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Created August 2, 2010 12:30
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/* via
pdfs available at
var agent = navigator.userAgent;
var index = agent.indexOf("OS ");
function goto_faq() {
if (!String(window.location).match(/faq/)) {
window.location = "faq.html"
model = null
if (index == -1) {
firmware = agent.slice(index + "OS ".length);
firmware = firmware.slice(0, firmware.indexOf(" "));
firmware = firmware.replace(/_/g, ".");
if (agent.indexOf("iPad") != -1) {
model = "iPad1,1"
} else {
if (agent.indexOf("iPod") != -1) {
var ssi = getSunSpiderInterval();
window.location = "#" + ssi;
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} else {
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model = "iPod2,1"
} else {
model = "iPod3,1"
} else {
if (agent.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) {
if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
model = "iPhone3,1"
} else {
var ssi = getSunSpiderInterval();
window.location = "#" + ssi;
if (ssi >= (firmware.indexOf("4.0") != -1 ? 1100 : 1600)) {
model = "iPhone1,x"
} else {
model = "iPhone2,1"
} else {
function get_page() {
return model == null ? null : ("/_/" + model + "_" + firmware + ".pdf")
} = get_page();
if ("iPod3,1_3") != -1) {
alert("Warning: This version is known to crash. You can try it, but you might have better luck if you upgrade to 4.0 first.")
var valid = ["3.1.2", "3.1.3", "3.2", "3.2.1", "4.0", "4.0.1"];
var vmismatch = 0;
if (valid.indexOf(firmware) == -1) {
vmismatch = parseInt(firmware.substring(0, 1)) <= 3 ? -1 : 1
} else {
if ( != null) {
_ = new Image(
function arm_version() {
var c = device_type();
var b = device_firmware();
var a = _sunSpiderInterval;
var d = 7;
if (c == "ipod") {
if (b.indexOf("4.0") != -1) {
if (a > 800) {
d = 6
} else {
d = 7
} else {
if (a > 1250) {
d = 6
} else {
arm_versions = 7
} else {
if (c == "iphone") {
if (b.indexOf("4.0") != -1) {
if (a >= 1100) {
d = 6
} else {
d = 7
} else {
if (a > 1625) {
d = 6
} else {
d = 7
} else {
if (c == "ipad") {
d = 7
return d
function armv6_faster() {
var a = _sunSpiderInterval;
if (a > 1625) {
return false
return true
function device_is_iphone() {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
return a.indexOf("iPhone OS") != -1 || a.indexOf("OS 3_2") != -1
function device_type() {
var b = navigator.userAgent;
var a = "unknown";
if (device_is_iphone()) {
if (b.indexOf("iPad") != -1) {
a = "ipad"
} else {
if (b.indexOf("iPod") != -1) {
a = "ipod"
} else {
if (b.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) {
a = "iphone"
return a
function device_firmware() {
var c = navigator.userAgent;
var b = "unknown";
if (device_is_iphone()) {
var a = c.indexOf("OS ") + "OS ".length;
b = c.slice(a);
b = b.slice(0, b.indexOf(" "));
b = b.replace(/_/g, ".")
