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Created March 28, 2013 00:56
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* UVa 10706. Number Sequence
open System
let mutable numLength= 1
* :numbers:[int] -> length_each_num:[int]
let getNumLengths (l:int list) :int list =
* :num:Int -> numLength:Int
let computeLength (i:int):int =
let rec computeLength' (i:int) (l:int) :int =
if ((i/(System.Math.Pow(10|>float,l|>float)|>int)) = 0) then
numLength <- l
computeLength' i (l+1)
computeLength' i numLength
numLength <- 1 // setting numberLength <- 1
|> computeLength
(* Utility function to print a sequence
* :seq<'a> -> unit
let printSeq seq1 = Seq.iter (printf "%A ") seq1; printfn ""
let cumulativeSumofLengths l =
let computeLengths list:int list =
let rec computeNoOfElements' l acc =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> (x + acc)::(computeNoOfElements' xs (x + acc))
computeNoOfElements' list 0
|> computeLengths
|> computeLengths
* Performs a binary search on the cumulative sums of lengths.
* and return a tuple as (minBound, maxBound)
* : arr: int[] -> n: int -> (int,int)
let getBounds a (n:int): int*int =
let binarySearch (arr:int[]) (n:int) : (int*int) =
let rec binarySearch' (arr:int[]) (n:int) (low:int) (high:int) =
if arr.[high] < n then
(high, System.Int32.MaxValue)
else if high - low <= 1 then
if arr.[low] = n then
(low, low)
let mid = (high + low)/2
match arr.[mid],n with
| (a,b) when a <= b-> binarySearch' arr n mid high
| _ -> binarySearch' arr n low mid
binarySearch' arr n 0 (arr.Length-1)
binarySearch a n
let numberAt a n =
let getDigitAtIndex (relLength:int) (index:int): int =
let rec getIntAtIndex' (relLength:int) (startNum:int)(endNum:int):int =
if startNum <= endNum then
let str = startNum.ToString()
match relLength - str.Length with
| diff when diff <= 0 -> System.Int32.Parse(str.[relLength-1].ToString())
| diff -> getIntAtIndex' (relLength - str.Length) (startNum+1) endNum
getIntAtIndex' relLength 1 index
match getBounds a n with
| 0,0 -> 1
| l,h when h = System.Int32.MaxValue -> getDigitAtIndex (n-a.[l]) (l+1)
| l,h when l = h -> getDigitAtIndex (n-a.[l-1]) (l+1)
| l,h -> getDigitAtIndex (n-a.[l]) (l+2)
let solve_UVA10706 ()=
let arr =
|> getNumLengths
|> cumulativeSumofLengths
|> List.toArray
let T = Console.ReadLine().Trim() |> int
let mutable i:string = null
for case_i = 1 to T do
i <- System.Console.ReadLine()
if i <> null then
|> Int32.Parse
|> numberAt arr
|> printfn "%d"
// running script
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