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Agustín Tomas Larghi 4gus71n

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//En AppDelegate.cs
public override bool ContinueUserActivity (UIApplication application, NSUserActivity userActivity, UIApplicationRestorationHandler completionHandler)
string url = ""; //Sacas el ultimo segmento de userAcvitity.WebpageUrl y lo asignas aca
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (url)) {
MessagingCenter.Send<NSUserActivitySearch.App, string> (Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current as NSUserActivitySearch.App, "ShowResetScreen", url);
return true;
Java developer with experience in SpringMVC, Hibernate and mobile techs (Android, Phonegap / Apache Cordova, Xamarin).
I've worked with Spring building RESTful web apps. I worked with technologies that follows MVC patterns (SpringMVC), MVP(GWT) and MVVM (Angular.js).
The frontend apps that I code are manily Android apps or stateless html clients done with HTML + Javascript if the SEO isn't that important. I prefer coding stateless clients because It makes easier to add new features in the future also It makes easier to deploy the fronend as a cross-platform app using technologies like Apache Cordova / Phonegap
The Android apps that I coded are manily RESTful web apps clients. I've developed Android apps that used background services. I use the latest and more known Android librearies to perform the HTTP request, store data in the device and simplify the overall logic.
I started developing Android apps several years ago when Android was in the 2.2 version and I followed all the Android evolution until now
4gus71n /
Last active June 23, 2016 00:27
Curriculum extendido
Desarrollador Java con experiencia en SpringMVC, Hibernate y tecnologías moviles (Android, Phonegap / Apache Cordova, Xamarin).
He trabajado con Spring construyendo aplicaciones web utilizando la arquitectura RESTful. He trabajado con tecnologías que siguen el modelo MVC (SpringMVC), MVP(GWT) y MVVM (Angular.js).
Las aplicaciones frontend que desarrollo son principalmente aplicaciones Android o clientes completamente stateless implementados con HTML y Javascript, en el caso de que el SEO no sea indispensable. Prefiero implementar clientes que sean completamente stateless debido a que facilita la introducción de nuevas características, principalmente el desarrollo con Angular.js. Además desarrollar un cliente stateless y no uno MVC, simplifica la migración de la aplicación a plataformas mobiles usando tecnologías como Apache Cordova. Siempre y cuando la lógica detrás de la aplicación no sea muy sofisticada, creo que es mucho mejor desarrollar un cliente web y portarlo a diferentes plataformas usando Apache C
4gus71n /
Last active October 27, 2015 20:38
A multi-thread SharedPreference
public class MultiProcessShared extends ContentProvider {
public static String PREFERENCE_AUTHORITY;
public static Uri BASE_URI;
private static final String TYPE = "type";
private static final String KEY = "key";
private static final String INT_TYPE = "integer";
private static final String LONG_TYPE = "long";