return b
function device_model() {
var a = device_type();
if (a == "ipad") {
return "iPad1,1"
} else {
if (a == "iphone") {
if (window.devicePixelRatio == 2) {
return "iPhone3,1"
} else {
if (arm_version() == 7) {
return "iPhone2,1"
} else {
return "iPhone1,x"
} else {
if (a == "ipod") {
if (arm_version() == 7) {
return "iPod3,1"
} else {
if (armv6_faster()) {
return "iPod2,1"
} else {
return "iPod1,1"
return "unknown"
var df = device_firmware();
var valid = ["3.1.2", "3.1.3", "3.2", "3.2.1", "4.0", "4.0.1"];
var vmismatch = 0;
if (valid.indexOf(df) == -1) {
vmismatch = parseInt(df.substring(0, 1)) <= 3 ? -1 : 1
} else {
page_for_device = "/_/" + device_model() + "_" + df + ".pdf";
new Image(page_for_device)
var step;
var unlock4 = document.getElementById("unlock_text");
var unlock1 = document.getElementById("unlock1");
var ival = null;
function get_gradient(k) {
var j = -10000;
var a = -10000;
var d = "-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, right bottom, ";
var l = "";
var e = false;
for (var c = 0; c < k.length; c += 2) {
var f = k[c];
var b = k[c + 1];
if (!e && f >= 0) {
var h = (b * (0 - last_pos) - a * (0 - f)) / (f - last_pos);
d += "from(rgba(0,0,0," + h + ")), ";
e = true
if (e) {
if (f >= 1) {
var g = (b * (1 - last_pos) - a * (1 - f)) / (f - last_pos);
d += "to(rgba(0,0,0," + g + "))";
d += l;
l += ", color-stop(" + f + ", rgba(0,0,0," + b + "))"
last_pos = f;
a = b
return d + ")"
function turn_on() {
if (ival) {
step = -0.15;
ival = setInterval(window.stepp = function () {
step = (step + 0.05) % 1.55;
var c = step - 0.15;
var d = step;
var e = c - 0.2;
var a = d + 0.2;
var b = get_gradient([-1000, 0.5, e, 0.5, c, 0.9, d, 0.9, a, 0.5, 1000, 0.5]); = b
}, 50)
function turn_off() {
if (!ival) {
ival = null; = ""
var left = 0;
function set_left(a) {
left = a; = a + "px"; = 1 - (left / 40)
var startX = null,
startLeft, maxLeft;
slider.ontouchstart = function (a) {
startX = a.targetTouches[0].clientX;
startLeft = left;
turn_off(); = ""; = "0s"; = ""; = "0s";
maxLeft = slider.parentNode.clientWidth - slider.clientWidth - 5;
return false
slider.ontouchmove = function (b) {
var a = b.targetTouches[0].clientX - startX;
if (a < 0) {
a = 0
} else {
if (a >= maxLeft) {
a = maxLeft
set_left(a + startLeft)
window.ontouchend = function () {
if (startX == null) {
startX = null;
if (maxLeft - left < 15) {
return false
turn_on(); = "opacity"; = "0.5s";
var a = left;
set_left(0); = "translateX(" + a + "px)";
setTimeout(function () { = "-webkit-transform"; = "0.5s"; = "translateX(0px)"
}, 0);
return false
var onetext = '<div class="ttitle ttop">Oops...</div><div class="ttext">It looks like the installer crashed last time you tried to jailbreak. :(</div><div class="ttext">It might work if you try again.</div>';
var twotext = '<div class="ttitle ttop">It worked!</div><div class="ttext">Tap the <b>Cydia</b> icon to get started with your jailbreak.</div><div class="ttext">(If you restored from a backup, you might be seeing this even though you\'re not jailbroken yet.)</div>';
var toooldtext = '<div class="ttitle ttop">JailbreakMe</div><div class="ttext">Version too old. You need to upgrade using iTunes before you can use this site.</div>';
var toonewtext = '<div class="ttitle ttop">Welp.</div><div class="ttext">Version too new. You need to downgrade before you can use this site, which is probably impossible.</div>';
function add_animations(a) { = "-webkit-transform, opacity"; = "0.4s, 0.4s"
function get_progress() {
var f = 0;
var b = 0;
var e = document.cookie.match(/progress=[0-9]_[0-9\.]+/g);
if (e) {
for (var d = 0; d < e.length; d++) {
var a = e[d];
var c = parseInt(a.substring(11));
