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Created March 12, 2013 04:58
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Strikezone Scatterplot
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inning id pitchx pitchy pitch speed type description
1 1 0.096 2.22 FF 90.9 S Called Strike
1 2 -0.857 2.825 FF 90.9 S Swinging Strike
1 3 -1.685 3.016 FF 91.8 B Ball
1 4 0.36 2.599 FF 91.8 S Jordan Schafer strikes out swinging.
1 5 -0.287 2.274 FF 91.2 S Foul
1 6 0.74 1.515 CU 79 S Swinging Strike
1 7 0.077 2.911 FF 93.1 S Jose Altuve strikes out swinging.
1 8 -1.072 2.22 FF 92 S Called Strike
1 9 -1.318 2.289 CH 85.9 B Ball
1 10 -0.248 1.305 SL 85.4 S Foul
1 11 0.306 3.218 FF 92.8 X Jed Lowrie pops out to third baseman Pablo Sandoval in foul territory.
2 12 -0.384 2.836 FF 89.7 S Called Strike
2 13 0.129 1.718 SL 84.2 X J. D. Martinez flies out to center fielder Angel Pagan.
2 14 -1.276 2.331 FT 90.4 S Called Strike
2 15 -0.392 4.957 SL 86.8 B Ball
2 16 -0.185 0.506 CH 85.1 B Ball
2 17 -1.569 2.443 FF 92 B Ball
2 18 -0.828 3.656 FF 91.5 S Foul
2 19 -1.18 1.292 CH 87.1 S Brett Wallace strikes out swinging.
2 20 0.245 2.567 FF 92 S Foul
2 21 -1.46 3.554 FF 91.9 B Ball
2 22 0.407 1.231 SL 85.9 S Swinging Strike
2 23 0.452 2.43 SL 87.3 X Chris Johnson grounds out softly, shortstop Joaquin Arias to first baseman Brandon Belt.
3 24 0.452 1.567 CH 84.9 B Ball
3 25 -0.902 3.079 FF 90.5 S Swinging Strike
3 26 -0.16 2.791 FF 90.2 S Foul
3 27 -0.421 1.267 SL 86.7 B Ball
3 28 -1.282 1.951 CH 86.4 S Foul
3 29 -0.437 1.924 SL 86.8 X Brian Bogusevic grounds out, second baseman Ryan Theriot to first baseman Brandon Belt.
3 30 0.894 1.022 FF 92.2 B Ball
3 31 -1.187 2.29 FT 92 S Swinging Strike
3 32 -1.144 2.609 FF 92.2 S Foul
3 33 0.063 3.138 SL 86.3 S Foul
3 34 0.708 1.172 CU 80.9 B Ball
3 35 0.917 2.025 FF 92.1 S Chris Snyder called out on strikes.
3 36 -2.145 1.973 FF 90.9 B Ball
3 37 -0.25 2.941 FF 90.8 S Called Strike
3 38 -0.758 2.627 FF 91.4 S Foul
3 39 -1.07 4.492 FF 92.3 B Ball
3 40 0.035 2.49 FF 91.8 S J. A. Happ called out on strikes.
4 41 -1.426 2.78 FF 89.6 B Ball
4 42 -0.42 1.943 CH 85.6 S Called Strike
4 43 -0.924 2.677 FF 90.2 S Called Strike
4 44 -0.434 3.063 SL 86.9 S Foul
4 45 0.095 1.745 SL 85.8 S Foul
4 46 -1.665 2.997 CU 77.6 B Ball
4 47 -1.42 2.703 FF 91.1 S Foul
4 48 -0.69 2.944 FT 91.5 S Foul
4 49 -0.272 1.25 CH 87.5 S Foul
4 50 0.178 3.688 FF 91.9 S Jordan Schafer strikes out swinging.
4 51 0.354 2.587 CU 78.4 S Called Strike
4 52 1.644 0.78 SL 86.1 B Ball
4 53 0.463 3.081 FF 92.1 S Called Strike
4 54 0.003 2.236 CU 78.6 S Foul
4 55 0.166 1.318 CH 87.2 S Foul
4 56 0.087 3.271 FF 92.5 S Jose Altuve called out on strikes.
4 57 -0.221 2.644 CU 78.1 S Called Strike
4 58 -0.662 3.606 FF 91.1 B Ball
4 59 -0.525 1.309 FF 91.6 B Ball
4 60 -0.101 1.408 CH 87.1 S Foul
4 61 0.845 1.548 SL 87.8 S Foul
4 62 -0.548 1.961 SL 86.7 X Jed Lowrie flies out to left fielder Melky Cabrera in foul territory.
