 / arrows.less
Created September 12, 2016 09:19
For drawing arrows with CSS (Bootstrap buttons, good but produces large CSS!)
// Add arrows to element
// Inner arrow is the main arrow colour, outer arrow drawn underneath forms
// the border/stroke around the inner arrow.
// Arrows default to colours and sizes that match Bootstrap's .btn-default
.arrow--left(@style: 'default',
@size: 'base',
@inner-arrow-color: color(~'@{btn-@{style}-bg}'),
@outer-arrow-color: color(~'@{btn-@{style}-border}'),
@inner-arrow-color-hover: darken(@inner-arrow-color, 10%),
@outer-arrow-color-hover: darken(@outer-arrow-color, 12%),
4foot30 / links.less
Created September 12, 2016 09:17
Link styling and start of hoverstates library
4foot30 / pull.less
Created September 12, 2016 09:15
For making Bootstrap's pull classes be breakpoint-specific
// Floating - like Bootstrap's pull-left/pullright classes, but breakpoint-specific
// Usage: .pull-right-sm, .pull-left-md etc.
.make-pull-left(@breakpoint) {
.pull-left-@{breakpoint} {
float: left !important;
.make-pull-right(@breakpoint) {
.pull-right-@{breakpoint} {
float: right !important;
4foot30 / visibility.less
Created September 12, 2016 09:13
Visible/invisible classes, outside Bootstrap's usual breakpoints
// Complements Bootstrap's hidden/visible classes, but working between 0 and 479px
.visible-xxs {
.visible-xxs-inline-block {
display: none !important;
.hidden-xxs {
4foot30 / breakpoints.less
Created September 11, 2016 20:50
Extra breakpoints for Bootstrap, for mobile portrait or large HD screens
// Define an extra-small breakpoint
@screen-xxs: 0px;
@screen-xxs-min: @screen-xxs;
@screen-xss-max: (@screen-xs-min - 1);
// Define an extra-large breakpoint
@screen-xl: 1600px;
@screen-xl-min: @screen-xl;
@screen-lg-max: (@screen-xl-min - 1);
4foot30 / retina.less
Created September 11, 2016 20:48
Retina images, @1x, @2x, @3x with extra options for background size etc.
// Extended version of Bootstrap's img-retina mixin
// - adds @3x support
// - lets you limit the application of the image by queries other than dpi/pixel-ratio
// - lets you specify a single-parameter background size, like background-size: cover;
.img-retina-extended(@file-1x; @file-2x; @file-3x; @width-1x; @height-1x: 'not-set'; @query1: 'min-width'; @queryValue1: 0px) {
// @1x
@media only screen and (~"@{query1}: @{queryValue1}") {
background-image: url("@{file-1x}");
.img-retina-bg-size(@width-1x; @height-1x);