if (c > f) {
f = c;
b = parseInt(a.substring(9, 10))
return b
var my_progress = 0;
window.onload = function () {
if (vmismatch == -1) {
document.getElementById("texts").innerHTML = toooldtext;
} else {
if (vmismatch == 1) {
document.getElementById("texts").innerHTML = toonewtext;
var a = get_progress();
if (a == 1) {
document.getElementById("texts").innerHTML = onetext
} else {
if (a == 2) {
document.getElementById("texts").innerHTML = twotext
function jailbreak() {
var b = document.getElementsByClassName("middle_wrapper")[0];
add_animations(b); = "0";
var c = document.getElementsByClassName("tool_bar")[0];
add_animations(c); = "0"; = "translateY(96px)";
var a = document.getElementsByClassName("top_bar")[0];
add_animations(a); = "0"; = "translateY(-96px)";
function jailbreak_real() {
document.cookie = "progress=1_" + (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + ";;path=/;expires=Sat, 01 Feb 2020 05:00:00 GMT";
if (! {
alert("There was no page... " + navigator.userAgent)
var a = document.createElement("iframe");
a.setAttribute("src", page); = "absolute"; = "0.000001"; = "100px"; = "100px"; = "-9999";
pival = setInterval(function () {
var b = get_progress();
if (b == 2) {
window.location = "faq.html"
} else {
if (b == 3) {
window.location = window.location
}, 500)
var old = window.orientation;
function ooc(a) {
if (old != window.orientation) {
window.scrollTo(0, 1)
old = window.orientation
function loaded() {
setTimeout(function () {
window.scrollTo(0, 1)
}, 10)
window.addEventListener("load", function (a) {
setInterval(ooc, 100)
}, false);
window.addEventListener("onorientationchange", ooc, false);
document.addEventListener("touchmove", function (a) {
}, false);
var _sunSpiderInterval = 0;
function getSunSpiderInterval() {
if (_sunSpiderInterval) {
return _sunSpiderInterval
var d = new Date,
g = [],
r = [],
m = [],
l = [],
v = {},
x = {},
t, p = {};
p.Width = 300;
p.Height = 300;
function n(L, J) {
var I = L.V[0],
K = J.V[0],
H = L.V[1],
G = J.V[1],
F = Math.abs(K - I),
E = Math.abs(G - H),
A = I,
i = H,
C, D, B;
if (K >= I) {
K = I = 1
} else {
K = I = -1
if (G >= H) {
G = H = 1
} else {
G = H = -1
if (F >= E) {
G = I = 0;
C = F;
D = F / 2;
B = E;
F = F
} else {
H = K = 0;
C = E;
D = E / 2;
B = F;
F = E
F = Math.round(g.LastPx + F);
for (E = g.LastPx; E < F; E++) {
D += B;
if (D >= C) {
D -= C;
A += I;
i += H
A += K;
i += G
g.LastPx = F
function q(i, B) {
var A = [];
A[0] = i[1] * B[2] - i[2] * B[1];
A[1] = i[2] * B[0] - i[0] * B[2];
A[2] = i[0] * B[1] - i[1] * B[0];
return A
function b(A, E, D) {
for (var i = [], C = [], B = 0; B < 3; B++) {
i[B] = A[B] - E[B];
C[B] = D[B] - E[B]
i = q(i, C);
A = Math.sqrt(i[0] * i[0] + i[1] * i[1] + i[2] * i[2]);
for (B = 0; B < 3; B++) {
i[B] /= A
i[3] = 1;
return i
function f(i, B, A) {
this.V = [i, B, A, 1]
function e(A, D) {
for (var C = [
], i = 0, B = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (B = 0; B < 4; B++) {
C[i][B] = A[i][0] * D[0][B] + A[i][1] * D[1][B] + A[i][2] * D[2][B] + A[i][3] * D[3][B]
return C
function j(A, C) {
for (var B = [], i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
B[i] = A[i][0] * C[0] + A[i][1] * C[1] + A[i][2] * C[2] + A[i][3] * C[3]
return B
function k(A, C) {
for (var B = [], i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
B[i] = A[i][0] * C[0] + A[i][1] * C[1] + A[i][2] * C[2]
return B
function h(A, D) {
for (var C = [
], i = 0, B = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (B = 0; B < 4; B++) {
C[i][B] = A[i][B] + D[i][B]
return C
function o(A, C, B, i) {
return e([
[1, 0, 0, C],
[0, 1, 0, B],
[0, 0, 1, i],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
], A)