5 63 1.032 3.156 FF 90.3 B Ball
5 64 -0.056 2.095 CU 75.8 S Foul
5 65 -0.245 1.713 FF 90.2 S Called Strike
5 66 0.108 1.338 CU 77.3 S Foul
5 67 -1.648 2.224 CU 76.3 B Ball
5 68 -0.286 2.315 FF 90.4 S J. D. Martinez called out on strikes.
5 69 -0.602 2.633 FF 91 S Foul
5 70 -0.094 2.136 FF 91.5 S Called Strike
5 71 0.03 4.015 FF 92 S Brett Wallace strikes out swinging.
5 72 0.551 2.103 SL 86.5 S Called Strike
5 73 2.23 0.479 SL 87.1 B Ball
5 74 0.179 2.728 FF 93.1 S Foul
5 75 1.412 2.513 CU 81.4 B Ball
5 76 -1.39 2.889 SL 87.8 X Chris Johnson grounds out softly, second baseman Ryan Theriot to first baseman Brandon Belt.
6 77 -0.505 1.185 CH 84.2 B Ball
6 78 -0.501 1.624 CH 84.4 S Called Strike
6 79 -0.226 3.601 FF 89.7 S Swinging Strike
6 80 0.06 2.386 SL 87.6 S Foul
6 81 0.593 2.433 FF 91.9 S Brian Bogusevic called out on strikes.
6 82 -0.734 1.887 FT 91.8 X Chris Snyder flies out to left fielder Melky Cabrera.
6 83 0.531 1.506 CU 77.5 S Called Strike
6 84 0.329 1.948 CU 78.5 S Called Strike
6 85 0.166 4.248 FF 92.3 B Ball
6 86 0.687 0.553 CU 79 S Brian Bixler strikes out swinging, catcher Buster Posey to first baseman Brandon Belt.
7 87 0.245 1.977 CH 84.4 S Called Strike
7 88 -2.006 2.279 FF 90.8 B Ball
7 89 0 2.486 FF 90.4 S Foul
7 90 2.232 -0.726 CU 78 B Ball
7 91 0.723 4.226 FF 91.4 B Ball
7 92 0.418 2.551 FF 91.8 X Jordan Schafer flies out to right fielder Gregor Blanco.
7 93 0.486 2.273 SL 86.9 S Called Strike
7 94 -0.622 2.7 FF 91.3 S Foul
7 95 1.686 1.369 CU 79.6 B Ball
7 96 0.988 1.884 FF 93.2 S Jose Altuve called out on strikes.
7 97 -0.244 1.79 CH 87.8 S Foul
7 98 -0.461 3.946 FF 91.2 B Ball
7 99 -1.2 3.176 FF 91.5 S Called Strike
7 100 -0.124 -0.085 CH 87.9 B Ball
7 101 0.521 2.592 FF 94.4 S Foul
7 102 -1.621 1.932 SL 87.7 B Ball
7 103 0.25 1.768 CH 86.6 S Jed Lowrie strikes out swinging.
8 104 -1.494 3.101 FF 90.9 X J. D. Martinez grounds out, third baseman Joaquin Arias to first baseman Brandon Belt.
8 105 -0.225 1.641 CH 85.8 S Called Strike
8 106 0.705 3.028 SL 86.8 B Ball
8 107 -0.669 4.581 FF 91.8 S Swinging Strike
8 108 -1.81 3.5 SL 87.9 B Ball
8 109 0.558 -0.006 SL 86.5 B Ball
8 110 0.727 2.46 FF 93 S Brett Wallace called out on strikes.
8 111 1.337 2.444 FF 92.1 B Ball
8 112 0.724 2.681 FF 92.4 S Foul
8 113 -1.65 3.456 SL 87.5 B Ball
8 114 -0.336 2.87 FF 92.7 X Chris Johnson grounds out, shortstop Brandon Crawford to first baseman Brandon Belt.
9 115 0.006 1.648 CH 85.8 S Foul
9 116 -1.445 2.698 FF 91.6 B Ball
9 117 1.74 3.266 FF 91.2 B Ball
9 118 0.243 1.663 CH 86.6 S Foul
9 119 -1.357 3.113 FF 91.9 X Brian Bogusevic flies out to left fielder Melky Cabrera in foul territory.
9 120 1.188 1.861 CU 77.5 B Ball
9 121 -0.88 2.649 FF 92.4 X Chris Snyder flies out to left fielder Melky Cabrera.
9 122 -0.819 1.912 CH 87.5 S Called Strike
9 123 -1.233 4.148 FF 92.4 B Ball
9 124 -0.957 1.409 CH 87 S Called Strike
9 125 0.056 3.232 FF 93.6 X Jason Castro grounds out, third baseman Joaquin Arias to first baseman Brandon Belt.
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