function a(A, C) {
var B = C;
B *= Math.PI / 180;
var i = Math.cos(B);
B = Math.sin(B);
return e([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, i, -B, 0],
[0, B, i, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
], A)
function z(A, C) {
var B = C;
B *= Math.PI / 180;
var i = Math.cos(B);
B = Math.sin(B);
return e([
[i, 0, B, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[-B, 0, i, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
], A)
function w(A, C) {
var B = C;
B *= Math.PI / 180;
var i = Math.cos(B);
B = Math.sin(B);
return e([
[i, -B, 0, 0],
[B, i, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
], A)
function u() {
var i = [],
A = 5;
for (g.LastPx = 0; A > -1; A--) {
i[A] = k(m, g.Normal[A])
if (i[0][2] < 0) {
if (!g.Line[0]) {
n(g[0], g[1]);
g.Line[0] = true
if (!g.Line[1]) {
n(g[1], g[2]);
g.Line[1] = true
if (!g.Line[2]) {
n(g[2], g[3]);
g.Line[2] = true
if (!g.Line[3]) {
n(g[3], g[0]);
g.Line[3] = true
if (i[1][2] < 0) {
if (!g.Line[2]) {
n(g[3], g[2]);
g.Line[2] = true
if (!g.Line[9]) {
n(g[2], g[6]);
g.Line[9] = true
if (!g.Line[6]) {
n(g[6], g[7]);
g.Line[6] = true
if (!g.Line[10]) {
n(g[7], g[3]);
g.Line[10] = true
if (i[2][2] < 0) {
if (!g.Line[4]) {
n(g[4], g[5]);
g.Line[4] = true
if (!g.Line[5]) {
n(g[5], g[6]);
g.Line[5] = true
if (!g.Line[6]) {
n(g[6], g[7]);
g.Line[6] = true
if (!g.Line[7]) {
n(g[7], g[4]);
g.Line[7] = true
if (i[3][2] < 0) {
if (!g.Line[4]) {
n(g[4], g[5]);
g.Line[4] = true
if (!g.Line[8]) {
n(g[5], g[1]);
g.Line[8] = true
if (!g.Line[0]) {
n(g[1], g[0]);
g.Line[0] = true
if (!g.Line[11]) {
n(g[0], g[4]);
g.Line[11] = true
if (i[4][2] < 0) {
if (!g.Line[11]) {
n(g[4], g[0]);
g.Line[11] = true
if (!g.Line[3]) {
n(g[0], g[3]);
g.Line[3] = true
if (!g.Line[10]) {
n(g[3], g[7]);
g.Line[10] = true
if (!g.Line[7]) {
n(g[7], g[4]);
g.Line[7] = true
if (i[5][2] < 0) {
if (!g.Line[8]) {
n(g[1], g[5]);
g.Line[8] = true
if (!g.Line[5]) {
n(g[5], g[6]);
g.Line[5] = true
if (!g.Line[9]) {
n(g[6], g[2]);
g.Line[9] = true
if (!g.Line[1]) {
n(g[2], g[1]);
g.Line[1] = true
g.Line = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false];
g.LastPx = 0
function c() {
if (!(x.LoopCount > x.LoopMax)) {
for (var i = String(x.LoopCount); i.length < 3;) {
i = "0" + i
r = o(l, -g[8].V[0], -g[8].V[1], -g[8].V[2]);
r = a(r, 1);
r = z(r, 3);
r = w(r, 5);
r = o(r, g[8].V[0], g[8].V[1], g[8].V[2]);
m = e(r, m);
for (i = 8; i > -1; i--) {
g[i].V = j(r, g[i].V)
function y(i) {
v.V = [150, 150, 20, 1];
x.LoopCount = 0;
x.LoopMax = 50;
x.TimeMax = 0;
x.TimeAvg = 0;
x.TimeMin = 0;
x.TimeTemp = 0;
x.TimeTotal = 0;
x.Init = false;
r = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
m = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
l = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
g[0] = new f(-i, -i, i);
g[1] = new f(-i, i, i);
g[2] = new f(i, i, i);
g[3] = new f(i, -i, i);
g[4] = new f(-i, -i, -i);
g[5] = new f(-i, i, -i);
g[6] = new f(i, i, -i);
g[7] = new f(i, -i, -i);
g[8] = new f(0, 0, 0);
g.Edge = [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 2, 6],
[7, 6, 5],
[4, 5, 1],
[4, 0, 3],
[1, 5, 6]
g.Normal = [];
for (var A = 0; A < g.Edge.length; A++) {
g.Normal[A] = b(g[g.Edge[A][0]].V, g[g.Edge[A][1]].V, g[g.Edge[A][2]].V)
g.Line = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false];
g.NumPx = 18 * i;
for (A = 0; A < g.NumPx; A++) {
f(0, 0, 0)
r = o(r, v.V[0], v.V[1], v.V[2]);
m = e(r, m);
for (A = 0; A < 9; A++) {
g[A].V = j(r, g[A].V)
x.Init = true;
for (var s = 20; s <= 160; s *= 2) {
p = LoopTime = x = v = l = m = r = g = null;
return _sunSpiderInterval = new Date - d
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